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Hillary Clinton’s Senate Confirmation Hearing Opening Statement


CLINTON: Thank you, Senator Schumer, for your generous introduction, and even more for your support and our partnership over so many years. You are a valued and trusted colleague, a friend, and a tribute to the people of New York whom you have served with such distinction throughout your career.

Mr. Chairman, I offer my congratulations as you take on this new role. You certainly have traveled quite a distance from that day in 1971 when you testified here as a young Vietnam veteran. You have never faltered in your care and concern for our nation, its foreign policy or its future, and America is in good hands with you leading this committee.

Senator Lugar, I look forward to working with you on a wide range of issues, especially those of greatest concern to you, including the Nunn-Lugar initiative.

And Senator Voinovich, I want to commend you for your service to the people of Ohio and ask for your help in the next two years on the management issues you champion.

It is an honor and a privilege to be here this morning as President-elect Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State. I am deeply grateful for the trust – and keenly aware of the responsibility – that the President-elect has placed in me to serve our country and our people at a time of such grave dangers, and great possibilities. If confirmed, I will accept the duties of the office with gratitude, humility, and firm determination to represent the United States as energetically and faithfully as I can.

At the same time I must confess that sitting across the table from so many colleagues brings me sadness too. I love the Senate. And if you confirm me for this new role, it will be hard to say good-bye to so many members, Republicans and Democrats, whom I have come to know, admire, and respect deeply, and to the institution where I have been so proud to sere on behalf of the people of New York for the past eight years.

But I assure you that I will be in frequent consultation and conversation with the members of this committee, with the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the appropriations committees, and with Congress as a whole. And I look forward to working with my good friend, Vice President-elect Biden, who has been a valued colleague in the Senate and valued chairman of this committee.

For me, consultation is not a catch-word. It is a commitment. The President-elect and I believe that we must return to the time-honored principle of bipartisanship in our foreign policy – an approach that past Presidents of both parties, as well as members of this committee, have
subscribed to and that has served our nation well. I look forward to working with all of you to renew America’s leadership through diplomacy that enhances our security, advances our interests, and reflects our values.

Today, nine years into a new century, Americans know that our nation and our world face great perils: from ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the continuing threat posed by terrorist extremists, to the spread of weapons of mass destruction; from the dangers of climate change to pandemic disease; from financial meltdown to worldwide poverty.

The seventy days since the presidential election offer fresh evidence of the urgency of these challenges. New conflict in Gaza; terrorist attacks in Mumbai; mass killings and rapes in the Congo; cholera in Zimbabwe; reports of record high greenhouse gasses and rapidly melting glaciers; and even an ancient form of terror – piracy – asserting itself in modern form off
the Horn of Africa.

Always, and especially in the crucible of these global challenges, our overriding duty is to protect and advance America’s security, interests, and values: First, we must keep our people, our nation, and our allies secure. Second, we must promote economic growth and shared prosperity at home and abroad. Finally, we must strengthen America’s position of global leadership – ensuring that we remain a positive force in the world, whether in working to preserve the health of our planet or expanding dignity and opportunity for people on the margins whose progress and prosperity will add to our own.

Our world has undergone an extraordinary transformation in the last two decades. In 1989, a wall fell and old barriers began to crumble after 40 years of a Cold War that had influenced every aspect of our foreign policy. By 1999, the rise of more democratic and open societies, the expanding reach of world markets, and the explosion of information technology had made “globalization” the word of the day. For most people, it had primarily an economic connotation, but in fact, we were already living in a profoundly interdependent world in which old rules and boundaries no longer held fast-one in which both the promise and the peril of the 21st century could not be contained by national borders or vast distances.

Economic growth has lifted more people out of poverty faster than at any time in history, but economic crises can sweep across the globe even more quickly. A coalition of nations stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, but the conflict in the Middle East continues to inflame tensions from Asia to Africa. Non-state actors fight poverty, improve health, and expand education in the poorest parts of the world, while other non-state actors traffic in drugs, children, and women and kill innocent civilians across the globe.

Now, in 2009, the clear lesson of the last twenty years is that we must both combat the threats and seize the opportunities of our interdependence. And to be effective in doing so we must build a world with more partners and fewer adversaries.

America cannot solve the most pressing problems on our own, and the world cannot solve them without America. The best way to advance America’s interest in reducing global threats and seizing global opportunities is to design and implement global solutions. This isn’t a philosophical point. This is our reality.

The President-Elect and I believe that foreign policy must be based on a marriage of principles and pragmatism, not rigid ideology. On facts and evidence, not emotion or prejudice. Our security, our vitality, and our ability to lead in today’s world oblige us to recognize the overwhelming fact of our interdependence.

I believe that American leadership has been wanting, but is still wanted. We must use what has been called “smart power,” the full range of tools at our disposal — diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural — picking the right tool, or combination of tools, for each situation. With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of foreign policy. This is not a radical idea. The ancient Roman poet Terence, who was born a slave and rose to become one of the great voices of his time, declared that “in every endeavor, the seemly course for wise men is to try persuasion first.” The same truth binds wise women as well.

The President-Elect has made it clear that in the Obama Administration there will be no doubt about the leading role of diplomacy. One need only look to North Korea, Iran, the Middle East, and the Balkans to appreciate the absolute necessity of tough-minded, intelligent diplomacy – and the failures that result when that kind of diplomatic effort is absent. And one need only consider the assortment of problems we must tackle in 2009 – from fighting terrorism to climate change to global financial crises – to understand the importance of cooperative engagement.

I assure you that, if I am confirmed, the State Department will be firing on all cylinders to provide forward-thinking, sustained diplomacy in every part of the world; applying pressure and exerting leverage; cooperating with our military partners and other agencies of government; partnering effectively with NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations; using modern technologies for public outreach; empowering negotiators who can protect our interests while understanding those of our negotiating partners. There will be thousands of separate interactions, all strategically linked and coordinated to defend American security and prosperity. Diplomacy is hard work; but when we work hard, diplomacy can work, and not just to defuse tensions, but to achieve results that advance our security, interests and values.

Secretary Gates has been particularly eloquent in articulating the importance of diplomacy in pursuit of our national security and foreign policy objectives. As he notes, it’s not often that a Secretary of Defense makes the case for adding resources to the State Department and elevating the role of the diplomatic corps. Thankfully, Secretary Gates is more concerned about having a unified, agile, and effective U.S. strategy than in spending our precious time and energy on petty turf wars. As he has stated, “our civilian institutions of diplomacy and development have been chronically undermanned and underfunded for far too long,” both relative to military spending and to “the responsibilities and challenges our nation has around the world.” And to that, I say, “Amen!”

President-elect Obama has emphasized that the State Department must be fully empowered and funded to confront multi-dimensional challenges – from working with allies to thwart terrorism, to spreading health and prosperity in places of human suffering. I will speak in greater detail about that in a moment.

We should also use the United Nations and other international institutions whenever appropriate and possible. Both Democratic and Republican presidents have understood for decades that these institutions, when they work well, enhance our influence. And when they don’t work well – as in the cases of Darfur and the farce of Sudan’s election to the former UN Commission on Human Rights, for example – we should work with likeminded friends to make sure that these institutions reflect the values that motivated their creation in the first place.

We will lead with diplomacy because it’s the smart approach. But we also know that military force will sometimes be necessary, and we will rely on it to protect our people and our interests when and where needed, as a last resort.

All the while, we must remember that to promote our interests around the world, America must be an exemplar of our values. Senator Isakson made the point to me the other day that our nation must lead by example rather than edict. Our history has shown that we are most effective when we see the harmony between our interests abroad and our values at home. And I takegreat comfort in knowing that our first Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, also subscribed to that view, reminding us across the centuries: “The interests of a nation, when well understood, will be found to coincide with their moral duties.”

So while our democracy continues to inspire people around the world, we know that its influence is greatest when we live up to its teachings ourselves. Senator Lugar, I’m going to borrow your words here, because you have made this point so eloquently: You once said that “the United States cannot feed every person, lift every person out of poverty, cure every disease, or stop every conflict. But our power and status have conferred upon us a tremendous responsibility to humanity.”

Of course, we must be realistic about achieving our goals. Even under the best of circumstances, our nation cannot solve every problem or meet every global need. We don’t have unlimited time, treasure, or manpower. And we certainly don’t face the best of circumstances today, with our economy faltering and our budget deficits growing.

So to fulfill our responsibility to our children, to protect and defend our nation while honoring our values, we have to establish priorities. Now, I’m not trying to mince words here. As my colleagues in the Senate know, “establishing priorities” means making tough choices. Because those choices are so important to the American people, we must be disciplined in evaluating them — weighing the costs and consequences of our action or inaction; gauging the probability of success; and insisting on measurable results.

Right after I was nominated a friend told me: “The world has so many problems. You’ve got your work cut out for you.” Well, I agree that the problems are many and they are big. But I don’t get up every morning thinking only about the threats and dangers we face. With every challenge comes an opportunity to find promise and possibility in the face of adversity and complexity. Today’s world calls forth the optimism and can-do spirit that has marked our progress for more than two centuries.

Too often we see the ills that plague us more clearly than the possibilities in front of us. We see threats that must be thwarted; wrongs that must be righted; conflicts that must be calmed. But not the partnerships that can be promoted; the rights that can be reinforced; the innovations that can be fostered; the people who can be empowered.

After all, it is the real possibility of progress-of that better life, free from fear and want and discord-that offers our most compelling message to the rest of the world.

I’ve had the chance to lay out and submit my views on a broad array of issues in written responses to questions from the committee, so in this statement I will outline some of the major challenges we face and some of the major opportunities we see.

First, President-Elect Obama is committed to responsibly ending the war in Iraq and employing a broad strategy in Afghanistan that reduces threats to our safety and enhances the prospect of stability and peace.

Right now, our men and women in uniform, our diplomats, and our aid workers are risking their lives in those two countries. They have done everything we have asked of them and more. But, over time we have seen that our larger interests will be best served by safely and responsibly withdrawing our troops from Iraq, supporting a transition to full Iraqi responsibility for their sovereign nation, rebuilding our overtaxed military, and reaching out to other nations to help stabilize the region and to employ a broader arsenal of tools to fight terrorism.

Equally important will be a comprehensive plan using all elements of our power – diplomacy, development, and defense – to work with those in Afghanistan and Pakistan who want to root out al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other violent extremists who threaten them as well as us in what President- Elect Obama has called the central front in the fight against terrorism. We need to deepen our engagement with these and other countries in the region and pursue policies that improve the lives of the Afghan and Pakistani people.

As we focus on Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, we must also actively pursue a strategy of smart power in the Middle East that addresses the security needs of Israel and the legitimate political and economic aspirations of the Palestinians; that effectively challenges Iran to end its nuclear weapons program and sponsorship of terror, and persuades both Iran and Syria to abandon their dangerous behavior and become constructive regional actors; that strengthens our relationships with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, other Arab states, with Turkey, and with our partners in the Gulf to involve them in securing a lasting peace in the region.

As intractable as the Middle East’s problems may seem – and many Presidents, including my husband, have spent years trying to help work out a resolution – we cannot give up on peace. The President-Elect and I understand and are deeply sympathetic to Israel’s desire to defend itself under the current conditions, and to be free of shelling by Hamas rockets.

However, we have also been reminded of the tragic humanitarian costs of conflict in the Middle East, and pained by the suffering of Palestinian and Israeli civilians. This must only increase our determination to seek a just and lasting peace agreement that brings real security to Israel; normal and positive relations with its neighbors; and independence, economic progress, and security to the Palestinians in their own state.

We will exert every effort to support the work of Israelis and Palestinianswho seek that result. It is critical not only to the parties involved but to our profound interests in undermining the forces of alienation and violent extremism across our world.

Terrorism remains a serious threat and we must have a comprehensive strategy, leveraging intelligence, diplomacy, and military assets to defeat al- Qaeda and like-minded terrorists by rooting out their networks and drying up support for their violent and nihilistic extremism. The gravest threat that America faces is the danger that weapons of mass destruction will fall into the hands of terrorists. To ensure our future security, we must curb the biological, chemical, or cyber – while we take the lead in working with others to reduce current nuclear stockpiles and prevent the development and use of dangerous new weaponry.

Therefore, while defending against the threat of terrorism, we will also seize the parallel opportunity to get America back in the business of engaging other nations to reduce stockpiles of nuclear weapons. We will work with Russia to secure their agreement to extend essential monitoring and verification provisions of the START Treaty before it expires in December 2009, and we will work toward agreements for further reductions in nuclear weapons. We will also work with Russia to take U.S. and Russian missiles off hair-trigger alert, act with urgency to prevent proliferation in North Korea and Iran, secure loose nuclear weapons and materials, and shut down the market for selling them – as Senator Lugar has done for so many years. The Non Proliferation Treaty is the cornerstone of the nonproliferation regime, and the United States must exercise the leadership needed to shore up the regime. So, we will work with this committee and the Senate toward ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and reviving negotiations on a verifiable Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty.

Today’s security threats cannot be addressed in isolation. Smart power requires reaching out to both friends and adversaries, to bolster old alliances and to forge new ones.

That means strengthening the alliances that have stood the test of time- especially with our NATO partners and our allies in Asia. Our alliance with Japan is a cornerstone of American policy in Asia, essential to maintaining peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region, and based on shared values and mutual interests. We also have crucial economic and security partnerships with South Korea, Australia, and other friends in ASEAN. We will build on our economic and political partnership with India, the world’s most populous democracy and a nation with growing influence in the world.

Our traditional relationships of confidence and trust with Europe will be deepened. Disagreements are inevitable, even among the closest friends, but on most global issues we have no more trusted allies. The new administration will have a chance to reach out across the Atlantic to leaders in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and others across the continent, including the new democracies. When America and Europe work together, global objectives are well within our means.

President-Elect Obama and I seek a future of cooperative engagement with the Russian government on matters of strategic importance, while standing up strongly for American values and international norms. China is a critically important actor in a changing global landscape. We want a positive and cooperative relationship with China, one where we deepen and strengthen our ties on a number of issues, and candidly address differences where they persist.

But this a not one-way effort – much of what we will do depends on the choices China makes about its future at home and abroad. With both Russia and China, we should work together on vital security and economic issues like terrorism, proliferation, climate change, and reforming financial markets.

The world is now in the cross currents of the most severe global economic contraction since the Great Depression. The history of that crisis teaches us the consequences of diplomatic failures and uncoordinated reactions. Yet history alone is an insufficient guide; the world has changed too much. We have already seen that this crisis extends beyond the housing and banking sectors, and our solutions will have to be as wide in scope as the causes themselves, taking into account the complexities of the global economy, the geopolitics involved, and the likelihood of continued political and economic repercussions from the damage already done.

But here again, as we work to repair the damage, we can find new ways of working together. For too long, we have merely talked about the need to engage emerging powers in global economic governance; the time to take action is upon us. The recent G-20 meeting was a first step, but developing patterns of sustained engagement will take hard work and careful negotiation. We know that emerging markets like China, India, Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia are feeling the effects of the current crisis. We all stand to benefit in both the short and long term if they are part of the solution, and become partners in maintaining global economic stability.

In our efforts to return to economic growth here in the United States, we have an especially critical need to work more closely with Canada, our largest trading partner, and Mexico, our third largest. Canada and Mexico are also our biggest suppliers of imported energy. More broadly, we must build a deeper partnership with Mexico to address the shared danger arising from drug-trafficking and the challenges of our border, an effort begun this week with a meeting between President-elect Obama and President Calderon.

Throughout our hemisphere we have opportunities to enhance cooperation to meet common economic, security and environmental objectives that affect us all. We will return to a policy of vigorous engagement throughout Latin America, seeking deeper understanding and broader engagement with nations from the Caribbean to Central to South America. Not only do we share common political, economic and strategic interests with our friends to the south, our relationship is also enhanced by many shared ancestral and cultural legacies. We are looking forward to working on many issues during the Summit of the Americas in April and taking up the President-Elect’s call for a new energy partnership of the Americas built around shared technology and new investments in renewable energy.

In Africa, the foreign policy objectives of the Obama administration are rooted in security, political, economic, and humanitarian interests, including: combating al Qaeda’s efforts to seek safe havens in failed states in the Horn of Africa; helping African nations to conserve their natural resources and reap fair benefits from them; stopping war in Congo; ending autocracy in Zimbabwe and human devastation in Darfur; supporting African democracies like South Africa and Ghana–which just had its second change of power in democratic elections; and working aggressively to reach the Millennium Development Goals in health, education, and economic opportunity.

Many significant problems we face challenge not just the United States, but all nations and peoples. You, Mr. Chairman, were among the first, in a growing chorus from both parties, to recognize that climate change is an unambiguous security threat. At the extreme it threatens our very existence, but well before that point, it could very well incite new wars of an old kind-over basic resources like food, water, and arable land. The world is in need of an urgent, coordinated response to climate change and, as President- Elect Obama has said, America must be a leader in developing and implementing it. We can lead abroad through participation in international efforts like the upcoming UN Copenhagen Climate Conference and a Global Energy Forum. We can lead at home by pursuing an energy policy that reduces our carbon emissions while reducing our dependence on foreign oil and gas-which will benefit the fight against climate change and enhance our economy and security.

The great statesman and general George Marshall noted that our gravest enemies are often not nations or doctrines, but “hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.” To create more friends and fewer enemies, we can’t just win wars. We must find common ground and common purpose with other peoples and nations so that together we can overcome hatred, violence, lawlessness, and despair.

The Obama administration recognizes that, even when we cannot fully agree with some governments, we share a bond of humanity with their people. By investing in that common humanity we advance our common security because we pave the way for a more peaceful, prosperous world.

Mr. Chairman, you were one of the first to underscore the importance of our involvement in the global AIDS fight. And you have worked very hard on this issue for many years. Now, thanks to a variety of efforts-including President Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief as well as the work of NGOs and foundations-the United States enjoys widespread support in public opinion polls in many African countries. This is true even among Muslim populations in Tanzania and Kenya, where America is seen as a leader in the fight against AIDS, malaria, and TB.

We have an opportunity to build on this success by partnering with NGOs to help expand the infrastructure of health clinics in Africa so that more people can have access to life-saving drugs, fewer mothers transmit HIV to their children, and fewer lives are lost.

And we can generate even more goodwill through other kinds of social investment, by working effectively with international organizations and NGO partners to build schools and train teachers, and by ensuring that children are free from hunger and exploitation so that they can attend those schools and pursue their dreams for the future. This is why the President- Elect supports a Global Education Fund to bolster secular education around the world.

I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of a “bottom-up” approach to ensuring that America remains a positive force in the world. The President-elect and I believe in this strongly. Investing in our common humanity through social development is not marginal to our foreign policy but integral to accomplishing our goals.

Today more than two billion people worldwide live on less than $2 a day. They are facing rising food prices and widespread hunger. Calls for expanding civil and political rights in countries plagued by mass hunger and disease will fall on deaf ears unless democracy actually delivers material benefits that improve people’s lives while weeding out the corruption that too often stands in the way of progress.

Our foreign policy must reflect our deep commitment to the cause of making human rights a reality for millions of oppressed people around the world. Of particular concern to me is the plight of women and girls, who comprise the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unschooled, unfed, and unpaid. If half of the world’s population remains vulnerable to economic, political, legal, and social marginalization, our hope of advancing democracy and prosperity will remain in serious jeopardy. We still have a long way to go and the United States must remain an unambiguous and unequivocal voice in support of women’s rights in every country, every region, on every continent.

As a personal aside, I want to mention that President-elect Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, was a pioneer in microfinance in Indonesia. In my own work on microfinance around the world – from Bangladesh to Chile to Vietnam to South Africa and many other countries — I’ve seen firsthand how small loans given to poor women to start small businesses can raise standards of living and transform local economies. President-elect Obama’s mother had planned to attend a microfinance forum at the Beijing women’s conference in 1995 that I participated in. Unfortunately, she was very ill and couldn’t travel and sadly passed away a few months later. But I think it’s fair to say that her work in international development, the care and concern she showed for women and for poor people around the world, mattered greatly to her son, and certainly has informed his views and his vision. We will be honored to carry on Ann Dunham’s work in the months and years ahead.

I’ve discussed a few of our top priorities and I know we’ll address many more in the question-and-answer session. But I suspect that even this brief overview offers a glimpse of the daunting, and crucial, challenges we face, as well as the opportunities before us. President-elect Obama and I pledge to work closely with this Committee and the Congress to forge a bipartisan,
integrated, results-oriented sustainable foreign policy that will restore American leadership to confront these challenges, serve our interests, and advance our values.

Ensuring that our State Department is functioning at its best will be absolutely essential to America’s success. This is a top priority of mine, of my colleagues’ on the national security team, and of the President-elect’s. He believes strongly that we need to invest in our civilian capacity to conduct vigorous American diplomacy, provide the kind of foreign assistance I’ve mentioned, reach out to the world, and operate effectively alongside our military.

I realize that the entire State Department bureaucracy in Thomas Jefferson’s day consisted of a chief clerk, three regular clerks, and a messenger – and his entire budget was $56,000 a year. But over the past 219 years the world, and the times, have certainly changed. Now the department consists of foreign service officers, the civil service, and locally engaged staff working at Foggy Bottom, in offices across our country, and at some 260 posts around the world. And today, USAID carries out a critical development mission that is essential to representing our values across the globe.

These public servants are too often unsung heroes. They are in the trenches putting our policies and values to work in an increasingly complicated and dangerous world. Many risk their lives, and some lose their lives, in service to our nation. And they need and deserve the resources, training, and support to succeed.

I know this committee, and I hope the American public, understand that right now foreign service officers, civil service professionals, and development experts are doing work essential to our nation’s strength – whether helping American businesses make inroads in new markets; being on the other end of the phone at a United States embassy when an American citizen needs help beyond our shores; doing the delicate work of diplomacy and development with foreign governments that leads to arms control and trade agreements, peace treaties and post-conflict reconstruction, greater human rights and empowerment, broader cultural understanding and stronger alliances.

The State Department is a large, multi-dimensional organization. But it is not a placid or idle bureaucracy, as some would like to paint it. It is an outpost for American values that protects our citizens and safeguards our democratic institutions in times both turbulent and tame. State Department employees also offer a lifeline of hope and help – often the only lifeline – for people in foreign lands who are oppressed, silenced, and marginalized.

Whether they are an economic officer in a large embassy, or an aid worker in the field, or a clerk in a distant consulate or a country officer working late in Washington, they do their work so that we may all live in peace and security. We must not shortchange them, or ourselves, by denying them the resources they need.

One of my first priorities is to make sure that the State Department and USAID have the resources they need, and I will be back to make the case to Congress for full funding of the President’s budget request. At the same time, I will work just as hard to make sure that we manage those resources prudently so that we fulfill our mission efficiently and effectively.

In concluding, I hope you will indulge me one final observation. Like most Americans, I never had the chance to travel widely outside our country as a child or young adult. Most of my early professional career was as a lawyer and advocate for children and who found themselves on society’s margins here at home. But during the eight years of my husband’s presidency, and then in my eight years as a Senator, I have been privileged to travel on behalf of the United States to more than 80 countries.

I’ve had the opportunity to get to know many world leaders. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee I’ve spent time with our military commanders, as well as our brave troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I have immersed myself in an array of military issues. I’ve spent many hours with American and non-American aid workers, businessmen and women, religious leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, students, volunteers and others who have made it their mission to help people across the world. I have also learned invaluable lessons from countless ordinary citizens in foreign capitals, small towns, and rural villages whose lives offered a glimpse into a world far removed from what many of us experience on a daily basis here in America.

In recent years, as other nations have risen to compete for military, economic, and political influence, some have argued that we have reached the end of the “American moment” in world history. I disagree. Yes, the conventional paradigms have shifted. But America’s success has never been solely a function of our power; it has always been inspired by our values.

With so many troubles here at home and across the world, millions of peopleare still trying to come to our country — legally and illegally. Why? Because we are guided by unchanging truths: that all people are created equal; that each person has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And in these truths we will find, as we have for more than two centuries, the courage, the discipline, and the creativity to meet the challenges of this everchanging world.

I am humbled to be a public servant, and honored by the responsibility placed on me by our President-Elect, who embodies the American Dream not only here at home but far beyond our shores.

No matter how daunting our challenges may be, I have a steadfast faith in our country and our people, and I am proud to be an American at the dawning of this new American moment.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, for granting me your time and attention today. I know there is a lot more territory to cover and I’d be delighted to answer your questions.

(from CBS)

126 Responses

  1. That’s wonderful (but no less then expected) Too bad all the news will report on is the Foundation.

  2. I’m sitting here on a cold day in January, dressed in my bathrobe, fighting back tears. This woman should have been president, no question about it. Every time she says, “The president-elect and I believe…”, I know damned well Hillary’s the whole equation – keen intelligence, honor, hard work, know how, and duty. The president-elect doesn’t begin to factor into it. Here’s hoping Hillary gets full credit for her accomplishments as SOS, because they will be hers and hers alone.

  3. You’re right Angie – I was listening to NPR- the reporting talking about the hearing was really snarky- at some times downright nasty in his comments about Hill. what is wrong with the see young guys?

  4. It’s the media- Who cares what they say?

    These are the same folks that create drama on a daily basis for ratings. They just do not matter.

  5. this goof ball who was doing the reporting even said “President-elect Obama gave Sen. Clinton real positive support by shifting to all of her stances during the campaign” – Huh??? 😯

  6. Last year, I gave up on NPR after many years of being a faithful listener. No more pledge $ from me, not after their hatchet job on Hillary, and their near complete inability to avoid unquestioning worship of The One. Yah, I know I sound bitter. Guess I still am.

  7. Bravissimo!

  8. Joanelle

    So the new way to say lying through your teeth during a primary is “shifting”- good to know.

  9. Do you think the term “smart power” is an Obama/Axelrod creation or a Hillster contribution?

  10. I mentioned during the hearings that Sen Nelson from Florida had the boring diary but it was Senator Graham from Florida with the detailed 8:00-had- breakfast diary.

  11. I will start Live Blog III when they resume at 2pm EST

  12. CWaltz — I don’t care what the news says either but they are the biggest reason that Hillary did not get the nomination & they are the ones who brought us the Obama White House.

  13. This is what a world leader sounds like. Can you imagine the calming effect on global markets if Hillary was about to be inaugurated? Not to insult the younger posters, but there is wisdom and compassion that comes with age, as well as the knowledge that you don’t have the answers for everything. What a remarkable woman.

  14. Grayslady – Amen

  15. Kat5 — I agree wholeheartedly about NPR — I had already made a monthly pledge when the Hillary bashing started on there, so I called up to cancel it — the person I spoke to on the phone had the nwerve to talk to me about how I made a commitment — I told her that NPR had a commitment to report unbiased news. H#ll with them — the classical music channel makes the commute even better.

  16. MSNBC had this statement from Hillary on their screen:

    “American leadership has been wanting, but it is still wanted.”

  17. No, CWaltz — “shifting” = “what Hillary said (because I’m too lazy & unprepared to do my homework — ooh, look at that mirror!)”

  18. Hillary has been brilliant. No surprise.

    I feel so comforted that she will be SOS. She will be in a position to do great things for our country and for the world. I am so proud of all of the support we gave her throughout the primary season. She would not be SOS had it not been for her enormous support and number of votes in the primary. Yes, she should be president, but I honestly think she will be in 2012. She is worth waiting for.

    We’ll continue to be called bitter, deadenders, and all of the other vile names we’ve been called, but we deserve some credit for the fact that she will be SOS. The world will be a much safer, better place because of her service.

  19. okay, I just got on! Update me on what’s happening!

  20. Grays: That’s no insult to me. I know how wise and amazing she is. I still marvel that. With time, others will as well. What was this country (Party) thinking in failing to honor such a woman?

  21. I just read some of it, but I thought: This is an inauguration speech.

    She WILL be the foreign president. RD was right on.

    She is so gracious, but this part was laughable:

    The President-Elect and I believe that foreign policy must be based on a marriage of principles and pragmatism, not rigid ideology. On facts and evidence, not emotion or prejudice.

    Oh, how did she keep a straight face? Obots know no facts, show no evidence and make all their decisions on what is the kewlest fad of the moment.

    Don’t worry, Hillary, we know what you REALLY meant.


  22. I too stopped donating to them and wrote to their management telling them I can get opinion from my friends – I expected reporting of facts from them.

    They got me today because I heard Hill’s voice as I was flipping around trying to find her – I’ve got to reset my car radio buttons.

  23. Moderation? For what?

  24. Donna Brazile said it: “It wasn’t her time.”

    Apparently it wasn’t up to the voters to decide whose time it was. The DNC had its mind made up.

  25. janicen – if you type the letters “h” then “r” then “c” together, Spammy will eat your comment.

    It happened to me twice until Myiq explained it to me.

  26. We were SO robbed of a GREAT President. It still pisses me off.

    Now we’re stuck with an unqualified, inexperienced, and corrupt Ahole. Hillary is SO MUCH smarter, so much more prepared and so much more CAPABLE than that freakin’ JERK.

    I was so sad listening to her and her brilliance and knowing what the DC elites did to stop her from her nomination….that she F**king won. Here I am, pissed all over again!

  27. This is what a world leader sounds like. Can you imagine the calming effect on global markets if Hillary was about to be inaugurated? Not to insult the younger posters, but there is wisdom and compassion that comes with age, as well as the knowledge that you don’t have the answers for everything. What a remarkable woman.

    *is young person*
    I have been raised by adolescants posing as adults, so I wouldn’t know. But i agree about Hillary. She really cares about young people and isn’t condescending towards them, like Obie…
    You know, I sometimes think that the Preznit Elects most devoted followers are in an abusive relationship with him. I personally am sick of adults like him. I all ready have irrisponsible, full of themselves men in my life in spades. I certainly dont want to have to vote for one of them as my President…

  28. madamab, I didn’t do that! Oh well, it must have been something.

  29. He wasn’t lazy during the primaries angie. The zeal with which he created the media impression that Bill Clinton was a racist or that universal health care meant forcing poor people to choose betwwen health care and rent or that being a first lady meant hosting tea parties was unmatched. I hold the media accountable for what was done but it couldn’t have been done without Obama allowing it and the masses love for all things American Idol.

  30. Regency, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:12 pm Said:

    Grays: That’s no insult to me. I know how wise and amazing she is. I still marvel that. With time, others will as well. What was this country (Party) thinking in failing to honor such a woman?

    So true. And Chelsea is crazy lucky. btw, Donna is full of sh*t….

  31. Vickie – How can we not be pissed and sad? Come on. Every day since the inauguration Obama has proved how little he cares for anything except re-election.

    We could have had so much better than that – every time she opens her mouth, we realize it all over again.


  32. “they are the ones who bought us the Obama White House.”

    I fixed your statement Angie….

  33. Hillary has beauty of mind. It’s like the difference between having a night of kicking the sheets and a night filled with lucid dreams.

  34. LI: Yeah, well you don’t see Donna getting a Cabinet position.

    I’m so not over it.

  35. Owen – (laughing, crying)

  36. The only things he cares about are campaigning and working out. Just like Bush.

  37. Wow..Hillary’s opening statement sounds just the way Caroline would sound. Right?

  38. Owen

    Sounds about right. A bunch of bloviating prima donnas paid off by the telecoms were the people who decided this election cycle. Hillary actually got more votes.

  39. I’m hoping that Obama won’t last out his full term due to the scandals from Chicago.

    Biden will take over and appoint Hillary as his VP. Then, he will make way for her run in 2012.

    (happy dance)

  40. Donnais to busy rewriting what the word feminist is to work in a cabinet position.

  41. Betty – Well, you know, I think that Caroline, you know, and Hillary, you know, are, you know, totally the, you know, same in experience, you know, and qualifications.

    You know?

  42. madamab, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:21 pm Said:

    I’m hoping that Obama won’t last out his full term due to the scandals from Chicago.

    Biden will take over and appoint Hillary as his VP. Then, he will make way for her run in 2012.

    (happy dance)

    Ah, Madamab, this scenario is music to my ears….

  43. I’m in moderation. *dances around tr0lls in exile*

  44. Donna makes me ill….

  45. Having Hillary as SOS is the best thing to come out of this god awful election year . We need Hill, however we get her.

  46. Yeah, BO burned in effigy in Tehran at a demonstration supporting Gaza outside the Swiss EMbassy.

    Fun. That the Obama Doctrine at work.

  47. Please madama, PLEASE let that be a true prophecy!!!

  48. “We will lead with diplomacy because it’s the smart approach.”

    What a breath of fresh air. At last, smart government again in my lifetime – At least a part of it when she is confirmed. Think of it, a professionally run State Department and international affairs handled with the highest level of expertise without stinking cronyism.

    Obots, you spit your idiot venom on Hillary, you’ll be going against your messiah. Back under the bus with you.

  49. Vickie, watching Hillary, I feel a lot of sadness and anger, too, intertwined with admiration and awe. What the DNC and media did to her is unforgiveable.

    What else gets me is the vast discrepancy between the questions Hillary is being asked and those that Obama was (and continues to be) asked about their foreign policy positions. He would be simply incapable of providing coherent, meaningful answers. As Riverdaughter has observed many times, the bar is lowered for Obama and raised for Hillary.

    Hillary outshines Obama even when they aren’t next to each other.

  50. someone get Regency out of moderation!

  51. I was wrong.

    I didn’t think I could be any more impressed, but I was wrong. If I didn’t still have a son in college and one in high school, I’d work for her for nothing but the opportunity to work for her.

    On second thought, they’re both 18 and can fend for themselves.

  52. madamab, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:21 pm Said:
    I’m hoping that Obama won’t last out his full term due to the scandals from Chicago.

    Biden will take over and appoint Hillary as his VP. Then, he will make way for her run in 2012.

    (happy dance)
    madamab: I love your comments today — this one and what you said on an earlier thread about Hillary being the foreign president.

  53. As Riverdaughter has observed many times, the bar is lowered for Obama and raised for Hillary.

    It has often stunned me. The Washington Elite hate her so much it is breathtaking.
    I mean, just read some CDS book by some random jack$ss NYT reporter and you’d think Hillary is plotting the apocolypse and a lesbian world government commune while she takes a dump.

  54. mlhath – LOL!

    Seriously though – your kids would understand! 🙂

    I’ll bet there are 100,000 applications for those 4000 positions at State. And I’ll be Jon “Groper” Favreau won’t be getting one.

  55. Hillary sounds just like herself – brilliant, wonky, and diplomatic. How I’ve missed hearing that voice of reason; forget Bill, Obama, the Dems, just screw them. She stands on her own. She is the one bright spot in the Obama admin, and I hope he stays the hell out of her way.

    Ditto here on NPR. We had done donations to them for many years, and had been giving the monthly donation for quite a few years. We stopped that during the primary. They are worthless as a news source, and infuriating as a source of propaganda – they sound like SNL satire.

  56. Exactly, madamab, your prophetic comments have been amazing today.

    Elizabeth Joyce gives Obama three years in office, tops…

  57. *snuggles Wonky Hillary with loving affection*

  58. Any idea how long the afternoon session will be?

    (The 16-part questions are just more than I can stand.)

  59. thanks, jules!

    Just the idea of Hillary getting the spotlight, honor, respect and power she deserves makes me happy, and puts me in an optimistic mood.

    I mean, some of our allies already expressed their disdain for Obama. Clearly she will be the foreign president who restores America’s good name in the world.

    Obama will begin his run for re-election the moment he’s inaugurated, and will have to be forced to focus on anything else. Still wondering who the domestic president will really be. Biden? Daschle? Whoever, it won’t be Obama.

  60. Do you notice how skillfully the Hillster is building the foundations of her SOS leadership—her outreach to congress, to state department employees, to allies around the world—the brain is amazing not just for what she knows but how she employs that knowledge to pursue purpose.
    I suppose that the people who are in love with Obama have these moments of enchantment about him and I catch myself about becoming a Hillary groupie blinded by adoration but she is amazing to me. Yes. She is going to be America’s foreign affairs president. Works for me.

  61. LI: Share! The rest of the world is gonna wish they could hug her over the next four years. She is the only thing standing between them and dis-ass-ter.

  62. Joanelle said: “this goof ball who was doing the reporting even said “President-elect Obama gave Sen. Clinton real positive support by shifting to all of her stances during the campaign” ”

    Oh, no, NPR did NOT say that, did they? OMG!!!!! MSM really believes that no one pays attention to what really happens!!!! We all know that Pampers had absolutely NO “stance” or position on ANYTHING until he started ripping Hillary off and parroting her talking points. WTF?
    I seriously feel like I’m being gaslighted.

  63. lesbian world government commune? hmmm.
    sounds interesting. I refuse to eat the 5 bean, bulgar, brown rice and spinach mush cooked in garbage sized buckets, however. been there… done that.

  64. All I can say is f*ck those Obots who felt they just had to elect that empty suit. F*ck them, f*ck them, f*ck them!!!!

  65. Speaking of satire, when Hillary reads crap like the Lincoln-esque inauguration, with the menu of 1861 foods, don’t you suspect she runs in the bathroom & laughs her a** off. Honestly, the thing sounds like a toddler tea party where everyone dresses up like Lincoln.

    It’s easy to see why the media keep comparing him to Jesus, FDR, JFK, Truman, Lincoln, Reagan, Moses, the Lightkeeper, anyone – thanks to them, we have no idea who he is. And the media don’t know either.

  66. Jangles: I’ve pretty much surrendered to the groupie-dom. Hey, there are worst thing that being a supporter of someone who actually deserves it.

  67. Just be thankful he is not channeling a Dora the Explorer Party.

  68. StaunchWoman — just saw that movie this weekend. I’m so happy that I got an obscure reference! Yay me!

  69. Obama began running for re-election on Nov. 5, 2008

  70. Regency, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:33 pm Said:

    LI: Share! The rest of the world is gonna wish they could hug her over the next four years. She is the only thing standing between them and dis-ass-ter.

    Mmmmmm… she smells good today, Reg. Her perfume is mm mm… and she is using professional shampoo that smells like heavun and blossums and several different types of yummy candy.

    She says she is canceling her “date” with you tonight for more diplomatic, wonky snuggling with me and Little Big Dawg.

    Oh, i know what you mean, Jangles. i adore Hillary so, and have ever since being a teeny bopper tween. I haf loved her in this way. But unlike an obot, I love her also for her adorable imperfections (like her horrendous singing, for example)

    *snuggles wonky Hill*

  71. This woman will dominate the history books in years to come. Pampers will be an asterisk alongside Barry Bonds.

    *1st AA president.

  72. Just listening to her brought tears to my eyes. No umms, no aaahs, just brilliance. It makes me happy to know she hasn’t been put out to pasture by the DNC and angry that she is where she rightfully belongs.

    Back to work for me!!

  73. Of course, the media are already working on the Obama Legacy. Is reelection necessary for a Legacy, or are 2 terms simply too much work for a god and legend? I think one week should just about shore him up “for the ages” at least for the media.

  74. angelasmith, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:34 pm Said:

    lesbian world government commune? hmmm.
    sounds interesting. I refuse to eat the 5 bean, bulgar, brown rice and spinach mush cooked in garbage sized buckets, however. been there… done that.

    so true! I mean, just think. Even the evil Hillary that exists in the edipus complex, gas bagged minds of the elite is super kewl!

    Regency is so right. Hillary is deservant of groupie fandom. Obie’s media worship is just pathetic. Hillary is groupyized by rebels simply because she is rebel, albeit a rebel who is a really classy lady. (which is why rich white media types hate her so. They feels so inferior to her Pantsuityness!)

  75. “I’m hoping that Obama won’t last out his full term due to the scandals from Chicago.

    Biden will take over and appoint Hillary as his VP. Then, he will make way for her run in 2012. ”

    Madamab! From your lips to God’s ears! Even better, he’s gone in two, and she can serve for 10!

  76. madamab: Very interesting idea about the domestic president. Obama could just be the “face” of the presidency, like a model for a beauty campaign. I sure as hell hope so, because I have no faith in his ability to be an effective leader. If Biden is behind the scenes, tagteaming with Hillary, we might have a chance.

    Little Isis: You are so right about CDS. Those so-called Elites are blinded by their irrational hatred, which is probably fueled by insecurity.

    (Sorry for the slow responses. My fingers are so cold I can barely type.)

  77. Pat Johnson, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:38 pm Said:

    This woman will dominate the history books in years to come. Pampers will be an asterisk alongside Barry Bonds.

    *1st AA president.

    Count on it PatJ. It is prophecy, and make it so!

  78. It’s Hill’s own huge abilities The Washington Elite cannot bare… it’s exactly because she’s so much better than them that they hate her guts. They love playing Kingmaker and raise nothings like Bush , Barry , Caroline etc., who they can then secretly look down on, …. rather than someone so obviously superior to them . Sadly , we do not live in a meritocracy .

    On top of this , Hill wants to give the average person a chance….and horrors! Health care! Both reasons are more than enough to earn Hill TWE ‘s undying hatred. She and Bill makes it rough on thier egos…and there is no greater sin in thier eyes . She’s at SOS cause as the bible says ” A prophet has no honor in thier country ” .

  79. You can tell a real team player—see the Hillster’s support/respect for Gates? Imagine a State Dept. and Defense Dept. that not only worked together but valued each other. Imagine an expansion of State Dept. budgets so that the nation building, people to people type programs that build respect and appreciation from the ground up can be energized and multiplied across the world? Imagine those many HOS around the world when the energizer bunny Pres. USA A-broad (pun intended) is set loose. The HOS will be whirling, twirling and begging to get her on their dance ticket.

  80. So true Jules. Like Chris Matthews, who burns inside because Hillary will not go within ten feet of his microscopic big boy.

  81. parentofed, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:40 pm

    I think you have access to internal memos! lol!

  82. I just took those problem initials out of the moderation filter. I hope that solves the problems people have been having.

  83. parentofed: Dress-up tea party! LOL!

    Maybe we should fill a trunk up with costumes and send it to Obama. We could put in a Lincoln beard, a halo, and a vintage JFK suit (plus some pearls for Michelle.)

  84. On top of this , Hill wants to give the average person a chance….and horrors! Health care!

    That is what they hate the most. The fact that she actually cares….

  85. Regency, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    They was another one last week at Noquarter with the president of Egypt and bullets in their heads. Wasn’t it John Kerry that said the people in the Middle East will love Obama because he is black.

  86. John Kerry said that is why Obama needed to be president. I really think he believed there would be World peace if Obama won.

  87. littleisis: Thanks but no thanks for the mental image of “little Tweety.”

  88. DT: If he ever shows them actual compassion in return, they just might. He hasn’t shown either compassion or competence yet.

  89. Yeah, well….
    what did John Kerry get for his support of The One?
    Yup. Nothing.
    Karma’s a b*tch

  90. meanwhile, yet another misguided Obama…

    Democratic sources told FOX News that the $3,000-per-job credit — a key component of Obama’s economic proposal during the presidential campaign — will not be part of the stimulus plan.

    The IRS has told previous Congresses that the idea could not be drafted into law because it would be impossible to know which jobs were saved and which were created. It would therefore be difficult to determine which companies should receive the $3,000-per-job credit, according to the IRS.


    There was any doubt in my mind that HIllary would do fine on hill this day. She does believe in the work ethic.
    She backs up her statements as she did during the primaries, good lord they seem ages ago…

    ON that note, i was in a chatroom with some other musicians during Swannie’s goddes radio show saturday, and this gent tried to tell me that a trillion dollars was 100 billion, I said, to him, you are mistaken
    When I was teaching I was asked to take a 6th grade math class. Simple huh? not when the words should roll off your tongue while teaching. My expertise was in reading. So, needless to say, I had to studay and relearn math that had long since left my priorities in the teaching field. But, I learned more from that experience than so many and eventually got a summer job teaching in an Academically Gifted math class at a public school where the parents had money coming out their yang yang’s. My assignment to the 6th graders that summer was to spend 1 million dollars using the local newspapers and a couple of the small papers that are primarily for people selling items and buying items…much like craig’s list today online.
    My mother became ill with a brain tumor during that summer of 1988, so after only 3 short weeks i was forced to stop the job which only lasted 6 weeks to share in taking care of her at the hospital. When I left, the rules were no more than 2 houses and 3 cars and boats. To my knowledge, none of the students had spent the million.
    My lesson to the man in the chatroom was simple, you add three zeroes when you go from a million, to a billion, to a trillion representing a 1,000. Well, when he finally realized he was wrong he said his medications were keeping him from thinking straight. Do you think Obama’s medications are keeping him from thinking straight. Probably when all is said and done, the best thing he will have ever done will be to Hillary Clinton as his SOS, we shall see.

  91. They are going to show Obama’s inauguration in the movie theaters next week. For God’s sake, will he be following me into the bathroom too? Jeebus!!!!!!!!!!!!

  92. Lordy! Remember when John Kerry was gonna be SOS???

    Thank God for Hillary

  93. Regency, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:51 pm Said:

    DT: If he ever shows them actual compassion in return, they just might. He hasn’t shown either compassion or competence yet.

    And he never will

  94. if Hillary wants to plot a lesbian world government commune, I am SO there. Where do I sign up?
    but yeah, I agree with angelasmith — i’m over the tofu and beans.

  95. They should reconvene in about five minutes.

  96. Pat Johnson, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:53 pm Said:

    They are going to show Obama’s inauguration in the movie theaters next week. For God’s sake, will he be following me into the bathroom too? Jeebus!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is really creepy how he is everywhere. It’s all ready like state TV. he saturates all forms of media until you cannot escape him.

  97. Hillary is my Hero….and if everyone here is real nice then I may let you all borrow her every once and a while!

    THis Lady has Class!

    well back to work

  98. SW: We can carpool!

  99. Sorry Fuzzy, she is too busy with me. I have all ready explained as much to Regency

  100. Fuzzy: You’ll have to get her away from me first.

  101. Hillary will take oath on 21st or 22nd.

    Here is the likely scane. She will take oath at WH, have tea or coffee w/ O and then drive down to State Dept. State Dept employees will stand outside to welcome her.

    Shall we also plan a big support demonstration/rally at State Dept on that day?

  102. gotta go for a bit to pick up my kitty from teh vets…

  103. staunchwoman I am there with you

  104. parentofed – you ar so right – NPR did sound just like SNL – good grief Jules why are your fingers so cold?

  105. never mind, I cannot get my kitty until three thirty. she was crying today because she knew she was getting fixed….

  106. ecoast: Do it! If I could be there, I would be but I’ll be there in spirit.

    And now I shall nap…again.

  107. ecoast, on January 13th, 2009 at 1:59 pm Said:
    Hillary will take oath on 21st or 22nd.

    Here is the likely scane. She will take oath at WH, have tea or coffee w/ O and then drive down to State Dept. State Dept employees will stand outside to welcome her.

    Shall we also plan a big support demonstration/rally at State Dept on that day

    Great idea .

  108. Oh and like everyone else , I MISS this woman’s voice and presence when she’s not on on the scene. Glad she’s back!

  109. Ecoast: Ya’ll should have a banner that says “Finally, leadership we can believe in.”

  110. LI:

    Your kitty was broken?

  111. New Live Blog thread up, waiting for the hearing to resume

  112. This is OT

    Student auctions off virginity for offers of more than £2.5 million

    Natalie Dylan, 22, is auctioning off her virginity to fund her master’s degree Photo: BARCROFT MEDIA

    Natalie Dylan, 22, claims her offer of a one-night stand has persuaded 10,000 men to bid for sex with her.

    Last September, when her auction came to light, she had received bids up to £162,000 ($243,000) but since then interest in her has rocketed.

    “My study is completely authentic in that I truly am auctioning my virginity but I am not being sold into this. I’m not being taken advantage of in any way.


  113. “Still wondering who the domestic president will really be”

    Isn’t it obvious? HIllary will be the Foreign AND Domestic President.

    Pampers will be too focused on his campaign for President of Earth that he will begin running for in 2010….

  114. Well, you go, Natalie.

    Don’t know what else to say.

  115. He isn’t running for Pope next?

  116. Hillary is definitly not the domestic president. Obama’s new policies are going to be republican inspired.

  117. Regency:

    Why Pope? That’s a step down from messiah.

  118. He gets a cool hat and a stick with Holy Water in it. What’s not to like? Oh and a golden city. You know how Barack like his shiny stuff.

  119. Joanelle: Well, I finally turned up the heat so I’m thawing now! I’ve lived in New England all my life so should be used to the cold, but now and again it gets to me.

  120. […] [h/t to myiq at The Confluence] […]

  121. jules: Thank goodness. It is expect to hit zero by the end of the week. Ouch!

  122. This woman should be Madame President, not that empty suit, he’s more worried about his “party” than anything else. I still for some reason believe that he is hiding the fact that he is not a US citizen or something. He is so dishonest. Why hasn’t his donor list been made available, we all know he didn’t raise all that money from the US, please..

  123. Oh, gods. That’s the president we should have had.

    I need a sheet-sized towel to cry into.

  124. OMG! The front page of msn has an article to the effect that Sec Treas nominee Geitner has failed to pay his taxes and may have illegal immigrant household help. If true, that’s one helluva vetting job there, Brownie.

  125. Great stuff. Yes! This is a good read especially as live full coverage is a no- go right now.

    Adding you to my blog roll.

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