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I love a good rant Part II

Free circumcisions while you wait

Violet Socks:

This is what you get. It’s exactly what I said you would get. In one of those many, many posts in 2008 I wrote something like, “Obama represents the metastasization of the Republican cancer to the Democratic party.” People called me a racist for saying that. They accused me of being a wingnut racist Republican mole who was flinging mud to besmirch Obama’s name. Funny.

You know what else is funny? Nobody has ever apologized to me. Not that it would make a difference, but still. Not one of those people who accused me of being a racist and secret wingnut has ever said, “You were right about Obama. I’m sorry I called you those names.”

What they do instead is claim that no one could have known how Obama would turn out. He seemed like cream of Jesus on toast, so how could they know? Nobody could know! And as for the uncomfortable fact that a bunch of people, including me, seemed to know exactly how Obama would turn out and were saying so loudly in 2008—well, that was just coincidence. I’m still, according to this logic, a racist unfeminist wingnut on the Republican payroll whose 2008 rantings just happened, by sheer coincidence, to accord precisely with unfolding reality.

There’s more, but you have to go to Violet’s Smoking Lounge to read it.

Someone at Anglachel’s Journal said:

Another good rant– I’ve read several today– must be a high pressure system in the Blogosphere today.

Anglachel has a couple good rants posted too.

57 Responses

  1. Not one of those people who accused me of being a r@cist and secret wingnut has ever said, “You were right about Obama. I’m sorry I called you those names.”

    All I get is “Can we change the subject now?”

  2. Nobody does these rants better than Violet!

    Yeah, HW all I get is “that’s SO 2008!” really? I wasn’t aware that using trumped up name calling and vote stealing with no apology for it was something with term limits. I’ve still got the tire tracks on my back after all.

  3. Here’s a theme song for the name-callers, since I would guess the majority of them would portray themselves as the victims, just like the jerk character whom Mozz is portraying in this Smiths classic. 😛

  4. Thanks for the links to the splendid rants. We may be doomed, but the liberal ranting blogosphere has some very fun writing. I liked Echidne’s “The Best Commission Money Can Buy!” line about the Catfood Commish.

  5. Thanks for that one Ivory Bill.

  6. LMAO at “cream of Jesus on toast”. Violet is dead-on.

  7. Completely OT and non-political, but I am, as of today, the owner of a labelmaker. Which I love. Which is going to make me very organized just by virtue of owning it.

    I plan to just label a bunch of plastic bins to say “STUFF”. Because, yeah, it’s still the same old hodgepodge of USB cords and random batteries and stale dog treats and 4 tape dispensers with 2 inches of tape left on them……

    ….but see, it will have a LABEL on it!

  8. Someone driving across Kansas just posted this video to YouTube — It’s so weird, it made the local news:

  9. Only Violet could come up with “Cream of Jesus on Toast”.

  10. I love Anglachel’s rants. Especially in response to the Obots who are now calling Obama a Clinton Democrat. Big “Media Darling” Tent Democrat posted this outrageous accusation on Wednesday at TalkLeft: http://www.talkleft.com/story/2010/11/10/13146/109

    I would have missed it if it had not been for Anglachel’s latest post, “Oh no – He’s Your Son of a B*tch”. Definitely go over to Anglachel and read her latest posts. She has been on a roll ever since coming back from her long hiatus.

    • Holy Hemiola! That post smokes. Don’t hold back Anglachel.

    • I’ve added an RSS feed to Anglachel to the right side bar — to make getting there a little easier!

    • Also, did you see where Bush says he would have voted for Obama?
      I didn’t want to vote for McCain. It certainly had nothing to do with Sarah. She’s a talented politician but not really my style. But when I got into that voting booth, I couldn’t vote for Obama and reward the DNC for what they did and I wanted to be absolutely sure my vote counted, even in a state that went for Obama.
      So, I voted McCain. That was probably the right move after all. The Democrats would have had to act like Democrats.

    • Anglachel let it out and thank goodness!

  11. Speaking of rants, Hitler reacts to the 2010 midterms.

  12. Bobby Jindal talks about Barack Obama in new book

    NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal uses a new book to portray President Obama as disconnected from the Gulf oil spill, charging that he was more focused on the political aftermath than the actual impact of the crisis.
    Jindal recounts a pair of private conversations with the president which paint him as consumed with how his actions were being perceived.
    On Obama’s first trip to Louisiana following the disaster, the governor describes how the president took him aside on the tarmac after arriving to complain about a letter that Jindal had sent to the administration requesting authorization for food stamps for those who had lost their jobs because of the spill.
    As Jindal describes it, the letter was entirely routine yet Obama was angry and concerned about looking bad.

    Obama will have lots of time to finish his waffle.

    • The floodgates are opening on this stuff. Supposedly senior Dem senators telling blabbermouths like Scarborough that he does not know what the hell he is doing, previously subservient journalists working out their psychological issues in increasingly ignored big media to justify their idiocy, and anonymous insiders spilling the beans to unheard of bloggers. Obama is a bully. Always has been a bully and ran the nominating process, party machinery, and everything else in his pathetic life like a bully alternating with being a suck up climber. When a bully looses as badly as Obama has the knives come out.

      We are going to hear how even his sycophants did not like or respect him but were afraid of him and/or his other viscous flunkies. I used to think of the Obama Dems as being like a high school clique but they are really more like a organized criminal gang. Any weakness at the top of the gang results in very nasty stuff with most of them turning on each other or running away. Most of the garbage being written by the confused creative class reminds me of high schoolers trying to rationalize something extremely stupid and digging themselves deeper.

      And why anyone thinks any of these people are smart is beyond me. They are cunning, rapacious and very predictable. I see more deathbed conversions of the creative class in the near future and I do not care what they think (do they actually think or just follow the herd?) as they have no judgment nor credibility.

      • One thing that has always struck me as strange is that there are no old enemies, former friends or WH insiders willing to dish dirt on Obama.

        Or if there are the media isn’t willing to talk to them.

        • One possibility is the old friends know him too well and don’t want to be dragged into the mire of smears and attacks on their character or they are all doing time.
          I’m waiting for Rezko to realize he’s under the bus and to start spilling the beans.
          Think the new republican controlled House will start investigation Obunko’s Chicago daze?

          • They will if they’re smart. Poor Tony, I fear for him. Notice how he’s been languishing for years in jail awaiting sentencing.

  13. Just wanted to say that I have started enjoying TC again, since the recent absence of some of your regular posters. I have visited you almost daily since 2008, but for most of this year, I only read your headlines and had stopped reading most of the posts, and nearly all the comments due to the tone of the conversations, especially the tone directed towards non-regular commentators. I read comments to learn and know what others feel and think, and with the aim of not becoming entrenched in “group think”. So thank you for once again becoming a place that is informative and enjoyable, and inviting to strangers. 🙂

  14. Obama is an establishment Republican and he stands with the rich. Not much more complicated than that.

  15. What do progressives Really Want?

    Progressives on Obama: “loser mentality that will be DISASTER for Democrats if continued through 2012.” 

    Obama became the great progressive transformation that we all want, while Hillary came to represent the past. She became NAFTA and DLC and lobbyists. Once these stories took hold there was nothing at all Hillary could do about it. Everything started to reinforce it. “Experience” came to mean “Bill” which meant the past.

    THAT is how a story works. Facts just get in the way. (NOTE I am not saying that Obama’s story was based on lies, I am saying the power of a STORY took over and swamped Hillary.)


    One of the things that perplexed me the most during the Democratic primaries was the portrayal of the Clintons as “divisive,” a charge that made Hillary Clinton unfit for the presidency. Many of Obama’s younger supporters, following his lead, said that Clinton represented “failed politics” of the past, that she would just bring “more of the same” and that all she knew how to do was fight. Obama, they said, offered a “fresh face” and practiced a new form of politics that would unify the country and the world. Recently, Obama himself said he would, in fact, change the world.

    I absolutely agree that the Clintons incite rage among Republicans and that this probably means they are “divisive.” But the notion that Obama could somehow escape Republican attacks and bring unity to the two parties seemed like a dubious claim. Some of my closest friends labeled me “too cynical” for making that argument, but in political analysis, I take the cynicism charge as a compliment rather than a slur. People who believed Obama would be immune from divisive partisan politics lacked an understanding of American politics or knowledge of American political history. I use the past tense because I cannot imagine rational people still holding the view that Obama can can seduce Republicans into nonpartisan bliss.

    The Fight Over Social Security’s Future Is On—But Which Side Is Obama On? | The Nation

    The signals from the Obama White House are bad, with the president indicating openness to “compromises” that would compromise the legacies of the New Deal, the Fair Deal and the Great Society. In contrast, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, key congressional Democrats, labor unions and activist groups are raising all the right objections.
    The White House response did not inspire confidence in the administration’s determination to maintain the commitments made by Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

    “The President will wait until the bipartisan fiscal commission finishes its work before commenting. He respects the challenging task that the Co-Chairs and the Commissioners are undertaking and wants to give them space to work on it. These ideas, however, are only a step in the process towards coming up with a set of recommendations and the President looks forward to reviewing their final product early next month,” said White House spokesperson, Bill Burton.

    The Progressive Change Campaign Committee described the statement as representative of the “weak, ‘I won’t pick a fight on even the most obvious of issues,’ loser mentality that will be DISASTER for Democrats if continued through 2012.”

    In contrast, the group pointed to Pelosi’s response as “the type of bold fighting attitude Democrats will need to WIN in 2012.”


  16. Is anyone else getting a “The account has been suspended” when they try to link over to Reclusive Leftist today?

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