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It’s not us, it’s you

Yesterday, Twitter was all aflutter when someone who purports to be a Bernie supporter put out a #DropOutHillary hashtag up and it started trending. Then people started to take offense and  Melissa McKewn started a #KeepWinningHillary hashtag up and it started trending.

It sounds very silly and juvenile and “I know you are but what am I?” but it’s really not funny.

For one thing, we don’t know who started it. Or what their motivation was. But back in 2008, it was very common for Hillary to kill Obama in a primary in say, Pennsylvania, and the next day, there would be headlines in some major paper quoting some Obama campaign flunky telling her to drop out because she couldn’t win (subtext, she couldn’t win without FL and MI which were being negotiated away by Obama and his backers with the DNC).

Some current Bernie supporters know this.

I also went to one of my first Hillary campaign meetings in Pittsburgh and there were some negative things said about Bernie people. But there were also many of us who publicly said we were not going to indulge in that because we have friends and family members who were decent people who didn’t want free stuff and were more issues oriented and it was wrong to paint all these people with the same brush.

Butcha know, Bernie people are starting to get a reputation for being messianic zealots. Samantha Bee did a segment on them recently and one of my favorite podcasters, Seth Andrews from The Thinking Atheist (who seems like the “I’m not taking sides sort”), came down equally hard on Bernie’s people as Trump’s.

I think Clinton people just want to get on with it. If they seem grouchy, maybe it’s because as jjintacoma said last night, Trump is negative towards her, the media is negative towards her and the Bernie people are against her. It gets old after awhile.

I’m not saying that she’s a “poor little me” type, quite the opposite. Because, you know, she keeps winning in spite of it all. So, clearly, there are many millions of people who see through all of the endless investigations that find nothing, and the accusations of dishonesty that are unfounded, and the crazy notion that she has ever traded her vote for contributions (ATT retroactive immunity bill? Hello!). There’s no conspiracy going on here to deprive anyone of votes.

She runs a clean campaign. If she didn’t, you can bet there would be yet another investigation about it.

She is possibly the cleanest candidate we have ever had run for office.

You may not like everything she says and I would agree that she took way too long this time to wake up to what’s really going on because it is really difficult to block out the constant cheering for Obama’s every thought, word and deed. But she is clean.

And some Bernie people should know it.

Chill out, people. This is a normal, no funny business primary season. There will be one winner and one person who will not win.

It’s not over yet. Not by a long shot. A lot could happen. Even the person who loses could make a huge difference. Let everyone vote and watch what happens. There’s no need for a protest vote yet.

Finally, if there are people who are sowing dissension between the two parts of the Democratic party, we need to consider who they are and who they are working for. Because they might be outsiders.