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Freedom Tower, NYCB, After the Rain

This short pas de deux was choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon for NYCB using Arvo Part’s spare minimalist Spiegel Im Spiegel. The dawn performance commemorated and celebrated the resilience of New York City after 9/11.

It’s never just “bomb stuff”.

We will overcome.

24 Responses

  1. We are now going to hear things like, ‘this rhetoric has to stop.” The rhetoric in question is coming from Trump. Sessions gets on TV and makes some comment about how we must all accept the results of elections. That has nothing to do with this story, it is their attempt to blame the Democrats in some fashion. I would not be surprised if there is some push to pass laws limiting free speech and free press, under the guise of “tamping down the rhetoric.” As if it is the ubiquitous both sides that are causing someone who is a star audience member at Trump rallies to send pipe bombs to a large number of people whom Trump and the Trump social media vilify on a daily basis.

  2. I remember that, RD. You posted it several years ago-beautiful.

  3. Just wait for t Rump’s pardon for his number one fan Sayco.

  4. They should dispatch undercover FBI agents to these rallies.

  5. Sane people talk like this, reflective and conciliatory but you wouldn’t hear it from trump. This incident works for him because essentially sane and good people like Brennan would be more circumspect while he does what he does best inciting violence.

    • This is what everybody should be saying. No rallies, period. I know that may sound unreasonable but that is what people should call for. Media should black them out. No coverage. Note what happens but no need to report.

    • Some famous ex housewife (yes) said that provocation goes unnoticed while reaction to the provocation is what people remember. Brennan was REACTING to what is happening. He should continue to talk.

  6. Even G. W. Bush had a line he would not cross when it came to people of his country.


  7. John Meacham said this on one of the afternoon shows and I forget which one. Imagine if the Saudis were apprehended on Sept 10, would we have believed that they were going to do what they did on Sept 11th? Same with McVeigh if apprehended the day before, would we believe he was planning to do what he did… so what was stopped here by catching this guy? Like Wray said these were not fake bombs and they were not a hoax. Trump and his minions should be thinking about this.

  8. What?!! This happened tonight?

  9. Cost of having trump as president… hits from all sides. Pootie’s ultimate wish.

  10. This was before the election in 2016.

  11. There is a predicable end to this chaos, my guess it will be rapid as the Nationalist number one fan, Sayco, proves tRump’s acceptance of his fringe base as normal fine people-winners meets the reality of the criminal code. And the price his followers pay is what they fear most, being shunned, shamed, irrelevant, mistrusted, identified as extremist, members of a hate group, and for several prison. For those in the base that don’t run for the hills maybe property in Guyana where purple drinks are served in paper cups is next.
    My major issue with the “news” media today; asylum is a legal process controlled by Federal and International Law. Their repeated coverage of tRumps slights and lies about the group of refugees approaching this country, using his derogatory language to describe them as a “Caravan” etc. is no more than a negative unpaid fake Republican campaign ad. By my definition those stories are false and they are not news. Some in in the Corporate media I’m sure are calling this BS a revenue stimulation opportunity. Really some soul searching, looking in the mirror, needs to happen in this industry, yes tRump is inciting violence but I’m wondering if a journalist working in this country would have been chopped up by the Saudi’s, or pipe bombs delivered to CNN, or if Heather Heyer would still be alive if Hillary had been a better at click bait?

    • I have always thought and said here too, that if the media wanted Hillary they would have made her boring sexy. Yesterday they didn’t even report that there was the same crooked Hillary and lock her up thing going on in his rally in NC, even after all that has happened this week. trump must feel emboldened every time he sees these clueless motherfuckers.

  12. Maybe if we publicize these mfers they may be stopped but with trump at the head, I don’t think it has any effect. Remember who these people are and what they do.

  13. This happened last night at his rally. Think about that! I hope the FBI and the secret service was there surveilling because after all, the Clintons and Obamas are still under secret service protection and this is a public threat.

  14. media/press are failing… yes, they are. Nothing new.

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