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Stride: Divine.

Let the cool goddess rust away. I have no idea what the hell it means. Maybe it refers to a car. Who knows.

11 Responses

  1. Today I learned that a woman I went to college with was shot dead on the front porch of her house. She was a journalist and exposed corrupt mfers in the state I grew up in India. She was running a weekly publishing house in my native language about politics, and politicians. Her dad was a famous editor/proprietor of that weekly and she kept it going after his death — it was a bit more complicated than that because her younger brother wanted to run a safe publishing business and she looks like, wanted to use it for social justice like her dad and they split up the business. She started her own weekly and was a well known publisher with a family history of commitment to social welfare and justice. I am reading she was against BJP’s focus on being Hindu (kind of what is going on here right now about being white and white nationalism) and the murderers may be right wing Hindu groups. I am kind of shook up because in college, she was the it girl, not flashy but with a quiet sophistication and she even had a good looking but nerdy boyfriend (when it was not common to have boyfriends). She later married and then divorced him I heard (I think he is here in DC as Times of India Correspondent) and didn’t appear to have any children. So tragic.

    • Omg, that’s awful. Do they know who did it?

      • Some corrupt politician and his gang, would be my educated guess. I am reading about how she was running her magazine and what she was up against. Her dad was notorious for going after government, religion, caste and exposing corruption at all levels and he had enemies for sure but died a natural death at 70 something. Here we have, a single woman in her 50s being shot for doing her job. Courageous woman. Her name is Gauri Lankesh. She wrote in English for a bunch of well known press and TV outfits before taking over her dad’s paper in Kannada (my native language) in 2000. Looks like she made it her mission to carry on her dad’s legacy and lasted 17 years. She didn’t have any protection. The culprits followed her home from work in the evening after dark.

    • I’m so sorry to hear about your friend.

      • Thanks. We didn’t know each other personally but I knew of her and we were in the same HS and college (called pre-university, as in Grades 11 and 12 here before 4-year college). I went on to do engineering and had forgotten about her until I saw her on TV when visiting India about 10-15 years ago. I wonder if there was an element of ‘how dare SHE go after us’ kind of sexist view in killing her because I know couple of male contemporaries who are doing what she did and her own dad did but they didn’t have to pay the price with their lives.

        • Her murder was a real loss, not only to India but the world.
          We’re all going to have so much courage.
          Thank you, pm317, for telling Gauri Lankesh’s story.

    • I’m so very sorry to see this tragic loss of a voice and one you knew pm317. You are probably right in thinking that gender played a part in the brutality of her silencing. Among many concerns that frighten me about #45, his targeting journalists as “fake news” ranks as one of the most dangerous in my opinion. How brave are some, such as Gauri Lankesh, and how needed their work.

      • You know this is the kind of thing I fear when trump makes those comments. His idol Putin already does things like that and we have these kinds of examples from third-world mfers.

    • May she rest in peace.

      As for her killers, may Rod Serling be their judge in the afterworld.

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