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Overnight Open Thread

The Giants won Game 4 tonight. Will they clinch the World Series tomorrow?

Quien sabe?

Talk about anything (including politics) until morning.

31 Responses

  1. PPP (h/t Dario)

    Miller leads in Alaska

    Joe Miller is favored heading into the final two days of the US Senate campaign in Alaska. 37% of voters say they’ll pick him while 30% plan to vote for Scott McAdams and another 30% plan to write in Lisa Murkowski.

    • If it’s true what she says, I hope she busts those b@sta@ds. The media should do its job. Our democracy cannot survive without a good media.

    • The two political parties feel threatened by Palin, but the GOP is really scared.

      Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin

      Top Republicans in Washington and in the national GOP establishment say the 2010 campaign highlighted an urgent task that they will begin in earnest as soon as the elections are over: Stop Sarah Palin.
      Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative activists by plunging so aggressively into this year’s midterm campaigns.


      • Bwahahahaha! Get the popcorn ready!

      • I predict she’ll go rogue and run independent. And screw up the whole game both parties are playing, where it is supposed to be either Obama’s turn again or Romney’s. Make no mistake, I don’t like her politics, but I think it would be damn funny if both corporatist parties got pie in the face.

        • She might be the first one in a century with a chance to win independent.

          • Or she might be the only chance BO has of winning a second term if she Naderizes the 2012 general. I think Sarah is more interested in influence than becoming President. She does not have BO’s fantastical ego imo.

          • To clarify, I’m not rooting for a Republican win in 2012, but I am rooting for the 25% chance that BO is primaried. If Sarah looks like she’ll run as a Tea Party Independent in the general, the DNC will be more confidant and in a stronger position to reject any primary for BO. I think she knows that, and she and the Republicans might want to send that signal because they want to run against BO. Anyway, it’s fun to over think these things.

      • If they try to use sexism against her (and they won’t be able to resist) it will backfire big time.

      • Hmm, call me crazy but if both the Dem & GOP establishment don’t like her — there must be something good about her.

  2. Very sad — only about 1/3 the normal volume of trick or treaters. Sunday night with school tomorrow the reason, maybe? Happy Halloween!


  3. We ran out of candy, the weather was nice and there were huge groups of kids all over our neighborhood.

    • That’s great. Once a year kids deserve their trick or treating fun. My favorite treat for the kids is peanut butter cups. At least the kids get something good with the sugar.

    • Same here; lots of kids with attendant parents (sometimes in costume). Fun! I always ask the kids what they are. Unfortunately I didn’t understand all the references to the current TV/movie characters, but at least I supplied candy. Later on the older kids came, and ones that didn’t live in our neighborhood, with pillows for the loot. Rude.

      We ran out of candy & had to turn the lights off. Still got some kids knocking. Hope they didn’t stomp any garden plants in their sugar-rush frustration.

    • We got a lot of kids, but we still have left-over candy.

  4. Dilma Rousseff: From fugitive guerrilla to Brazil’s new president

    (CNN) — Dilma Rousseff, who was elected as Brazil’s first female president on Sunday, once told reporters that as a typical Brazilian girl in the 1950s she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.
    But as a fighter for Brazil’s left-wing guerrilla movement in 1969, she exchanged a wedding dress for fatigues and went underground, taking on names such as Luiza, Wanda and Estela to avoid the authorities.
    When the military finally arrested her in 1970, Rousseff, now 62, says she was severely tortured in order to give up secrets.
    She told Istoe magazine in 2008 that as a prisoner she was often tied up to the infamous “parrot’s perch,” a torture device used by Brazil’s military police in which the victim is suspended between two metal platforms.
    “They gave me electrical shocks, a lot of electrical shocks,” Rousseff told Istoe. “I began to hemorrhage, but I withstood. I wouldn’t even tell them where I lived,” she said.
    Rousseff, who will take office January 1, has acknowledged that being a woman in office has not been easy, and complained of the media’s treatment of her as Brazil’s “iron lady” after several aides complained about the way she treated subordinates.

    “To take care of the government sometimes is like being a mother,” she told TV Globo. “You have to ask for results.”

    Rousseff takes conservative stances on some women’s issues. “I am against abortion, I am pro-life,” she told Aparecida TV, a Catholic network.

    Rousseff is divorced and has a daughter.

    • Rousseff sounds like a mama grizzly. And it’s not surprising because Brazil is very Catholic.

  5. Sarkozy is clueless and fears the French people

    I don’t know why the French have come to hate me so much,” ‘The Sun’ reported.

    Pollsters found last week that just one in three people backed him. That made him even more unpopular than General Charles de Gaulle in 1968 — when millions took to the streets to demand an overhaul of French society.

    Socialist party leader Martine Aubry, now backed by more than half of voters, fumed: “The President has treated the French people with contempt.”

    And author Besma Lahouri said part of the blame lies with President Sarkozy’s glamorous wife Carla Bruni — branded the “new Marie-Antoinette” of France.

    Times of India

    • France also shares disappointment with a president

      Mr Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy were both brilliant campaigners for their respective elections, but both have turned out to be disappointing leaders and statesmen. Hesitancy, uncertainty and changes in strategic approach are common to both these presidents, leaving their peoples with the feeling that they are not in control.

  6. H44:

    Barack Obama is terrified of Marco Rubio. By 2012 Marco Rubio will be in his second year in the U.S. Senate which is the amount of time Obama lolled around the Senate while running for president. Rubio has more accomplishments than Obama, has more experience than Obama, is much younger than Obama, is more physically attractive than Obama, speaks better than Obama, has a more sympathetic life story than Obama, has a better timbre of voice than Obama, speaks better extemporaneously than Obama, comes from a more electorally important state than Obama, has a more attractive and younger family than Obama, has no crooks and Jeremiah Wrights around him like Obama, and Marco Rubio comes from a rising and already much more important and geographically diverse ethnic/racial group than Barack Obama.

    Barack Obama knows that if Marco Rubio is nominated as Vice President in 2012, or even as President, Obama is toast and all the crazy demographic plots of Democratic strategists go up in smoke. With Rubio on a national ticket (in 2012 or 2016) Latinos will likely vote GOP. Latinos are not only a larger demographic group than African-Americans but they reside in diverse and growing states such as Florida, Colorado, the Southwest states, as well as New Jersey, New York, and California. Whereas a great part of the black vote is gathered around the “black belt” southern states (which vote GOP) the Latino vote is gathered in many strategically important electoral vote states. In short the Latino vote trumps the African-American vote and Barack Obama is worried and wants to destroy Rubio.

  7. For anyone who could care less about the midterms, this link has some amazing photos of Hillary in Cambodia. I admire her so much.


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