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WTF Michelle? Her “tone”?

Ok, first it was Barack who said he didn’t see any problem making suckers out of Hillary’s supporters but *his* supporters would just let the rest of us go to hell if Hillary is nominated.

Now, it’s his wife, Michelle. She “has to think about her policies… her tone” and that will help determine whether she would work for her if she is the nominee. Just watch for yourself:

Michelle, 16 years ago, Hillary Clinton made a boo-boo. The demographics still favored housewives who didn’t work outside the home. We were in the midst of the Mommy Wars, which are still going on today but not as viciously. And there was very professional Hillary Clinton, private lawyer and first lady of Arkansas, answering some dumb-ass question about why she decided to have a professional life and she said something to the effect: “Well, I guess I could have just baked cookies and had teas but I decided to have a professional career.”

Well, you’d have thought she just ate a live infant on TV after plunging its dagger into its still beating heart and draining the blood from the tot. Cookie bakers and tea drinkers across the nation were enraged. Stay-at-homes and full-times nearly came to blows. It was an international incident. But she recovered, went through 16 years of hell and started the SCHIP program.

Now, YOU come along, Michelle. What have you done in the past 16 years? You’ve been the wife of a senator for 3 years and you’ve had a job. But were you ever expected to serve as the first lady of a state for 8 years? Were you ever first lady of a country for eight years? Were you ever a Senator yourself for 8 years? Well, Michelle?

Where the f%^& do you get off telling us whether you approve of Hillary’s “tone”? And why does that trump whoever is going to be the next Supreme Court nominee? What a arrogant and selfish thing to say, Michelle. You and Barack need an attitude adjustment. We’re not talking about a popularity contest here. This is about running the country. And if you and Barack can’t get on board in driving the Republicans out, you need to stay in Illinois.

Oh, make no mistake. We KNOW why you were chosen to deliver this message. Because Barack can’t anymore. The “tone” remark would look sexist coming from his mouth. But not yours?

How stupid do you think we are Michelle?

Update: We need solidarity going into the fall election. If this selfishness bothers you, drop Obama a line and ask that Michelle make amends to the rest of us who have put up with enough Republican rule.

6 Responses

  1. IIRC, Hillary said, I could have baked cookies… but I have worked to make sure women have choices…

    Something to that effect, at least how I remember reading one (only one, and that later on) article who bothered to report the full quote.

  2. re: your update
    You think there is a chance that Barack or Michelle apologize or clarify their comments?

    To quote Taylor Marsh: Oh, look, there’s a flying pig.

  3. ghost2: the whole thing is so close that no one can afford to piss off a single voter.
    I think it might make an impact.

  4. Here is a link curtesy of comments at Taylor Marsh:
    (why I hate Hillary).

  5. In other tone-related developments, Huffington Post reports “The Battle For Harlem Heats Up”

    “Let me start by clarifying,” said Bill Perkins, a Harlem-based state senator and Obama supporter. “This is not Bill Clinton’s back yard or his plantation. Underscore, plantation. …”

    I wouldn’t suggest this is representative of the Obama campaign, any more than I’d suggest a Clinton volunteer in Cherokee Iowa who forwards the Obama=Muslim email is representative of hers … but it would help if Mr. Obama started by clarifying that Mr. Perkins does not speak for the campaign and is no longer associated with it. (As he could have done with UNITE HERE’s smear spot on Nevada Hispanic radio.)

    Just a day earlier, rightwing African American columnist Star Parker asserts “Clintons playing plantation politics”.

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