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The Country of Puerto Rico, Part 3

It’s been a week since Maria hit Puerto Rico and coverage of in the NYTimes and WaPo has been sinful. The articles are infrequent and scarce.

Yesterday, the NYT reported that there is a growing humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico. YESTERDAY. What am I missing?? There was also one Op/Ed about eliminating the Jones Act that is costing Puerto Rican’s more in goods shipped to the island.

Finally, today, WaPo has a couple of posts on Puerto Rico that I didn’t have to search for under the hamburger.

One was on Trump’s inadequate response. He called the situation “deep trouble”. It sounds very much like what we say about Bangadeshis who are swept out to sea during a cyclone. “Those poor people. Tsk, tsk. What a shame.”

I can only assume this was a marketing decision intended to enhance “shareholder value” and Puerto Rico is just not as clickable as Graham-Cassidy or the NFL.

But it’s worse than that. Trump hasn’t mentioned Puerto Rico at all since Wednesday and what’s the first thing he comments on now? Take a look:

WTF?? What does owing money to Wall Street have to do with getting on the ball about a growing humanitarian crisis affecting 3.5 million AMERICANS? At times like these, forgetting about the bankruptcy is not only necessary, it’s the moral thing to do. People’s lives are at stake.

This is beyond sickening.

What a shame for the poor Americans in Puerto Rico. Those poor people.

Stephen Colbert still has a new Hurricane Relief page up just for Puerto Rico. Check it out.

9 Responses

  1. Why is the media afraid of taking him on like they did with everyone else? They should be pounding on him like this tweet below.


  2. How isn’t the media making a hay day of this guy’s stupidity and incompetence ? What are they afraid of?


    • I know. The fact that he doesn’t understand that Americans are going to die because of his ignorance and incompetence should be enough to be all over his case.

      • Yes, but they owe Wall Street money!!! Don’t you understand? What part of “they have no money to pay us for their rescue” don’t you get??

        Sorry, I get so frustrated with these walking animated beings without souls or consciences.

      • There was a tweet about a week ago, on the list of the things that the US sent to Japan when the tsunami hit. I am looking for it but can’t find it. It was extensive, going to an Island country far far away in a big big ocean. These fuckers in the WH don’t know what they are doing and to top it they are cruel mfers.

        • I agree. Incompetence and cruelty are deadly. The only thing worse would be if they were competent at being cruel but then again maybe that would have been so harsh the reckoning would have been swift and strong.

          Bottom line we’re 9 months into this nightmare and it gets worse for the people trying to live to day to day everyday. The only thing we can do is hold them accountable when elections roll around because they are never going to hold themselves or Trump accountable.

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