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Miss Cleo says “Don’t hold your breath”

New York Birdcage Liner:

Reid to Push to Allow End of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

In a direct challenge to Republicans who support the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy barring gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the armed forces, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, said he would push ahead with a military policy bill that includes language authorizing the Pentagon to repeal the ban.

Senator John McCain of Arizona, the senior Republican on the Armed Services Committee, led his colleagues in blocking consideration of the bill in September in part because it allowed the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Mr. McCain has not changed his position, and Democrats had been considering stripping the provision to advance the legislation.

But the White House on Wednesday repeated President Obama’s commitment to repealing the ban. In a statement later in the day, Mr. Reid said he would bring the bill to the floor, with the repeal language in place. “We need to repeal this discriminatory policy so that any American who wants to defend our country can do so,” Mr. Reid said.

Gee Harry, why don’t you just ask President Obama TO DROP THE FUCKING DADT APPEAL?

It doesn’t take a psychic to figure out that the Democrats don’t really want to repeal DADT, but they want the Republicans to take the blame.

I hope the Senate Republicans let just enough enough of their senators vote in favor of cloture to bring the DADT repeal to an upperdown floor vote.

Then the Democrats can’t posture anymore.

22 Responses

  1. The Repubs should, but they’re just as predictable as the foolish Dems. They’re in a race to see which party sucks the most. So far it’s dead even.

  2. Maybe it would be simplest to admit that America is now governmentless.

    Why Are Republicans Smiling?

  3. Greg Sargent:

    Yes, DADT repeal could still pass, Senate staffers say

    It’s widely assumed that the reason the White House and Dems will punt on holding a vote on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell during the lame duck session is that there aren’t 60 votes for it in the Senate to get it past a GOP filibuster. Senator Carl Levin, who heads the relevant committee, is talking about separating out DADT repeal from the Defense Authorization Bill for precisely this reason.

    But very plugged in staffers who are actively involved in counting votes for Senators who favor repeal tell me it’s premature to conclude this — and that it could still get 60 votes in the Senate. These staffers tell me they’ve received private indications from a handful of moderate GOP Senators that they could vote for cloture on a Defense Authorization Bill with DADT repeal in it — if Dem leaders agree to hold a sustained debate on the bill on the Senate floor.

    Here’s why this is important: It throws the ball back into the court of Senator Harry Reid and the White House. It means the onus is on them, mainly on Reid, to agree to a two-week Senate debate on DADT, including allowing amendments. Reid had previously tried to limit amendments, leading GOP moderates to balk. And Dem leaders may not want to allow this two week debate now, because time is short and it could prolong the session. But they should do it, because it’s the only real chance to get repeal done. And it could get done.

    The GOP Senators who are in play, according to these staffers, are Richard Lugar, George Voinovich, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. A spokesman for Lugar, Mark Helmke, tells me that Lugar would vote for cloture if Reid staged “ordered debate on a number of issues in the bill.”

    Helmke said he was skeptical that Reid would do this, however. “I would be surprised if the Majority Leader could achieve that in the time we have left,” he said.

    Kevin Kelley, a spokesperson for Collins, who supports repeal but has butted heads procedurally with Dems in the past, said: “She has indicated that she would support cloture if the Majority Leader allows a full and open debate.”

    A spokesperson for Snowe denied there are any discussions underway, and a spokesperson for Voinovich didn’t return calls.

    Sources also tell me that senators Joe Lieberman, Mark Udall and Kirsten Gillibrand will hold a press conference tomorrow urging the Dem leadership to allow the final two-week debate, arguing that this still can happen. This is no small thing: They are urging their own party leadership to do this.

    Sure, there’s reason for enormous skepticism that repeal will happen. The Dem leadership may balk at holding a protracted floor showdown before going home, and GOP moderates may throw up yet more procedural objections. But it could still happen, if the Dem leadership tries to make it happen.

    We wouldn’t want the Democrats to put any effort into this, now would we?


  4. White House backs ‘Four Loko’ ban

    The White House on Wednesday threw its support behind a ban on beverages that infuse alcohol and caffeine.

    No more Buzz Beer

    • Does that mean bars will no longer be able to serve Red Bull & Vodka? Those 20-somethings that voted for O are going be p’od! They drink that mess of a drink like its going out of style.

    • Just cracks me up.. These kids had Blood Alcohol levels over 2.0. Maybe THAT had something to do with how sick they got.

      All they gotta do now is start beer bonging cheap wine and taking caffeine pills. MMMM.

  5. OT

    If Sarah Palin flies commercial and goes through the body scanner, the images will be online.

    Taking bets.

  6. Myiq, I have to correct you here: there was not an a DADT appeal. There were 3 of them!
    One on the main decision, two on the injunction.
    As for those clamoring for Executive orders, those are reserved for Jane Crow, Faith base thinghies.

  7. “New York Birdcage Liner”

    No self-respecting bird would dirty its poop with, for example, a David Brooks column. 😈

  8. Definitely not holding my breath for DADT repeal…

    gah… having to reject hope with a vengence.

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