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Thursday Morning! News!

This news is old as things go for this page but, it’s new to a lot of people and VERY exciting in my world:

Neurologists at the University at Buffalo are beginning a research study that could overturn the prevailing wisdom on the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS).

The researchers will test the possibility that the symptoms of MS result from narrowing of the primary veins outside the skull, a condition called “chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency,” or CCSVI.

CCSVI is a complex vascular condition discovered and described by Paolo Zamboni, M.D., from Italy’s University of Ferrara. In the original Italian patients, CCSVI was found to be strongly associated with MS, increasing the risk of developing MS by 43 fold.

This narrowing restricts the normal outflow of blood from the brain, causing alterations in the blood flow patterns within the brain that eventually causes injury to brain tissue and degeneration of neurons.

The preliminary findings were based on a pilot study at the BNAC headed by Zivadinov, and at the Universities of Ferrara and Bologna, Italy, directed by Zamboni and Fabrizio Salvi, M.D, respectively. The study showed that several abnormalities affecting the predominant pathways that return venous blood from the brain to the heart occurred more frequently in MS patients than in controls.

This research, supported by the Hilarescere Foundation of Italy and the BNAC, was conducted to replicate the findings of the Italian investigators.

“Results of this preliminary study, which involved 16 relapsing-remitting MS patients and eight age-and-sex-matched healthy controls, showed that all the MS patients, but none of the controls, had chronic insufficient blood flow out of the brain,” said Zivadinov.

I’ve been following this story closely (since before the Buffalo study was announced.) A good site to find more information is the This Is MS Form where they have a whole section dedicated to CCSVI news. Among other things, they are tracking the progress of MS patients who have gone to Standford University to have stents inserted in their collapsed veins.

If you are interested in health news, the site, Many Years Young run by our friend, Carolyn Kay (Make them Accountable) is updated daily with an impressive array of stories:


Wearing a pedometer can be a big step in the weight-loss battle

“What we found was, on average, that wearing a pedometer increased people’s physical activity by about 2,000 steps per day,” Bravata said. “That’s equivalent to about a mile.”

High-fat, high-sugar diet alters bacteria in the gut, making it easier to gain weight

A high-fat, high-sugar diet does more than just pump calories into your body. It also alters the composition of bacteria in your intestines, increasing the proportion of the little buggers that make it easier for you gain weight and harder to lose it, research in mice suggests. And the changeover can happen in as little as 24 hours, much faster than researchers had suspected, according to a report today in the new journal Science Translational Medicine.

Hasan’s supervising doctors questioned his fitness for service


The Pentagon official, who is familiar with Hasan’s record as a medical resident, said his behavior was discussed during monthly meetings of top training officials at Walter Reed and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the review sessions, said Hasan’s name often came up because of his sometimes aggressive and argumentative behavior.

More disillusionment? Regarding this story from The Hill, David Sirota says:


Obama helping lobbyists weaken offshore tax crackdown Dems passed in 2002 over GOP opposition

What this is all about is corporate lobbying against provisions that both use taxpayer money to reward domestic companies that pay their fair share of taxes and disincentivize companies from trying to rip off the public through offshore “inversions.” And it’s one of the first examples we’ve seen of the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress potentially doing something even worse than the Bush administration and the Republican Congress.

Bayh, Conrad, Feinstein, Lieberman and Warner form national suicide pact


Currently, these five Democrats are demanding that Speaker Pelosi hand over all relevant Congressional power to an independent commission that will be allowed to slash and partially privatize Social Security and Medicare, or else they will allow the United States to default on its debt.

Lou Dobbs Abruptly Quits CNN


Months ago the president of CNN/U.S., Jonathan Klein, offered a choice to Lou Dobbs, the channel’s most outspoken anchor. Mr. Dobbs could vent his opinions on radio and anchor an objective newscast on television, or he could leave CNN.

Relentless Pressure from Progressive Groups Pushes Hatemonger Lou Dobbs Out of CNN

Dobbs’ abrupt departure from the network is a major victory for the Latino advocacy groups demanding his resignation. For years, the talk show host has stirred up xenophobic, anti-immigrant hysteria and promoted an array of right-wing talking points, giving lie to CNN’s reputation for impartiality as well as comically belying his own claims of “independence.”

Since when did taking orders from the Vatican become a good political strategy? Or the right thing to do?


How Catholic Bishops Threw the Health Care Debate into Turmoil with Anti-Abortion Maneuver

Members from heavily Catholic districts wouldn’t sign on until the bishops gave their blessing on the language, Republicans wouldn’t vote for the rule until the National Right to Life Committee signed off. Pelosi assessed her risk, apparently calculating that the Stupak language would be stripped out of the bill that is eventually sent to the president’s desk.

Dementia ‘chemical cosh’ warning


Nearly 150,000 dementia patients each year are given anti-psychotic drugs unnecessarily, an official review says.
The figure represents four in five of all the people who are being prescribed the drugs in care homes, hospitals and their own homes to manage aggression.

The use of the drugs – dubbed a chemical cosh – is linked to 1,800 deaths as well as leaving people struggling after strokes and falls.

CDC now says 4,000 swine flu deaths in US


Federal health officials now say that 4,000 or more Americans likely have died from swine flu — about four times the estimate they’ve been using.

Mo. cops hunt for child abuse clues hidden in jars


An excavation was scheduled to resume Thursday at a rural western Missouri property where authorities believe they may find bodies and buried glass jars with notes written by children who may have documented sexual abuse.

The property, about 30 miles east of Kansas City, was once owned by two of five family members arrested Tuesday.

“There has been an indication that there are body or bodies in numerous locations,” said Lafayette County Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh, although he would not say whose bodies they might be.

I can’t quite figure out why this is the top headline today. . . .


Official: Obama rejects all Afghan war options

President Barack Obama does not plan to accept any of the Afghanistan war options presented by his national security team, pushing instead for revisions to clarify how and when U.S. troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government, a senior administration official said Wednesday.

Laugh of the day:

Perry: Obama ‘hell-bent’ on socialism

Speaking at a luncheon for a Midland County Republican Women’s group, Perry said that “this is an administration hell-bent toward taking American towards a socialist country. And we all don’t need to be afraid to say that because that’s what it is.”

Obama stares down Patriot Act criticism


The Justice Department recently reiterated its request for Congress to extend with few changes key provisions of the Patriot Act: sections that allow roving wiretaps on multiple phones, seizing of business records and a never-used authority to spy on non-Americans suspected of being terrorists even though they have no connection to a recognized terrorist group.

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138 Responses

  1. High-fat, high-sugar diet alters bacteria in the gut, making it easier to gain weight

    I’m screwed, especially if the bacteria like beer.

  2. katiebird, that is really exciting news about MS. I have a co-worker friend who has it. Do you think that this could be why symptoms and progression appear to vary wildly in MS patients?

  3. I’m not surprised to see my senator, Evan Bayh, listed among those in the Senate who want ” an independent commission that will be allowed to slash and partially privatize Social Security and Medicare “.

    Evan has always been a Democrat in name only. I often wonder what his father, the great liberal former senator, Birch Bayh, really thinks of his son.

    I am surprised to see Feinstein’s name as part of the ” national suicide pact “. Can anyone in CA provide insight on this?

  4. Bluelyon, they really don’t know much at this point. That study in Italy was interesting… it was done by vascular surgeons and included a range of patients who where healthy & had various chronic & degenerative diseases (like diabetes, I remember.) The “pancaking” of the veins was only in the MS patients and only in the head/neck. And in the veins where the blood flows back toward the heart.

    Of those MS patients they were all in the very early stages of diagnosis/progression. And since the study (2 years?) the progression (I think for all of them) has stopped.

    The MS patients who participate at ThisisMS and have gone to Stanford for stents all report immediate relief from chronic fatigue and brain fog. But, at this point that’s anecdotal.

    My sister (who has had MS for 20 years) is on the list to be evaluated and get the stents talked with Dr. Dake (the vascular surgeon at Stanford) and he’s done 45 of the procedures just since April (when he did the first one)…

    • The link takes me to the U of Buffalo site, but is there a specific place to look for info on this study alone–or maybe I’m missing it and it’s right in front of me? A good friend was just diagnosed–young healthy guy–and I’d like to pass it along.

  5. I’m betting he’ll end up at FOX:

    Lou Dobbs, the most opinionated and divisive anchor at a cable network that bills itself as a straight-news oasis, resigned from CNN on Wednesday night, saying in his final broadcast that he wants “to go beyond the role” of a television journalist in tackling the country’s problems.

    Framing his move as a response to the urging of “some leaders in media, politics and business,” Dobbs struck a populist tone, attempting to position himself as a political leader who would mount a campaign “to overcome the lack of true representation in Washington, D.C.” He said that public debate was now defined by “partisanship and ideology” and that he would continue to speak out “in the most honest and direct language possible.”

    Liberal groups such as NDN and Media Matters had mounted a “Dump Dobbs” campaign, and Latino organizations challenged such Dobbs declarations as his 2006 statement that about one-third of the U.S. prison population “is estimated to be illegal aliens”–which the anchor later acknowledged was way too high. But his position at CNN seemed secure.

  6. Did anyone notice in the Alternet article that Katiebird linked to how Congresswoman DeLauro used the terms “pro-life and pro-choice” while Kate Michelman used the term “anti-choice”? Michelman understands that, on this issue, words matter.

    We need to drive home that pro-choice is truly about choice: One choice is to carry the pregnancy to term; the other choice is not to carry the pregnancy to term. Both are matters of reproductive health and should be routinely covered by insurance policies.

    According to a study by Commonwealth Issues, only 13% of all insurance policies currently provide for childbirth expenses without an optional rider. Wonder how many of the anti-choice individuals understand that women’s reproductive health care issues are considered unimportant by all the guys who run the insurance companies.

    • I consider it pro-keeping the government out of my vagina … more than choice

      it just ain’t any body’s business what goes on in there but mine

      • I’m with you, dakinikat. For me it’s about autonomy. Nobody but me gets to control my body!

  7. It’s not like there aren’t a few domestic issues that need urgent attention. Can’t stand the heat, off to Asia to act like a Sec of State. Then in December, he can hang in Europe at the climate summit with nothing to offer. Where is that leadership of hope and change. Seriously.


  8. What’s up with the heavy screening katiebird? Kinda defeats the point of the prior thread, dontcha think.

    • with nothing but incalculable damage to show for it

    • It hasn’t helped matters that Obama is the first president to serve in the post-Internet age.

      POST- Internet? Where did the Internet go?

    • Put simply, Obama has misread his mandate. Perhaps he thought he was elevated to pass health care – they loved it in Iowa! – but in fact it was the economic crisis that got him elected, is now our national preoccupation, and will be the solution of which (or lack of one) that determines whether he’s re-elected.

      These writers never ever do their homework. Doesn’t he know what Obama did to Health Care in Illinois?
      No use mentioning campaign trail promises in Iowa, when there are facts in Illinois.

  9. Hamlet in Chief continues to weigh Afghan options:

    Obama and Afghanistan: A Credibility Gap?
    As the president decides what to do about this war, he must persuade the public his policy is reality-based. And he’s already having trouble.
    —By David Corn


    U.S. Envoy Urges Caution on Forces for Afghanistan

    WASHINGTON — The United States ambassador to Afghanistan, who once served as the top American military commander there, has expressed in writing his reservations about deploying additional troops to the country, three senior American officials said Wednesday.

    The position of the ambassador, Karl W. Eikenberry, a retired lieutenant general, puts him in stark opposition to the current American and NATO commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, who has asked for 40,000 more troops.

    • I just noticed the headline in the NYT about Gates saying Obama is choosing “none of the above” re Afghanistan. The story of Solomon testing 2 women’s claims to motherhood came to mind. (Solomon proposed cutting the baby in half. The women that said NO! was judged to be the true mother.)
      It looks to me like there is no “baby” Obama will not chop in half.

    • Oh dear. David Corn has turned? Obama’s in trouble.

  10. Dionne pleads with womenz to go along to get along:

    Don’t Let Abortion Destroy Health Care Reform
    By E.J. Dionne

    WASHINGTON — For some years, Democrats have denounced parodies casting their party as utterly closed to the views of those who oppose abortion. Last weekend, Democrats proved conclusively that they are, indeed, a big tent — and many in the ranks are furious.

    Whatever else is true, Stupak’s amendment is unlikely to have a significant effect on the availability of abortion, since most abortions are not paid for through health insurance.


    • Can’t we all just get along?

    • Isn’t it amazing how all (most) the men are saying to women “Just go along with the plan. It really isn’t any different than what you have now.” Sickens me. I am tired of MEN telling women what they can or can’t do with their bodies. It is a matter of CHOICE.

      • Some guys want their cheap stiffy pills so they can continue to play Lothario.
        I wonder if priests get them cheap?
        I mean since Jesus isn’t around to raise the dead.

      • ***I am tired of MEN telling women what they can or can’t do with their bodies. It is a matter of CHOICE.***

        I hear ya. But I’m beginning to think there is a problem with pro-choice language pertaining to women’s “bodies.” Talk about women’s “bodies” seems to separate women by about one degree from themselves, as in a woman’s “body” is not exactly the same thing as her self. Ridiculous, I know, but it seems to have that effect. This makes the anti-choicers job of separating us from our basic human rights a bit easier. Instead of saying men have no right to tell us what to do with our bodies (even though they don’t), maybe it would be clearer if we said men have no right to tell us what to do with our selves (or no right to tell us what to do, period?).

        Does that make any sense?

        • Yes, it does make sense. Perhaps, better language would include the words autonomy and privacy?

    • Sorry, it’s my line in the sand.

  11. This may be one of the most disappointing things I’ve read in a long time. I always admired Peter Galbraith damn it.

    Sleazy advocacy of a leading liberal hawk looks like he had large undisclosed financial interests.

    Here we have yet another example of one of America’s most Serious and respected “experts” advocating various policies while maintaining huge, undisclosed financial and personal interests in his advocacy. He was given access to every major media outlet virtually on demand to do so — the NYT, The Washington Post, NPR, CNN, Fox — all while those interests remained concealed. His uniting with the country’s most extreme neocons to support the Bush administration’s attack on Iraq didn’t prevent the Obama administration from pushing him to be hired as the U.N.’s number two official in Afghanistan. He continued to be revered by leading establishment Democrats as an important and respected expert. In other words, Peter Galbraith is a perfect face showing how America’s Foreign Policy Community and our political debates function.

  12. Obama: November 2009: “And we’re not looking to change what is the principle that has been in place for a very long time, which is federal dollars are not used to subsidize abortions.”

    Obama: September 9 Speech to Congress: “And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up: under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place”.

    Obama: August 2009 a call with ‘faith leaders’, “President Obama stated that abortion funding would not be included in health care reform,”

    Obama: July 2007 speech at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser, Obama firmly pledged that his plans for a government-run insurance option would cover abortions as “essential” care, and that abortion was “at the heart, and at the center of” his health care reform.

  13. Women Leaders Speak Out Against
    the Stupak Amendment
    With Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

    Press Conference
    Monday, November16th 2009

    780 3rd Avenue
    Bet. 48th and 49th Street
    Basement C2 level

    Women elected officials, pro-choice leaders and women’s health experts stand up in opposition to the stupak amendment.

    • I really hope that the women in the senate stand tough against this regressive amendment.

      I haven’t read the amendment for a few days, but I don’t think it even covers the option for abortion in the even of a genetic defect or disability. Anyone know?

  14. Rick Perry is one of the very few politicians in the U.S. who are actually less competent than Obama. Even so, waving the red hanky at a gaggle of West Texas petro-pugs is pretty pathetic. These are the same folks who quaked in terror that the Contras were about to invade Texas through Harlingen (Harlingen? Why Harlingen, f’r Goddess’ sake?) back in the days of the Emperor Ronnie.

    Unless the Blue Dogs manage to get off their backs and stop offering their bellies to the Republicans, I’m going to cross over and vote in the Republican primary for Kay Bailey. She’s a right-winger, too, of course, but not as embarassing as Governor Goodhair.

    • He has good hair though.

    • I voted for her the first time that she ran. It was a terrible mistake. She is a terrible senator. Has been dreadful for many years. Never voted for Perry, ever but he is light years better than Bush was. Wasn’t the Republic of Texas crap taken waaay out of context? I do know that he tried like heck to get the young women of this state the HPV vaccinations. As far as I know that is what set off the RW lunatics who now hate him. He also has dealt with Hurricanes very effectively. Our state is traditionally in the black. Now this deal with removing the members of that panel was shady at best.

      I can’t imagine that Hutchinson has anything of substance to offer after how she failed to stand up to anyone in the Republican party for all those Bush years. She is as much a liar and a puppet as Obama and I think she sold out women all across our state. Just vote for the Democrat, no matter who it is.

      • When he was governor, Bush did nothing that wasn’t approved of by democratic Lt Gov Bob Bullock other than some appointments. Comparing him to Perry is ridiculous especially in a negative direction.

        One of those appointments was of Schieffer, who was his first Pioneer donor. Schieffer not only was among the very first pushing Bush for President, he got hm the 5% of the Rangers baseball team and put him up for governor.

        Schieffer is running for governor now as a democrat. He’s got a good chance to be nominiated, the state party is corrupt enough. Go ahead and vote for him. I’m sure you’ll love him, if you like Perry.

        • In the great state of Texas there really is little difference between establishment dems or repubs. I miss Ann Richards. And Molly Ivins.

      • Just vote for the Democrat, no matter who it is.

        No. Way. In. Fucking. Hell.

        I’ll vote for the Democrat in the general if the he (of course it will be a he) is actually competent and reasonably honest–ie., bears little or no resemblance to most of the recent Texas Dem gubernatioral offerings. Remember Tony Sanchez? As in Tony “Bush Pioneer” Sanchez? Otherwise, I vote Green.

        And oh, yeah, I miss Miss Ann, too.

  15. Here’s another reason why church and state don’t mix:

    The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn’t change a proposed same-sex marriage law, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and health care.


    • Boy, they are playing hardball and feeling their power.

      • what I want to know is why are we giving religious organizations public funds? especially ones known to discriminate and also hide crimes like pedophilia …

        • If they are going to withhold public funds from the needy citizens of Washington, then perhaps, they need to lose the church’s tax exempt status.

          Also, it may be saber rattling, but it worked with the Stupak amendment, so why not try again with same-sex marriage law.

      • This has GOT to be saber-rattling. I don’t want to believe that this would actually happen. Of course, the Dems (who run the District amirite?) will fold like a cheap suit anyway.

    • very Christian of them.

      • just because all the Jesus stories are about taking care of the poor regardless doesn’t mean they have to actually read and pay attention to them, I guess…

        • and they’re even using OUR funds to do it … so it’s not even technically being charitable or anything

        • it just amazes me that these men would punish poor people to control politics. They should let women be priests and send the men to human school to learn to be human.

    • Five years ago, no one would have thought of beating up gay men on the streets of Rome. But it’s happened two or three times last month.

      This Pope does not have a liberal bone in his body.

    • So take their money away and give it to the Piskies.

      The Episcopal Church not only has a female Presiding BIshop and a married (or at least civil-unioned) gay Bishop, but it told the Abp. of Canterbury to take a hike over His Grace’s attempted interference in ECUSA’s policy re: ordaining gays. They’re also in the first stages of developing an official liturgy for same-sex marriage. I’m sure the local diocese would love to increase its social justice outreach.

  16. BTW THANK YOU to everybody for their best wishes yesterday. Was offline for quite a while and was touched and amazed by the outpouring of support when I checked back on the thread.

  17. CNN breaking news: Maj. Nidal Hasan to face 13 preliminary charges of premeditated murder, U.S. military sources say

  18. Video on “Pelosi On Jail Time For No Health Care: “The Legislation Is Very Fair In This Respect””

    • I saw this posted on Liberal Rapture yesterday and thought John made a very good point: WTH does she just not say that nobody is going to go to jail over this? (The reason, according to a commenter whose facts I haven’t verified, is that sections 7201 and 7203 of HR 3962 *do* include criminal penalties for “willful” failure to maintain an acceptable insurance policy.)

      Um, pitchfork time?

      • Also she keeps referring to what’s fair.

        Fairness would be a decent system like they have in Europe. Not a mandated gift to the insurance companies. This is so bad it almost makes me want to cry.

        • Has any media outlet done any story on how health care works in the E U.
          The only thing that seems to make the news is items about disgruntled Canadians coming to the U S for treatment.
          Never mind, I forgot that items like how they do it better for less might embarrass Obama.

          • I think Lou Dobbs or someone on CNN actually did do a few shows on health care in other countries.

          • Lou Dobbs has been too busy crying that if we have single-payer health care, thousands–nay, millions–of dark-skinned furriners will swarm across the border to “steal” medical services.

            Idiot. In Mexico, as in most of Latin America, caps on drug costs as well as medical services are set and strictly enforced by the government. Every package of prescription medicine has a “Maximum Price to the Public” printed on it, and it’s invariably a minor fraction of the US price. I’ve known people to spend three days in hospital in Mexico for less than $100.00. Which is, of course, why Mexico has a thriving trade in medical “tourism.”

      • I think that’s what “mandated” means. That in the end refusal means jail (unless you can hire a good lawyer or rewrite the law).

    • http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/57024

      From this article forcing people to buy insurance was investigated before and was not in the Constitution. But now they are trying an end run around it.



  19. http://fora.tv/2009/10/24/Bright-Sided_Barbara_Ehrenreich#Did_Positive_Thinking_Crash_Our_Economy

    this one is for Dak.



    • oooo, ty helen!!!

      • Dakinikat

        The Fora TV site has some of the most interesting topics. I like getting the info from them.

        I just showed a guy I work with who is interested in economics your website and some of your posts. I think you will have a new admirer.



    • Yes-that’s an excellent video.

      I had no idea some people believe that the tsunami happened because people there drew bad vibrations to them. Or that the poor are poor because of their own negativity.

      I think I’ll sign up for Flora audio.

  20. http://fora.tv/2009/10/22/A_Conversation_with_US_Chief_Economist_Austan_Goolsbee#Goolsbee_Is_the_US_Less_Educated_Than_Bulgaria

    Interesting point of view. Is the result of bil ayres teaching the teachers



  21. I really hope that there is something to this new approach to MS, but I am afraid I am highly skeptcal. MS patients have numerous immune system abnormalities that can’t be accounted for by chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency.

    For example, most patients with MS are chock full of autoreactive T Cells and B Cells especially when they are experiencing a flare. The disease is associated with activation of the complement system (another part of the immune system) as well as the production of large amounts of cytokines, especially interferon alpha,

    In short, compared to people who don’t have MS, there are just too many immune system differences to believe that autoimmunity as opposed to “chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, isn’t the major etiologic factor in MS.

    None of this suggests that the approach that they are taking in Buffalo couldn’t be palliative; just that it is hard to see how it gets to the root cause of the disorder.

    By the way, there are about 10 new drugs in clinical trials (including stage 3 trials that are the most important) devoted to ameliorating MS. Some of these drugs look extremely promising.

    One new drug, Benlysta (belimumab) just reported very positivie results in another autoimmune disease (lupus) and is also being tried in MS; preliminary results look good.

    This drug works by inhbiting a component of the immune system called “Blys” which is responsible for preventing autoreactive immune cells from doing what they should do, die (a process called apoptosis).

    Anyway, MS researach is progressing incredibly rapidly. There may be no other autoimmune disease other than rheumatoid arthritis that has seen so much progress.

    MS is a terrible disorder; the great news is that many new treatments should be available soon.

    Thanks for the interesting information about the Buffalo study.

    • Whether it turns out to lead to a direct cure of MS or not (and I didn’t mean to imply that it would), it’s GOT to be a good thing that MS patients are discovering the inadequate blood flow from their head. And that there are doctors who are able to correct it.

      I should also say that there is nothing experimental about THAT. Vascular surgeons have been putting stents in people for years.

  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8220734.stm

    This article cracked my up. Why is it that a woman who is better at things always has to be likened to a man?

    some of the articles on the side bar are interesting also.



  23. http://www.newsweek.com/id/222321?from=rss

    jack up the bus I think we will be getting another one soon.



  24. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/nov/12/400-years-of-history-rescued/

    Something for the history lovers. Reading about the past and the everyday people of different times is something I love to do. It reminds me of how far we have come and how far we still have to go.



  25. http://lifenews.com/nat5651.html

    stupek threatens dems if his amendment is pulled.

    Any female that votes for this pos should be mentally examined.



  26. http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2009/11/its_not_over_recanvassing_shows_ny23_race.html

    Axis Sally rushed to swear in this guy in time to do his damage to women. Now what if he did not win the election does he still stay , is his vote valid?



  27. http://www.maniacworld.com/best-parking-spot-ever.html

    This is one of the best ideas I have heard all year. I do not know if I would try it.



  28. That is the best endorsement Coakley could have. If axis sally is against her then I will contribute to her campaign. She must be good for the country.



  29. Is it legal to wear a crash helmet to the polls? If Democratic Congressmen are coming from across the US to turn our election into a caucus, I want to protect my cranium. We also need to put posters of Howard and Donna and Tim Kaine in all polling stations in case they try to retroactively disappear our votes and award them to Capuano.

  30. Gender Traitor, indeed.

    This must be the transparency she is always touting:

    Transparently a shill for Obama, transparently screwing women wherever she goes (wait, that sounds good–well, you know what I mean), and transparently vindictive–couldn’t let a week go by without striking back at Coakley.

    I am now motivated not just to send Coakley a thank-you email, but to donate to her campaign.

    • It’s like They.Can’t.Stop. As of today, Mikey is polling third, and many people who had a positive opinion of him before this race now wouldn’t vote for him for anything, ever. But they Judy keep going as if they can’t help themselves.

    • I think I will send Coakley a donation. Anyone that Pelousy supports is as dirty and corrupt as she is.

  31. Of course, Pelousy would endorse the Kennedy choice. She doesn’t want a real thinking liberal in his spot. Jeez, Coakley may actually have some testicular fortitude, which she will need to be a good senator.

  32. the problem with dobbs is that he’s not really that interested in what he talks about on his radio and television shows. it’s obvious to me that dobbs still thinks that this is 1979 and things are far more complicated these days then he lets on.

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