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Super Surrogate Chelsea Clinton

Kiki posted this video of Chelsea answering questions at Duke University in the Open Thread last night. She’s actually answering just one question — about Hillary’s feminism. The range of Chelsea’s answer to this question is amazing (and she’s speaking without notes or pause). Take a look for yourself — but I can see why the anti-Clintonites are in a panic. We’re going to be hearing from Chelsea again:


Commenter Dee was actually at this forum and she’s shared her experience with us (See Inside):

Commenter Dee was actually at this forum and she’s shared her experience with us:

I attended this forum. In fact, I am visible in some of that footage. She spoke for an hour and because the audience appeared to be mostly graduate students (approx. 1/2 international students) the questions were really, really tough but thoughtful.

I was amazed by her grasp of both foreign and domestic policy and how her narrative wove the issues together. She broke down difficult to understand policy issues into easily understood relationships.

When the event was over I heard the following comments – “How long before she can run for President?” I wish she was on the ticket. She is the best combination of her mother’s wonkish knowledge and her father’s charm. I believe we have just listened to a future U.S. President. WOW just WOW. ”

I had not realized until this event that Chelsea is pulling the hardest duty of the campaign because the students are the toughest most knowledgable audience. She did not make a speech. It was not political. She just took questions and they were complex. A couple of times I thought how can she possibilty answer that? And then she smiled and went after it. She referred to herself as a “numbers dork” almost as an apology for having so much information in her data banks.

This was not a campaign event – it was a learning experience.

I have never seen anyone quite like Chelsea.

51 Responses

  1. gqmartinez or anybody, the new Selzer poll has Obama leading 41%-38% (Mon.-Wed. poll so mostly before PA and in the margin of error) and they have Obama winning women 41%-40%. But it says she is winning white women 48%-28% and I assume black women are 86%-4% (all blacks polled should be the same for black women I think) according to the poll. Survay USA has AA turnout at 11% and Research 2000 has it at 12% of the electorate. How does Obama win women in the Selzer poll? Did Selzer have a lot higher AA turnout?

  2. I watched that clip last night at another site and my thought was “she turns 35 when?” That’s the kind of father-mother-daughter “dynasty” I could get behind.

  3. sister, we’ve got to get Chelsea in Congress. hmmm. Yet another letter to write.

  4. Chelsea is an asset to her mom’s campaign. As a child, she was brutally attacked by right wing toadies and some in the media. A child.

    Look at her today. Like her parents, she’s withstood a firestorm of personal attacks and has turned into a smart, wonderful young woman. Chelsea is an asset to the Democratic party and her mom’s campaign – not background photo-op fodder.

    Oh, and happy b-day katiebird.

  5. Chelsea is one of the smartest first daughters I’ve since…perhaps ever. Politics are in her genes and I hope she considers running in the future. You can be sure that the MSM and Republican Attack Machine will be out to take her down just like they have done with her parents but I’m sure she can take the heat. She is very inspirational. I’m younger than Chelsea but watching her inspires me and hopefully other young women to go into politics and public speaking. She is someone every young girl can look up to.

  6. Hi Marco! Thanks.

  7. Im in love with Chelsea!! (not that kind of love, you naughty naughty boy (or girl)). : )

    She is a very intelligent woman like her mother and father and, as a cautionary warning, what the Obama inspired fanatics does not like in a Clinton (or women generally?) and that is intelligence.

  8. A fine young lady great surrogate for Mom and we should all focus on the proud joy and positives of Hillary her campaign and her candidacy. A very timely post as Obama is sending his surrogates to again assault the Clintons with the racist, divisive, Bill flaws, destroy the party evil bad Clintons blah blah blah anything ugly the editorial crafted by Axelrod intended to drive up Clintons negatives and engage the media in slime feast again. Moving them of why Obama can’t win in Nov.. In his letter to SD’s this is his new rational for why him not her…Clinton has the highest negatives of any nominee etc etc.. JJJR was out on Fox, Clyburn pulled his reverse southern strategy Obama Blackman victim being beating down by the powerful white Clinton’s, Brazile in WSJ whooo so ugly negative same Dem leadership need to step in to save the lofty Obama, there all are out there at it again, the trick is not to be distracted pulled into their gutter script of Obama’s vicitimhood and Clintons bad their goal her negatives make white voters nervous to vote Dem.
    The risk to Indiana is any divisive racial discussion plays on old tensions within the State and Clinton dose not have the empowered community leadership she did in Ohio and Pa of a Tubbs Jones, Miller or Nutter who as AA officials truly have transcended the politics of identity as a knife and would shout this new race grievance card play down for what it is. Oh and Axelrods Dems lost the working class vote was no error he saying to Whites in Ind your not welcome this is a Party of AA’s just another identity politic stunt.

  9. Chelsea is terrific.

    happy birthday, Katie!

  10. 4/25/2008

    I can see that Chelsea is Hillary and Bill’s best. Chelsea has the brain, personality, and grace. And Chelsea has learned it all from the best.

  11. I’ve never seen her speak at length before. She is truly gifted. What an incredible, convincing answer.

    I can understand why she wouldn’t go into politics, but I hope she does. She’d get my vote.

  12. What an impressive lady! A far contrast to what I saw the other night on Larry King with Jenna Bush.

  13. I attended this forum. In fact, I am visible in some of that footage. She spoke for an hour and because the audience appeared to be mostly graduate students (approx. 1/2 international students) the questions were really, really tough but thoughtful.

    I was amazed by her grasp of both foreign and domestic policy and how her narrative wove the issues together. She broke down difficult to understand policy issues into easily understood relationships.

    When the event was over I heard the following comments – “How long before she can run for President?” I wish she was on the ticket. She is the best combination of her mother’s wonkish knowledge and her father’s charm. I believe we have just listened to a future U.S. President. WOW just WOW. ”

    I had not realized until this event that Chelsea is pulling the hardest duty of the campaign because the students are the toughest most knowledgable audience. She did not make a speech. It was not political. She just took questions and they were complex. A couple of times I thought how can she possibilty answer that? And then she smiled and went after it. She referred to herself as a “numbers dork” almost as an apology for having so much information in her data banks.

    This was not a campaign event – it was a learning experience.

    I have never seen anyone quite like Chelsea.

  14. And this is why, when all is said and done about how vile and immoral and horrible the Clintons are, and how wonderful are the Shrubs (as Molly Ivins loved to call the Bushes) – one needs to look at their progeny to see their true values and legacies.

    Terrific video – it should receive wider coverage in our misogynistic media, and that includes public radio.

  15. Dee, thank you for sharing that story. (it sent a shiver down my back) Can I add it as an update to my post? It might be a couple of hours before I can do it?

  16. Chelsea: They had to be doing something right to turn out a winner like Chelsea.

  17. katiebird – of course you can. My comments do not begin to fully describe her abilities.

    I have a Clinton staff member living in my house and have provided office space to him and others. I told them afterwards that Chelsea needs her own website and the complete footage of every event (over 100) should be posted – not for political reasons but for educational reasons. I don’t think most of our elected officials (Dems and Repubs) could have handled the issues the way she did. In fact, I am not certain her own parents could have done as well. She was somethin’!

  18. she’s slipping out of the “cute presidential daughter” role- i saw a bit of that in the pittsburg rally monday night. good for her – it was bound to happen. that’s too much smarts to hide.

  19. Yeah, the Clintons are pimping out their daughter. Too bad no one’s said Bambi is pimping out Michelle, huh?

  20. Chelsea ROCKS!!!!!!!

    And you now what – SO DOES HER MOM!!!!!!!!

    WE NEED YOU!!!!!!


  21. http://www.therepublic.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=111&ArticleID=119613

    Chelsea Clinton, daughter of presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and former President Bill Clinton, will be at Columbus City Hall at 2:30 p.m. Friday.

    The public should arrive by 2:15 p.m.

    Mayor Fred Armstrong will introduce Clinton. Clinton will give remarks and then answer questions from the public.

    No ticket is required, but 100 VIP tickets will be issued to certain people by Armstrong and Clinton. Seating is on the lawn in front of City Hall and is first come, first served. VIPs will sit in seats behind Clinton.

    People are asked to limit their personal belongings and not bring backpacks.

    Some streets will be blocked off, and certain areas will be designated for public parking.

    Rain location is the Cal Brand Meeting Room inside City Hall. In that event, the 100 VIPs plus about 20 to 24 more people would be allowed into the meeting room. Other people would be allowed in the hallways to watch the event on a TV.

    This is what it is like to go to a Chelsea Clinton event. So every clip that you would see and question that is asked should be taken for what it is. Staged.

    It is time to wrap up these primaries and get past the Clintons. We need to see them for what they are, greedy and power hungry. Willing to to play the citizins like an instrument of monetary value in order to progress themselves in social class structure.

    McCain vs. Obama

    time for a couple of people to differ over differences of ideals

  22. Taco:

    I hope you don’t expect me to believe that Obama is less of a politician than Hillary Clinton. So far I haven’t been convinced. Quite the opposite in fact. Hillary scores big for having better policy positions, IMO, and I’m not inclined to give extra points for style.

  23. #
    Dee, on April 25th, 2008 at 3:31 pm Said:

    katiebird – of course you can. My comments do not begin to fully describe her abilities.

    I have a Clinton staff member living in my house and have provided office space to him and others. I told them afterwards that Chelsea needs her own website and the complete footage of every event (over 100) should be posted – not for political reasons but for educational reasons. I don’t think most of our elected officials (Dems and Repubs) could have handled the issues the way she did. In fact, I am not certain her own parents could have done as well. She was somethin’!

    I second this proposal for her own website; the children of the USA deserve it!

  24. Wow, are womyn really still this misinformed about their own issues???

    The reality is that all those feminist gender gap studies were extremely flawed…but as a result of them, young women today are actually getting paid dramatically more for the same work than men:

    women age 21 to 30 are earning higher wages — between 15 to 25 percent more depending on the city — than men in the same age range in cities like New York, Chicago and Boston.”

    Try doing your homework first next time, Chels…

  25. Woo-Hoo! Katiebird, your lovely face is on the frontpage of wordpress.com! Happy Birthday!

  26. Woo-Hoo! Indeed, Riverdaughter! Wow. I’m glad I added Dee’s note — just in time. I stay logged into WP, so I totally missed that. (grinning)

    I’ve had a great Birthday, Thank you!

  27. I think Chelsea should set up resident in MA. There are a couple of Senate seats there that should be empty soon….

  28. HB, katiebird! Many more.

  29. Hi ufa — I sure hope so! I think they get easier….

    Adrienne, That’s a good idea. After a couple of terms in Congress, she could run against Kennedy or Kerry.

  30. Fran, you do realize the country is a lot bigger than those few cities, don’t you?

  31. If you want to see an Obot lose it, wait for them to bring up the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton meme and point out that Chelsea will be old enough to run in 2016.


    48 + 2 = legitimacy

  32. Wow! Just Wow!. She is so amazing.

  33. I figured out the demos in the Selzer poll using reverse engineering (I think).

    Women: 55%
    Men: 45%

    White: 87%
    AA: 13%

    If you do the math and use their spreads, it will add up to the numbers Selzer has. But their women numbers showing Barack leading by 1 is impossible and I have no idea how they got it. Hillary should be leading women by more using Selzer’s numbers. I’m also dubious on the Selzer polls Indiana GE match ups. There is no way a Democrat is tied or winning Indiana in the general election.

    To keep it on topic, Chelsea is great!!!

  34. Byrdeye: You should do your homework and read the whole study – or at least the NY Times summary piece. The rest of the study shows that the women in those FEW big cities are the exception. Taken as a whole nationally, the wage gap is alive and well – even for young women.

  35. AdrienneJ

    I like your idea. Chelsea, please move to Boston and run for Kennedy’s Senate seat in a few years. If only we could get rid of Kerry this year. I won’t be voting for him, that’s for sure.

  36. wow Dee, that’s so cool that you were there! I had only seen Chelsea responding to the Monica question, and she did well, but I hadn’t seen any other videos of her speaking. I was really impressed. it must have been tough growing up in the limelight, and people were really mean to her when she was a preteen. a lot of kids would develop problems after that, but she seems so poised and very very smart and informed.

    btw, one of the people who made a cruel joke about her looks when she was only 13 was john mccain. anyone remember that? I do – I’ve never liked him because of it. it speaks to character, or lack thereof. as I recall, he did apologize, but still.

  37. Hey, am I the only person noticing this post was linked at the Hillaryhub?

    Welcome new visitors!

  38. I see so much of both her father and her mother’s mannerisms in this speech. She’s truly a young lady to be proud of.

  39. I’m so glad I found the link to this video. We need more videos of Chelsea’s talks! She is a SUPER SUPER SURROGATE who can clearly describe her mom’s Solutions for America. Listen up voters in Indiana and North Carolina! The time has come to vote for the best qualified candidate: Senator Hillary Rhodam Clinton.

  40. I think one of the best testaments to the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton are basically good, decent people is the fact that their daughter has turned out to be such an accomplished and articulate woman. She is doing a wonderful job. I don’t know how they keep from bursting with pride!

    Chelsea ’16! 😉

  41. i agree that Chelsea is a great way for Hillary to try and get her message to the younger generation, but the problem of course is that she has already picked up some of her parents’ bad habits…

  42. Thanks lestro, we were starting to get worried that none of Obama’s supporters had yet shown up on the threaed with the beautiful, hopeful message of misogyny. I would suggest, though, that you put a lid on the “we hate bitchez, sluts, hos” schtick till after the election, because it’s going to be hard to win without them and the yokels and the crackers and every other Democrat you guys hate.

  43. It is quite likely, depending on the study, that young women do earn at parity to men … as they enter their careers. But shortly after that, they diverge and women’s wages decline. Check out the book Getting Even, and http://www.wageproject.com/

    There are many reasons for this decline – one of them the lack of support for raising a family (the time, who does what in household, etc.). Women still do most of the family work in this country, and so cannot ‘work like a dog,’ or an ‘ideal worker’ in the same way that men are able to do across a career; on average, women are out of the workforce to care for others (children, the elderly) around 11 years.

    So, because of the unpaid caregiving work women have as well as the paid work they do – they fall behind in wages. Even if women have adequate support at home (child care, a partner who helps with family work) they are often ‘presumed’ not to be as engaged in the workplace – it’s called maternal profiling, and/or family responsibilites discrimination.

    Finally..isn’t it amazing that two people that are supposed to be such vile, nasty liars and down right self centered folk raised such a tremendous young women? Perhaps a proof of the strength of the Clintons is what we are seeing in their daughter. Genetics, yes, but nurture and upbringing as well…

  44. actually, sickofthis, you are the one who brought up any misogyny. my argument is not anti-woman (in fact, i’d argue that all of hillary’s “all the big boys picking on me” and “women know how to clean a [white] house” song and dance is the real anti-feminism here…) but generational.
    i don’t oppose hillary because she’s a woman. i oppose hillary because she’s another tired baby boomer touting more tired baby boomer ideas.

    she may be a top-of-the line VCR (and a very good senator), but Obama is a DVD player…

    think about it.

  45. byrdeye, the article you link to doesn’t even have references–that is, we can’t even see the report mentioned. Also, it’s only true for certain (read Large N) cities. On average, Clinton has it right–that women in this country still earn less than men. not only that but gee, find some professions with disproportionate numbers of women in the field and by golly, they’ll be earning MORE than men! holy cow. Chelsea explained the problems facing girls in education around the world. That when you have to pay for books and uniforms, and can’t afford those, no one goes to primary school. And when a family can only afford one set of books and clothes or other payments, it’s usually the boy that gets to go. Some of us who’ve actually been to these countries have seen first hand the extant gender gap described. Of course, Obama’s wife got a 200% increase in her pay , along with her promotion, the year Obama got into the senate. No income gap there, huh.

  46. aidan – Well, I posted a very well-referenced informative reply to jjmtacoma with a lot of reliable sources.

    Unfortunately, since this is a pro-Clinton blog though – the comment was not approved. You can ask the blog owner to publish it, if she dares. But like with the whole feminist agenda, truths that are not conducive to their cause get quickly swept under the rug…

    Anyhow, I cannot debate on a censored forum – as this comment will probably not go through either.


  47. Byrdeye: Your comment was deleted for being rude and offensive. This is not censorship as I see you have your own blog. If you didn’t have anywhere else to go, I would feel obligated to publish you. However, this is not the case so you are not censored. You are directed to publish your stuff elsewhere.
    Also, I question the validity and accuracy of the data you linked to. I amnot under any obligation to publish misleading data. It goes against my personal credo and training in an experimental field where good data is sacrosanct. I will leave it as an exercise to the commenter to figure out where your analysis was wrong. Think childbearing age and you’re close.
    So, this comment stays but others of yours may not. Any more rude and offensive remarks will get you thrown into the spam filter.

  48. Someday i hope i have the great honor to vote for Chelsea Clinton for any political office including for President of the United States.

  49. Kimora Simmons said it the best ‘anything men can do, women can do it better”. not that I know there’s a scientific test that proves it; it’s simply because women have to work harder to get to the same place as men. Hillary is at where she is today because she’s tougher and more determined than all the candidates out there. I liked John Kerry in 2004, but let’s be frank Kerry was unfairly attached by the right wing and didn’t pull it together at the end. Hillary won’t have that problem.

  50. saw bill clinton in hickory nc and want him to come back to hickory and let us know he captivated the crowd and thousands more would come to see him or Hillary or Chelsea. Hillary will rock NC – hope Hillary and Bill keep mum on Obama’s religious battles think people are definitely rethinking who he really is and the less they say the better anything they say will be used against them by the elitist press (and very biased press).

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