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Overnight Open Thread

They’re clowns

They’re zombies

They want to eat your brains

Sleep tight!

26 Responses

  1. uh…someone slipped a lude in her drink?

  2. 50-1 longshot “Mine That Bird” wins Kentucky Derby.

  3. I had a couple of late entries into the bad/funny/sexist/whatever commercials.

    Was off the ‘puter for a bit, with bad weather in the area. Could not believe a tornado warning for a town 7 miles up the road and we got about 6 drops of rain. Now it sounds like round two is heading in.

  4. Okay, I have a complaint. I couldn’t read the Bad Commercial thread because when videos are embedded in the comments (instead of a url link) my computer totally bogs down. I noticed a week or so ago when there were just a couple of embeds in the comments, it took forever to load. I tried several times tonite to read the Commercials thread and twice had to force quit. I’m not having problems anywhere else. I liked the “links” much better if they still work on WordPress.

    • Same thing happened to me. It totally crapped out my computer. No offense, myiq, but those commercials were spiked or something. I never got to see them because of what the thread did to my computer. I’m afraid to go back and try again but will take your word that they were good (bad).

    • It’s a bandwidth issue I think. With all of those embedded videos, there is a ton of data that has to download for the page to display. Not all of the movies are downloaded initially, at least, but lots of image and video related data is pulled down. So if your bandwidth is a bit limited, it will choke.

      There might be a way to turn off loading any embedded video data in your browser. I know there is a way to do that for images or media in general, but there may be something specific for embedded video. Also since these are all youtube, there may be a specific youtube setting that will allow that too. Something work checking perhaps.

    • Hmm.. this is a test (Susan Boyle which we’ve all seen)

  5. GAgal: I think now when you paste in just the link, it embeds the video. I’m just pasting the link but WordPress is doing the embed, or it’s a setting that the blog is using.

    • yep, Fredster you’re right. Not that I doubted you. I’m just stubborn that way!

    • Actually, you have your choice of either posting just the URL link or embedding the video. Both options are offered on the upper hand-hand side of the youtube screen. If you just want to link to a video, copy what’s in the “URL” line; to embed the video, copy what’s in the “embed” line, if that makes sense.

      I just learned this trick last night myself.

      • That’s what I did – just the url. But it embedded anyway. Maybe a new feature of wordpress.

  6. I want to meet the person who thought having Fred, Wilma, and Barney lighting up and blowing smoke rings was going to move their product. Freaky!

    • Probably reflects how many adults the advertisers thought watched The Flintstones.

  7. Probably noone around at this hour, but I still want to pay tribute to Pete Seeger, who will turn 90 today. Unbelievable!

    Congratulations to a great singer/song writer and a great human being.
    He’s the sort of person, that makes me proud to be of the same species!

    This is for you, Conflucians:

  8. The thread at fdl reads like a bad advertisement against drinking and blogging. I’m with SOD, this Thers person should be drug tested for their own safety(and in the interim can someone ban them from watching the sci fi channel, it’s clear they have been traumatized enough by Star Wars).

  9. Carol Ann Duffy is named Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom, the first female, the first Scot and the first openly gay occupant of the post.

    • She sounds like an amazingly humble woman in the article I read about her.

      It says she has written some children’s books I’ll have to see if I can find one for my youngest.

    • Way cool.

  10. On May 4, 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first female prime minister of the UK. 30 years later (as of Monday) the US will still be too afraid of lady parts to do the same. Will it be another 30 years before we have a soul.

    I know a number of people, my mother included, who will not vote between two men in any more presidential elections until we have a woman president. Because it’s long past time. We live in a country where the majority of the population have almost no representation in government. It’s obscene.

    • Hmm, that makes me think, a really simple, clear purpose for a PUMA or PUMA type organization could be solely around the idea of a woman president. And perhaps regardless of party. For the simple reason that it’s obscene that it hasn’t happened. And a fundamental part of woman’s rights is a political voice almost regardless of specific policies (well, to a point).

      This would have a major divergence with many woman’s groups or reproductive rights groups that apparently preferred Obama over Hillary even though Obama promised to further restrict abortion rights during the campaign. I assume because those organizations are really more about power and influence and money than actually furthering the cause of women.

      Anyway, the Thatcher thing just triggered that late night idea. Nighty night.

      • The PUMA movement already motivated me to vote only female. I hate that I may be missing out on some fantabulous men and hope that other PUMAs steer me on the right path if I do so but, for the most part, my conscience is pushing me towards the female only vote.

        Sort of my own little version of payback. (Again, I do not want to offend any of the great male PUMAs around. This is just where my mindset it right now.)

  11. I just received this in an e-mail.
    Here is your bank bailout money at work////




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