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Josh Moved his Obama Ads

They’re now on the TPMCafe section. There are two of them. One in the banner at the top and one in the body. They probably move around. Here’s a pic (in case they disappear again) of the banner ad:


I’m sure that the presence of the ad, the purging of Linda Hirshman from TPM Cafe and the overtly negative Clinton sidepanel articles are purely coincidental.

(Ladies, do not date this blog)

One more thing: DisenfranchisedVoter pointed me to this Orlando Patterson parody of a breathless, delusional, anti-Clinton Kossack rant in the NYTimes: The Red Phone in Black and White.

Oh, it’s not satire? My mistake. Carry on. Wait until Wolcott gets hold of it.  🙂

(Note to self: Brook cannot major in sociology at Harvard or I will cut her off)

24 Responses

  1. You have to read this add and address these false accusations of racism. This is outrageous. The Clinton campaign has already addressed one of his accusations that there were no black children in the 3am ad when in fact there was one black girl shown sleeping.

  2. Great catch, riverdaughter!

    While I was over at TPM checking it out, I learned that another Obama adviser has resigned because of more salacious attacks on the Clintons.

    And Obama’s campaign apparently wants Geraldine Ferraro to be removed from Clinton’s campaign because she said that “if Obama were a white man, he wouldn’t be in this position.” Didn’t she say that in a NYT op-ed about a month ago? IMHO, if Obama were a woman with his resume, he wouldn’t have been elected to the Senate, much less be a candidate for President.

  3. NN: It was Gloria Steinem that said it first (and probably better). Ferraro should stand her ground. It’s going to get really ugly from here on out.

  4. Disenfranchised Voter–

    I went and read that op-ed you linked. It is disgusting! The race-baiting from the Obama side has been way over the top. How on earth could anyone read anything about race into that ad? I certainly hope they aren’t counting on having this work against McCain and the RNC. They’ll just laugh out loud and join in the racism. I used to think it would be horrible to see the attacks if Clinton ran, but I think it will be worse with Obama.

  5. DV:

    That dog droppings of an op-ed made sooo angry. Why would the NYT publish such and inflammatory article? The intent is clearly to stoke racial flames. By the way, is it a coincidence that it appears today, the day of the MS primary?

    On behalf of all the people who have some decency, Bob somerby gives professor Patterson this smackdown: http://www.dailyhowler.com/dh031108.shtml (scroll down to “THIS IS YOUR PROFESSOR ON YOUTUBE”)

    How many atrocious accusations does Hillary Clinton have to respond to?

    Here Eric Boehlert answers the bogus “as far as I know” story from 60 minutes: http://mediamatters.org/columns/200803110002

  6. I watched a little of the Obama Pennsylvania campaign video, which was recently streamed on CNN Live from Pennsylvania. It isn’t in the tent-meeting revivalist mode, but similar to Clinton’s town hall meetings with policy talk.

    Obama says he wants you to have the same healthcare plan that he has in Congress…and if you can’t pay, he’ll subsidize it.

    Xeroxing again?

  7. DVoter and BB: I agree with both of you. That is the same ad with the supposed “NIG” allusion in the pajama’s fold (Good NIGht)

    Sooooo, everything about HC and her supporters is racist. The latest I have read from BO supporters is that voters in the “rust belt” are racist.

    Soon after I moved to where I live now, I read Deer Hunting with Jesus. While I do not agree with all Mr. Bageant writes, I have to agree that after reading his book I finally understood why my in-laws (who are Republican) thought Dems were “elitist” (not exactly how they describe them, heh…) and why so many blue collar voters often vote against their class interests in America.

    Anyway, thanks for listening…..

  8. CB: soooo, what ever happened to “no mandates”? I think he will be playing that game in his speeches until PA, and then, if he is the nominee, he will drop it agian to try to be more appealling to “Independents” again.

  9. I couldn’t even read the entire Patterson column. It’s so disgusting and this is the type of thing that keeps our country divided. This guy obviously sees racism everywhere and is ready to pull out the race card whenever it suits him. This is like the little boy who called wolf. I’m hoping that his column hurts Obama even more because most of the comments on the NYTimes did not agree with Patterson and there were many more angry posts than ones that agreed with him. Yes, funny how this came out on the same day of the MS primary. Did the Obama campaign plan this? Patterson’s column was much more racist than any ad the Clinton campaign has put out.
    I really hope the NYTimes allows another op-ed contributor respond to Patterson in tomorrow’s paper. I was shocked that the NYTimes would even publish this kind of garbage but I guess anything that sells papers and brings more readers to their site is all that matters in “journalism” these days.
    The Clinton campaign has also responded to the op-ed: http://facts.hillaryhub.com/archive/?id=6472

  10. The specific thing that Gerry Ferraro said that was supposed to be racist was that Obama was “lucky” that he is African-American. It was part of her overall theme that he wouldn’t be where he is now if he was a woman. However, the remark prompted a lot of outrage, including by either Marshall or Kos saying something like, “he’s had death threats!” In general, the “lucky” remark was interpreted as a denial of racism and/or a reflection of deep-seated white resentment of affirmative action.

    The funny thing is, would we want to say that someone was unlucky to be African-American? Is it unlucky to be a woman? No, at least I don’t think so. Yeah, as a woman I must deal with sexism sometimes, but would I change my gender? No. Not in a million years. And neither would Obama change his mixed heritage, I’m sure, despite the existence of racism.

  11. That NYT piece is truly jaw-dropping. that, and Axelrod saying today something about a troubling pattern and mentioning Hillary allegedly didn’t sufficiently deny the Obama-is-Muslim thing? what the shit!

  12. Whether one sees the 3 am phone call ad is too negative (in that it suggests Obama is unready to be CiC/President) is a matter of personal judgment, I suppose. I didn’t see it as negative at all. ALL campaigning is based on the premise that Candidate A is better/smarter/more qualified/more something than Candidate B. But let’s stipulate for the moment that it was a negative ad.

    The racist subtext? The color of the childrens’ skin? The threat of the lurking black man? WTF? Did Patterson think that Hillary was saying she’d be taking 3 am phone calls from the KKK?

    And yet, I have no doubt that Prof. Patterson (thank goodness elder daughter is going to Yale not Harvard) was one of the people criticizing Hillary for crying crocodile tears in NH, “manipulating” the press and the voters with her feminine wiles.

    You cannot make this shit up.

  13. We all agreed with James Wolcott when he wrote this:

    “There are no flaming arrows fired her (Hillary Clinton) way that I haven’t seen traverse the air before, no bill of indictment drawn up containing charges with which I’m unfamiliar.”

    Boy were we wrong!

    We can still be surprised. Let’s just review the last couple of days and keep in mind all coming from “progressives”:

    – Drudge receives a picture of BO in a Somali garb from Freepers, accuses the “Clinton Campaign” of distributing it, and the “progressive” blogs suddenly believe in Drudge and slam HRC for being so vile.

    – Aravosis threaten to publish some BAD BAD stuff he knows about Clinton

    – DailyKooks and Aravosis accused HRC of making BO “blacker” in the ad.

    – Clinton respond within 1 sec that BO is not a muslim, shows her indignation and expresses sympathy for anyone who is victim of such smears. Somewhere along the lines she says… gasp… “as far as I know”. Josh Marshall immediately accuses her of subliminally confirming that BO is a muslim. And this becomes the story of the 60 min interview with Bob Herbert writing that this was HRC at her sleaziest.

    – Hillary Clinton’s campaign is likened to the KKK.

    Wow! Somebody please wake me up from this nightmare.

  14. MABlue: Is it over the top enuf yet to provoke a backlash? How many different ways can you call a person a negative racist attack machine before people start to notice that there’s no THERE there? When does she say, “The lady doth protests too much, methinks”?

  15. I read it. I still can’t believe I read it.

    I really can’t believe the NYT published it.

    In the good news department, science is making progress decoding the Obamavirus.

  16. Rdaughter: it would seem that you have “arrived” 😉


  17. I can’t believe they published that either. Maybe it had to happen, you know? Some Obama supporters have been pushing this stuff for so long without flat out saying “the Clintons are racist” because they can’t, of course (Axelrod: this is a *cough cough* troubling pattern) and..

    Well, now someone finally went there and said she was like the KKK. Is that what it takes for people to realize the level of absurdity we’ve reached? No doubt this oped has shot to the top of the Daily Kos rec list and folks over there are cheering it on, though. Or did Markos post it on the front page for them?

  18. riverdaughter,

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this crap has already caused a backlash. Like the women in NH who voted for Hillary because of the over-the-top attacks from the media, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ohioans, Texans, and Rhode Islanders have responded to these unfair attacks. How anyone could believe that either Bill or Hillary Clinton is a racist I’ll never understand. This kind of thing is part of the reason I don’t think I can force myself to vote for Obama if he is the nominee.

  19. BB: Then how do you explain people like Pelosi who are supporting Obama? How does she do it knowing the racist crap isn’t true? Is it all about the war to her?

  20. riverdaughter: I rdon’t know the honest reasons why politicians like Pelosi are supporting Obama. I really think a lot of this is personal for some of the superdelegates. There are people who don’t like the Clintons. Some who now work for the Obama campaign are backstabbers. They used the Clintons to get ahead only to turn work for the new guy. I’m really disappointed in the Democratic Party and I think I’m along with Boston Boomer. I won’t vote for Obama if he’s the nominee and a part of the reason is that I feel we (the Clinton supporters) have been betrayed by the Democratic Party. I no longer feel any allegiance to them or the obligation to vote for Obama.

  21. DisV: I think I figured it out. Check the updates to the last post I made.

  22. riverdaughter–

    I was talking about the reactions of regular people. Pelosi is above it all, as we found out when she complained about the unsightly anti-war protesters on her street.

    I think she probably hates the Clintons like so many other Democrats seem to do. I really don’t understand it, but I don’t think the ticket will be up to Nancy. If the Democrats want to win in November, they’d be smart to make sure Hillary is at the top of the ticket anyway. I think it’s pretty clear by now that Barack doesn’t have a clue how to deal with what Hillary’s throwing at him, much less the Republicans.

  23. DV–

    What really makes me mad is the charges of racism against the Clintons and the blatant misogyny, some of it coming directly from Obama himself. I would have a hard time voting for him because I don’t trust him on social security, but now it has become really personal for me.

    I don’t see why I should continue to contribute my money and effort to a party that won’t stand up and say that race baiting and sexism are wrong in the media and from candidates. And now Nancy is twisting what Hillary said. I’m sorry, I agree with Hillary. Obama is not qualified to be president.

  24. i sent the following to talk@talkingpointsmemo.com earlier today:

    to the sneaky cowards of TPM:

    i guess you found your front page hits were sinking like a stone with all the anti-hillary partisanship?

    one can wonder, at least.

    but some of us are hip that you just moved it to another page, thanks to riverdaughter.

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