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I love a good rant

No Dave, you're an idiot

Dave “M-m-m-my” Sirota via Lambert who got it from Avedon Carol:

[T]his time I can muster only one Cheney-esque response to the whole grotesque kabuki theater surrounding the inane “Future of the Democratic Party” debate: Go fuck yourself.

Evan Bayh and Third Way and The Democratic Strategist and the DLC and all the professional pundits and cable-TV zombies and D.C. spokesholes – all of you soul-raping corpses and shit-eating poindexters paid to appear on my television screen and scream at me about liberals ruining everything, please, I beg you on behalf of the silent irritated majority: Just go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself because all of your arguments are about what policies should be pursued to rescue Democratic politicians’ electoral future, rather than about what policies are needed to rescue, say, the fucking country’s future. Additionally, go fuck yourself because if you know so much about winning elections and if you are so sure conservadem-ism/Blue Dog-ism is the way to win said elections, how come it was the conservadems/Blue Dog candidates – not liberal candidates – who lost the most elections this year?

Also, go fuck yourself because the fact that you are even trying to create the same old bash-the-liberals debate exposes you not just as substantively wrong, but as professionally employed to despoil our culture with bullshit — and specifically, with bullshit that you know is bullshit. That, really, everyone knows is bullshit.

The facts are painfully apparent. Though hundreds — if not thousands — of people in D.C. are professionally paid to pretend these facts require debate and analysis and parsing and speculation and press releases and pithy Tweets and Sunday Show roundtables and C-SPAN symposia and to-camera cable-TV rants and lengthy thousand-page books, they don’t require any of that. The facts are simple. The facts are obvious. The facts are undeniable to anyone not paid fistfulls of sweaty money to lie or sensationalize:

1. The Democratic Party shit on its base with its policies, as noted above.

2. This demoralized the Democratic base, which responded by not turning out to vote. As CBS News notes, “Hispanics, African Americans, union members and young people were among the many core Democratic groups that turned out in large numbers in the 2008 elections (but) turnout among these groups dropped off substantially, even below their previous midterm levels.”

3. In cause-and-effect style, the result of all this was, as the Washington Post reports, a freshman congressional class that is primarily made up of angry, white, lunatic-conservative assholes.

So yes, all of you who are wasting all of our time pretending this isn’t the basic point-A-to-point-B story of the election — and there are a lot of you out there — please, if not for me, then for everyone else: Go fuck yourself.

We’ve got lives to lead, we’ve got struggles to struggle through, we’ve got bills to pay – in short, we’ve got to get through the shit you’ve created and continue to create. And clearly, as you bitch about the alleged scourge of those evil election-losing liberals – as you whine and wail and cry from the cocktail and hors d’oeuvre paradise of TV studios and green rooms and congressional offices and party fundraising events, you’ve made clear you don’t give a shit about reality.

Knowing that, I’ll just reiterate my one succinct request: All I ask is that as you continue your hard work to prop up the kleptocracy, as you continue to clog our last remaining democratic conduits with your viscous rhetorical shit bombs, please, do us all a favor and for the love of whatever god you worship – please just stop wasting our damn time and go fuck yourself.

Uh, Dave? If you weren’t a CDS infested Kool-aid swilling Obot two years ago maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess.

So go fuck yourself too.

Nice rant though.

64 Responses

  1. If only the mirrors would talk to these people
    You know, like when OJ was going to look for his wife’s killer and Joan Rivers was offering him a mirror….

  2. SelfDelusion(tm) the latest in pharmaceutical developments. It allows one to forget their own involvement in any debacle, and become a self important bloviating idiot passing judgement on those who had no choice because of you and your friends.. Sounds good, I want some.

  3. So he’s figured out that the media and the political establishment is not on his side. Good. A bit obvious, but good for him to get to that little step. I guess the obvious logical next step, that the media’s chosen darling also the political establishments hand picked lackey, Obama, might not be on his side either, is just a bit too much for him. Maybe he’ll get there in another two years.

  4. As my kids would say OMG— The Daily News is reporting that Obama has called all of the new Republican members of the Senate and the House. Great, I wonder if he has called any Democrats?? I guess he tells us that he needs to be left alone to eat his waffle, so that he can ‘cheat’ on us with the Republicans.

  5. As Lambert points out:

    2. This demoralized the Democratic base, which responded by not turning out to vote. As CBS News notes, “Hispanics, African Americans, union members and young people were among the many core Democratic groups that turned out in large numbers in the 2008 elections (but) turnout among these groups dropped off substantially, even below their previous midterm levels.”

    Where are the women?

    • Are they even allowed to vote? Who’ll do the knitting, Election Day?

    • Obunko-crats believe wimmin should stay in the kitchen ironing their shirts.

    • That’s not me, that’s me quoting Sirota. I agree with Sirota, with one exception. Sirota, quoting CBS, left one one key constituency that didn’t turn out, that constituency being — and I know this will surprise readers here — women.

    • or the rayc*st ignorant clinging working class voters? The…uh…traditional Dem base, not the Obot version Dave.

      • + independents were key in this election cycle. They are not part of the Dem base, but were critical to the results.

  6. Hey, Davey, what myiq2xu said.
    For you and the rest of the Obunko-crats.

  7. They always ignore women voters. They think it’s no loss. We were sacrificed in 2008 and again with the Health Care Bill for Men…we don’t exist for them at all. Just some voters to use for donations, votes and volunteering then forget about.

  8. Here’s a blast from the past:

    From David Sirota at Open Left:

    I stand by everything I wrote and said about Obama during the election – that includes both the praise and criticism. I, and many others who supported Obama, weren’t misled by him. I had my eyes wide open – just read the Nation piece I wrote about Obama after spending a day with him. He’s not a perfect president, and he’s not what I would call a movement progressive. I’m not happy about that, but I never thought otherwise.

    But I did think – and continue to think – he was far and away the best and most progressive person for the job, among the serious contenders out there. […] Likewise, if you think Hillary Clinton would be a more progressive president, then you either weren’t born – or weren’t paying attention – over the last 17 years of the Clinton administration (which she played a major role in) and Hillary Clinton’s career in the senate.

    The Clinton argument, in particular, is so utterly stupid and silly. A big part of what Obama has to do right now is clean up after Clintonism. Granted, lots of the criticism directed at him is aimed at his failure to take on Clintonism, but the idea that Hillary Clinton would be better at taking on the ideology and policies she herself helped craft is inane.


    Among Clintonites, the “I Told You So” rants are just straight-up sore-loser-ism. Unable to accept that a first-term senator defeated their candidate who had every single advantage, they cannot embrace the new president, even as that new president (wrongly, IMHO) appoints her to a top position in his administration.


    So my message is pretty simple:

    1. I – and other Obama supporters – have nothing to apologize for on this score. Nothing at all. If telling the truth makes you dislike me or anyone else, that’s your problem, not mine.

    2. To Naderites, STFU and start doing the unglamorous work of building the third-party you say you really want.

    3. To Clintonites, just STFU and slither back to your rathole of bitterness. Your candidate lost because she helped create the problems we now have to fix. Deal with that and become a productive member of society, or again, just STFU.

    Go fuck yourself Dave.

    • Yep. It’s the only way he’ll ever get laid anyway.

    • Well, with that #3, he did tell the majority of the Democratic base in 2008 to STFU (since they voted for Hillary). Which I believe in the 2010 midterm they did. Guess he’s happy now.

    • I guess Sirota gave up and is no longer waiting for the call from Oprecious.

    • That peace and prosperity in the ’90s was just awful. Whew, good thing we didn’t get that again. Close one.

      • We sure hated those yearly raises we got through the 90’s. at our company. Must of been that damn prosperity thing.

    • Maybe Dave will have one last O’gasm if he f@#$ks himself.

    • I recall two things about Sirota, and two things only:

      1) Al Frankin used to have him on his radio show in the old Air America days…first I heard of him and, sadly, I think it gave him a career boost;

      2) A little less sure about this, but didn’t he write an Op-
      Ed that got published online and in a bunch of papers, including mine, featuring a so-called analysis of voting patterns that ‘proved’ Clinton appealed to ‘raycist’ voters during the primary campaign ?

      Didn’t think much of him then; still don’t.

      • I remember him on Al’s show and was quite impressed about him. But his strange fawning over Obama and CDS turned me off. He was another one of the AAR crowd post-Al Franken who was using Obama’s books as evidence for his greatness.

        Needless to say, I’m not much a fan of ANY of the AAR crowd any longer.

  9. HONK!!! HONK!!! HONK!!!

  10. “1. I – and other Obama supporters – have nothing to apologize for on this score. Nothing at all. If telling the truth makes you dislike me or anyone else, that’s your problem, not mine.”

    HAHAHAHA!! “Telling the truth” This guy wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him upside the head.

    “She helped create the problems” B.S. and Yes, please DO S.T.F.U.!! How stupid. On one hand they claim her policies were ninety five percent the same as Obama’s then they say she made this mess? AND Hillary is NOT Bill Clinton you sexist asshat! She disagreed with him on MANY things so stop blaming her for what you did not like about Bill. Hillary never had a chance to be POTUS because of idiots like this. She would not have been Bill and yeah she would have been WAY better than Obama. They cannot afford to admit that, put that “truth” in your pipe and smoke it instead of hopeium next time and we might all be better off.

    What a coward! Using all this b.s. justification as to why their candidate is a complete failure at being POTUS. “oh no!” it couldn’t be that they were WRONG in who they CHOSE to vote for. It has be that the person with more votes than anyone in primary history was wrong. Pretzel logic much Davey?

    • Notice how they conveniently forget how the Democrats in congress repeatedly stabbed Bill in the back by voting with the republicans just so they too could collect the 30 pieces of Wall Street silver.

      • From a poster at CommonDreams.com.

        tj November 7th, 2010 2:45 pm

        “This piece is spot on. Just one thing to add: Obama made the deal with his Republican corporate masters through Hillary Clinton, who they already owned via Bill Clinton and directly through purchase.

        The deal was made concrete when OB and Hillary met at CA Sen. Diane Feinstein’s DC townhouse shortly before the Dem primaries officially finished. Though he had them locked up, OB decided to avoid a dirty Clintonian fight in the final days and abdicated to HC and the corporate Repubs.

        He agreed to appoint the Wall streeters who Freeman named. He gave up much of the cabinet to HC, including the prime seat of Sec of State, thus making her prime minister if you will.

        He made a public genuflection before AIPAC (they had Hillary in the bag since the Bill Clinton days). He adopted the warrior king mode after that.

        He moved off of any real support for single payer (which he had publicly called the best option) or even a public option.

        And he chose Rahm Emmanuel to run his staff, ensuring that he wouldn’t screw up the plan.

        Hillary turned over her funding lists and lined up corporate connections, etc. Up until this time, OB still had a big bank of small funders, primarily via the web.

        The rest is the history that Freeman lays out.”

        • Kool-aid is a helluva drug.

        • If she had been willing to broker such a deal, and had had enough of the MOGW on a leash that she could broker such a deal, she’d have made the deal for herself.

          The degree of stupid in the BO franternity continues to amaze.

  11. You broke it, Dave. You OWN it.

  12. Yes, Mike I’ve noticed that several times over the last few years. Especially lately.

  13. Anglachel to Sirota: Oh No – He’s Your Son of a Bitch
    Obama did not come to power because of me. I did not give Obama my primary vote. I constantly pointed out his conservative tendencies in my blog. I did not give him any funds. I did not cast a vote for him in the general – I wrote in Hillary’s name. I knew what he was and what he would do since November 2007. I did not fall for his bullshit.

    YOU DID.

    • Exactly.

      We did not fall for his bullshit. We saw who he was. For daring to point out those tendencies and his shortcomings we were called r@cist from all quarters. It was a tough battle, and we have the scars to prove it, but we were right, and we stuck to principle. Principle before party!

    • Oh yeah, ladle it out hot and strong just like Mama used to make.

      All those ’08 “STFU B’yotch” stompy Stewie Griffins STILL want to shake their rattles? Weird.

  14. The worst part of that is he probably wrote it, then read it a couple times over and thought “dammm I’m good. Its righteous, edgy, totally prog.”


    • I know, it’s not even a witty rant. Just like if a comic has to rely on a lot of swearing to try to be funny and relevant. Rants here are much better.

  15. What’s with the hair?

    A weave?

    A rug?


    Looks like he should be on one of those hair restoration commercials where all the guys have the dead give-a-way hair lines.

  16. So you found someone who sat you back on your heels. Goody, goody…
    So you lie awake just singing the blues all night…
    Well, glory, alleluia, you had it comin’ to ya….

  17. It seems that the words “President” and “Obama” are nowhere to be found in Sirota’s rant. He identiifes the fact that “the Democratic Party shit on its base” as the root of the problem and the cause of the current mess, and he’s right. But, somehow, President Obama had no part even worth mentioning in that excretory process? Why is Obama exempted from the list of those who should now go and have intercourse with themselves? Perhaps little Davey is still drinking the Kool Aid. If only the King knew….

    • These Bots always leave BO out of it (e.g. Taibi from Rolling Stone), and by default attribute everything that is wrong with the Obama WH to Clinton.

  18. “How many times must universal coverage advocates rush onto the battle field to promote a multiple-payer solution and get slaughtered before they realize they can’t get to universal coverage that way? How many defeats will it take till they know that universal coverage without cost containment is not politically feasible? How many times can they be fooled into thinking that there are ways to cut costs other than single-payer?”

    Taking that P.O. onto the back of the Cat Food Commission agenda is as insidious as it gets. They know they are attempting to ensure there will NEVER be single payer. The P.O. isn’t cheaper than single payer so who the hell are they playin here?

    This Commission is so incredibly inhumane it’s like the Nazi’s blaming the victims and coming up with their “solutions” to the “economic woes” the poor and working class must sacrifice to correct…that’s their story and they are sticking to it…and sticking it to all of us.

  19. Great caption under the photo!

  20. Go fornicate myself?

    “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Dave.” 😈

  21. Dave doesn’t mention women or Obama. He’s so full of shit. My god, how does he live with himself.

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