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Election Night Blogging II: Christie is NJ’s New Governor

Well, it looks like this is not a good night for the Democrats or the current occupant of the White House.  Republicans have won the governor’s mansion in VA, Gracie Mansion in NYC and it looks like they are going to pick up Drumthwackit in New Jersey as well. (It’s official,  Christie won.  No, I’m not thrilled.)

Corzine’s loss should have Obama peeing his pants right now,  Those of us who voted for Corzine in 2005 thought we were voting for a financially savvy, socially liberal Democrat who would fix New Jersey’s egregious property tax system.  Corzine came to office blessed with a Democratic Assembly.  And yet, he did virtually nothing about the property tax issue.  He shuffled some things around and made incremental changes.  Then, he walked away from the issue early in his term and has spent the last four years coasting on the fact that he’s a Democrat.

But it is the glacial incrementalism that is doing him in.  He was elected with the same expectation of hope and change that swept Obama into office.  And what we got instead was the status quo and a placeholder.  New Jerseyans are really struggling to pay these taxes and if Corzine can’t be bothered to do something, he’ll be replaced by the Republican who at least promises to not raise them.

I thought Daggett was great candidate.  He was impressive in debate, had some realistic plans for reforming government that demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge of how our state works and he had a sunny, optimistic personality.  What he didn’t have was a major party or party identification that would give him a fair ballot position.  If you want to see how bad his ballot position was and how the odds were stacked against him, check out this page of county by county ballots.   The New York Times barely mentioned him in their campaign coverage and major polls rarely included him.  It was almost as if he wasn’t there.  Yet he was the only third party candidate who qualified for public funds.  I just hope that he doesn’t get discouraged by his numbers.  I’d vote for him again in a heartbeat.  Run, Daggett, Run!

And all you Obots out there?  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!

Election Night: Live Blog

Who will win?  What message will the voters send this time?  Will they send a message at all?

New Jersey’s Gubernatorial Race, voters have a choice between Democrat Jon Corzine, Republican Chris Christie, or Independent Chris Daggett.  Anyone who has been paying attention knows who Riverdaughter is voting for.  Stay tuned…

New JerseyAnd then of course there’s the Virginia Gubernatorial race.  Too bad the Democrats weren’t smart enough to make Terry McAuliffe their candidate, because now it’s looking pretty bad for Creigh Deeds.  Even a last minute drive by campaign stop by the President didn’t seem to give him the bump he’ll need to win.  {{Sigh}} They could’a hadda  Terry McAuliffe.  Now they may have to settle for Bob McDonnell (R).  Let’s see how that one turns out.

mcdonnell deeds

The NY 23rd District Congressional Special Election has taken some sharp turns of late — but will the rightwing extremists take the prize with a Doug Hoffman win? Will Dede Scozzafava’s endorsement of Democrat Bill Owens swing the election his way, or will the voters turn the tables and vote Scozzafava in, despite a suspended campaign.  With Dede’s name still on the ballot, anything can happen.  It shouldn’t take long to get an answer for this one folks.

hoffmanowensscozzafava Hoffman                       Owens                 Scozzafava

We also have the same-sex marriage question on the ballot in Maine and another in Washington State (h/t Dakinikat).  In a ground-hog day like move, Maine will be voting on the issue of whether or not to overturn the legislative action legalizing same-sex marriage in that state.  In Washington state they will be voting to protect the domestic partnership rights of same-sex couples.

One other interesting race is the New York City mayoral race.  Bloomberg is trying for another term.  Will the voters agree?

What races are shaping up to be nail biters in your neck of the woods?

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The Supernanny Inspired Guide to Politics: Vote for Daggett

Voters’ Meeting

I have spent some time observing your country, taken a look around.  First, I’d like to say that you are the owners of a wonderful country.  It is bright, vibrant, diverse.  It has a lot of potential.


You are letting your politicians walk all over you.  They ignore you when you tell them what to do.  They laugh at you when you express your displeasure.  They hang around with people who you have forbidden them to talk to.  They behave as if your vote doesn’t count.  And you let them get away with it.  When they scream and cry for money, you give it to them.  When they accuse you of being “old, stupid, reactionary, Republican, racist, terrorists”, you vote for them anyway.  And in all that time, they have made only half-hearted efforts to clean up the environment and make the tax system more fair.  They think you’re not serious about health care reform, financial regulation and giving you the best educational system in the world.  They fight- *constantly*- with each other and other countries.

And they will continue to do this because they think you are total pushovers.  You have not enforced any discipline in your politicians.  You let them get away with everything.  If you want your country and control back, something’s got to change.  You have to be willing to step up and make some changes.  Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and put this country back in order?

Step One: Laying down the rules

The first thing we need to do is tell the politicians what we want and then deliver that message clearly and unambiguously.  If politicians aren’t delivering the results you want, it could be because you are sending them mixed messages.  You need to establish what kind of government you want and then stick with it.  You have to figure out what you value and put it into  words.  Your politicians’ noisy friends will try to distract you whilst you are thinking about this.  So, I recommend you shut the TV off whilst you are composing your set of rules based on your beliefs.  You can use our credo as an example

Second, deliver these values and rules to your politician.  Your politician now has no excuse for ignoring you.  You have told him/her what you expect and there should be no confusion about it from this point forward.

Step Two: Discipline

This step will require a committment from you because it will take some time before your politician gets it.

If your politician is not following your rules and living up to your values, you should immediately issue them a warning.  Call your politician’s or party’s office or meet them in person.  Use your authoritative voice and say, “I don’t like what you’re doing.  If you do not stop, I will put you in the Naughty Spot for your next term of office.”  If your politician does not comply, put him/her in the Naughty Spot.  For a Congressman, this is two years; for a Senator, six years; for a Governor, four years, etc.

When the politician attempts to get out of the Naughty Spot, calmly put them back on the Spot.  Do not attempt to argue with them if they make a fuss.  Simply repeat the reasons why you have taken the steps you are taking: They knew the rules.  They made an infraction.  You warned them.  They are being disciplined.  If they want off the Naughty Spot, they have agree to listen to you and to apologize to you.

In order for this to work, the Voter has to present a united front with other voters.  You have to have the courage to enforce the rule.  This is your responsibility as citizens.  You can’t run away from your responsibilities and expect that someone else is going to keep your politicians in line or that they will do it themselves.  They need your guidance and committment and they will comply much more quickly when they see you mean business and that voters are backing each other up.

This will not be easy.  It will take time and persistence.  You will feel like you’re not getting anywhere for awhile.  But stick with it.  Throwing a few of them on the Naughty Spot will focus their attention more effectively than you think.  Before you know it, they will be much more cooperative and life more harmonious with your values.

Here is your first opportunity, voters of New Jersey.  Neither Chris Christie or Jon Corzine has behaved in a manner worthy of your vote.  They both represent parties that have taken you for granted and will continue to do so for four years.  Chris Daggett is a smart, optimistic man who has potential to deliver for you, the voters of NJ.  He has been endorsed by the Sierra Club, he has a plan to reduce property taxes and he knows that if you don’t like him as governor, he can be thrown out in four years.  The other two candidates are going to walk all over you.  What are YOU going to do about it?

Well, I know what I’m going to do.  I’m throwing Chris Christie and Jon Corzine on the Naughty Spot for four years and I’m voting for Daggett.  Go forth, NJ, and do likewise.

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