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Thursday: Rise above it

Samantha Bee reminds everyone that we just screwed 9 million children out of healthcare by not funding CHIP last Saturday:


Kazuo Ishiguro, one of my favorite novelists, has won the Nobel Prize for literature today. Some of you may remember his books that were turned into movies, “The Remains of the Day” and “Never Let Me Go”. His books are haunting, the stories opening up from the inside out to find that one moment in time when the characters’ lives pivot and fall away. Missed opportunities, lives that come and go with barely a witness, love found and surrendered in the service of false virtue. Beautiful, lyrical, mesmerizing.

Goodreads has Ishiguro quotes. Check them out for a sample of how he writes then get one of his books. You won’t be sorry.

I can’t think of anyone other than Margaret Atwood who deserves it more.

Highly recommended.


In the latest episode of Trumpcast, Yasha Mounk talks about Roy Moore’s primary win in Alabama is an indication that Trump is a symptom of a more insidious underlying cause. The American electorate has been stirred to hatred of others not like themselves. It has effectively destroyed the Republican Party and infiltrated it with something truly dark and ugly. It is starting to take over the left because we are reacting to it. It’s a very bad sign. Mount says Trump is not quite as dangerous as we thought because he is so incompetent. But the forces that drove our election of him have the capacity to elect someone even worse and more destructive of our democracy if we don’t get our shit together by 2018.

Listen to this episode and take it VERY SERIOUSLY. We are going to have to work our asses off next year. There will be no excuses for sitting indoors and pleading that we aren’t good at campaign work. You will be called upon to do your part. If I can do it, you can do it.


I need a little uplifting music.