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Happy Easter! 

To all you Christians out there, “He is risen indeed!”

Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus is a Easter favorite and one of my own personal favorites since I learned it in concert choir, along with All We Like Sheep, with its killer runs, and the fugue And With These Stripes We Are Healed. 

It is customary to stand during the Hallelujah. The legend behind this is that King George II stood during a performance, probably for a 7th inning stretch. The Messiah is a long piece and the Hallelujah doesn’t happen until near the end of it. Etiquette demanded that when the king stood, everyone had to stand. So, now we all do. 

There are certain pieces of music that are a joy to sing. Mozart’s Te Deum has a fast and furious fugue with a dramatic pause at the end that’s almost orgasmic, which might be why he was always in trouble with the archbishop. Sacred music is full of beautiful phrasing to satisfy the singer. Handel’s Hallelujah is no exception like right where the piece turns from “lord of lords, and he shall reign”.

Our director used to say “let it dance!” just before the music began. So, get up and dance, sing if you know it, just hum along if you don’t. 

14 Responses

  1. Happy Easter to you Riverdaughter and thank you for the meeting place you have provided for the Democrats in Exile. I will be in exile until a Democratic woman who isn’t Elizabeth Warren is elected president.

    • I got a feeling that if a Democrat is going to get back into the WH, it’s going to have to me a guy who oozes sex appeal on steroids. A Justin Trudeau type with muscles.
      You heard it here first.

    • It will be whoever the media falls in love with. Who needs Russia when we have the media to play favorites and spread fake news against those they don’t like and stupid people believe them.

  2. I read an article last night on that ‘why Hillary was smeared in the election new book’ which reported on a new poll showing that “anyone” could beat Trump in the next election except Florina, Warren, or our Hillary. And what do they all have in common??

    Happy easter, everybody! Thanks for the Hallelujah, RD!

  3. “Whaddaya mean, HE’S NO LONGER DEAD!?!”

    Happy Easter! :mrgreen:

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