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Bribing North Korea

It looks like Karl Rove and his Crossroads GPS group are in a heap of trouble.  Very wealthy people gave mucho dinero to Karl and all they have to show for it is pretty much the same thing they had before the election.

But these guys didn’t get to the top by playing pattycake.  There’s a reason why many industries committed genocide against their employees.  They don’t want to be tied down.  They want to be “weightless”.  All the pension, social security and health benefits costs were keeping their hard earned money out of their own pockets.  So, they went on purges and listened to consultants from McKinsey and Boston who made them believe that they could get much of what they wanted by stressing the superstars to the breaking point and outsourcing everything else.  And what they couldn’t produce themselves, they could license in from the desperate startups.  Right?  You know I am.

Of course, that won’t really work out for many reasons that are unfamiliar to them.  If you’re a scientist, you’re better off developing your hobby for photography or serving tables in a restaurant than in an insecure startup or the crazy world of the corporate lab where all your hard work could get you laid off at any moment.  Or relocated to an expensive area of the country.  And then laid off again. As a lifestyle, it sucks.  But at some point, they’re going to have to hire some of us back.  Maybe there will be some nasty superbug that will need an antibiotic that no one has been working on or maybe the “Christians” will need medication to help them adjust to reality.  Social Security is still out there weighing the wealthy down.  They find it profoundly irritating.

Anyway, regardless of the sturm und drang on the Republican side and the fact that they are just now getting around to asking whether they made the “Christians” too hard assed, self-righteous, condescending, rigid, judgmental, mean-spirited, sex-crazed, irrational, willfully ignorant and just plain unbearable to be around, they aren’t going to give up trying to gut social security while they still have a lame duck session.  And when they have so many legislators retiring or leaving involuntarily, the billionaires still have a few tricks up their sleeves.  For instance, if those newly liberated reps and senators don’t do this one last favor for them, they’ll never work again.  How’s that?  You think you have a posh office at some K Street lobbying firm waiting for you when you get out or a nice Board of Directors appointment or financial industry position?  Think again. They can make all of that go away and leave you with nothing but a rented U-Haul for you to cart your papers back to Indiana.

Maybe there’s an opportunity here for the rest of us.  This situation reminds me of North Korea in the Clinton years, always threatening to go nuclear if they didn’t get what they wanted.  The answer to ratcheting down the threat was to pay them off.  We fed them during a famine, if I recall correctly and sent them oil.  If it kept North Korea from behaving badly, it was a small price to pay.

So, maybe we can offer to pay these retiring and defeated legislators to go away and do it without hurting anyone.  And anyway, if they gut social security to save their cushy jobs, they might have a fat bank account but they may never be safe again from the raging grannies and people from New Jersey who will break their knees (metaphorically).  It would be an ignominious demise, heaped with utter shame and disgrace.  They might have to leave the country.  But if they’re willing to take the money from the rich and powerful to cast a final vote in favor of the people who already have too much money at the expense of the ones who will soon have none, then shame might not be a problem for them.  You might as well take money from the middle and the left.  Our money is good.

So, name your number.  How much will we need to collect to make you go away without touching Social Security or changing Medicare?  We can all chip in and put the money in an escrow account called the “Retired Legislators and Mashie Niblick Lifestyle Readjustment Fund” or something like that.  We promise not to invest in mortgage backed securities with it.  Then, after you leave office and your successor is sworn in, we will dispense the funds to you.  Consider it our parting gift, a nice little nest egg for you to start the next phase of your life.  (Sorry, no Obama Phone.  We’re talking about serious payoffs here.)

No, don’t thank us.  WE will thank YOU.

Whaddya say?  Get back to us ASAP because I think there are some people in New Jersey who are doing practice swings with their lead pipes.

{{KIDDING!! Just kidding!}}

So, here’s a poll for all of you who want to retire someday on the money that you pre-paid for decades:

11 Responses

  1. Looks like this idea might have a little life in it. The contributors are vastly outnumbering the non-contributors. Of course, it’s still early but I’m optimistic.

  2. I probably would but, could I wait until after Christmas to write the check? (kidding)

    • Maybe. Let’s see what how the rhetoric is going when they come back next week.

      • I don’t think we can wait. The signals are coming fast and furious. And I think we need a daily (maybe twice daily) Social Security Watch party. Or maybe, Damn Right, I’m Entitled Watch Party.

  3. You’ll never guess who designed this beautiful little glass sidetable:

    Go on, guess.
    Ok, I’ll tell you. It’s Brad Pitt. What doesn’t he do??

  4. I’d be willing to kick in 50 bucks to buy some more lead pipes.

  5. Local radio personality and his sidekick were going on about election happenings. One of the topics was Sean Hannity might be in trouble for tweeting a pic of his filled out ballot, that’s illegal in some states but this pair wasn’t aware of it. I fired off an email to set the record straight. The real story here though is the sidekick was a big G W Bush fan until Katrina sobered him up. Republicans have no sense of history nor do they care to, it’s the same with science. They rely on “gut instinct” rather than fact. Joe Cannon has a Jon Stewart clip up about that. Thing is you have Democrats devolving into the same mind set becoming O-bots. The sidekick just knew W. Bush was the neatest thing since sliced bread, personal history be damned.

    For those of you unaware of showing your ballot laws, it goes back to the days of the political bosses that controlled the voting wards in the cities. On election day the ward heelers would set of to the polls with a sack of coins. Voters would show they checked off the ward boss’ candidate and receive a coin. This is the only time in American history when buy an election actually benefited the voter. They may have put a crook in office but at least they got something out of it.

    When the Irish came to America to escape the Potato Famine ward bosses found their vote could be had for a nickle beer saving them money. My theory is one of the poll watchers opened a can of soda and instinct took over.

    • But if the crook-in-office stole many coins worth of wealth from the voter over his term in office, then the voter lost many coins to that one coin the voter gained.

      Crookery-in-office was a bussiness not a charity, after all.

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