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Trump is a deal breaker

I saw this tweet and added my retweet to 151,000 others:

Absolutely I would.

The story attached to this tweet is about the guy in the picture who met a woman online. They went to dinner and seemed to be having a good time until he casually mentioned he’d voted for Trump. At that point, his date said “thanks but I’m outta here”, got up and left.

The number of retweets is astounding. People feel very strongly about this, some of them saying how they’ve already distanced themselves from friends and family or are considering divorces. This section of the story gets to the point and also demonstrates the problem to people who don’t understand why voting for Trump is a non-starter:

That’s how it is for Kate Flaherty of Northern Liberties, a registered independent who voted for Hillary Clinton and said Trump is “blatantly racist” and a “misogynist.” She indicates in her dating profile that something she “thinks about a lot” is “how the hell we’ll survive Trump,” a move to deter Trump’s staunchest supporters from pursuing her. But she wishes she didn’t have to.

“I don’t like that who somebody voted for is a sign of their morality rather than just their politics,” she said. “But I think you can’t deny that’s how it is now. And I can’t look past that.”

Annie White, a Philadelphia-based dating coach and founder of Sick of Single Dating Service, said she was floored this year when a client told her dating a Trump supporter would be “a nonstarter.” Since then, she said, she’s noticed an increasing number of clients indicating political affiliation is more important now than ever.

Still, White, 30,encourages the women she coaches to work to find common ground. Even better, wait until you know each other better — perhaps the third date — to talk politics. “You don’t want to give someone a superficial data point so they paint this picture about you and eliminate you off a technicality,” she said.

No, Annie, if you’re a normal woman dating a guy who voted for a self-admitted “pussy grabber” that is NOT a technicality. It’s a leading indicator.

The 2016 election wasn’t just another vote. It was about the character of the person who thinks what Trunp stands for is in any way acceptable. If you can vote for that man, that means you have difficulty drawing the line in other areas of life where your self interest is at risk. It’s a character test. You absolutely cannot be trusted. On any matter.

No wonder the tweets are full of visceral loathing. How can you eat dinner with someone who thinks you’re a libtard, tolerates racism and Nazism because they’re not illegal and doesn’t care about climate change or depriving 9 million children of healthcare, or treating women as second class citizens or truly believes that the ultra wealthy are being persecuted by taxes? That person sticking puttanesca in his mouth might as well be covered in flies. Yeah, I’d be totally out of there. Don’t even think about staying over. Ewww, no. Don’t touch me.


It’s not an overreaction. It’s disgust.

I know some people don’t want to hear that the people they are living with have something missing in their personalities that voting for Trump exposed. But this is the reality they are living with and there are millions of people out there like them who feel the same skin crawling uneasiness about spending time with Trumpists . You’ll never change them. The best you can hope for is that Trump will become so unpopular that they will feel social pressure to put that part of themselves away out of fear of ostracism.

Political Gabfest discussed the off year elections and the reason why so many Democrats turned out this year. It comes down to decent Americans coming to the realization that they have a worldview that the Trumpers do not share and they are angry and motivated to stop this shit now.

21 Responses

  1. I’m at the point where I want to say to every Republican I know, “Why are you a Republican?
    No, Seriously, why are you a Republican and don’t give me that bullshit about dear old Dad or Mom.
    What do you believe in?
    Why are you a Republican?”

    • I ask my sister this all the time. It’s more like, why are you a conservative? I don’t get the appeal. It’s a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But I think when it comes right down to it I was stolen from my original gypsy parents. I do not share the values of the rest of my family which tends to skew hard right, religious and conventional. I spent most of my work life in a lab. I’m not capable of just accepting shit my politicians say at face value. Not even Hillary. Are you kidding? She wasn’t perfect. But she definitely was better than everyone else who ran last year.
      When it comes right down to it, I think a lot depends on how much you are willing to do your own thinking and go against your tribe. Most people find that not thinking too much or voicing their opinion is easier and leaves them with a lot of friends, especially in Central PA where being a Democrat gets you threatened by a red neck at a picnic.

    • This was the question Preet Bharara asked Flake on his podcast. I don’t even remember his answer, that is how memorable it was.

    • Wasn’t Hitler a vegetarian who loved his dogs?

      • Yes and yes, and also he loved kids (at least “Aryan” kids), by many accounts.

        Perhaps he could only trust children and dogs not to be plotting against him?

  2. As long as Cheeto Caligula squats in the Oval Office, this will never grow old.

  3. And, of course, never forget:

  4. Where to begin, there are so many things wrong with trump and trump supporters.

    If they were looking for a religious man, he is not it.
    If they were looking for a smart man, he is not it.
    If they were looking for a competent policy man who would help them, he is not it.
    If they were looking to squash Mooslem evil doers, he is not it.
    If they were looking for a patriot, he is not it.
    These are some of the SANE things I have seen that they thought he was and he is not it. He was unfit during the campaign and he is unfit now and more. His incompetence and lack of leadership are showing in every possible way of governing a first world country. The latest evidence of it is him telling those third world corrupt and authoritarian motherfuckers assembled in APEC summit, that his predecessors didn’t do their job and sold their country in trade negotiations. What is HE doing in that regard other than pointing the finger at someone else? He let China off the hook by blaming his predecessors, nice and smart, right? NO!

  5. Apparently Biden wants to become president. I don’t think these millennials would go for any of these old fossils, (say no to Bernie). We need new ideas, new leadership, new everything and most of all people like Schiff and others who have put up a real fight against trump when it mattered. I don’t see Biden doing anything to resist or stop trump other than relitigating and badgering Hillary and her loss for things that were not under her control. Humiliating Hillary while letting everything else off the hook will not win him support.

    • Joe can himself and his massages at home.

    • All Joe is doing is making sure the people who voted for Hillary in the primary which is over 1/2 of the party will not vote for him. He’s run twice and there was no interest then and there’s probably going to be even less interest in 2020 when there is going to be new leadership rising up. Especially since he was there under Obama when the party went to crap.

  6. I don’t really have a big sexual harassment story in all of my 30+ year career history. But in the tenure-track appointment I was in, a colleague (European) did take me into his lab and he was working in wearable computing. He showed me a watch and said something about it measuring his heartbeat and said that it was beating faster because I was there standing next to him. I can’t remember one other comment he made in a similar vein that all made me uncomfortable. I went and told that to couple of other colleagues and one female colleague (Russian origin) joked that the guy liked me. The guy ended up being on my tenure committee who presented my dossier to rest of the faculty for vote. I don’t know what effect it had on him that I had shared what he said to me in his lab. Nothing positive I am sure. I didn’t get the tenure but the whole process was a clusterfuck that I am not ready to pin it all on him.

    • Does it make a difference that he was a colleague, not a supervisor.
      Harassment or flirtation? Your gut tells you.

      • In university departments, there is really no supervisor. There is a chairperson for the department but he is not the boss. All tenured faculty vote on the tenure and promotion of an assistant professor. He was already tenured and he had a vote on my tenure. The fact that he was one of three person group that presented my case to the rest of the faculty, he was in a position of influence and I don’t know if he said anything bad. I had shared what he did with another of that three person group. That person was going up for his own professor promotion and he was not about to make my case freely to the committee and they voted on my future without even looking at my CV — like I said it was a clusterfuck. I would say it was more sexism than harassment or flirtation — sort of saying that to the woman is seen (like that Russian woman prof) as flattering her. But I was his colleague, a serious researcher and I was not in the mood to feel good that he gets excited by my presence. I was also told to smile more and that maybe I am forbidden to smile at men because of my culture (!). There were also three women who played a part in my tenure denial and who am I to complain about sexism when women can bring down their own.

  7. What is this? Why are AAs supporting this mfer?

  8. I have to say back in the day I dated Republicans. It wasn’t a big deal. My husband even used to be one but things are completely different now. If I was on the dating scene and found out someone voted for Trump I would get up and leave too. Like our friend IBW says above it was a character test and that person failed it. Trump is a Nazi, misogynist, racist and every other kind of bad. Even if the person claims to be none of those themselves they did not have enough of a problem with it to vote for Trump. I too have cut people out of my life, out of my Facebook friends files and everything else for being Trumpers.

  9. Great post RD.
    I’m also like Sweet Sue, I ask: are you a republican?
    If yes, I say: get away from me troglodyte!

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