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No sh*t, Sherlock?


Over at the wingnut blog “The Other McCain” is this piece of obviousness:

Then Smith comes up with a post titled, “President Obama Gets More Like George Bush Daily.” This is the real seed of dissent, the kind of thought that can lead somebody to re-examine their political commitments. When you vote for Change and instead get More Of The Same, you start asking yourself, “Who do these guys really represent? Because they sure as heck ain’t representing me.”

The recognition that you have been played — promised the moon, the stars and the sun by clever political hustlers who were only in it for their own power — is the kind of lightbulb-over-the-head moment that produces ex-Democrats. A lot of women Democrats felt similarly when the party shoved Hillary aside in favor of Obama, but their hatred of Republicans was enough for them to get over it in November.

If continued, that kind of disappointment, that sense of betrayal caused by political deception can lead a thinking man to ask, “Why am I voting for these people? Why did I ever believe their nonsense?” (emphasis added)

What took him so long? We figured that out 11 months and 2 weeks ago.

And just for Mr. McCain’s information, it wasn’t just women Democrats and some of us will never get over it.

We told you so

73 Responses

  1. Speaking as one who has voted in 15 Presidential elections–it was always thus. Promises are made, hopes run high, then reality interferes. If these voters who were so starry eyed about “change” had read their history or done their homework–especially checking their candidate’s record– they would have known what to expect.

    Sigh. Here I am preaching to the choir again.

  2. myiq2xu, I really like the “I Told You so ” graphic!

  3. Everytime one of my Obot friends gets that “I’ve been played” look in their eyes I want to say boo fricken hoo you buttmunch, what took you so long. Usually they’re still Obots and bounce back to delusion land, but a few haven’t bounced back. I think we have a long way to go before the zombies wake up. But one day.

    • “Usually they’re still Obots and bounce back to delusion land, but a few haven’t bounced back. I think we have a long way to go before the zombies wake up.”

      Yes, they may wake up but I doubt Obama is at all concerned. After all, it is as Donna Brazille stated, “where else you going to go?” These folks are not going to vote Republican regardless and unless a white knight emerges we’re stuck with Obama.

  4. Berry
    & has turned into the thing that he said was wrong with Washington & the thing that he told all his O-sheep
    2 vote against . just another typical politician & still some of his O-fools believe him

    • & the O-fools that still back him . when you ask them why berry went back on his word & why hes doing the exact opposite of what he promised during the elect.. they usually say everything changed . they just never can explain exactly what changed .

  5. Off-topic: http://www.katv.com/news/stories/0509/623659.html

    Elderly couple arrested with 200 lbs. pot :mrgreen:

    • Sounds like personal stash to me

    • It doesn’t say what they were stopped for. Are the cops really allowed to search your car just because you’re nervous about being stopped by the police? If that’s probable cause, just about anyone who gets stopped for speeding could end up having their car searched. I think there are problems with this arrest.

      • Thanks to years of erosion, the Fourth Amendment doesn’t mean what it used to.

        Not to mention the cops know how to make up probable cause the the judges almost always take their word for it.

      • Ya, know, I’ve never done any kind of drugs – even weed – but this guy is driving me close – it may be the only way of getting through this – maybe that’s why there is so much talk about legalizing pot. 😕

  6. Oh heck, I didn’t even think of that angle, Myiq! Of course! BLAME TEH CLENIS! :mrgreen:

  7. hey all…what happened to Cinie’s blog? Is there an explanation some where?

    • I asked earlier today and got no response. WTF??? I’m guessing she was targeted by obots.

      • Cinie posted that she is trying to deal with it. It looks to me like some troll sandbagged her with a complaint to WordPress.

    • Yes — check the comments in the Morning read article.

      She doesn’t know what happened — or why she’s been “archived” but she’ll be working to restore sanity to the ‘net.

      • I’m not gonna jump to conclusions but I’m very interested in finding out what happened.

        • Let’s hope we’re not next….

        • Nooobody expects the Obama Administration. Amongst are weaponry are, a button to shutdown treasonous blogs, and unending ability to live in delusion land, and a fanatical devotion to The One. 🙂

        • Yes We Can violate free speech!

  8. My harddrive on my laptop crashed this morning. I finally got up and running on this old one that I haven’t used since Katrina … patience will be required for me until they get me the new hard drive in the mail.

    • Wow, what a bummer.

    • well, i’m lucky I got everything important downloaded onto a flashdisk drive before it completely went down … and i’m lucky i have this old thing to check on stuff, i thought i was goign to be out of the loop forawhile, it took me awhile to remember what my password was from the years ago … luckily i finally hit, but I feel like I could climb mt everest by the time this loads and it’s got real issues, fan makes noises, point floats of the screen … i certainly can’t do much serious with it any more

  9. Yeah, watching the news and reading the blogs, the first thought that popped into my head was the same as yours: WE TOLD YOU SO!

  10. Obama is the best thing that happened to the GOP since Reagan, who is alledgedly “beloved” for gutting many domestic programs and happened to conveniently forget about selling Iran weapons and such.

    Now, they get to bash Democrats for being idiot enough to make him their POTUS candidate.

    “Why am I voting for these people? Why did I ever believe their nonsense?”

    Their fix for the above question: have the other party get a candidate elected (?) to the highest public service office in the land who is even worse than the one they fell for.

    What’s a common sense voter to do in 2010?

    I don’t love any politican, they are a POLITICIAN for goddess’s sake, they need constant supervision, not ego strokes.

    There are a few out there that are smart enough to understand that you can’t go wrong if you actually a accomplish things that help “we the people”.

    I’m not sure that Pres Obama possesses that understanding, in fact I’m thinking he doesn’t at all.

  11. …but their hatred of Republicans was enough for them to get over it in November.

    Believe what you want to believe, but I heard otherwise.

    • Yeah, I certainly didn’t get over it enough to cast my vote for Precious himself.

      • Not only that but from now on I will NEVER vote for some guy just because he has a D next to his name. After 30 years of faithfully voting for the Democrat, all I can say is: Never again.

    • Holy sh*t!!

      • She says it was “inadvertent”

        • The fact that MoDo apparently reads tpm is by far the most embarassing part of this story. Never get caught plagiarizing anyone who sucks as much as you do, aim higher.

        • Next week she’s got a story about magical religious dolphins saving Cuban refugees on tap.

        • Yeah, right. Inadvertently reproducing that much identical text? I don’t think so.

        • Think Jayson Blair could’ve gotten away with that one? MoDo’s lying, and not “inadvertently.” I read on another site that right after Josh Marshall posted a plagiarism complaint in the reader comments, the NYSlimes suddenly stopped accepting comments.

        • If they haven’t fired her for being certifiable, or even for trying to rhyme “shoe” with “go,” I doubt anything happens over this. They gave up on their credibility the day they hired her in the first place.

    • Wow, that is embarrassing that she reads TPM 🙂

  12. Never will get over it. Ever. I may not vote again for any of these SOBs…

  13. Okay, here’s the deal. I have been completely frozen out of WordPress, both my primary and backup blog accounts are suspended. My primary account was suspended immediately after I posted a piece about pornography, though it was not pornographic. It basically stated my position, in detail, that the “sex trade” is but a symptom of the backlash against feminine power, and to target it as a cause misses the point. I provided tons of links, pro and con, but only two photos, one, an introspective nude female statue and I can’t even remember the other.
    When the site went down the first time, I immediately contacted WordPress, they responded in a very timely manner that a mistake had been made, they were sorry, it wouldn’t happen again. 10 hours later, the site came back, and as soon as I tried to revise the Good Girls Don’t post, I got an error message saying there was a problem with my “content.” I did not get that message the first time. Right away, I responded to the error message as they suggested I do if I disagreed or had questions; no response, the site went down.
    I’ve sent 2 or 3 more emails, nothing.
    When I tried to access my backup site, I was asked for a password, gave it, and was informed that account had been suspended, too.
    So, that’s where we are.
    We’ll see where it goes from here.

    • That’ll learn ya for being a foul-mouthed lezbien blogger.

      ps: Next time yer gonna be posting dirty pitchers let me know ahead of time so I can check ’em out before the blue-noses show up.

    • That’s really weird. If they had problems with your content, wouldn’t they have checked it out when you contacted them and told you what the problem was when they reported back? Could someone have maybe hacked into your account?

    • Jeeze. When did they start censoring content? Let’s hope it’s just that there isn’t any staff around on Sunday.

    • OK then, so we’re back in Victorian times. Good to know. I guess that means it’s time to use more metaphors, sarcasm, irony among other weapons like writers of those times to defeat the dolts. And here I thought we were in the 21st century. Silly me.

    • Well, I was able to read the front page part of the article on pornography – Good Girls Don’t – because the cache is on Google.

      Cinie’s blog says it is suspended for a ‘Violation of the Terms of Service’. I briefly read the Terms of Service, which includes the following:

      “Automattic may terminate your access to all or any part of the Website at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately.” However, It looks like you have 30 days to correct the violation.

      Then I did a little searching for info on Automattic Inc., which owns WordPress. OK. There is a lot of money in the background. (Some people are already upset because WordPress is open source, but Automattic gets the benefit.)

      This is very cursory. But, I say, follow the money. I do not think the problem is the content on the latest posting, unless it was merely based on a word search, like spammy.

      My immediate reaction; my theory, is that certain powers-that-be want Cinie silenced because she is too effective and is probably gaining attention. They will give some bogus reason the terms were violated, but I think it will not be the real reason.

      Unless it is all a big mistake and can be rectified. She should know tomorrow, when the regular business week resumes, as BB pointed out.

      • I too think it all about Obama. I don’t think porn has any thing to do with it. Actually i have been expecting for a while

      • I agree. Cinie’s too damn good. We can’t have clever wordsmithing women acting all brazen and mouthing off. It gets the rest of the womenfolk (and even some of the menfolk) to thinking. And the powers that be hate it when the riffraff catch on to the shell game.

    • Without explanation or comment, they restored my blogging soul. I did find out that porn, erotica, etc. does not violate WordPress terms of service, it is only to result in potentially having a site flagged as mature. Otherwise, they claim to be committed to free speech, and will not terminate on the basis of claims of offense.


      • Thank goodness!

      • They may have restored your blogging soul, but your blog is still inaccessible to readers. Should we write Worldpress for you?

      • Thank goodness Cinie as I couldn’t think of you doing anything naughty. I recall the one time that trolls went to my favorite place to say I was crazy and lost my mind. Funny thing is that I had upset their POCKET BOOK by saying WE MUST DIVEST FROM MISOGYNY! 😆 I had hit them in the POCKET BOOK and they were hot and fuming about me every where I posted. Egalia took in in stride and I posted a link to the story at NQ and my posts.

        Cinie, you are threatening their POCKET BOOK and you are a person of color…DOUBLE threat to their pocket book! 😯

  14. I wonder if this period will mark the end of the Democratic party. So we have a 60 vote margin in the Senate, a huge advantage in the house, and the hand picked choice by the DNC for president. Everything the party ever wanted. Ever. So the promises we’ve been told over the years of what would be done with such a large majority have to be fulfilled. We must have full rights for everyone. We must have universal health care (in some form). We must have a reasonable safety net for the poor. We must have an end to an immoral war and prosecutions of any war criminals. We must have serious education reforms. We must have reasonable credit card and bank reforms. Etc., etc.

    But none of that will happen. I think we can count on one hand the true liberals in power in the party. The rest are owned lock stock and barrel by the banks, wall street, saudi arabia, a handful of other mega corporations, etc. So none of that can happen. The owners will not permit it. Perhaps some lip service will be paid, some good PR/marketing will be used. But nothing real will happen. And if nothing happens now, when could it ever happen? Why on earth would I ever vote for someone in the Democratic party after this if these things don’t happen?

    Funnily enough, I think dubya’s time will mark the end of the Republican party. Any vague notion that the Republican party was about fiscal responsibility and about getting government out of your face went up in smoke with that one. And they were similarly in charge of everything for 6 years. Did they do the things Republicans dream about. No.

    So we’re in one fine mess Ollie. Will this just lead to more cynicism and less voting. I hope not. I hope this will actually lead to some real changes somehow.

    • We have been badly served by the fact that a large percentage of citizens don’t vote. The requirements for voting are formidable, photo ID being a major issue.

      And also, and importantly, language, economic and physical barriers exist.

  15. After the money raised and spent by Obama’s campaign, there will never be free and fair elections in this country. The purpose of the McCain/Feingold bill was to get the big money players outta the game. They are in it now more than ever and its only going to get worse from now on. Whoever gets the most wins. We probably ain’t seen nothing yet. Why, they are already campaigning and raising money for 2012 and the Democrats have all the power now. Why are we having to wait for what has been promised by this party all these years. They got nobody to blame this cycle. Thats why they’re trying to say Limbaugh has so much power. There always has to be a demon to fight.

  16. Thanks for the attention. Good luck with trying to fix the Democratic Party.

    • I think we’re gonna need more than luck. But thanks for the encouraging words.

  17. Hi MIQ & all—-

    Is RD okay? I thought she might be on a vacation and just hope all is well.

    hugs all….

    ps: The Term selling off or state piece by piece? Oh brother.

  18. Never get over it until truth and justice prevails!

  19. Yay, truth and justice!

    Woot Woot!

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