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Lazy Saturday Morning News and Views

An Obot Brain on Koolaid

Good Morning Conflucians!

I noticed that we had an early morning visit from the latest “expert” on what PUMA was. Apparently Oliver had a little temper tantrum when he saw Dakinikat’s link to his obscure blog last night.

Oliver, on March 13, 2010 at 4:56 am Said:
If you actually read what I wrote you would see that I didn’t call Hamsher a PUMA. I said she ran a PUMA-style operation, aka “I’m not getting my own way, so screw everything.”

As if he would know anything about it. First our idea was hijacked by various other people we had never met, and now other people we have never met (Frankly, I’ve only vaguely heard of Oliver and have never read his blog before) are telling us what our idea was all about. Gee thanks so very much.

Well, here’s my judgment of you, Oliver, based on reading one post at your blog. You aren’t anything resembling liberal or “left” as long as you support the obscene joke of a “health care reform” bill that the White House and Congress are trying to push down our throats. People like you pushed Obama down our throats last year. Now we’re stuck with him, but we don’t have to like the torture, rendition, spying, misogyny, or the anti-abortion, anti-freedom policies of this monstrous oligarchical administration that you apparently support.

To put it bluntly, go fuck yourself, Oliver. We support “FDR-style” operations at The Confluence, and your beloved Obama administration isn’t an FDR-style operation by a long shot. For your information, PUMA was about the 2008 primary process, which ended long ago. We have moved on, but Obots like Oliver are still insulted because we supported a different candidate for the Democratic nomination and didn’t appreciate having that candidate’s votes tampered with.

In other news, Pope Benedict’s sexual abuse cover-up operation is getting some attention in the mainstream press. The New York Times has a story up: Church Abuse Scandal in Germany Edges Closer to Pope:

A widening child sexual abuse inquiry in Europe has landed at the doorstep of Pope Benedict XVI, as a senior church official acknowledged Friday that a German archdiocese made “serious mistakes” in handling an abuse case while the pope served as its archbishop.

Times Topics: Roman Catholic Church | Pope Benedict XVIThe archdiocese said that a priest accused of molesting boys was given therapy in 1980 and later allowed to resume pastoral duties, before committing further abuses and being prosecuted. Pope Benedict, who at the time headed the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, approved the priest’s transfer for therapy. A subordinate took full responsibility for allowing the priest to later resume pastoral work, the archdiocese said in a statement.

People inside and outside of the Church are beginning to believe that the Pope would have had to know about what was happening in Germany. Irish Central is even asking if the Pope might have to step down.

Hillary Clinton in the News

From BBC News: Clinton rebukes Israel over East Jerusalem homes

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has sharply rebuked Israel over its recent decision to build new settlements in East Jerusalem.

She told Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu by telephone that the move was “deeply negative” for US-Israeli relations.

The BBC’s Washington correspondent, Kim Ghattas, says it was a rare and sharp rebuke from Washington.

Israel’s announcement overshadowed a visit by US Vice-President Joe Biden aimed at restarting peace talks.

Since then the Palestinians have indicated they will not return to the negotiating table unless the Israeli decision is revoked.

Christian Science Monitor: Hillary Clinton at UN: ‘Women’s progress is human progress’

In a speech Friday at the UN in New York, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton identified equality for the world’s women and girls as the central challenge that will determine the peace and progress of the 21st century.

She underscored the links between economic development, ending poverty, improving health, safeguarding the environment, and the continued enhancement of the status of women. “Women’s progress is human progress, and human progress is women’s progress,” she said.

Those words were clearly meant to echo Secretary Clinton’s own words 15 years ago when, as the US first lady, she told the World Conference on Women in Beijing: “Women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights.”

Clinton’s speech not only marked the anniversary of her 1995 Beijing speech, but also wrapped up events for International Women’s Day, which took place March 8. Those events included meetings of the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women.

Clinton says U.N. needs more women in top jobs

Subjugation of women threatens US security: Clinton

Clinton Urges Women to Continue Building on Advancements

Thank you for standing up for women, Madame Secretary.

Interesting News and Views from the Blogosphere

Stateofdisbelief alerted me to this report at Alternet: The Most Powerful Destructive Corporate Business Club Most Americans Have Never Heard of

In total, the Economic Elite are made up of about 0.5% of the US population. At the center of this group is the Business Roundtable, an organization representing Fortune 500 CEOs that is also interlocked with several lead elite organizations. Most Americans have never heard of the Business Roundtable. However, in my analysis, it is the most influential and powerful Economic Elite organization….

Here is a partial list of some of their lead members:

——-Lloyd C. Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
——-James Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
——-James P. Gorman, Morgan Stanley
——-Vikram S. Pandit, Citigroup, Inc.
——-Brian T. Moynihan, Bank of America
——-Brendan McDonagh, HSBC
——-Robert W. Selander, MasterCard Incorporated
——-Kenneth I. Chenault, American Express Company
——-Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation
——-Glenn A. Britt, Time Warner Cable Inc.
——-Philippe Dauman, Viacom, Inc.
——-Jeffrey R. Immelt, General Electric Company
——-Brian L. Roberts, Comcast Corporation
——-Steven A. Ballmer, Microsoft Corporation
——-John T. Chambers, Cisco Systems, Inc.
——-Randall L. Stephenson, AT&T Inc.
——-Ivan G. Seidenberg, Verizon Communications
——-David G. DeWalt, McAfee, Inc.
——-Steven R. Loranger, ITT Corporation
——-Paul T. Hanrahan, AES Corporation, The
——-Riley P. Bechtel, Bechtel Group, Inc.
——-W. James McNerney , Boeing Company, The
——-Rex W. Tillerson, Exxon Mobil Corporation
——-Marvin E. Odum, Shell Oil Company
——-John S. Watson, Chevron Corporation
——-James J. Mulva, ConocoPhillips
——-John B. Hess, Hess Corporation
——-James E. Rogers Duke Energy Corporation
——-J. Larry Nichols, Devon Energy Corporation
——-Ronald A. Williams, Aetna Inc.
——-David Cordani, CIGNA
——-Jeffrey B. Kindler , Pfizer Inc.
——-Angela F. Braly, WellPoint, Inc.
——-John C. Lechleiter, Eli Lilly and Company
——-Edward B. Rust, Jr., State Farm
——-Andrew N. Liveris, Dow Chemical
——-James W. Owens, Caterpillar Inc.
——-Ellen J. Kullman, DuPont
——-Edward E. Whitacre Jr., General Motors Company
——-Michael T. Duke, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

You can read the entire report here: The Economic Elite vs. the People of the United State of America.

It has now become evident to a critical mass that the Republican and Democratic parties, along with all three branches of our government, have been bought off by a well-organized Economic Elite who are tactically destroying our way of life. The harsh truth is that 99% of the US population no longer has political representation. The US economy, government and tax system is now blatantly rigged against us.

Current statistical societal indicators clearly demonstrate that a strategic attack has been launched and an analysis of current governmental policies prove that conditions for 99% of Americans will continue to deteriorate. The Economic Elite have engineered a financial coup and have brought war to our doorstep. . . and make no mistake, they have launched a war to eliminate the US middle class.

Sadly, there are still delusional, Koolaid-soaked bloggers like Oliver Willis who still believe they have some ability to influence our corrupt, bought-out government. Good luck to them.

At Truthdig, Reese Erlich explains why white people who fly planes into buildings or shoot people at the Pentagon are not “terrorists,” but people of Middle-Eastern extraction who shoot people are “terrorists.”

Also at Truthdig, Ruth Markus has a nice piece on the “Chief Whiner,” John Roberts.

At FDL, Scarecrow thinks Rachel Maddow might be starting to “get a clue” about who really killed the public option

At Raw Story, news of Glenn Beck’s pronouncement on Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA: The song is “anti-American” and “propaganda” that people must “wake up” from. Oh really? I’d rather wake up to it, I think.

What are you reading this lazy Saturday morning?

Have a wonderful day everyone!

105 Responses

  1. When I read that list of the business elite, I see all the people that funded Obama.

  2. Good morning boomer. Thanks for the roundup.

    • You are so right!! I’d rather be awake and aware than drowning in Koolaid and fantasy–no matter how painful the reality is, we can’t change it unless we see it.

      • The economic statistics are right even though some of the conspiracy theories are a little out there. Every time I see some thing about the Bilderberg conspiracy it makes me a feel like I’m reading one of those novels on the Holy Grail. Wish Joe Cannon was around to take this on.

        • They want us to feel cognitive dissonance about what is happening right in front of our eyes.

          • I have no doubt that that all the folks on that list are plotting to get more rich and powerful. I think they have the system working to their advantage right now. They can lobby and buy politicians through donations. They stack their board of directors with pawns and idiots. I mean, they don’t have to conspire to do anything, it’s a fairly straight forward process. Just because they get together for a few meetings and cocktail parties to gloat doesn’t mean they’re plotting together to take over the world. They already know the systems is there for them to do so with out the secret handshakes and codes.

          • TAdding the fluff only helps them diminish our concerns by calling us nuts.

          • At the top are the private equity firms and hedge funds. Everything lands there.

        • Speaking of which, Cannonfire is gone.


        • I don’t know what the Bilderberg conpiracy is, but the Bilderberg meetings clearly do take place, and many of their recommendations become law.

  3. Oh, and I responded to Oliver in that thread, if you’re interested.

    • Hi Dak and BB, Good Morning!!

      It is amazing to me that this long after the fact people are still debating what PUMA was and was not. Over at The Sideshow, on Wednesday, there was this extensive “debate” between, on the one side, someone blogging as David W, and another one calling himself Charles III and on the other side, Vast Left and Lambert Stether. It was a total rehash of the primaries with David W and Charles III still feeling the need to put down PUMAs with insults, vitriol and revisionist history.

      These people have been proven wrong. If they don’t have the grace to apologize, then they should at least give it a rest.

      • Hi Joanie!!! For some reason, folks that don’t have principles feel extremely uncomfortable with those of us that are willing to stick to our guns on something. I think fair elections are supremely important to our society. Jane thinks universal health care is extremely important. There’s even a meme on the old school civil right’s leaders too. We’re all ‘deadenders’ because we draw the line on what we find intolerable and won’t sell out.

      • Joanie, that back and forth over at Avedon’s was ridiculous.

        • The thing is: the Dems have mucked up this whole health care reform business from the start. I’m now in the camp that wants the whole thing scrapped and started over at some other point in time AFTER we’ve addressed the jobs situation.

          Right now I find it hard to care about anything other than finding a job. and oh, by the way, while we’re reforming health care, let’s make sure its not employment driven; people should be able to stiil have health care insurance that’s affordable even during periods of unemployment.

          • exactly, if the Dems don’t focus on the unemployment rate and the economy, it’s all over for them come November. That’s always the core issue. ALWAYS.

          • pish posh…they’re dealing with unemployment.

          • Agreed, SOS. That’s why they had the gaps between reenactment of the employment bills. My son in law has now had to apply for 2 extensions. The one before, in Dec., the employment office told him he was automatically reenrolled and then they dropped him-others were in this boat. In my opinion, that’s one reason the Jan. unemployment figures dropped. Same thing happened in Feb. and now will happen in March, when the extension ends. It’s a age old manipulation to turn job seekers into discouraged workers and then drop them off the map.

          • Pardon’ – meant you State, I had HIllary and Yemen on my mind today.

          • Look the starting all over again was the call with “Hillary Care”. History has taught us where that ended up. Starting all over again will have the same result as before.

      • just read that conversation over there, now I need a nap

        • I just skimmed it. wtf was that?

          I did like this:

          Liberalism is dying of neglect.

          Look, for example, at what passes for a “liberal” in the MSM. Look at what policies most “progressive” bloggers promote, protect, and defend. Look at what stories (moronic trivia about out-of-power and even out-of-office Republicans]) dominate “liberal” discourse.

          It’s an ideology being destroyed by its lame twin, the career “progressive.”
          3 days ago, 9:31:20 AM

  4. BB, the Scarecrow link is also pulling up the link to the Ruth Marcus piece. Can you fix that? Thanks.

  5. Wow, and this morning the Vatican says it needs exorcists to get the demons out. Can’t they just replace the pope and cardinals with Catholics who love Jesus and don’t harm people?–oh, wait, that would mean they’d have to call in the radical nuns like the Daughters of Wisdom.

    Popes don’t always serve for life. Just like on the SCOTUS they can retire, but the power is usually too intoxicating.

    Clearly Toyota also needs an exorcism. Could industrial sabotage explain how the best car maker suddenly plummets to the worst just as the US gov’t decides to take over GM?

    It’s a happy news morning. As stateofdisbelief said, we need to think critically about everything.

  6. In comments Oliver speaks of Jane “throwing feces”….uh, had any of us said something like that about him what do you think the reaction would be?…but it’s okay for Oliver to call Ms. Hamsher an ape.

    Anyway, I remember when Democrats weren’t about assimilating to the borg. Now if you aren’t a borg member, you’re a “PUMA,” in whatever naive and acrid version of PUMA they’ve conjured up. It’s almost amusing.

  7. This is funny. Apparently Obama and those still desperately trying to push the health care mess are “bitter”, according to newly elected Senator Brown:

    Newly arrived Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts accused President Barack Obama and Democrats on Saturday of a “bitter, destructive and endless” drive to pass health overhaul legislation that Brown warned would be disastrous.
    “An entire year has gone to waste,” Brown said in the weekly GOP radio and Internet address. “Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and many more jobs are in danger. Even now, the president still hasn’t gotten the message.
    “Somehow, the greater the public opposition to the health care bill, the more determined they seem to force it on us anyway.”

    • They’re clinging to their corporate donations.

    • Can’t say I disagree with his assessment that

      “An entire year has gone to waste.”

      Truer words have not been spoken.

      • Actually, Brown opposed the bill for a lot of the same reasons we do.

        • I don’t think he even understands what’s coming out of his mouth. It’s so painful watching him grope and fumble trying to come up with two canned talking points. It’s like watching Obama’s much dumber little brother go off TelePrompTer.

  8. And BTW, an Obot brain on Koolaid is very pretty.

    • at least they’re good for something … although I’m not much for performance art

    • Much, much, too pretty to be an Obot brain. I prefer to think that’s a creative brain creating.

      An Obot brain should be a dark and murky place, with pools of sludge and waste oil standing about under a smoggy sky.

    • Unicorns, ponies and other lovely fantasies are pretty too–just not real. I think that picture is really supposed to be the brain on LSD or something.

  9. If Ollie Obot were to admit we acted out of principle, then he would have to admit the unpleasant truth about how his idol got to be POTUS,

    Not only that, but if he deviates from the Kool-aid party line he won’t get invited to any more White House get-togethers..

    • Principles are so 1992/1996. We’ve moved beyond all that.

      • No, you all don’t get it all. You can have principles. You just need to be willing to sell them out(make huge compromises that are the very antithesis of your core values). Then you need to whine about sacrifice. Whining is also key. I swear ALOT of the progressive men remind me of my children when they were younger and missed naptime(think reticent three year old throwing a temper tantrum).

        Only an idiot would compromise a core plank of his/her party platform and expect people to vote or trust them ever again- on anything. Fortunately for the democrats and unfortunately for the rest of us, there are plenty of idiots in the progressive cabal(as evidenced by Oliver “whiny baby” Wills.

  10. Thank you Hillary Clinton for continuing to speak out for equality for the world’s women and girls.

    According to the report linked below our war against the Taliban may result in improving the lives of women and children in Afghanistan. Hopefully something good can come of these awful wars.


    Not every Afghan is hoping the Americans soon leave their country. Some are actually dreading it. “You can’t leave Afghanistan,” Manizha, who helps run a shelter for battered women, recently warned “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer. Behind Manizha, women who were beaten, bruised and badly scarred shake their heads in urgent agreement.

    Millions of Afghan women are routinely handed over for marriages while they are still children and endure lives of constant battering.
    “Ninety percent of Afghan women have experienced some form of human rights violation, 15 million Afghan women probably need our help,” Manizha told Sawyer.

    It’s not just Afghan women who want things to change. “Husbands, fathers and brothers, they come for help,” Hyneman told Sawyer. “They want a peaceful life… a family life and want to be able to support their children,” rather than marry them off at a young age.

    “Men want their daughters educated. They beg us all the time. Build schools for our daughters, we want our daughters to go to school. They’ve learned the price of ignorance and illiteracy,” Hyneman said.


  11. Satisfying, yet not too filling.

  12. Here’s some updates on the big Pelosi bluff. First Nancy talks as if she has the votes. Then unnamed sources say majority leader Hoyer doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. And sources say house vote counter Clyburn hasn’t even really started counting yet, so he doesn’t know what she’s talking about either. It’s an age old tactic where the speaker acts as if the votes are in and then goes to the holdouts and says you might as well vote for it because if you don’t, your career is over. Though the game has apparently changed slightly and now the threats are that your life and your families lives will be destroyed. Here are a few links to some of what’s happening:
    All I know is I wouldn’t want to be in congress right now. But I hope enough of them are brave and stand up for liberal principles, and tell Nancy were she can shove it.

  13. It’s stuff like this that needs more attention than what some F-list blogger thinks of PUMA.

  14. I was watching CNN and they had on some member of the “Coffee Party”? I would like to know what that is? I will gooogle it. They mentioned some supporter of Obama that is a big part of it. Does anyone know anything about this “party”? We have all watched the Tea party and it seems to be funded by the Repubs. Now it looks like this one is just another Obama party. It feels like these parties are popping up to try to control the people that are unhappy with both parties but secretly for the PARTY. I want a people party, not a coffee or tea party but a FDR style based party that actually helps get us some representation.

    • Yes, the “Coffee Party” was created and astroturfed by the Bots to counter the Tea Party movement. For a more apt moniker, this new Coffee Party should be renamed the Latte Party.

    • CNN says the coffee party is a bunch of progressives who want more civility. I can only assume that means do whatever the Lightbringer says and don’t argue.

      At least CNN pointed out that the “party” is led by an Obot.

    • . I want a people party, not a coffee or tea party but a FDR style based party that actually helps get us some representation.

      Funny you should bring that up… I just put a post up on the front page about the very same thing.

      • Nice post! This captures the sentiments I’m feeling about the coffee party on first take, maybe there is more to them but it doesn’t feel like it: “This sounds like 2008 all over again. In other words, they are the ones they have been brewing for.” I really liked the FDR speech. That should be the call to action for today! It’s amazing that no matter how our lives change with technology and all, our values and desires for a decent life virtually are unchanged from any time before us. Is what we are asking for our families, our children, our very existence too much for today’s politicians to comprehend? Are they too out of touch with the common person to understand these real needs?

  15. Salon has two front page stories attacking Eric Massa.

    Methinks they doth protest too much.

    • Yep, that’s the new Nancy policy of total destruction of anyone opposed to the bill from what I’m hearing. And the more amenable talking points echo chambers are happy to help.

  16. Help me, I’m locked in moderation and I can’t get out. Yep, I had a pile of links that likely caused it.

  17. http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=9983313
    Will we hear about this at the state level non-stop? Hmmm, for all of the religious crap like “God Bless America”, blah, blah, blah we hear from these politicians on both sides of the aisle, it’s interesting to note that both parties spend a lot of time with their pants down so to speak.

  18. repeating this for the benefit of Oliver the B0bot

    RBC chair was insurance company CEO: Stole my vote to steal my money

    (PUMA started the day RBC stole our votes)

    • Oh no! I thought he finally woke up. I guess someone must have put koolaid in his coffee or something.

    • “lean on your own party… make the opposition pay”

      Good luck getting Obama to do that despite the fact that his MO is to bully the rank-and-file of his own party into submission while begging the GOP (albeit in a peevish manner) for their stamp of approval.

    • It’s really obvious. That’s what drives me so nuts. It’s not like every one isn’t saying the same thing but that’s not what’s getting through to Congress and it’s not the story in the MSM. The corporatization of media and our government is so complete now that no one seems to be able to get their voice heard. It’s out here on the blogosphere and the few decent magazines standing like Harpers and MJ and a few others. It’s out there at the BBC and the EU press. Otherwise you just get crickets and most US citizens don’t go that far out of their way to find information, sadly. They feel that sense that something is wrong and they get caught up in corporate astroturfing like the Tea Party and Glenn Beck’s audience or on the other side they become True Koolaid Believers and fall for empty change mantras.

  19. New post up.

  20. This has got to be the weirdest and sickest story I’ve ever seen:

    Bachelor Number One and……Serial Killer

    • that’s just insane and awful at the same time! what a sicko!

    • Ain’t it the truth – weird and sick somehow doesn’t even cover it. And if you delve into the story deeper, it gets even more disturbing. The guy was sentenced a few times, yet they let him go. He raped and murdered women and children, yet they let him back on the streets. I’ll be the young lady (now not so young) on the dating game, is breathing a huge sigh of relief – her intuition probably saved her life.

      As an aside, as a lurker, I love your comments and insight, and I’ve missed them. I understand your rationale, from your post – but I still miss you when you go into retreat mode. It’s not Captain Spaulding, it’s not funny clown faces, it’s your wit and the way you cut to the bone with your comments and posts – that is not to say that I agree all the time, but gosh darnnit, your posts are standalone and result in a lot of discussion, which makes it interesting. I hope you’re back to stay!

      • Whoops, I meant that “I’ll bet that the young lady” not that I’ll be the young lady. Put it down to senility, but hey, I can stell tape realty gud.

  21. Loved this post and the comments BB. Like their messiah, Obot “progressives” and apologists have no principles. They are collaborators who are a willing part of this reactionary administration and its clusterfuck relationship with the banking and corporate oligarchs running the country. They are blind and deluded morons who are helping preserve the status quo and make life better for the creative class in the top 1% wealth percentile. Hardly progressive. Pathetic.

  22. I love you guys too. *eyeroll*

    • Dear god–you don’t like us? I wouldn’t care, except you’re the personification of The Left! What a letdown, don’t spring these bombshells at a time when we can’t run to the arugala aisle of Whole Foods for spiritual succor.

      • Lol, what was it Gandhi said.. first they tell you to stay home, then they tell you the rulz are the rulz, then they roll their eyes and call you principled like it’s a bad thing, and then they lose the midterms… (Ok, that’s not Gandhi, that’s anyone who’s ever wondered if Donna B’s campaign strategy is to be a doubleagent.)

        • Lol The Democratic Party, where “principled” is a pejorative. It’s like we’re all on the playground and the cool kids are having a contest. Whoever’s the most bored, above it and nihilistic wins! Caring is so 2007.

      • Wonder why he keeps coming over here to drop his weak little bombs? I wouldn’t dignify his blog by even clicking on it. It’s so funny how these people can’t stop themselves.

    • Oliver, it’s not about you. It’s about our country with 50 million hungry and another 100 million barely getting by. Your new progressive movement needs to rethink priorities. Instead of spending all your time playing tit for tat wargames with the useless far right, you guys need to focus and advocate for the people who need immediate help in this country. The economic battles against the financial oligarchs. Healthcare battles against private insurer bailouts paid for by medicare cuts and individual mandates. We can extend coverage and care to those uninsured without further privatizing the healthcare industry.

      Liberals should stand up for the have nots. The haves are doing just fine and getting richer. Why would progressives want to rally behind them as this Congress and Administration are doing. Our number one priority should be jobs, and our number two should be financial reform. Both are important to stem the rapidly increasing disparities in wealth among the people. Progressives need to define their own priorities rather than reacting and playing into Republican ones.

      Oh and when you have a chance, tell Markos to grow up. Having the right vision supported by consistent principles is the most important thing. He and many of your friends are still dicking around in the playground. There’s serious stuff going on in the world right now. Need to get your collective heads out of the permanent campaign and try making a difference with people’s lives. Drop the petty stuff and study up on the economy. Good luck.

      • Just from a pragmatic standpoint, the Unprincipled Power-Is-All-Suck-It-Up-And-Deal crowd “won” and have what to show for it exactly? They’ve accomplished nothing on the plus side, have done some real harm, even Obots are admitting it’s not impossible that they’ll lose 100 seats in ’10–and then what? Does anyone actually think picking some core principles and fighting for them could possibly have turned out worse? Deal with the fact that you’ve shown incredibly poor judgment and your “strategies” such as they are simply don’t work before charging on over the next cliff. You’re never going to convince silly people who actually care about moronic trivialities like democracy, reproductive freedom, and universal human rights that it’s just a matter of “I’m not getting my way, so screw everything.” Because once you give up everything right from the start, there’s not much left.

      • I don’t know about that TW.

        • Ollie Obot is an “access” blogger. He gets to go to White House meetings where he gets his talking points straight from the horse’s ass.

          Funny how the “creative class” is only good at creating rationalizations for the failures of Obamanation.

        • An “access blogger” eh?

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