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Bad Movie Open Thread

So what’s eating you?

104 Responses

  1. I’m p*ssed that I have to work all weekend. No rest for the wicked, I guess.

  2. Did you ever actually see “snakes on a plane”?

  3. jjm — YES! An hour & 1/2 of my life I’ll never get back.

  4. I wondered… but never actually watched it.

  5. You’d think they’d have some kind of smart ‘movie naming’ professionals doing market research…

  6. Forgetting B-movies (many of which are “good” because they are so bad/campy like Plan 9 from Outer Space) one of the worst movies ever made was Howard the Duck. Good God, who green-lighted that POS?

  7. Sorry myiq — nothing is worse than
    “Mr. No Legs”

    When I was dating my husband he took me to see this movie because he knew a guy in it. The only date that was worse was when he took me to a tractor pull (and yes…I still married him)

  8. jjm — I think Snakes on a Plan was actually trying to go for that “B-movie” camp — but that’s the thing — you can’t plan that — it has to happen organically.

  9. Bad, bad movie:

  10. Cinie –too true — Myra Breckenridge — one of the worst ever. I’d sit through Snakes on a Plane again before seeing that one.

  11. fd xcvmfdp;da’dfvglv
    ‘v , ck cxjkjkl;;
    ” ; .; ‘/

    (puppy just wanted to say hi)

  12. (grinning) Hi to puppy!

    3W, did you see my answer to your Alcatraz question in the other thread?

  13. Yeah, I thought it sounded like such a stupid plot…

    I loved Shawn of the Dead.

  14. Yup, left you a note. Miss San Fran a whole lot.

  15. Oh, I’m going to be in NC/SC at the end of March… I don’t think I will have much freedom or a car when I would have freedom.

  16. Good Luck Chuck must have been one of the worst movies of 2007. Even worse than Snakes On a Plane. I’m glad I didn’t waste any money and watched it for free online. I had to fast forward through a lot of it anyway.

  17. I miss it too. I’m starting to believe that I’m not moving back after all….

  18. I liked Shawn of the Dead too!!

    Those same actors also did one called Hot Fuzz– very funny (though not as good as Shawn of the Dead).

  19. Hot Fuzz was good, but strangely I liked Shawn of the Dead better. Favorite bad film for me: Eraserhead.

  20. Ok, puppy wants to turn in. Angie, don’t work too hard. katiebird, you’ve got a novel in that sentence. G’nite all..

  21. Holy hell, is dg Lemos?

  22. Ack sorry, I didn’t mean to post that–myiq, could you dust it, please?

  23. night 3 Wickets!

  24. Seriously — what makes you think that about dg? Because dg is a big ol’ a–hole? LOL

  25. angienc2, on February 21st, 2009 at 1:02 am Said:
    Forgetting B-movies (many of which are “good” because they are so bad/campy like Plan 9 from Outer Space)


    I love B-movies. The cheesier the better. Plan 9 was great. Snakes on a plane was hillarious. Simon Pegg is brilliant. Hot Fuzz and Shawn of the Dead are two of my favorites. I also love the old ones, like Toxic Avenger, Rock and Roll High School and, of course, the Killer Tomatoes.

  26. I really hope this is some urban myth from China or else I might need to stop sitting in office chairs until they find out how in the hell that boy’s chair exploded and killed him.

  27. Nancy — Rock and Roll High School kicks a$$! P.J. Soles & the Ramones in one place — heaven! 🙂

  28. angie, pompous ass, wants everyone to know why he or she does every little thing….hmmm….lol

  29. KB: Loved your San Fran pic.

    Did you, Piper, Page and Phoebe take that one?

  30. Ok guys, I’m going to bed! Love you all!!

    Good night.

  31. G’nite Angie.

    I’m always the last one to get here playing catch up. 😦

  32. Night, angie. Sweet dreams.

  33. Who is dg?

  34. This person who is always complaining “I no longer post here because of this” and “I would do this” “I would not do that.”

  35. Angie – I so miss the Ramones. We missed a chance to see them in Charlotte in 92-or 93. It’s one of my biggest regrets.

  36. Hello and G’night!

  37. No, Fredster – I’m always the last one. I don’t get home from work until about now and most are long gone.

    I don’t mind – I like talking to myself. 🙂

  38. Hey, I’m usually in and out, but it’s a good time for me to write, so a lot of time, I’m more out than in.

  39. Seriously-you mean the chuckmeister?

    Scrubs-by the time I get the momster to bed and such I’m here trying to play catch up.

    BTW Scrubs-got a question for you. What’s the best thing for when you have a sore inside your nose? It’s been forever since I’ve had one and can’t recall what I last used. For whatever reason Campho-phenique rang a bell so I got a tube of that and I’ve been swabbing the inside of the nostril. Is that good to use?

  40. LOL

  41. Yeah, Fredster, this dg person is so pompous and humor impaired he reminds me of Chuckles (although dg says his name is charles and we’re not allowed to call him chuckles or chuckie or chuckmeister, because that’s like kos, and yeah, that’s the problem I has with kos, the nicknames).

    That LOL was for Cinie, btw

  42. Yeah, Fredster, this dg per son is so pom pous and hu mor impa ired he reminds me of Chu ckles (although dg says his name is cha rles and we’re not allowed to call him chuc kles or chu ckie or chuckm eister, because that’s like ko s, and yeah, that’s the problem I has with k os, the nicknames).

    That LOL was for Cinie, btw

  43. Yeah, Fred ster, this d g per son is so pom pous and hu mor impa ired he reminds me of Chu ckles (altho ugh d g says his name is cha rles and we’re not allo wed to call him chuc kles or chu ckie or chuckm eister, bec ause that’s like ko s, and yeah, that’s the pro blem I has with k os, the nickn ames).

    That LOL was for Cinie, btw

  44. Fredster, yup, this guy is humor challenged and pom pous so that he reminds me of Chuck (but he’s already gotten into a lather about people calling him Chuck–his name is Charles!!!! lol)

    (Ze LOl was for Cinie, btw)

  45. Sorry, myiq, for trying three times to get my last comment out of moderation. I know we’re not supposed to, but at this time of night with only a few people here it’s hard to keep the conversation going if you can’t get out of moderation *han gs head in shame*

  46. In my defense, Chuckles started it!

  47. I love it when people call me juvenile and immature.

    It makes me feel young.

  48. Oh okay. Got the picture. Yep, he was ( or is?) on the pompous side,

    I always cracked up at his *requirements* for going on a consulting gig. There was a loooonnnng list and not worth dwelling on here.

  49. You know, that’s really what sentme away from kos.

    Not the racism. Not the misogyny. not the date rape threads.

    It was the nicknames. It started with Scalito. Then McSame. Now Chuckles. Slippery slope, anyone? WHERE WILL IT END?

  50. I get a kick out of concern trolls telling me I should “get over it” anf “act my age” and similar stuff.

    They don’t seem to grasp the Captain Spaulding persona for some reason.

  51. myiq-I wonder how much poor RD was squirming when she played the “titty” song, and how many emails are gonna flow between you and her! 😉

  52. It never fails though, the minute anyone gets on a “I will talk down to you because I am so smart and well educated, look at my resume” kick, he then immediately says that Boston is a state or something. Karma, baby.

  53. Fredster, RD will get over the titty song, that’s what separates her from Charles. 🙂

  54. I wonder how much poor RD was squirming when she played the “titty” song

    According to her comment she thought it was hilarious.

    That song is from “Rodney Carrington Live From The Majestic” and has played several times on comedy Central

    I only played it cuz Chuckles has a thing about boobies.

  55. PTSD from the flashing incident

  56. Poor myiq – Exactly what age would they want you to behave as? I’ve always thought of the Captn as ageless.

  57. Back when the shit first hit the fan we kept quiet and focused on the election. We didn’t respond to the insults and name calling. (well, a little bit maybe, but mostly we turned the other cheek)

    People say “just ignore it” but that’s not how I roll.

    If they want to ignore it when people insult them that’s their business.

  58. Exactly what age would they want you to behave as?

    Dunno, but I’m in touch with my inner child and he’s a mean little f*ck.

  59. I only played it cuz Chuckles has a thing about boobies.

    Poor fella. I know he’s gay (or pretends to be) but ah, that’s weird. Let’s face it; women have them. They don’t do anything for me, but for those who do enjoy them, they must be fun!!

  60. People say “just ignore it” but that’s not how I roll.

    If they want to ignore it when people insult them that’s their business.

    Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord. On occasions, I’ve given him a helping hand, whether asked to or not. 😉

  61. I know he’s gay (or pretends to be) but ah, that’s weird.

    The person he had the biggest issues with was Gary, and he really did freak out over comments about “boobies”

  62. Fredster, do you remember the infamous flashing incident? He was blogging from a cafe when he got flashed, and he like, got teh vapors or something. He went on and on and on and on about how traumatizing it was to see a second’s flash of breast. I swear, he moaned about it for weeks. A a certain point, you think….dude’s got some issues. 🙂

  63. What doesn’t make sense to me is people who don’t have blogs (or have teeny-tiny ones) and who don’t regularly comment here showing up and saying “You’re doing it wrong”

  64. He was blogging from a cafe when he got flashed, and he like, got teh vapors or something.

    Is that what happened? He shoulda just said “Thanks for the mammaries” and kept going.

  65. I mostly ignored Chuckles when he was here.

  66. Oh yeah, you missed that? He basically live blogged it because he was in here when it happened, and he made this big deal out of it. “OMG, you will not believe what happened! I just saw a boob! I will never, ever recover! Oh help me! I’m going to be ill! The horror!”

    What doesn’t make sense to me is people who don’t have blogs (or have teeny-tiny ones) and who don’t regularly comment here showing up and saying “You’re doing ti wrong”

    Or why they think anyone would care. Even if they have a point somewhere, it’s so not an effective way to communicate. “I would not do this,” well, why cares what you would do? Who are you?

  67. He got the vapors over seeing a tit? Lord help the man.

    Jesus, no, I don’t remember that at all. I wonder how he’d have reacted if it had been a swing d!ck ?

  68. Shit. swinging d!ck

  69. LOL I don’t know. I think he said something like it had been 20 years since he saw a breast and he never wanted to see another one. LOL Unless you’re afraid that girl’s going to be waiting to attack you outside the cafe, I think “get over it” is actually applicable to that situation.

  70. Then there are the people who weren’t here for the discussion and come along later and get offended.

    Some of the AM people thought the PM threads were too graphic.

    I usually don’t read old comment threads – just the posts. Reading old comment threads feels like eavesdropping to me.

  71. I think he said something like it had been 20 years since he saw a breast and he never wanted to see another one.


  72. Chuckles probably was traumatized by that Woody Allen movie with the giant killer breast

  73. Yeah, it feels like a chatroom, it’s weird to think of people coming in later and reading these late night ramblings.

  74. LOL He go sick after drinking milk, and now he has that instinctive recoil. My father won’t eat calzones for the same reason.

  75. Unless you’re afraid that girl’s going to be waiting to attack you outside the cafe,

    And do what? Slap him in the face with ’em?

  76. Oh Gawd! That movie was hystercial, esp. with the cheap special effects.

  77. Boobies of steel. Sharp. Pointy.

  78. And do what? Slap him in the face with ‘em?

    It wasn’t the boobies. He didn’t want to get “whipped” (if ya know what I mean)

  79. Seriously – LOL!!

  80. Boobies of steel. Sharp. Pointy.

    He got flashed by Madonna?

  81. It wasn’t the boobies. He didn’t want to get “whipped” (if ya know what I mean)

    That leads to another completely different image.

  82. Anybody know where the booby cafe was? I think I’d like to go there.

  83. LOL! He’s from San Fran, so I think it might have been there. Though it might have been NY.

  84. Anybody know where the booby cafe was?

    I’ll go with you (for purely scientific reasons)

  85. Seriously, they probably have very good coffee.

  86. myiq2xu, on February 21st, 2009 at 4:04 am Said:

    Anybody know where the booby cafe was?

    I’ll go with you (for purely scientific reasons)

    Ah, ah ahhhh. No reaching out for a feel.

  87. If I remember correctly, she like omg! Pressed her breasts right up against the glass!

    So, go early if you wnat a good seat/

  88. Come for the coffee, stay for the emotional trauma.

  89. Well, since I take mine with milk, I just thought…
    Oh, never mind.

  90. LOL Sometimes, when the proprietor asks, “you want cream or milk?” you can still hear the screaming.

  91. I’ve seen boobs before, and like Ron White says “Once you’ve seen one, you want to see the rest of them”

  92. Oh well, think I need to call it a night. My SleepMd is kicking in and I’ve got to doctor my nose again. I’ll be glad when this thing goes away; it’s bugging the shit outta me.

    Nite y’all!!

  93. Night Fredster, feel better

    “Once you’ve seen one, you want to see the rest of them”


  94. I want to get some sleep but I have an awol kitty

  95. Oh, man, myiq, don’t set up dirty jokes like that on booby night.

  96. I can’t find my Foo Foo

  97. LOL Oh, if only Reg and Little Isis had been here for Booby Night!!! We love you guys, you’re here in spirit.

  98. My kitty’s fine, but I think my beav…
    Oh, never mind.

  99. LOL And the award for thread with most complaints of the people of the am goes to–

  100. What? Whaddid I say? Oh, well, guess I’ll slink off and write political snark for a change.

  101. *sighs* I’m torn between begging “Come back!” and “Ooh, political snark!!!”

  102. scrubs, where the heck are you? You missed out on Boobie Night as well.

    I wonder if attendance would have been better if we’d announced it in advance?

  103. Oh, okay, I’ll be your “Shane,” Seriously.
    Snark don’t come easy, anyway.
    So, whacha wanna do?

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