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Senator Diane Feinstein says that Roland Burris’ Appointment is Legitimate


Fox News Reports:

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee that soon could take up Burris’ case, said Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has the right to appoint a senator despite the allegations of corruption against him.

“Does the governor have the power, under law, to make the appointment? And the answer is yes,” Feinstein said, urging the Senate to settle the matter. “If you don’t seat Mr. Burris, it has ramifications for gubernatorial appointments all over America. … Mr. Burris is a senior, experienced politician.”

The comments flew in the face of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s assertion that Burris should not be seated in part because the move would be tainted by the Blagojevich scandal. Feinstein’s stance is the latest sign of intra-party tensions over the matter.

Democratic leaders, set to meet with Burris on Wednesday, are searching for a way to defuse the dispute before it further overshadows the 111th Congress. Knowledgeable Senate officials of both parties widely predicted that the saga would end with Burris being seated. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the were not authorized to speak publicly.

Ooops! Maybe it wasn’t such a brilliant move for President-elect Obama to poke Senator Feinstein in the eye by appointing Leon Panetta CIA chief without giving them a heads up.

President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden apologized Tuesday to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, for failing to consult her about appointing Leon Panetta to head the CIA.

Obama and Biden called Feinstein one day after her spokesman said the California senator did not receive a phone call about Panetta from anyone in the Obama camp and learned about the decision to nominate him from news reports. Feinstein’s committee would be in charge of holding Panetta’s confirmation hearing.

“I have been contacted by both President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden, and they have explained to me the reasons why they believe Leon Panetta is the best candidate for CIA director,” she said in a written statement.

“I look forward to speaking with Mr. Panetta about the critical issues facing the intelligence community and his plans to address them,” she added.

Feinstein told Roll Call, a newspaper on Capitol Hill, that Obama and Biden “apologized profusely” for not calling her and that she has no hard feelings.

Yeah, I’ll just bet she has no hard feelings. Uh huh. Just like I’ll bet Senator Feinstein will just looooove listening to JayZ on inauguration eve too.

Jay-Z will play a special concert in Washington, D.C., on January 19, the night before President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration, it was announced Tuesday (January 6).


Billed “In Concert on the Eve of Change,” the “intimate performance” will take place at the 1,847-capacity Warner Theater and will feature Jay performing with his full band.

And Ludakris and his pals are hosting an “urban inaugural ball” in DC on Inauguration night:

Luda and T-Pain bring the inaugural celebration to the streets.
Barack Obama’s inauguration is causing quite the hullaballo in Washington, with highly priced hotel rooms already sold out and a black market for accommodations on the rise. People are willing to sacrifice their first born for a ticket to the event.

Ludacris and Outkast’s Big Boi are getting in on the political action, hosting their own inaugural event. The Urban Ball, part of the American Music Inaugural Balls taking place in D.C, will feature performances by T-Pain, Lil John, Fantasia, and the Cheetah Girls. Somehow we don’t think there was an Urban Ball at Dubya’s inauguration. A Barn Dance, maybe.

145 Responses

  1. I always liked Feinstein — glad to be affirmed. Burris is so obviously a valid appointment — Blago may be a corrupt pol, but (1) he is innocent until proven guilty; (2) he has not been impeached; and (3) hell, he hasn’t even been indicted! Those morons on Capitol Hill are acting like there isn’t even one law degree among them. Plus, the hypocrisy pisses me off — these guys are protesting a tad too much about how “shocked” they are by Blago’s actions for my taste — makes me think they are overly glad that they weren’t caught. Time to stop the faux-outrage, seat Burris and get down to the business of running this country. Are they not aware of what is going on out here?

  2. Angie,

    I agree. I felt sorry for Leo signed Burris. B-zero has to only to wave his magic negro wand and make it all go away. Jesse White is a tool.

  3. Yes, those DEMS are using phony rage to keep Burris out.

    (phony rage– you know like when Pampers called the whole lipstick on a pig outcry-phony rage)

  4. Angie,

    I called my mom a little while ago and read her the words to those JayZ songs you guys posted.

    Obama is getting off the a very rocky start–and he’s not even Prez yet. The whole middle east is furious with him, and now he has offended the Chairmen of the Rules committe and the Intelligence Committe. Not an auspicious start.

  5. afrocity! LMAO!! you are killing me!!

  6. bb — how did your mom take it? My mom would freak out — I figure there are some things she is better off not knowing!! LOL

    The part of the whole appointment of Panetta is how Obama apoligized after doing it — that shows he KNOWS he shouldn’t have made the appointment without consulting Feinstein, but he did it anyway and is now throwing out a fake apology to show what a good guy he is — he takes a dump in the middle of the room, grins & says “my bad” and we are supposed to clean it up with a smile on our face & pretend it didn’t happen.

    Have I mentioned how much I hate that pompous, incompetent empty suit lately?

  7. I thought it was quite timely when Feinstein broke her ankle so she didn’t need to attend the dem convention in August, being the president of the California delegation and all. I strongly suspected that she did not regret for a second that she did not need to compromise her integrity by being part of that illegitimate travesty, not that she intentionally broke her ankle or anything. She has been rather silent of late (along with many others who may still possess some self respect and sanity). I am glad she is beginning to speak. She is not perfect, but she is a workhorse. I remember my dear father used to get a twinkle in his eye when she was first elected “a woman and a Jew, she’ll show ’em”.

  8. Angie,

    She didn’t freak out, because I’ve been warning her about Obama all along. But she was not happy.

    The funny thing to me is that Obama just can’t resist stabbing people in the back. He has the power and wants to let people know. But now he is offending much more powerful people.

  9. I told my mom what Pat said about couples meeting at the Inaugural ball and playing JayZ at their weddings and she thought that was hilarious.

  10. bostonboomer — you’ve got mail!

  11. Sen. Feinstein states the obvious and it’s news. She also sent a shot at Reid…She is chair of the committee that will review Burris’s credentials is Reid continues this farce.

    I looked at the filings sent to the Illinois Supreme Court for the past week. Burris’s atty filed a “writ of mandamus” on 12/31/08 and today filed for the court to accelerate the process. Basically they want the Il court to tell Jesse White to do his damn job and sign the paper.

  12. Lililam,

    Ever since Feinstein arranged that meeting at her house between Hillary and Barack, I’ve started to warm up to her more. I still don’t like her views on torture and spying though.

  13. SOD,

    I can’t stop laughing!


    Jay-Z will play a special concert in Washington, D.C., on January 19


    And that whole thing about the Panetta & Burris appointments makes me really wonder what’s going on behind closed doors in Washington.

  15. Afrocity, “wave his magic Negro wand?” Couldn’t he be arrested for doing that in public? And who would want to see that on the news? Myths and images, ya know?

  16. Cinie — “wand” for Obama? more like tiddly-wink.

  17. BB- I was always lukewarm on Feinstein’s lukewarm liberalism, but I keep an open mind now to that which I previously closed my mind and I put up my defences to those I previously accepted without question, as many of us have learned.

  18. woops, defenses- not enough football in my background, apparently

  19. OK, but this part?

    “Mr. Burris is a senior, experienced politician.”

    Is hilarious. While I realize that Senator Feinstein endorsed Hillary, is she not aware that seniority and experience have no coin in the New Dimocratic Party? (Apologies to our Canadian brothers and sisters…)

  20. Wow, there’s a whole month’s worth of troll droppings in the spam filter.

    I wonder what upset ’em?

  21. i still think the whole bruhaha about burris is that the “new” dems are scared shitless that burris will be the lone senator to object to odrama’s eligibility. i think it’s blago’s plan by picking burris to stick it to odrama and they know it. they’ll try to drag this out as long as they can. god i hope i’m right!!

  22. clean up 11:13.

  23. Is that really you, Harriet?

  24. angie can bush extend his stay in the white house by declaring martial law?

    doesnt sit right with me?

  25. bb — no, this is the guy that has been clogging up the threads all day with the same exact post, over & over again.

  26. Oh please. Why would Burris object to Obama’s eligibility? Are you one of the Wankers too? Who can tell anymore. These are the wimpiest trolls ever.

  27. fuzzy — have you heard he will do that? I mean that is basically what a coup d’etat is, so it is possible, but I really don’t think even Bush would do that!

  28. What about charmed goat? Has he been around before?

  29. bb — I’m suspicious of charmed goat myself.

  30. Did anyone discuss the Pelosi power move today to create a closed door Congress similar to the Closed Door RBC meeting? This is getting stranger by the day. What happened to the ultimate transparent administration? There is a longer post at NoQ by Sonic Ninja Kitty, but this is part of it, referencing Connie Hair.

    Take a look at how Nancy Pelosi wants to change House procedures according to this article, Pelosi Erases Gingrich’s Long-Standing Fairness Rules, by Connie Hair at humanevents.com (emphases mine):

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to re-write House rules today to ensure that the Republican minority is unable to have any influence on legislation. Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect Obama has of bipartisan cooperation will be rendered impossible before he even takes office.

    Pelosi’s rule changes — which may be voted on today — will reverse the fairness rules that were written around Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America”.

    …the way the House did business included opening committee meetings to the public and media, making Congress actually subject to federal law, term limits for committee chairmen ending decades-long committee fiefdoms, truth in budgeting, elimination of the committee proxy vote, authorization of a House audit, specific requirements for blanket rules waivers, and guarantees to the then-Democrat minority party to offer amendments to pieces of legislation

    In terms of the House, your Comrade Nancy Pelosi is locking down power and asphyxiating dissent. Connie Hair sums it up best:

    Pelosi’s proposed repeal of decades-long House accountability reforms exposes a tyrannical Democrat leadership poised to assemble legislation in secret, then goose-step it through Congress by the elimination of debate and amendment procedures as part of America’s governing legislative process.

  31. bb — part of my suspicion stems from the sheer inanity of the post — the EC has already voted, the Senate doesn’t have any part in “objecting” to Obama’s “eligibility.” Seems kind of muckrackingish to me.

  32. BB — new mail for you!

  33. That’s the same reaction I had.

  34. Muiq: if you’re still around…I think Greta Van Susteren has your number:

  35. Have you guys voted lately? I just voted again for the day, and the Wankers “plan” to attack Uppity is now happening exactly like what happened to TC. They commanded their minions to vote for “synthesis” because the name is “cool” and that blog is suddenly close to overtaking Uppity. This has become a sick joke. I would like to go back to the day when I didn’t know these little piss ants existed.

  36. fif — it just makes the award a farce.

  37. I think Greta Van Susteren has your number”

    Yeah, but she never calls.

  38. Nothing yet, SOD. Can you send it again?

  39. I wonder how Oprah feels about Jay-Z and Ludacris sharing the spotlight with Obama. She’s not happy about performers using naughty words like “nigga,” “ho,” and “bitches.” (Unless it comes from Justin Timberlake. She gives him her blessing.) Oprah refuses to have rappers on her show.

  40. myiq: did you go to the link?

  41. BB – resent!

  42. Ok — I finally made it back to the first post that started it all on fuckyoupenguin — hilarious! please consider voting for it for best pet blog (although really, it should be on humor blog). LMAO!

  43. angie it the my 2 cents crowd….they are still liveing in the COLB world and they need to move on I guess It kind of depresses me….

    thay are saying he has constitutional powers that allow hime to take over all 3 branches of goverment

    I think that is bad info they are spreading

  44. yep

  45. SOD,

    I don’t know what is going on. I’m getting other e-mails. I even went to my cable place and checked.

  46. It’s time for bed!

  47. Now i know there’s something wrong with the weblog voting machines–Andrew Sullivan is leading by a huge margin for best blog. Either someone is seriously messing with the data or we co-exist with some scary creatures on these innertubes.

  48. Sorry guys, I had a craving for homemade mac and cheese and I just finished, mmmm breadcrumbs on top….

  49. boomer — I’ll try again and respond to your email.

  50. Hope that one worked BB

  51. SOD,

    Are you getting my e-mails?

  52. does it ever occur to Obama that if he keeps shoving his thumb in other people’s eyes that he’s going to end up with one or more thumbs in his own eye one of these days?

    guess not.

  53. night all….good luck keeping the night watch!

    Tr0ll Patrol is on guard I am sure

  54. 9:30 EST, did our time change? Or was it 8:30 CST all along?

  55. SOD,

    Try sending it to KB and have her send it to me.

  56. Night Fuzzy!

  57. My husband makes the best mac n cheese ever. White wine and heavy cream in the cheese sauce. Mmmmmm, cheese.

  58. I got it SOD!!

  59. BB — I’m gettting all of your emails and responding directly to them. I can’t imagine what the heck is keeping mine from getting through.

    I sent it to Katiebird! {{{{ fingers crossed }}}}

  60. Oh BTW, as the resident Black Ann Coulter I am recommending “American Thinker” as best conservative blog, it is also nominated for best political blog.

  61. afrocity

  62. OldCoastie, on January 6th, 2009 at 11:38 pm Said:

    does it ever occur to Obama that if he keeps shoving his thumb in other people’s eyes that he’s going to end up with one or more thumbs in his own eye one of these days?
    I don’t think “consequences” are part of a sociopath’s thought processes.

  63. I think it’s hilarious how those cowards at Blogstalkers tried scrubbing their site.


  64. night fuzzy!

  65. Good night all. Even you sad, lonely wankettes. Thanks for making me appreciate the fact that I don’t have jerks like you in my life. Kiss kiss!

  66. night gxm!!

  67. gxm17, I will have to get your recipe. Mine also uses heavy cream and I put prosciutto in mine. I love comfort food. Tomorrow, I am doing lamb stew with stout.

  68. I heard Ann Coulter on a local Boston rw radio show, and she almost sounded sane.

  69. G’night fuzzy, gxm!

  70. myiq,

    What did they try to scrub?

  71. omg…gourmet mac and cheese at TC.

  72. They changed the picture I linked to.

  73. That is cowardly. It’s been up there for days.

  74. afrocity — maybe you should add some of that mac & cheese to my Secret Santa package — it was a SIGN that Mr. afrocity screwed up!

  75. Hey maybe Pat is right. I am a spy from Wonkette here to convert PUMAs to conservatism.

    I can’t cook converted rice so you guys have nothing to worry about from the Afrocity…

  76. HA! Like we expect honor or principles from BlogStalkers.

  77. If there was nothing wrong with it, why did they change it?

  78. myiq2xu, on January 6th, 2009 at 11:49 pm Said:

    If there was nothing wrong with it, why did they change it?

    You answered your own question there myiq.

  79. Imagine if Hillary had won the election and brought back all those who served under Bill as her nominees. The press and the GOP would be all over her.

    Yet this one, who campaigned on “hope” and “change”, is bringing back the retreads to a rousing sound of applause. No criticism there. Just “brilliance”.

    My “looking glass” is beginning to get fogged up from trying to see through. Perhaps Sanjay Gupta can educate me on clearing this up. And the “brilliance: behind this choice: get ready for it….. because he has established a rapport with the public and we will be better able to understand health care policies with his nomination. OMG!!

  80. No, if Obama keeps poking people in the eye one of those people will break one of those long slender brittle fingers off.

  81. Angie as I read your post, Mr. Afrocity came in from his workout and went straight for the mac & cheese. I should have snatched the casserole dish away and said shame on you.

  82. The spam filter looks like the “before” picture of a Superfund clean-up site.

  83. SOD,

    You are a genius!!

  84. nyiq: That latest avatar? Horrifying!

  85. Yes, but the actual contents of the spam filter are so boring. We need to demand a higher class of troll. Is that really the best they can do?

  86. afrocity! LOL — of course he did! He has no idea he should even be ashamed! LOL

  87. That’s Marilyn

  88. bb — “we” have nothing to do with it — it is the best they can do — if they were capable of better, they wouldn’t be tr0lls.

  89. You have to check out the last post in the previous thread! It was just posted at 11:54.

  90. oops, bb — I misread your post — ignore the first “we” part and go straight to the “it is the best they can do — if they were capable of better, they wouldn’t be tr0lls”

  91. myiq,

    Please check your e-mail.

  92. DYB — the post isn’t there anymore — dangit! now I’m dying to know!

    Oh, and yes, I did know that about the shades of white & mermaid style.

  93. I think I’m going to bed. What a day! It’s been a lot of fun.

    (waving goodnight)

  94. night kb!!

  95. ‘night, Angie!

  96. I’ll be here.

    I’ve got beer and a bad attitude.

  97. nite katiebird

  98. Night Katiebird!

  99. Nite Katie,

    nice avatar.

  100. I’ve got my iced tea and good attitude.

  101. I seldom check out the avatars at the end of the comments because I have trained my eyes to avoid those clowns. But I just noticed that Boston Boomer has a new one. Is that you bb??

  102. angiec> Well, it was a feminist tr0ll who once worked for the Mondale campaign, or something, and she thinks all you old women are a disgrace to women and feminism. She said that Hillary lost because she ran a terrible campaign and deserved to lose. She then added that each Wankerer has more humanity in them than this entire group put together. And that you, and the entire PUMA movement, make her ashamed to be a feminist. And that you need to grow up. You know, the usual.

  103. Angie, Myiq is that your child in the avatar or did you adopt? Cute little fella (gulp)

  104. Pat,

    I can’t see it. Can you see my picture? I can only see it on the side bar. I see pink flowers.

  105. Mmm…mac n’ cheese coming right up. Gnite.

  106. bb: A blond wearing a pink top.

  107. BB, all I still see for you is that amoeba thingy.

  108. The baby clown was changed days ago. You should be seeing a Marilyn Manson clown now.

  109. DYB — was this tr0ll speaking of me directly? LMAO — that’s all I need, an ovary measuring contest with an “alleged” woman! LOL I think I can take “her.”

  110. I still see the baby clown.

    What do you see on my avatar. I have a couple of pics I circulate. Is it my sultry conservative pout look???

  111. pat j, i can hear it sleeting how bout you?

  112. bb — all I see is pink flowers for your avatar.

    I see myiq’s new Marilyn avatar on the blog roll, but still see quasimodo in the thread itself.

    The mysteries of wordpress.

    And I think the baby clown is cute! But with myiq, I’m only going for kids the old-fashioned way. 😉

  113. For some reason I since the election, I have been getting blond hairs “down there”. I am turning into Ann C.

  114. taggles; Yep! Glad I don’t have to get up in the morning to chip the ice off the car then say 10 Hail Mary’s driving to work.

  115. um, no offense, afrocity — but are you sure they aren’t grey?

  116. angie> No, she was addressing all the old hags of this blog.

  117. night donnadarko!

    I’m off to bed too guys! Good night afrocity, bb, taggles, Pat & whoever else is here!

    myiq — bon soir mon amour!

  118. “I’m only going for kids the old-fashioned way.”

    Gingerbread house?

  119. There is nothing “cute” about the baby clown. That thing needed a pillow placed over his face from the moment it was born. Or a nanny.

  120. myiq — LOL! And that is why you make me swoon!!!

  121. DYB:

    “She” was a misogynist feminist

  122. nite angie

  123. that will be me. better try and get some sleep.

  124. oops, I forgot to say good night to DYB!!

    Night DYB!!

  125. Buenos noches Guapa!

  126. That was baby Ronald!

  127. Has anyone seen SOD?

  128. My big sis Angie is beautiful. How dare they call anyone on this site a hag? Then they paste your pic there and it shows the contrary to their insults. Then again these are the same people who think Michelle Obama is gorgeous and the couture diva of North America —so they may have a skewed sense of beauty.

    Like on that old comedy the Monsters. They thought the blond niece was ‘homely” …

  129. Angie,

    Don’t go yet. There will be a new post going up soon that you’ll like.

  130. Baby Whoever. It is still hideous. It’s a wonder we all don’t suffer from nightmares.

  131. Angie LOL…..

    I guess they may be gray…

    Suddenly I feel like Samantha in Sex and the City.

  132. Night angie! I think I’m off to bed also. I’ve been under the weather for a few days – and it’s back to work tomorrow. More wedding dresses and crazy brides must be turned into quality television.

  133. Just poppin’ in to see if the unruly kids ever made it out of here.

  134. afrocity> I remember Stacy London talking about a special hair dye for the nether regions on her lame and short lived talk show.

  135. OT – I’m off to bed in a few minutes but I just wanted to alert you guys to the latest cheating tactics over at Wonkette. I went over to Uppity Woman and you’ve got to read this post and help Uppity out. Maybe even report this to the people who run the awards.


    Ironically I never even knew who Wonkette was till two days ago when they did Confluence in. Somebody got a screen shot of how they were going to cheat using a particular site to go in and vote. I guess somebody reported it, but apparently it still works. This is so infantile, I’m laughing my ass off here.

    Thanks Red Dragon, for the copy of this message.

    From Wonkette:

    Another “major” nominated PUMA blog this year in the category of “Best New Blog” is one called “Uppity Woman” (jesus christ) and it cannot be allowed to win. So we arbitrarily endorse another one called “~ synthesis ~” because it has a fun-lookin’ name. Vote “~ synthesis ~”, the best new blog in America.

    Now here’s the message that’s on Synthesis’ site. The poor guy probably doesn’t even know what hit him.

    Posted by: shafeen | Jan 06, 2009 at 17:48

    You, by default of Wonkette chance, are the best new blog in America. Check the link. Congratulations.

    Posted by: miserable denizen | Jan 06, 2009 at 15:52

  136. Cwaltz,

    The last bus for Kool Aid Mountain leaves at midnight so we may still get a few stragglers.

  137. I almost feel sorry for the person who created synthesis- the Wonkettes are a fan base I just wouldn’t want. Someone earlier put it best when they called it babysitting.

  138. DYB,

    I guess the carpet should match the drapes so to speak.

  139. The Wanktard trolls keep saying how hilariously funny their site is.

    I guess if seeing grandma fall down the stairs makes you laugh, Wankette probably is funny.

  140. Obama is the ultimate prestige. (For those who saw “The Prestige” you know that means.)

  141. New Post! Open thread.

  142. Heck, maybe Obama is thinking of expanding on Frist’s idea of entering the age of televised medical care and diagnosising. Tonight at eight viewers without healthcare we will be discussing rashes and their causes……..tune in. Tomorrow we’ll discuss and show you how to perform your own colorectal exam.

    Who knows, after all it’s a bold new hopey changey frrontier.

  143. “Jess” was reposting something he posted earlier under a different name.

    We need to add “blingee” to the spam trigger words, it seems to be a wanktard term.

  144. DYB,

    I sent you email.

  145. Back from my RHOC fix, which featured some serious girl-on-girl crime.

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