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Mitch McConnell opens his kimono

Sorry about that image so early in the morning. Let me pass you some brain bleach.

What I am referring to is the peek at the Republican agenda that McConnell revealed yesterday. Let’s take a look, shall we? This bit is from the Washington Post:

“You know, I think the gridlock is going to end,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said in an interview Wednesday. “Senator McConnell knows how to make the Senate work and I think he’ll make us a bigger party, a better party, by . . . crafting bipartisan legislation.”

No, Rand, the gridlock is going to end because Republicans no longer have any reason to say “NO, Non, Nein!” to absolutely everything proposed by the other side of the aisle.  Republicans had their chance to craft bipartisan legislation for 6 straight years. In fact, every day of the last 3 congressional sessions was a new day for Republicans to wake up in the morning and say to themselves, “It’s a new day.  There are millions of Americans in dire straits waiting for us to help them recover from the financial mess of 2008.  I’m going to do something different today!  I’m going to propose bipartisan legislation.” That’s certainly what all of the media pundits are going to pressure the Democrats to do. But Republicans did not set this example for the past six years. Nope, not a one of them. Instead, they shutdown the government precisely to avoid bipartisan legislation. So, Rand is lying. I know because his mouth is moving.

The New York Times reveals a little more:

HEALTH CARE It is a delicate topic, but top Republicans acknowledge they cannot repeal the Affordable Care Act, particularly with Mr. Obama able to veto any such effort. They will no doubt take some repeal votes, but their initial focus could be on smaller changes.

For instance, a medical device tax used to pay for the law is opposed by lawmakers from both parties who represent manufacturers, and a repeal of the tax could pass Congress. And another group of Republicans and Democrats has also called for returning the health law’s definition of full-time work to 40 hours from 30, arguing that the lower limit is forcing too many people out of work because of employers’ efforts to comply with the law. Mr. Boehner singled out that measure as one that he would like to see advance.

Returning the definition of a full timer to 40 hours is supposed to help??  How is that supposed to work, Mitch?  If you’re not going to fully rescind Obamacare, it’s only going to make the part-time work crisis more severe.  By the time, Mitch is through, no one will be eligible for benefits of any kind.  Yeah, that will make things better.

Back to WaPo:

For more ambitious legislation, senior Republicans are discussing a fast-track procedure known as “reconciliation,” which would permit them to push a measure through the Senate with just 51 votes. Among the targets under consideration: tax reform, cuts to Medicare benefits and an increase in the federal debt limit.

The argument that the Democrats always made about Obamacare is that it was better than a sharp stick in the eye. Now, we’re going to get a sharp stick in the eye. You people on Medicare shouldn’t get too comfy either. Mitch is planning to cut your benefits. Oh, yeah, we tried to tell you but would you listen?? No. So, now you’re about to find out that Republicans don’t really give a crap about your biblical morality. They want your money. Every penny of it. They are all about stripping government down to the studs and giving its profit making potential over to their friends who helped get them elected. Fox News is just a front, a club, if you will, for you retired people to hang out and get captured like flies in a spider web.

But you’ll see.

Republicans hate Social Security and Medicare with a white hot passion. Medicare was passed during the Johnson administration only by overwhelmingly voting in Democrats to Congress so as to reduce Republican opposition to insignificance. Social Security was also passed over their dead bodies back during the Depression. Now that they are in charge, and we have an weaker president than even I ever thought possible in the White House, Republicans are going to do all they can to make sure they stamp both programs out or cripple them so badly that they may become worthless. You may indeed be the last generation that benefits from all your hard work. But it is my generation, who paid *extra* taxes into the surplus fund so that we could retire, and have almost no other pension benefits, that will feel the most severe pain. Because Republicans are going to cut a deal with you to screw us over and we are going to watch as you hastily pull the ladder up in order to save your own skins.

We’ve seen what is underneath the Fox News lovers kimonos too. And it is not pretty.

30 Responses

  1. Those elderly tea partiers who showed up to vote for the GOP on Tuesday? One of Mitch’s first order of business is giving them a humongous cut.

    • I read your comments on Talk Left and like what you have to say!
      I’m a big fan of Riverdaughter, but I do wish she’d soft pedal it on the elder bashing.
      I’m old, I vote, and I’ve been a liberal since I could form a sentence.

      • Oh, thank you. I didn’t know anybody read them without commenting.

      • Sorry, but the seniors have to start taking responsibility for what is about to happen. They can’t live in their own little world where it’s still 1952 and the commies are going to get us and we would be perfectly happy if everyone stuck to their assigned roles. Willful, deliberate ignorance in service of keeping stuff that will be unfairly denied to others is unacceptable.
        It’s too bad that so much of this ignorance is concentrated among people who are older, retired and have a lot of time on their hands to watch Fox News but that’s the truth and they vote. We can’t ignore that it is happening simply because we are uncomfortable with it. The Republicans have deliberately targeted this demographic because they can commit generational warfare while being relatively free from criticism. If you want to stop bad things from happening, you have to be willing to overcome your conditioned response to not criticize sacred groups like the elderly and the religious. Otherwise, the bad guys will continue to flatter them and make them feel like they can get away with any crazy ass s^&* prejudices and force them on others.
        Let’s remember that these people are being used by much bigger and nastier forces. In a way, it’s not their fault that they aren’t aware of what’s going on. In another sense, ignorance is no excuse for bad behavior and treating other demographic groups like dirt out of some misplaced sense of moral superiority.
        It’s too bad that some people in the south are accused of overt racism butcha know, that’s where segregation held out the longest and where the cavalier culture left over from the 17th century still lingers, whether we like it or not. Plantation culture didn’t originate in the south. It’s a british import that was all about the legal exploitation of property, including people. We must not interfere with the ability to make a profit. A lot of reactionary legislation comes from the south where the white male privilege is still not ready to give up on being top dog over african americans, women and poor people and extracting every penny from natural resources and the people who are tasked with retrieving it. We all know this and we don’t feel there’s anything wrong with pointing it out. That doesn’t mean everyone living in the south feels this way but it’s like people robbing banks. They go where the money is.
        Similarly, generational warfare is real and we have to look at the people who are being conscripted to wage it. They are older, less technologically savvy and statistics say that women in particular who were raised in the 50’s had a much poorer educational experience. They weren’t challenged in school. Not all of them were like this but enough of them were that it makes it very hard to reason with many of them and very easy to bamboozle others.
        We’ll have to see if the boomers and Generation Jones has the same reaction to propaganda. After the 2008 primary, I am not optimistic but by then, it will be in the service of some different cause. On the other hand, I just can’t see those generations turning so mindlessly to serve Republicans as the elderly have in the present day.
        Maybe we will mindlessly follow the Democrats who will by then become indistinguishable. But I am hoping that the age of the internet will have had such an impact on us that we won’t be so easily lead. At least there will be more freethinkers and fewer religious conformists among our peers.

        • I refuse to accept the terminally uncool label “Generation Jones”.

          “Boom” is cool. “X” is cool. “Jones” is irremediably lukewarm.

          I am late Boomer or early X. How about “Generation W” (meaning “pre-X”)?

          Any of those would be cooler than being called by the wretchedly pedestrian appellation of the second most common surname in the English language.

          Harrumph. 😛

          • It would appear that the name Generation Jones appears to have stuck and is entering the language. All one can do in opposition is to state one’s rejection of the label every time it comes up, which will be time after time after time. It will be a lonely thankless looptape task.

            I have suggested “Generation Brady” but that hasn’t made an impression yet.

            I suspect when a lot of ElderBoomers talk about “seniors”, they are projecting forward to the seniors they themselves will be any day now.

          • Agree. I hate the name but it seems to have stuck with the people who study these things. On the one hand, it’s nice that they finally acknowledge that we are a separate demographic with our own formative experiences. On the other hand, it’s like some asshole millennial was in charge of the naming convention. Typical. We are finally recognized as separate from the boomers but we’re still not allowed to define ourselves.

          • How about Generation Little Sib? We were the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of the People who Went To Woodstock. We got to stay home and grind our teeth and hear about it on TV.

            So . . . Generation Little Sib. Or Generation Little BrotherSister.

        • But I am hoping that the age of the internet will have had such an impact on us that we won’t be so easily lead….

          I seem to remember alot of oh so easily lead internet savvy whipper snappers in 2008 ….but my memory ain’t what it use to be

          • You know, we need to get a lot tougher with those jerks who screwed us over in 2008. They might have the mic but I suspect that we have the numbers. There were 18 million of us when Hillary suspended her campaign the first time around. That number has to have grown since Obama took office and showed everyone what he really was.

          • I wonder how many of the Betrayed Eighteen Million went on to become Republicans? I have a relative in my own family who went from Democrat for Hillary to Republican for Johnny because of Convention ’08. And she has stayed Hard Republican ever since.

            Could a nominee Clinton be enough to change that now?

        • I was two years old in 1952, and I refuse to accept responsibility for the Eisenhower era.
          Seven paragraphs after one gentle comment?
          Some cranky, young lady needs a nap.
          “Jones Generation”, it is to laugh.
          Say it with me, boomer, boomer, boomer.

          • I’ll accept “Late Boomer” or “2nd Wave Boomer” for myself over “Jones” any day. :mrgreen:

          • Agreed… Baby Boomers are not the problem… we paid the extra taxes too. Are there some who are a problem, sure, but that’s true for every group.

          • Disclosure: I turn 52 next May.

          • Nope, I don’t consider myself a boomer. YOU are a boomer, no doubt about it. But I guarantee that my formative years were very different from yours. Lumping us all together doesn’t serve anyone very well. I agree that they could have come up with a better name than Generation Jones but that’s apparently the official name for it.
            All the same, I am not lumping you in with the seniors who watch Fox.

  2. Well, I’ve got another one for you. Did you read the article that said Obama was the worst president next to Bush going by hurting his own party. He has lost 15 senate seats and untold house seats since he took office and when they had all those house and senate seats he somehow couldn’t manage to do anything for the middle class. I am so done with him. I was telling a friend of mine this and she starts well, you never liked him. I said yeah, I never liked him and he’s proving my judgment right. She was all like oh, poor Obama he was trying to put out fires that Bush left. Oh, my I am so tired of hearing that one too. If you don’t want to clean up after George W. don’t run for president. It was no secret George W. was a disaster. And Harry Reid cut the legs off of Obama the other day in the WaPo. Obama pulled a sleazebag tactic and completely screwed the party.

    • And just think . . . it was Reid himself who convinced Obama to run for nomination This Time. THIS time was Obama’s golden moment, and no such moment would ever return. And now Headhunter Reid is disappointed in his golden aquisition? Oh, the irony . . . .

    • Yep, I think Obama will go down in history as worse than Bush,

      • Well, not yet. He’s the first runner up though.

        • I think yes he will. He will go down as the More Effective Evil. He will go down as the President who made all of Bush’s decomplishments permanet. Torture, mass-spying, the Bush Tax Cuts, perma-deficit, perma-debt, EVerything.
          If he can prevent his Republican successors from widening the war to Iran, he will get credit for that. But he will also ( in a fair world) get major discredit for starting a totally needless pointless New Cold War with Russia. And for what? Freedom for Nazi Banderastan?
          But he won’t care. He’ll be laughing all the way to the bank for the rest of his well-paid-off life.

  3. Haruhi-kami-sama help me; I do NOT have enough brain bleach for that image. :facepalm:

  4. Almost half of the Republicans in Congress voted for the passage of Medicare in 1965.


  5. Remaining Senate Democrats breath a sigh of relief as they don’t have to make excuses to constituents about getting zilch done for them.

    • lol sooo true…their excuse is ALWAYS : We don’t have the numbers..
      Even when they had a super majority.. ..

  6. I think this is the first time in my life that the Democrats crushing defeat didn’t affect me at all. I couldn’t care less. I just can’t make it matter to me.

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