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Election Day: Remember, Remember on the 4th of November

Remember, Remember on the 4th of November
The DNC highjack and plot
I see no reason why the DNC treason
Should ever be forgot.

Lest we forget, here is a clip from the infamous roll call vote where in the name of Unity, the DNC felt it necessary to humiliate Senator Hillary Clinton and her voters. Pay particular attention to the roll call from Arkansas that starts at 4:00.  The state of Arkansas went for Clinton by 70%.  But she was not allowed to keep even one of these 47 votes.  Clinton told her delegates to vote their consciences, not capitulate completely.  But we’ll get to that in a minute.  For now, just watch.

And here’s the one that sticks in my craw.  My own Governor, a Hillary superdelegate, seems almost giddy to turn over MY vote, a vote for Hillary Clinton, and all of the other Hillary Clinton votes from NJ, *unanimously* to Barack Obama.  Hillary Clinton won the state of NJ and millions and millions of her voters by 10 points.  She didn’t get even one delegate.  It was beyond disgusting.  Unless this primary system is fixed, I will NEVER vote in another primary in NJ.  Why waste my time and money?

Let’s not forget that going  into the convention, she trailed Barack Obama by a mere 17 pledged delegates and *should* have been leading if the Rules and Bylaws committee hadn’t given over 50 uncommitted Michigan delegates to Obama on May 31, 2008.

Let’s not forget that he wasn’t even on the ballot in Michigan and was not more entitled to those uncommitted delegates than Clinton.  Let’s not forget the Edwards delegates at the convention who expressed the desire to change their votes to Clinton and were told by party leaders that they couldn’t.  Let’s hear about some of the threats and intimidation in their own words.   delegate_accounts_compiled_by_rlieberman:

CONNECTICUT:  “I felt blindsided, bullied, mugged.  I saw delegates being verbaly arm twisted with threats of loss of positions.”  “One Obama delegate was bright red, yelling right up in my face”.

FLORIDA: Barbara Bassett to Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “Do not be party to the DNC and its efforts to further disenfranchise the voters of our state.  Had our votes counted on Jan 29, 2008, we would be looking at the nomination of Senator Clinton. Again if our votes counted on May 31, 2008 we would be looking at the nomination of Senator Clinton… Stand up and say, ‘We the People of the great state of Florida vote for Hillary Clinton’.  I want to be heard, once during this election.  I want to be heard. ONE person, ONE vote. I count, I matter.  We voted, we spoke and we look to you to honor the integrity of our vote”.

Ladyhawwke: To Former President Jimmy Carter  BY FAX: (404) 331-0283.  “I am one of the 18m who supported Senator Hillary Clinton in her quest to become the first female president in history.  I had hoped for a fair roll call in order that Sen. Clinton’s delegates would have the opportunity to vote for her as our Party’s nominee.  I am angry and disillusioned.  I have never seen such a farce that was perpetrated upon the American people by the sham roll call. Where were you when our voices were crying out to be heard?  Why is it important to have fair elections abroad and not in the U.S.?  Why were the delegates threatened by members of congress, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean?”

A delegate insisted that someone take notice that the state, which voted heavily for Hillary and was punished by having its delegates halved, somehow announced 136 votes for BO and 51 for Hillary.  At least 6 Clinton delegates had been replaced by Obama supporters before the Convention.  Others were intimidated and warned their jobs and positions would be pulled.”

GEORGIA: (text message) “This is insane.  They are yelling at the delegates to vote bo or their political careers are over”.

IDAHO:  A delegate: “the feel was of a Republican convention, totally controlled and scripted.  No humor or mistakes”.

The reason you are going to the polls today without the candidate of your choice on the ballot, the reason you are angry and confused is because the entire primary system was rigged by the DNC and the Obama campaign to make Barack Obama, the junior, less than one term senator from Illinois, the nominee over a more qualified, dedicated public servant who was also a woman, Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Not only was the rigging unfair to Hillary Clinton, it has the intended result of ruining this woman’s career.  Running for president is no easy feat.  It costs a lot of money and donors have a reasonable expectation that the candidate’s own party won’t knife her in the back.  As far as Hillary is concerned, we can no longer be sure of this, at least not until the Dean Democrats are sent packing.

But more than this, the primary was rigged against us.  It was rigged against us by a bunch of party leaders who substituted their “wisdom” for ours, the voter’s.  They know what’s good for us.  We are like children and simple minded sheep that need to be schooled in race relations.  We need to be taught proper values.  We need to suck it up when it comes to soaring electricity bills.  We need to realize that investment bankers need to be protected from risk but average Americans do not.

This election is about character.  It is about the character of the Democratic party and it’s nominee.  If these two entities can’t respect the will of the voter before the general election, it sure as Hell isn’t going to respect it afterwards.  You are stuck with the person you elect for four, long years.  He is going to use race as a bludgeon against anyone who dares to criticize him.  He is going to do it HIS way, against the advice of his advisors (who told him to pick Hillary as VP).  He is going to teach you stupid voters some valuable lessons on conservation even if it causes you and the economy severe pain, because it will be for your own good in the long run. He’s going to pretend to work for women while he expects them to get in line in a manner that differs little from that of some Saudi prince.   What other decisions is he going to make on your behalf that you, the stupid, uneducated, working class, asian, latino, gay, woman aren’t going to like?  You will be forced to suck it up by the “creative” class Whole Foods Nation and its media that installed him against your wishes.

I urge you to reject Barack Obama and the Dean Democrats who put him in office.  Reject the media haka that tells you that you have no other choice but to elect this man.  Reject misogyny and race baiting.  A person with great character wouldn’t have brought us to this point in such a manner (H/T Sugarn’Spice).

Go vote and choose someone who has one.

For another point of view, go read what Violet hath wrought in If You Vote for Obama, This is What You’re Voting For (Reminder #14).

One more thing: Brook’s 7th grade had a mock election with real voting machines the other day.  She said she doesn’t remember the exact tally but it was REALLY close.  Obama edged out McCain by just a tiny bit.  This is in a slightly red NJ suburb so it could be that the vote reflects the will of the parents but I thought it very interesting in that it shows that we may not be as reliably blue as people think.  If the number of signs are any indication, McCain will do better than expected in NJ.