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The DHS finally confirms that 21 states’ voting systems were compromised.

Funny how only the blue states are furious. The red states are remarkably sanguine that someone, *cough*, Russia, *cough*, tested the locks on the software.

Oh, fa-la-la!, says Colorado’s Secretary of State, they were just funnin’. Nothing happened, gimme a break. {{rolling eyes}}

It sure looks different from Pennsylvania. And the California election official sounds livid, not that California was going to make much of a difference anyway.

But if I recall correctly, Hillary was asked REPEATEDLY in each debate how she would handle defeat, especially if she turned out to lose Pennsylvania. Let’s just say that there was a little too much of that sort of inquiry last year, as if the Trump faction was trying to get her on the record that she would not challenge the election results in Pennsylvania.

Hmmmm…. I wonder why that is…?

Nope, can’t think of a reason, says Iowa’s Republican Secretary of State. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

I’m surprised how far down below the fold the NYTimes buried this story. Maybe that’s because we still don’t know the full extent of the breach. And maybe DHS is concerned that if there *is* proof of vote switching in PA, well, so much for the smooth transition of power. Is it better to rip that all up and toss the Trumps out, including their ultra conservative Supreme Court nominee or should we just grit our teeth and bear with them for 3.30 more years? Which would be a greater threat to Homeland Security?

As a voter, I’m intensely interested. As a Hillary voter in Pennsylvania who worked my ass off for a better president, I’m ready to take to the streets if it turns out that it can proven that even one vote was changed. And I know I’m not alone.

Maybe this is a subject that Preet Bharara can tackle in an upcoming podcast.

8 Responses

  1. RD, that SC guy in the stolen seat is campaigning and doing political events! I think many of the GOP want to just ride this term out and then kick him out in 2020 that way they don’t have to acknowledge any of this stuff?

    You have all seen me gripe against FB over and over but this guy in the Reddit thread below is voicing many of the objections I have had to Facebook from its inception (I am a computer scientist by trade and this application drove me nuts from the beginning).

    • Yeah, I started to read that Reddit. I’m not at all surprised by what he writes about it.

    • Jay Rosen posted this link to a book about Facebook on Twitter today. I have to go mow so read it and tell me what it says?

    • This guy’s name is Aaron J Greenspan from whom Zuckerberg copied his Facebook. There are many similar stories from that time. For instance, Tumblr guy David Karp stole his idea from a couple of others. It is almost like the first team has the right ideas and the ones that steal/copy them have better ideas of making money with it that they become mega successes and billionaires. But nobody, nobody deserves gobs of billions for a stupid application like Facebook, (especially where aesthetics and intellectual depth are lacking) and now being exposed as a threat to civil societies.

  2. You say, “I’m surprised how far down below the fold the NYTimes buried this story. Maybe that’s because we still don’t know the full extent of the breach. ”

    No. I am not surprised. F*ck the NYTimes.

    • Maybe that is a blessing in disguise. I think the NFL may have the ability to turn a lot of casual voters out there who are finally sick and tired of Trump crapping on the Target du Jour.

      It’s one thing to have the DHS put that report out. But if there isn’t some kind of groundswell of sentiment against Trump, it won’t go anywhere. So, let the football players do their thing this weekend and see what happens.

      Then bring the report back into the spotlight. By that time, the various states Secretaries of State will have more to say about it, and if I’m right about PA, there will be some furious state officials here.

      It was a very busy news week.

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