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Happy New Year.

Sorry I’m late on that. It turns out that I am afflicted with something that feels suspiciously like flu. I have gone through half a box of tissues in the last 24 hours, my throat and nose feel like they’re on fire and I have body aches- everywhere.

I get the flu shot every year but for the last two years, the clade used wasn’tthe right one for what ended up circulating. I don’t know who’s responsible for that but the CDC and NIH have seen their budgets cut in the last several years and eventually, that’s going to make a difference.

Oh well. Need to find some Aleve and try to dry out. I haven’t had a cold or flu for years so I don’t know how to handle it.

Carry on.


Last year, I lost 40+ lbs and dropped from a size 10 to a size 4. I have a strategy more than a diet. I haven’t given up any foods I like. It’s pretty simple to follow. But it does take a little self control, like no fast food, no noshing in the mall, no sugar in coffee and no more than 400 calories per meal. Weirdly, there are cook books to that effect so maybe I’m on to something. I add apples, crispbread with almond butter and other snacks during the day but try to stay under 250 cal/snack.

It does take some self control, not gonna lie. But it’s not a deprivation diet and I rarely feel ravenously hungry. In The Conversation today, self control fatigue or snowballing is discussed. The bottom line: don’t deprive yourself of pleasure for too long over an extended period of time. You’re more likely to suffer a breakdown of will and indulge. So ease up on those diets that ask you to give up too much for too long and look forward to getting into those skinny jeans again.

25 Responses

  1. My face is swollen. Is that normal??

  2. Feel better, RD.

    On the diet and losing weight front, you and I have talked about it and I have an update I want to share. Since about a year my A1C is kind of high like 7.0 and my doc said she would have to put me on medication. I hate it and fear it. Fear will do the trick. And the scientist that I am, I made a project out of it. I bought myself a AccuCheck meter and pricking myself to see what foods and how much will keep my blood sugar under 140. My recent A1C went done to 6.7 but that was before this experiment started. With the current circumstances, I should drop like a rock and my A1C too. My husband for about a few years now had done his research and compiled a list of low glycemic foods (his mom is diabetic). But I had to do the numbers to see for myself how the food I eat affects my body. If any pre-diabetic out there, I highly recommend doing this testing and calibrating.

  3. Oh, I read the same article you linked yesterday. Self control is a big part of it. Don’t go for that seconds and extra calories. Portion control and with the A1C experiment I am on, you will be amazed at what a small pita piece or a slice of bread or little rice can do. You will understand what people mean when they say everything in moderation, portion control etc. BTW, exercising after you eat before testing is an essential part of it.

    • Amen about pita and other breads. They are calorie dense. I love them but if I have it with a meal, it means I have to cut back elsewhere. So, I’m eating them very sparingly.

    • I can’t taste a thing this morning. I’m eating crackers and drinking tea. And I look like rudolf. Why is there a unicorn but not a reindeer emoji?

  4. We get the flu vaccine every year and thus far, it’s worked for us. However, years ago, when I had the beginnings of the flu, I took Oscillococcinum. It worked very well. Mitigated the symptoms and reduced the days they lasted considerably. Back then, I bought it at my health food store but over time, it’s become available OTC at pharmacies and supermarkets.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Roz in NJ/NYC

  5. May the Ascended Madoka heal you all.

  6. Hoping you feel better soon, RD.

  7. I just found this linked-to on Wonkette today. Worth a read.

    Trump Never Laughs
    View at Medium.com

  8. 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018…

  9. Dear thrid-party voters: 😡

    • For you voluntary non-voters:

      Just hide under your Madoka-damned couch, where you sat on your sorry ass and wouldn’t vote at all, because you didn’t want to vote for “the lesser of two evils”. 😡

  10. Thank you, Melissa of Shakesville.

    This never gets old.

    Dear Trump Chumps, third-party puritans, and voluntary non-voters:

    • Yep, fuck them all! The things that are coming out today. SMH What a waste of talent and good will we are experiencing after they installed this buffoon in the WH, not to mention the danger they have created for this country!

  11. Everybody is talking about Bannon’s quotes but nobody is saying yet that he is trying to protect himself here. Translation, ‘I was not part of the campaign when junior met the Russians. ‘

  12. LOVE what Bannon said. T-r-e-a-s-o-n… Don Jr. took Russians to meet Daddy after the meeting. Love. It.

    RD, are you ok??? I am finally better from the flu–took 4 weeks, exactly. Here’s what helped me: Yogi brand Throat Comfort tea if I needed to speak (keeps throat lubricated so you don’t hack yourself to death), Yogi Lemon Ginger tea (cuts the mucus in the back of your throat), Vicks DayCare (I know, I know, but I used it early on and only got mild pneumonia instead of full blown pneumonia) and NyQuil (but only for the worst 2 nights; that stuff really sends me reeling), daily Wellness Formula capsules, garlic capsules, and Ricola Herbal Cough Drops. This flu is horrible, horrible. Lost 3 weeks of work and the holidays… 😦

    Thanks for posting the diet tips. I need them!!!

    Everyone who is ill, stay warm and dry; if you’re in the path of the monster storm, stay dry!

    • Recovering. DayQuil/NyQuil and plenty of cough drops.
      It’s fricking colder than cold outside.

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