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Tuesday: What is PUMA?

The PUMASPHERE is open for business

The NY Times asked this question yesterday, or so I’ve heard.

I’ll tell you what we’re not.  We are not the kind of people who are concerned with whether our vaginas are as fresh and sweet as a Massengill douche.

Oddly enough, our ability to make noise and vote appear to be independent of our vaginal status.  Some of us don’t even HAVE vaginas.  {{gasp!}}

We *do*, however, have a Credo*, which is the reason we consider ourselves to be USDA approved prime cut liberals.

Oh, and BTW, Wonkette readers, someday, if you’re lucky, you will live long enough to be old.  Your tits will sag, your scrotums will lose their perky tautness and young, stupid adolescent males will make fun of you, unless, of course, the PUMAs make them insignificant.  Someday, you may thank us.

In other news:

Amy Siskind of The New Agenda must have read our post on the Double X, where we call for scrutiny of the next Congress’s legislation in order to ensure that women benefit from any stimulus packages that are proposed.  She pointed me in the direction of this post by Sheryl Robinson, Obama should appoint a woman to Commerce because jobs are not a given.

Now that Bill Richardson has resigned, er, before being appointed, Obama has another opportunity to appoint a woman to his cabinet.  He hasn’t made a very good start to being the Change! president.  He’s appointed about as many women as George Bush did.  When Clinton was president, nearly half of his cabinet were women.  How does one explain this?  How was Bill Clinton able to create an efficient, well run executive branch, half of the departments managed by women, but Obama can’t do this?  If we know it *can* be done, why isn’t it being done?  In fact, isn’t it possible that Obama is doing his country a disservice by passing up superior managers because his little band of advisors consists of a bunch of adolescent minded Wonkette readers? But I digress.

Robinson points out that during recessions and depressions, women suffer disproportionately and frequently don’t benefit from stimulus packages which focus on infrastructure jobs:

Women typically suffer greater hardship than men in times of economic downturn. More women in government means more support for issues that affect women, according to the UNIFEM report released this Fall. For this reason, Obama should appoint a woman to replace Bill Richardson, who has withdrawn as U.S. Secretary of Commerce-designate.

This week in the Greensboro News Record, Eileen Boris, Lisa Levenstein and Sonya Michel looked at the parallels between Obama’s economic stimulus plan and Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, the latter of which neglected to provide for women. In their article “Obama’s stimulus plan must include jobs for women, too,” they wrote:

Women make up 46 percent of the labor force, and they’re almost as likely as men to be the principal supporters of their families.

However, women are not likely to be hired for jobs rebuilding infrastructure. Therefore some women, they argue, ought to be trained and hired for “nontraditional” employment, ie. “men’s work.” Nevertheless, they say, his won’t be sufficient to ensure women get equal support:

[E]ven if the stimulus package guarantees women an equal chance at the new jobs, it still won’t address the occupational sectors in which most female wage-earners are concentrated, such as education, child care, social work, health care and care for elders and those with disabilities.

There are really two problems going on here but they are systemic.  Women dominate the “pink economy” and these jobs frequently pay less and provide fewer benefits.  And yet we are still not seeing a push in our public schools to encourage girls in math and science.  Oh, sure, it’s better than it was 30 years ago but not by much.  I’ve seen it happen to my Brook who has been effectively cut out of the higher level math programs regardless of her stellar test scores and interest in the subject.  Her middle school upper algebra class consists of 14 boys and 7 girls in spite of the fact that recent studies show that girls are just as capbable of doing higher level math as boys.  The split that takes girls on the path to the pink economy happens in middle school.  Maybe the problem is that we need a female trained in the hard sciences to run the education department.

In any case, the Robinson and Siskind make a lot of good points about keeping an eye out for women’s interests in the new adminstration and Congress.  And as we have heard before, once women make up 30% of the elected government, the prospects for society in general improve.  Even Wonkette readers would benefit.

Just another reason to vote for The Confluence for Best Liberal Blog at the 2008 Weblog Awards.

Finally, we’ve been recommending other worthy blogs for your votes and I have another recommendation this morning.  Actually, I think this blog is in the wrong category.  It’s called Cake Wrecks and it’s been nominated for Best Food Blog.  The blog consists of cake disasters.  Well,  not all of them are disasters.  Some of the cakes are works of art in fondant.  But as in many areas of life, the number of poorly executed cakes and mispelt greetings outnumber the beautiful and literate.  Warning: Do not drink coffee while viewing this site if you value your keyboard.

*Our Credo pre-dates the PUMA movement.  The Confluence has been in business since January 2008.

274 Responses

  1. I would like to see The Confluence become the blog that is everyone’s first stop in tracking economic progress for women. True liberals support economic power for women–which is why, I suppose, so few blogs can be considered truly “liberal”. I am still furious when I think of the personal recklessness and stupidity of John Edwards, because he was one of the few male politicians who understood that women’s issues, including the right to choose, were primarily about creating economically secure lives. Now, with Hillary out of the Senate, opportunities for women’s rights look grim.

  2. “Your tits will sag, your scrotums will lose their perky tautness and young, stupid adolescent males will make fun of you, unless, of course, the PUMAs make them insignificant. Someday, you may thank us.”

    So well said, RD

    To everyone who chooses to mock their elders, I wish them a long life.

  3. I still don’t understand how a “bunch of ineffective” anything can receive so much attention. At the least PUMAS are effective at ruffling a multitude of feathers. 🙂

  4. “your scrotums will lose their perky tautness”


  5. 😆 I don’t think you should even need to justify the liberal status of the Confluence RD. Anyone with an unzombified mind can read for themselves posts which stand on their own merit about values that should concern any true liberal.

    Only problem is so many minds in the faugressivesphere have been zombified by the hopium.

    The reaction of bots and anti-PUMA rhetoric speaks volumes, if PUMA was irrelevent they would just ignore it. That they are so hostile means you are hitting nerves and this threatens to spoil their delusions.

  6. Alice Rodham Puma Said: “That they are so hostile means you are hitting nerves and this threatens to spoil their delusions.”

    It takes a lot of energy to stomp out the truth. Spin your wheels some more you “kool-aid IV wearers” (credit Sugar – http://sugarnspice.typepad.com/sugar_n_spicea_meeting_pl/2009/01/obama-supporters-on-emotional-rollercoaster.html )

  7. If you are a liberal who believes in women’s equality others will work overtime to marginalize you.

  8. Just went to Wonkette.

    Those people are just downright nasty.

  9. Parizane.com has a great post up today featuring video of sexism/misogyny in advertising! A MUST see!!! Not all PUMAs are women, of course…but I think we have a lot of stake in how things go down in the future!!

    Today, we’re helping to spread the word about Partizane’s PUMA Bawl and as well as IA’s own plans for Inauguration Day…
    Please mark your calendars!!!

    Make Your Plans for Inauguration Day NOW!! Important Info on Alternate Events to Help Get Through the Day!!


  10. myiq, some ice will tighten em right back up.

  11. :-O

  12. What’s really sad is it’s hard to tell the difference between the comment threads at supposedly “liberal” blogs and places like Red State and Freeperville.

  13. I see myiq has been busy changing to a new avatar. WTH is that?

  14. Hi Mawm!!

  15. Hi BB

  16. An article this morning in the Financial Times complains that O will not take a stand on the conflict in the Middle East. It ends with:

    “The approach may be further complicated by reports of a tug-of-war between Hillary Clinton, secretary of state designate, and Mr. Obama’s office over what authority will be given to the US special envoy for Israel-Palestine. ..”

    Will the woman even make it to Jan 20th? Already a tug-of-war.

  17. We’re getting all these people angry and why do they hate us? Because we stand up for what we believe in–liberalism–instead of falling all over ourselves to join a cult of personality. I’ve been a nonconformist my whole life. I’m not going to turn into a sheep all of a sudden just because a bunch of frat boys throw tantrums.

  18. That’s Marilyn

  19. Mawm,

    Did you notice Obama is making Tim Kaine chairman of the DNC? Anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-stem cell research Tim Kaine?

    We told them so!

  20. Wonkette is up to 54.8% of the votes.

    We’re still winning the non-freeped portion of the poll.

  21. Thanks ever so much for the critique, Neoskeptic. I don’t know how I would have made it through my morning without you.

    So now earnestness and sincerity are negative qualities? Thanks for the pop culture update.

  22. It’s gonna be a long day for us moderators.

  23. The spam filter is full of IP addresses in need of blocking

  24. Awwww…someone removed the troll already. I thought it would be fun to mock him for awhile.

  25. OK, I’ll get busy….

  26. I love have they think Obama is a liberal because he has a D beside his name, when in reality he’s a social conservative and Reagan economist:-)

  27. He/she/it is waiting in the spam filter for you.

  28. Okay I mean how not have

  29. BB, I wonder how long it will take them to realize they actually voted for a Republican.

    I don’t see any supposed left-wing blogs complaining that Obama’s stimulus package is going to be 300 billion in tax-cuts. They denounced Bush’s tax-cuts, but now not even a whimper.

  30. Mawm:


    They lick the boot that kicks them.

  31. OMG, that “Cakewreck” site is a riot! I haven’t laughed like that in a long time!

  32. Bonita, on January 6th, 2009 at 9:51 am Said:
    I love have they think Obama is a liberal because he has a D beside his name, when in reality he’s a social conservative and Reagan economist:-)

    Nooooo! They know he is a liberal because the media tells them so! The media said Hillary is bad, so they know she’s bad, and the media said Obama is good so they know he’s good!

  33. Myiq2xu – be careful. You will be called petulant. Or even worse, a clown.

  34. Yucky! That spam filter needs to be fumigated! Wonkette should really put up links to a dictionary and thesaurus on their blog, but I suppose the middle school grads over there wouldn’t know how to use them. At least Ana Marie Cox could write, even though she was obsessed with anal sex.

  35. Janicen,

    Remember when the “liberal” blogs used to resist the media narratives? It seems so long ago, but it has only been about a year.

  36. I quit reading Wonkette when Ana Marie left. Then she went into a swoon at Swampland over The One and I quit reading her altogether.

  37. Mawm,

    I don’t know if they will realize it. I think all the Democrats have left the “progressive” blogs and the Democratic Party has been taken over by Rove-like creatures. In fact, Karl seems very happy with Obama so far. I think they see him as a placeholder until they can get Jeb or some other such person into the WH.

  38. Janicen:

    Exactly what we are producing in our schools- the tell me what you want me to know and I’ll regurgitate it student.

    Critical thinking in schools is becoming obsolete.

  39. bboomer: They are angry and hateful because they know that we are right.

  40. Hey, Wonktard here visiting. I don’t care for PUMAs a bit, and I think even satirical aggrandizement of Harriet Christian is pretty disgusting.

    But I gotta give props where props are due. This piece was funny and well-written, entertaining enough that I may stop back here from time to time.

  41. Florida will be the big clue. If Obama is down here fghting for whichever Democrat runs against Jeb, that will say a lot. If he’s not, well, that will say even more.

  42. Everything I’ve heard is that Obama is a control freak. He may appoint people like Hillary to State, but he still thinks he can make every decision. And we are seeing that he is not decisive because, in truth, the only thing he knows well is how to advance himself. The Obama admin will fail big time.

    I predict that his great ‘infrastructure jobs’ push will turn out to be a big boon to Democratic bosses on the take (new ways to steal will be devised) and jobs for “illegal immigrants” who will be willing to work for 8 bucks an hour at hard labor..

    You all know me, I am a cynic. Maybe thats why I never came even close to falling for the O.

  43. Thanks for the hits cop-a-f and Mr. Blifly:-)

  44. What is the point of Wonkette? I really do not understand a blog dedicated to nothing but the vilest and ill informed comments as being representative of anything but frat boy comments.

    No discussion that I can see other then people trying to top one another with snarky commentary and idiotic posts.

    I must be missing something here. Oh wait, I am old, post menopausal, and uneducated on top of being a Repub. My bad!

  45. Here is the masthead from Wonkette:
    Managing Editor:
    Ken Layne | Email

    Associate Editors:
    Jim Newell | Email
    Sara K. Smith | Email

    Video Producer:
    Elizabeth Glover | Email

    Intern: Juli Weiner

    I suggest that those who object to the obnoxious characterization of The Confluence email the gentleman who is managing editor: ken@wonkette dot com.

    I also left a comment on topic on their most recent post, which appears to be an objection to President-elect Obama’s general stance toward gays and lesbians. The comment is apparently in moderation.

    Finally, a word about these awards: remember that an award won by a cheater is a cheapened award. Much like a presidential nomination.

  46. I have been voting for the Confluence.

    As the resident black Ann Coulter, I would appreciate it if you any of you are inclined to vote for the ,American Thinker.

    for Conservative Blog.

  47. Afrocity: are you suggesting that Ann Coulter is NOT black (smile)?

  48. I second Afrocity’s recommendation re American Thinker.

  49. RD: I think it would be an improvement if there was ANY people with hard science/math background in the education department.

    Here in WA, math curriculum has been a BIG issue where non-math folks pick the books by cover art and pictures. They don’t even look at the most highly rated books because they don’t like the artwork – or something equally disgusting.

  50. “their rapid-fire satire and off-the-cuff riffing is without equal in the blogosphere and is some of the most hysterically funny political commentary I or my friends have ever read.”

    You obviously never taught in a junior high school.

  51. You got me Heidi!!!!

  52. Afrocity: is that a poll where you vote often? I voted for Confluence.

  53. The reason they are getting so many votes is because their readership is ENORMOUS. And THAT is because they do not take themselves – nor anyone else – seriously…their rapid-fire satire and off-the-cuff riffing is without equal in the blogosphere and is some of the most hysterically funny political commentary I or my friends have ever read.


    Does anyone remember the address of that website Regency once left which tracks web traffic????

  54. Hey, could someone post the real link to this site:


    I can’t find it even after searching. Get a lot of french blogs.

    PS the link to the right gets an error. (diff spelling)

  55. I am still waiting to see just what afrocity’s political agenda looks like. Has she been sent here by Rove as an infiltrator, hoping to convert us to the Repub platform in the guise of a black Ann Coulter?

    Speak up, afrocity! Have we actually discovered your cover? Thank God for Wonkette! Otherwise we dumbbells would never have known.

  56. jjmtacoma ???

    It is same Blog awards that Confluence is nominated in. They have best liberal blog and I voted for Confluence.

    They have best conservative blog and I voted American Thinker.

    I am not a liberal, but it does not mean I can’t vote for best liberal blog and I am a Confluence regular, plus on the View radio show.

  57. No Pat, I am not a spy I assure you. I have never been to Wonkette…

  58. The point isn’t that Wonkette gets more traffic than us. We know that.

    But so does TPM, Crooks & Liars and Hullaballoo.

    So why is Wonkette getting more than half of all votes?

  59. NH… link on the blogroll to the right..

    Just voted. Boy I feel sorry for whoever has to moderate today!

    laurie blog traffic stats here:

  60. “I am not a liberal”

    But you’re African-American! You must be a liberal, unless you’re a socialist?

  61. afrocity: Don’t bother going over there. It is not worth the effort. I was so bummed out reading that stuff last night that it just brought me down once again. Hard to believe that people can express themselves in such a despicable way and then be rewarded for it.

    You need a shower to wash off the vileness that passes for free speech after viewing the sludge coming off that site.

  62. Hi Afrocity! I’m still around, I didn’t get to the computer much since Thanksgiving.

    I always thought Wonkette would have been run by women.

  63. Afrocity,

    I voted for American Thinker yesterday.

  64. Myiq,

    I know somewhere when God was passing out “black act genes” I was shortchanged and they failed to put the liberal spray on me, and some how sprayed me with conservative. My mom was quite disappointed when at the age of 17 I asked her why did I have to vote for democrats ALL THE TIME.

    They also forgot to add my dancing and singing gene, and boobs larger than 34A gene too. In high school they called me “Ice Cream Sandwich”. Oddly it is my fav frozen novelty.

    Pat: I never heard of Wonkette until last night.

  65. This is the mentality we’re up against.

    (from wonkette)

    lovekills says at 11:50 pm, January 5th, 2009

    As a female, I would have loved to vote for Clinton……..but for 2 reasons. 1. Obama is just too hot and 2. the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton thing made me want to strangle myself. 🙄

  66. “The approach may be further complicated by reports of a tug-of-war between Hillary Clinton, secretary of state designate, and Mr. Obama’s office over what authority will be given to the US special envoy for Israel-Palestine. ..”

    jmac: I was thinking about that this week…I wish I could be a fly on the wall at those meetings. Remember the debates? HRC is so clearly superior in knowledge and strength to Obambi. He will be arguing for his ambivalent, self-serving, contradictory policies, and she will be fighting hard for what she believes is the most principled action in any given circumstance. When he has the final authority, how is she going to stomach that, knowing he is wrong and potentially dangerous in his choices? He was cowardly with her in the debates, always attacking her the next day on the stump but not to her face. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Even Feinstein is publicly dissing his choice of Panetta for CIA.

    As for the awards. Who the heck cares really? Have we EVER done anything because we need anyone’s approval? We know who we are and the quality of what RD & Co. offer. Let the little cheaters have their nasty, immature way. As Heidi said, it’s just another illegitimate con they can claim.

  67. Funny that the WaPo is asking that question because late yesterday I was doing the same myself.

    And I came to this answer which at least fit me well:

    PUMAS are (now) democrats or liberals who refused to align with the Demcratic Party (anymore) but who are not Independant in the classical political sense of the term.

    What do you think? Feedback anyone?

    Also my Partner in crimes at europumas made an interesting query yesterday. She went on Obama’s official site and query “Gaza” . It came back as 0 occurence.!!!!!

    While the whole world is very obsess by the Hamas/Israel conflict , much more than US, Obama lacks of stands or mere stated opinion has triggered some very interested comments on the blog from (former) obots (Yes there are many of them in Europe too) who now confess in total dismay (Sniff…) that they have been had and that he is no better than Bush.

    And the Scatter-Select is not even in the Blair house yet!!!

  68. Alice: we are not “up against them.” For me, they do not exist. I don’t visit their childish sites or waste my time and effort caring about their mean-spirited, uninformed, spoiled lives. Just as I completely ignore the corrupt and toxic MSM, I give my focus, efforts and funds to voices and causes that will advance true democratic principles–the rest is just narcissistic silliness.

  69. I voted for Confluence, but can we vote more than once? Once a day? Using different IP addresses? I’ll vote as many times as I can, someone let me know.

  70. You’re right fif. Better things to do with time.

    Griffithinc. Voting once a day is withing the rules. We don’t need to cheat, as we never expected to win it anyway. It obviously matters more to them, which is why they have not discouraged cheating on their website.

  71. *within

  72. bostonboomer> Of course Karl Rove is thrilled with Obama! Rove knows that Obama has destroyed the Democratic party/brand. Obama’s campaign split the party right down the middle. All those old-timers who would donate money and time to any Democrat have been thrown out of the party. Donna Brazile said they weren’t needed anymore because Obama has built a new party. What Donna and friends are too dense to realize, and which Rove knows very well, is that those new voters Obama converted don’t give a Wonkette’s ass about the Democratic party. They joined for the Obama worship. This is how Obama managed to raise and spend three-quarters-of-a-billion-dollars on his campaign while downticket Dems struggled and the DNC is in debt all over the country. These new converts went to the polls to vote for Obama, the rest of the people on the ballot were irrelevant. We know there were a lot of people voting for Obama but not bothering to vote for Al Franken, right? Once Obama isn’t running – the majority of these new converts won’t be going to vote. They don’t care what Democrat is running. And all those people who used to care for the Democratic brand, the ones Obama and Donna and Harry and Nancy and Howard kicked out to the curb, the ones commenters on Wonkette are bashing – most of them are not returning to the Democratic fold. They’ll support some Democratic candidates, but they’ll also support some Republican candidates too. Voting for McCain/Palin this election, and the sky not falling down because of it, has opened up a whole new list of possibilities for these people, who previously never looked at a candidate without a D next to their name. So Karl Rove is very happy with Obama. Barack Obama, the Lightbringer, the Messiah, Teh One, has given Karl Rove his real chance of creating a permanent Republican majority.

  73. I’m in moderation at 11:01 – help!

  74. Woops, there’s a smelly spill in isle 11:03!

  75. Is Harriet a metaphor for “I am a misogynist fuckwit who uses a female name to disguise the fact that I am an obese lardass with body odour who’s only shag ever thought my weener was too small and dumped me”? Just wondering

  76. I have no problem with encouraging women in sciences(Shhhhhhh, don’t tell Wonkette but I actually majored in college in Science. My English teacher would be appalled at how I don’t doublecheck my posts for errors.) That said, I do think that there needs to be pay parity moreso than a rush to create more female scientists. Additionally, there needs to be a push towards respecting women and what they bring to the table. I can not count the number of times that I have heard men say women don’t deserve as much because they leave the workforce to have children. As a result of my children I have become an expert at multitasking. I have gained a measure of patience. I excel at negotiating and diplomacy. There are any number of skillsets that being a parent(because if you are a male taking care of your children you get these skillsets too) gives you. It shouldn’t be allowed to be an excuse to give people less. Heck, considering all the papers say that the position of stay at home parent is worth $300,000 some odd dollars, if I choose to go out into the workforce again it ought to be considered a stepdown.


    Isn’t it amazing how much more erudite that batch of folks are(tongue firmly in cheek)? They ooze sophisticated positions.

  77. I must learn not to feed the troll, but that one really got me pissed. Sorry conflucians I won’t do it again.

  78. No I am in moderation. Oh darn it. I am sorry.

  79. That was some of that “hysterically funny political commentary”

    Didja get any on ya?

  80. griffin,

    You can vote once every 24 hours. if you have a different IP I guess you could vote more than once from different ternimals. It’s the IP address that is kept track of.

  81. I haven’t seen foul-mouthed trolls like these since last Spring and Summer

  82. French Nail’s statement:

    PUMAS are (now) democrats or liberals who refused to align with the Demcratic Party (anymore) but who are not Independant in the classical political sense of the term.

    There are PUMAs like me…. okay maybe two of us that are conservatives. I thought PUMA was/is striving for political equality regardless of party.

  83. myiq2xu, on January 6th, 2009 at 9:37 am Said:

    What’s really sad is it’s hard to tell the difference between the comment threads at supposedly “liberal” blogs and places like Red State and Freeperville.
    That is probably the saddest fact that that showed itself in a sad political year.

    It just reinforces the idea that the “political spectrum” is circle and not a straight line.

  84. Fif

    We see it a little differently. I acknowledge the existence of vermin like cockroaches, rats and Wonkette posters who think they have more intellect then they actually do. That said, I do agree with you that there is a such thing as expending too much time on the “trivial.”

  85. CWaltz: I agree with you about the need to value what at-home parents can contribute when they re-enter the workforce. I remembered hearing once about a website for “on-ramp mothers” so I just googled the term and quite a few sites came up.

    Anyway, about the voting, I am not surprised that a pro-Obama blog would, while not overtly condoning cheating, would nonetheless fail to discourage such a practice. It’s quite possible that some of those people participated in caucus frauds or, at the very least, have ignored that such fraud or any delegate stealing took place. Hey, when cheating worked so well for their chosen leader, why shouldn’t it work for them? Monkey see, monkey do.

  86. MyiQ

    My guess would be that the sheep found a shepard. I’d bet that one of the geniuses finally realized that in order to win that they couldn’t split the vote and started herding. Yesterday one of our posters pointed out that they couldn’t “vote down”. Someone finally figured that out too and created a way around that fact is what I’d bet.

  87. Good, I voted on another computer here at work, I’ll do it at home, and on another in my office. All legit, they’re all mine. Tee hee. I can’t believe they’ve had over 3000 people vote for Wonkette over there. No way. Obamabots justify cheating just like Obama did.

  88. Afrocity

    I understand your comment. How about:

    PUMAS are (now) democrats, liberals or CONSERVATIVES who refused to align with the Demcratic Party (anymore) but who are not Independant in the classical political sense of the term.

  89. They amount to nothing more than the bullying tactics so evident in the schoolyard. Yet it is anonymous at the same time. However, I do rank up there in good company along with afrocity, angie, RD, myiq, heidi li, and helen! They used one of my comments as an illustration to make a point.

    Amazing! Apparently they get their kicks on picking on handicapped babies and women to a large degree while holding Obama up as an icon of “progressive”. Must make their mothers proud!

  90. I wonder how many comments against the confluence are actually by real posters, and how many by axelrove memo pushers. Some comments, especially by those who claim to have been following us for months seem rubberstamped.

  91. CWaltz – Men have more heart attacks so they go out on leave when they are 50-ish and have a limited work schedule if they make it back. The 50-ish employee is more likely to be doing a managerial or mission critical job AND heart attacks can’t be planned around since they don’t give any warning.

    Women do it around 30 with a baby but don’t have the same limits on workload when they come back and had several months of planning before the leave takes place. It is just a lame excuse to justify discrimination and doesn’t hold up if anyone bothers to look at what really happens.

  92. Frenchnail:


    The Afro is smiling

  93. Frenchnail why do you feel they’re not independant in the classical sense?

  94. Actually, thinking from the party equality point of view.

    PUMAS are democrats or republicains who refused to systematically align with theitr respective party of regisration but who are not Independant in the classical political sense of the term.

  95. Does anyone else find the irony in the name “Wonkette,” from “wonk,” which implies really knowing your policy stuff. While posters there take pride in not taking anything too seriously and being abusive?

  96. griffithinc,

    It’s OK to vote from different computers. They discuss that on the site. What isn’t OK is voting again again and again using IP hiding software. Thanks for voting early and often!

  97. “Oh, and BTW, Wonkette readers, someday, if you’re lucky, you will live long enough to be old. Your tits will sag, your scrotums will lose their perky tautness and young, stupid adolescent males will make fun of you, unless, of course, the PUMAs make them insignificant. Someday, you may thank us.”

    brilliant, RD!

  98. Laurie,

    I think we are not Independants in the classical political sense of the term because many of us have a Democrat or Republican party registration and value the party system. We are interested to participate in a party structure, vs. operating (completely out of it). The non-aiignement is more on the candidate choices

  99. Don’t forget, we have until the 13th to continue our voting, and I have sent screenshots of the cheating instructions at Wonkette to the awards site admin.

  100. everyone vote.,,every day..

  101. I’m an Independent (since 2001) who has always caucused with the Democrats… until 2008, when I cast my first vote ever for a Republican.

  102. The spam filter is full again

    Like a diaper.

  103. Can I throw a question at you lovely conflucians from leftfield…

    what the heck has happened to Will Bower and Diane … (with the long name) Does anyone have any regular contact with them still? I know the facebook group is still active but they seem to have stepped away to the sidelines.

  104. We are pretty close to hitting the 5 million mark. Keep checking in Wonkette’s. You just keep adding to our success!

  105. myiq: LOLOL!!!!

  106. griffithnc “Obamabots justify cheating just like Obama did.”

    Yes, just like Obama surrogates incited people to cheat in Texas, by claiming that if they didn’t, the Clintons would. So too, was the claim made over there, that the Confluence cheated to get the nomination.

    I had never heard of the nominating process until it was already over.

  107. DYB.

    Your state may have allowed you to label yourself Independant and yet to participate in the political process which is far from being the case in other states. I sumize that if you had the only choice of Democrat or Republican you would have been a registered Dem.

  108. Afrocity,

    I find myself attracted to the PUMAs because of a shared set of values moreso than political affiliation. I believe we are a bunch of individuals who believe in fairness and are not willing to compromise our fundamental principles for monetary or politcal gain. I consider myself liberal but I respect and understand why someone might find value in the conservativism(even if I believe that the GOP party really no longer embodies principles like tradition or balance unless they can gain politically or monetarily for it).

  109. Not sure how RD won the nomination and was informed only when she let us know. Obviously someone out there loves us.

  110. CWaltz

    I am on an intelectual exercise here… Trying to define PUMAS. What would be your take on formulating a definition

  111. I always thought PUMAs were for a fair and honest democratic voting system.

  112. From Wonkette last night:

    We are being MURDERED by Crooks & Liars some blog we have literally never heard of, called “Confluence,” right now. Please put a stop to this outrage.

  113. Just shows how ill informed this group is. Crooks and Liars has been around for awhile and is pretty well known among the liberal blogs.

  114. I can’t wait until The One gets sworn in, personally. Already a couple of major scandals and he hasn’t even been inaugurated yet.

    I hate to spoil the day of the trolls, but here’s the simple fact: A fish rots from the head down. Obama can surround himself with staff members he stole from the Clintons, but ultimately it’ll be up to him to direct everybody, and he’s going to do a piss-poor job of it.

    Maybe we should start a sort of dead pool on how long it’s going to take him to get into another financial scandal after he takes office, or how long it’ll be before the press finally turns on him. My guess is six months, tops.

  115. Hmmmmm. In moderation. Whoops, here’s my post again with tr0ll substitute…

    I can’t wait until The One gets sworn in, personally. Already a couple of major scandals and he hasn’t even been inaugurated yet.

    I hate to spoil the day of the tr0lls, but here’s the simple fact: A fish rots from the head down. Obama can surround himself with staff members he stole from the Clintons, but ultimately it’ll be up to him to direct everybody, and he’s going to do a p1ss-poor job of it.

    Maybe we should start a sort of dead pool on how long it’s going to take him to get into another financial scandal after he takes office, or how long it’ll be before the press finally turns on him. My guess is six months, tops.

  116. PUMAS are democrats or republicains who refused to systematically align with theitr respective party of regisration but who are not Independant in the classical political sense of the term. Their common sensitivity and goal is equality, fairness, honesty and transparency both with regard to political process and with the candidates chosen.

  117. How in the hell does that place have 4000 votes?

  118. Frenchie-you hit the nail on the head!!!

  119. Thanks Laurie.

  120. FrenchNail> I live in NYC. Being an Independent I was not able to vote in the primaries. And I refused to join either party to do it. Mostly because I had no doubt that Clinton would win in my state.

    Re: Will Bower> I’m friends with him on Facebook. I’m not sure what he’s doing politics-wise. I think he’s had to rejoin the workforce to be able to pay his rent.

  121. Meredith just as much admitted that it is not a liberal blog and should not be in that category.

  122. @ Eleanor Rodham A.: would you argue that Clinton handled her campaign team like a top-notch manager? They fell apart at the seams and the infighting was embarrassing, but you predict that Obama will do a poor job? Or will you just tie every Democratic scandal from November 2008 through infinity +1 on him?

  123. Craig:

    Hillary got more votes.

  124. I got something today from the Facebook crowd. Will is also writing for Huffington Post.

  125. “you marginalize the advanced degree holders, the technologically savvy and dedicated (the main reason why Wonkette is winning this race–we take competition seriously), and living, breathing walking dead that have managed to infiltrate your everyday workplaces and maintain a life outside of them ”

    Poor kiddo-he’s been studying too hard-can’t write a sentence that makes sense.

    Or maybe it’s all that unplugging his modem and plugging it back in after 7 minutes that’s got to him…

  126. DYB.

    You’re the exception which confirms the rule!

    Indeed I think that if more states would facilitate an equal voice to the process to independants, PUMAS would now be Independants in the classical sense of the term .

  127. Okay. I received an e-mail that Wonkette called me a “Black Ann Coulter”

    Quite honestly I don’t care. Neither should my beloved PUMAS.

    I have never been to the Wonkette before but I just took a trip over. You call that a blog? Most of the comments are hardly a sentence long. That is a drive by blog. Kum and Go.

    I came to PUMA for dialog exchange with intelligent women. We are a blog but we are so much more. We are a community. This is political discourse at his finest. I don’t care for Romper Room blogs no matter what the political affiliation.

    When I read Wonkette the first thing that struck me was small minded sophomoric Obamabots. I would rather watch paint dry than correspond with those on Wonkette who consume the political vomit of the MSM and others.

    Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.

    For those of you PUMAS who are miffed. Why bother?

    We were nominated. The popular blogs are where the fools hang out. I love American Thinker and it is not winning as best Conservative Blog or Political Blog. I don’t care.

    Who wins does not matter.

    In 1947

    It’s A Wonderful Life was nominated for Best Picture.

    It lost to The Best Years of Our Lives
    Excuse me but what is the most watched and quoted holiday classic?

    The Yearling also lost that year.

    My point is it is not the win that counts. PUMA has made a impact and is embedded in the collective memory of the 2008 Presidential Election.

    Now PUMAS strut your stuff.
    You don’t need a Brand of Liberal, conservative etc. We are better than that.

  128. sorry-shouldn’t have fed a troll.

  129. Afrocity:

    If we wanted to hang out with the kewl kidz we would have supported Obama.

  130. I, also, took a trip over there Afro and it was my last trip there. Nothing informative, nothing clear, nothing concise, just rumblings and sophomoric whining.

  131. We’re a movement-that’s more than a blog!

  132. Meredith, thanks for the explanation. I suggest that should you visit The Confluence more often, you may note that there is a larger goal here – beyond one-upping and “in-group” amusement. We are pretentious enough to call for democracy in the United States of America – as in one person one vote, all votes valued equally and count all the votes. No pretenders to the throne, corporate shills and party elite picks will merit our allegiance.

    Hey, I thought Meredith’s post was informative. I see it’s gone now. I didn’t feel offended by the statements. They were just off the mark.

  133. just read the wonkette response to this thread … i’ve never seen so many men obsessively discussing their ball sacks in my life. may i just say eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  134. Hey all —

    this has been said before but is worth repeating: you can vote on the weblog awards legitimately once every 24 hours. Says so right in the rules.

    That is not the same as the Cheating Instructions Wonkette posted.

    I’m barely even surprised by the sexist and agist comments over at Wonkette, the site only confirms what I’ve long suspected — that the core of Obama’s online support is made up of misogynistic Peter Pans, boys who don’t want to grow up. Really, how mature is posting a cheat sheet and nasty little substance-free anti-women comments? It’s the humor level of junior high boyz. Someone on another thread mentioned that the wonkettes will get old sometime too so they should think about what they say now, but I don’t think it’s that they are afraid of growing old, they are afraid of having to grow up.

    Because that would mean doing something more substantial or responsible with one’s time than sitting around shooting off sexist snipes at some site you’ve never even read.

    One big laugh over there, though — they are outraged! outraged! that we refer to them as ‘fauxgressives’, and don’t realize that that is not a Confluence-originating term. It’s a term that’s been used all over the (actually) liberal blogosphere since at least last spring. How narcissistic do you have to be not to realize that? Now I’m just waiting for them to catch on to ‘fauxrage’ — that will be a great moment as well.

  135. Interestingly the weblog site is having issues…

    wonder if wonkette will still be there tomorrow???

    either that or it will have 14 Billion votes…….

  136. Wonkette… sounds like something you would name a penis pump


    The newsletter for the Roald Dahl fan club.

  137. Melissa McEwan originated the term “fauxgressive”

    It was in a post at Shakes about misogynistic “progressives”

  138. Afro: I was thinking more of Willy Wonka

  139. Concern troll at 12:27, ‘chupa’

    Also, a very poor reader, having missed the point on every issue.

  140. Yay! A concern troll.

  141. Troll:

    “their rapid-fire satire and off-the-cuff riffing is without equal in the blogosphere and is some of the most hysterically funny political commentary I or my friends have ever read.”


    You obviously never taught in a junior high school.

    Now that is just sad. When you brag about the verbal sophistication of your website, you really should be able to write a little better than that!

  142. try again:

    yay a concern tr0ll

    clean up was quick and efficient.

  143. I have my finger on the eject button just waiting for a troll to sit down.

  144. Valhalla don’t tr0lls always miss the point? On purpose I always think. Haven’t seen a concern tr0ll for a while.

    I hope someone will bump up that list of the different species again I am just beginning to recognize the varieties!

  145. I love your equanimity, Afrocity!

  146. College Student,

    That’s very funny. Don’t send it to Wonkette though. They are satire-challenged.

  147. aloha!! I am so excited!! Ia m flying to NYC for the Bon Jovi Hilolary retire the debt event next week W00T!!!! and BOOYAHHH!!! I get to take a pic with hillary!!



  148. which of you are in charge of the spam button?

    I’m reading the spam filter … frankly, I’d like to suggest you let the comments go through, it’s sort’ve proves the point, but that’s just me

    i’m having tons of fun reading the spam filter, personally

  149. Have fun, ginaswo!

  150. DYB,

    Very smart and insightful commentary at 11:01am.

  151. I’ve been zapping trolls for about 4-5 hours now.

    Somebody else wanna work the trap door for a while?

  152. DYB: the DNC keeps calling me to give money still for some reason. I keep telling them all the crap that went down during the primaries is making me give to individual candidates and not the party … i just gave money to Franken to help with any law suit Coleman brings for example, but I’m not giving money to them until they clean up the primary process. If they don’t see how gamed the caucuses where and how stacked the percentages were in the primaries, then they’re hopeless and deserve to go broke.

  153. myiq2xu: I’m in moderation …. and I don’t have the authority to zap trolls on other folks threads plus, i’d keep this bunch, they’re proving RD’s point

  154. myiq,

    I e-mailed KB. I will be here until around 2 eastern. Then I have to go out for a few hours. I hope Katie shows up, but she has her mom to care for.

  155. You’ve been brilliant myiq

    just thought I’d post college student’s botox balls video cuz it is funny…

  156. my: i have two comments in moderation

  157. Gee, it seems worse than election night. For a read-only blog Wonkette sure has a big cockroach problem.

  158. The Wonkhead people are so busy spamming that the voting page is down.

  159. I’m going to get them Dak.

  160. The problem with letting the troll comments go through is you get a feeding frenzy.

  161. I have never been to wonkette and from what i see today do not intend to go there.
    I already raised 4 teenagers and have 3 grandchildren past the teenage years. The angst and hormonal changes and drama is bad enough when it is your own let alone listening to someone else’s kids.
    I come here to learn, listen and enjoy why would I want anything else?
    I do not worry if we win the award or not. What we have here is priceless. Good people, good posts and comments and fun.
    People willing to find ways to make things better and to point out what should be and can be changed.



  162. BB, I’m sorry — I didn’t realize that I hadn’t commented yet or replied to your email. Things have been a bit hectic here (off to reply)

  163. Mad Max ha ha, Beyond Thunderdrone!!!

    What low bandwidth on Wonkette.

  164. Ginaswo @ 12:35p
    You go girl and have a ball.
    Did you do the strut on New Years?
    I hope you really enjoy New York it is a great place.



  165. Yecch, those posts on Wonkette sound like they were written by furiously wanking fifteen-year-olds who got drunk on daddy’s beer that they stole and put blue food coloring in to turn it into Vulcan ale. Seriously. Only the latter would be so obsessive about women’s yucky body parts.

  166. i’m finding it rather humorous that there appears to be a litmus test on what every one considers a liberal … isn’t that some what of an illiberal exercise?

  167. Oh my god, did you see the awful new post up on wonkette right now? And their readers, unable to do anything more mature than idiotic fat jokes. And they have the nerve to call themselves progressive….

  168. Katie is another in-duh-vidual from Wonkette.

  169. katie: I think the original wonkette sold the domain to a dude … he’s sort’ve a drag wonkette now

  170. Dayum! I’m late to the party today, but I should have known better than to worry about afrocity! I love ya girlfriend!

    I came to PUMA for dialog exchange with intelligent women. We are a blog but we are so much more. We are a community. This is political discourse at his finest. I don’t care for Romper Room blogs no matter what the political affiliation.

    When I read Wonkette the first thing that struck me was small minded sophomoric Obamabots. I would rather watch paint dry than correspond with those on Wonkette who consume the political vomit of the MSM and others.

    Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.

  171. Wonkette USED to be hysterically funny (in a sophomoric way), but those times are long gone. Wonkette really went downhill after Ana Marie left — and Ana Marie’s work really went downhill after she left Wonkette. Which is ironic given the Time gig. Talk about failing upwards!

  172. I just emptied out the spam filter. That place really needs fumigation now! Have I missed any little messes?

  173. It’s not that I’m strict, it’s that I want an excuse to zap trolls.

    It’s not just what they say – the wrong tone of voice or facial expression and POW!

    They’re outta here!

  174. Hey everyone! Just catching up from several days of a news blackout. I am laughing reading your comments, and BB, is that your picture? Wow!

    Thanks for the hits, Wonktards. It’s amusing reading your infantile attempts at writing a coherent sentence. (Katie, were you dropped on her head as a child?)

    Keep it up. We’ll be at 5 million hits in no time!

  175. I never would have believed it, but the Wonkette-oids are much worse than the morons at Buttburger.

  176. madamab,

    You can see my picture? I still see flowers.

  177. Afrocity – I’m amazed that you were called the black Ann Coulter. Ann couldn’t hold a candle to you in any way, shape or form!

    Obamatards are such idiots!

  178. Angie 🙂

    The Obamabots never realize that they are susceptible to the reality distortion field that follows drinking Kool Aid.

  179. myiq2xu: Way to avoid the question. And to bring that up again. Just remember– those votes didn’t count BEFORE the primary was held. It was only after she lost that she wanted those votes to count. No conspiracy against her, just fate.

  180. BB – yup, I see your picture.


  181. bboomer: Your picture is there.

  182. Craig:

    Hillary won more votes than Obama, while spending less money. She also had the media against her.

    I’d say she did a hell of a job.

  183. If there were a blog award category for Most self-absorbed, I would vote for Wonkette.

    Hang in myiq, you have been doing an excellent job of protecting the squeamish (me included) and the thread from being overrun.

  184. Louise – you want us to “surrender” to a “conquering force?”

    Delusions of grandeur, much?

  185. MADAMAB
    Someone the other day posted a place where you can get bumper stickers saying ” don’t blame me I voted for Hillary”
    I think New Hampster runs the site.
    Maybe they can post it again.



  186. I can’t tell if Louise and shorts are trolls or drive bys. Any opinions?

  187. Looks like myiq zapped the wierdos.

  188. What is an Obot?

    A cheating thug who never learned to “win” gracefully because they know deep in their cold, shriveled up hearts that they did NOT, in fact, win even with $600 million and the media fluffing.

    Definition of loser: louise.

  189. It must’ve been KB, ’cause they’re gone.

  190. hey betsy, it’s expected of those neanderthals, not frickin liberals. stop making excuses for friends.

  191. Poor craig — still trying to justify so-called “progressives” not counting every vote. Naturally, it is all Hillary’s fault.

    Sell that justification to Lenin, kid — I ain’t buying.

  192. @ Eleanor Rodham A.: would you argue that Clinton handled her campaign team like a top-notch manager? They fell apart at the seams and the infighting was embarrassing, but you predict that Obama will do a poor job?

    Um, did Hillary take hundreds of millions in cash without saying where it came from? Did she go back on her promise to help her opponent repay campaign debts? Did she approve cheating and lawbreaking to win caucuses and bully delegates into giving her votes?

    You’re damn right I think the candidate who avoided doing those things (not Obama) would have done a great job as President, and that I give Obama six months at a maximum before the wheels start coming off in earnest.

    You see, I went to Florida to help count votes in the year 2000 and I know what happens to politicians who don’t play fair and who are willing to lie, cheat and steal to gain office. It ain’t pretty. Karma’s a bitch, honey.

  193. i love madamab! delusions of grandeur!!!!!

  194. Man, that entire awards site is locking up. Maybe Glenn Greewald decided to spam the vote totals? Or whoever kidnapped Josh Marshall.

  195. Eleanor Rodham A, on January 6th, 2009 at 1:13 pm Said:

    “You see, I went to Florida to help count votes in the year 2000 and I know what happens to politicians who don’t play fair and who are willing to lie, cheat and steal to gain office. It ain’t pretty. Karma’s a bitch, honey.”

    Please refresh my memory. Who has experienced accountability for the theft and voter suppression of 2000?

  196. And another thing: The Clintons are soooo bad, yet Obama has poached virtually their entire White House staff and other key members of their administration – while going on and on on national television about what racists and horrible people they are?

    The denial on the part of the Obots as to the sheer ridiculousness of all this is amusing. Really, it is.

  197. taggles – XO!

    I love that the Harriet Christian interview is getting taken seriously. You’d think there would have been a red flag when I opened with the question about whether 9/11 was what caused her to throw her hat in the ring! She handled it like a champ, though.


  198. Well, at least Bush has the lowest approval rating of any President in recent memory. I’ll grant you that true accountability would have resulted in jail time, for Cheney at least, but at least they’re both leaving under a cloud (having wrecked the economy, failed in Iraq, etc)

  199. HA! that’s the beauty of the entire thing MB. They don’t know which way to turn.

  200. wonkette used to be funny, but that was years ago – Bush II, Term I, methinks. Looks like mere dregs are left. Then TPM used to be good just 3 little years ago, but they too have gone the way of all flesh, that being putrefaction and food for scavengers.

    afrocity I voted for American Thinker too. Yesterday, even, before I saw your prop. I like them, which is odd because apparently a couple of their writers went to my college and back in those days there was this free conservative publication they used to push under the dorm doors, and I regularly threw it across the room. Sometimes I even read some of it before throwing it.

    What weird days are these!

  201. Whoops! I’m forgetting the spam filter rules. Here’s another one in mod…

    And another thing: The Clintons are soooo bad, yet Obama has poached virtually their entire White House staff and other key members of their administration – while going on and on on national television about how incompetent they are, and what r@cists and horrible people they are?

    The denial on the part of the Obots as to the sheer ridiculousness and hypocrisy of all this is amusing. Really, it is.

  202. Eleanor Rodham A, true. I’m grateful for that. Couldn’t have happened to two more deserving people. And Katherine Harris got thrown under the bus quickly enough. I usually pass on revenge. But I would so enjoy seeing the whole karma parade for all involved.

  203. Hmmmm…From the weblog awards site:

    All polls are subject to correction for overvoting, or other identified cheating, prior to the finalization of the results. Polls that hava vote totals adjusted will be listed here.

    It’ll be interesting to see how they choose to handle this…

  204. I am PUMA – and I found out today that I’ll get to be that a little longer. My lump is not malignant!

    Today, after a time of worry, nothing can mar my happiness.

    I voted – and found some interesting blogs I was not aware of. Confluence, Uppity etc. got my vote.

    In other “odd” news:

    QVC has decided they would not be doing their job if they were not at, and covering the Inauguration. What has the world come to when a shopping channel decides it is a news outlet?

  205. Do you have a link for that Eleanor? Because I sent them screenshots of the cheating instructions. According to the admin guy, the cowards have removed the comments now.

  206. looking for integrity,

    I so glad you got that good news! May good Karma keep coming your way.

  207. Republican Andrew Breitbart, who may may remember as the man who questioned NOW on the treatment of Hillary by Favreau, is starting his own conservative-minded Hollywood-oriented site — Big Hollywood —

    Check it Out.




    (resident black Ann Coulter/ Elisabeth Hassselbeck PUMA)

  208. Never mind, Eleanor. I see it now.

  209. looking for, what good news!

    A happy day indeed.

  210. Will QVC be shopping from the inaugural stands?

    You can’t trust anybody any more.

  211. looking for integrity, that’s great. Stay healthy!

  212. QVC is an appropriate choice for inauguration coverage. Bought and sold!

  213. I like to keep a few tv channels that aren’t political as a refuge, but they’re getting fewer all the time.

  214. Here is another screenshot as it sounds like they have scrubbed their page. If you are talking with the admin you can use this. I will post another soon.

  215. Plural so I take it you’ve been watching The Hallmark Channel and TV Land a lot.

  216. afrocity, sadly, my cable doesn’t get either of those. But whatever they are, I’m afraid they will soon be going All Obama All The Time.

  217. Looking for integrity – Congratulations! You must be so relieved and happy!

  218. The voting for Wonkette, a non-liberal blog, over The Confluence, the true liberal blog, is just like the fear of women and Hillary again. Wonkette is not known to be a liberal blog, it’s corporatist snark, but it’s anybody-but-Hillary again.

    These fauxgressive wimps fear women.

  219. There are still morons over there at the weblog award forum accusing us of being racist. They are claiming someone named “Techdude” is a poster here. I’ve never heard of that person. There are several complaints about Wankette cheating, but the admin pooh pooh them.


    “I do not believe it is possible to reach the webogawards.org site, or to vote in the polls, following the instructions posted on wonkette.”


    I hope Sean Gleeson, administrator, age 33, Oklahoma isn’t the final arbiter.

  220. Looking for integrity @ 1:28p
    I am so glad for you.
    Now go party like it is 1999.
    Make 2009 one of the best years of your life.
    My daughter got the same news right before Christmas.



  221. Just like the primary, Obama/Obots can only win if he/they cheat.

  222. In reality, these wimps just fear women.

  223. donna will you join me on my quest to get Hillz elected once and for all, for good this time?
    Maybe we can blog about it on Daily Kos.

  224. They are claiming someone named “Techdude” is a poster here

    Techdude is the person who supposedly did the analysis of the Obama Birth Certificate that “proved” his BC was really his sisters. I can’t remember if he posted his own research or if he had someone else post it at No Quarter.

    His work was completely debunked by Joseph Cannon and it caused a big flap when I linked to Joseph’s post with admiration.

  225. BB – “Techdude” was a poster at Texas Darlin’ or No Quarter, IIRC.

    We never got into that whole birth certificate business. Techdude was insisting that he had used Photoshop to discover hidden pixels in Obama’s birth certificate. His claims were nonsense.

    Of course, Obamans are not strong on the facts.

  226. darn it I gotta work today and what is qa PUMA?

    I know what one is but I need help on what a wonkette is?

    Besides a blovating gasbag?

    bb,afrocity,myiq2xu,ARP? help me on this one

  227. Techdude was at TD.

    Obots just make shit up to see what sticks

  228. Give Hillary a hug for us Ginaswo.


    I see PUMAs as people who value a sense of fair play. They feel strongly that every individual has value and that every person should have an equal voice. Two reasons I see consistently as to why people were attracted to the movement were a) people were outraged at the treatment Hillary received because she was female( her experience being belittled as limited to tea parties, the emphasis based on what she was wearing rather than on her positions or whether or not her tears were “genuine”, the “I cross my legs when she comes in the room” comments,) and her overall treatment both in the press and on blogs. We were disgusted by the bias being shown. These same people were revulsed by how the LGBT community has been used by the Democratic party in the same way women have. We clearly are something keep talking points on hands to woo us while simultaneously relegating us to the back of the bus b) the disenfranchisement of states and the manipulation of a system to create a specific result( giving someone who wasn’t on the ballot half of the delegates plus 4 of someone’s earned delegates). We also have contempt for posers and people who believe they are better then others based on their gender, education level or even political leanings.

    We have had disagreements on a myriad of issues and obviously are different since we lead different lives and have different life experiences but in the end we respect each other. We recognize that there isn’t just one “right way” to think or live. Hillary was the tipping point but I think the reason we still exist is the shared idea of fairness and the belief that it is a fundamental principle you shouldn’t compromise ever and you should strive for consistently.

    Many of us called ourselves Democrats because before this cycle we bought the lip service of DNC. People like Barack Obama, Gloria Steinem, Donna Brazile, and whole cast of others opened our eyes though. The DNC is willing to compromise fundamental platform principles to win. We find that unacceptable.

  229. craigindaville, on January 6th, 2009 at 1:02 pm Said:

    myiq2xu: Way to avoid the question. And to bring that up again. Just remember– those votes didn’t count BEFORE the primary was held. It was only after she lost that she wanted those votes to count. No conspiracy against her, just fate.

    When did she loose? Was it after her delegates were stolen and given to Obama because he couldn’t close the deal or when Obama was given delegates for not having been on the ballot.

  230. Alice, OMG that is really sad. These people have to cheat at everything, even a meaningless blog award competition.

    It really is the state of American youth. We have trained these brats to cheat. Gary used to teach them until he got sick of having pass kids you should have failed, and give As to students who should have recieved Cs just because their parents pitched a fit to the School.

    My sister graduated High school in 2002. She was in AP Chemistry her senior year. Right before finals it was discovered that half of the class were cheating. Someone had hacked into the teachers computer and got all the tests. Everyone found out what they had done, but they all got to graduate, and most of them went to really good schools. I know one kid got into Duke.
    There is no accountablility anymore, and I’m afraid that it doesn’t bode well for our nation.

  231. afrocity> Don’t forget that “Taxi Driver” lost the Best Picture oscar to “Rocky.” Now I know “Rocky” is iconic in its own way, but “Taxi Driver” is one of the great American films. And Scorsese didn’t win an Oscar for that or “Raging Bull.” And Pacino didn’t win it for “The Godfather” or “Dog Day Afternoon.” Awards are nice and we all want them, but they don’t always award greatness.

  232. {{{loooking for integrity}}} I’m so happy. I can’t tell you how happy. Thank you for sharing your good news!

  233. madamab, on January 6th, 2009 at 1:19 pm Said:

    I love that the Harriet Christian interview is getting taken seriously. You’d think there would have been a red flag when I opened with the question about whether 9/11 was what caused her to throw her hat in the ring! She handled it like a champ, though.

    madamab — not only did those morons (and I know I use that term a lot, but it is just so apropos this year) not “see” the red flag in the first 9/11 question they actually cite that question of proof of how dumb we. Oh, the irony! the irony!

  234. I am so happy for you looking for integrity. Hugs.

  235. Techdude was never a poster here. If he ever made any comments I don’t remember seeing them.

    Our policy has been that making comments on the COLB issue is a quick trip to the spam filter.

  236. DYB, Forrest Gump won best picture one year, and Julia Roberts won for Erin Brokovitch.

    Give me a break.

    Awards are a big circle jerk.

  237. Good news, looking for integrity.

  238. Looking for integrity: What a relief that must be for you. Celebrate today!

  239. Burris is turned away from chamber


    Video at Politico

  240. Mawm-it’s the same over here. Parents make such a fuss if their kid gets low marks. Particularly in the sciences.

  241. I think techdude was that guy involved with the alleged fraud over the HI Obama birth certificate and Berg.

  242. techdude was the guy on NQ who did the COLB stuff and disappeared.
    Weird story. But not a Confluence

  243. Trucknuts

    and some of them are shiny.

    And lolol oh funny one. I assure you as one geezerette who lives with a geezer, they do, and we love them anyway.

  244. That’s right, Not Confluence.

  245. shorts, we all work for Hillary to be President in 2012. I never joined the Cheeto place because the orange gets to me and it’s hard to navigate.

  246. You know, the appointment of Burris may be a fiasco, but it is a legitimate fiasco. I hope he sues and raises a giant stink.

    looking for integrity – congratulations, what a relief!

  247. How do you declare war on a blog? What’s supposed to happen to us if they win?

  248. Is it a coincidence OpenLeft lost Lux, Bowers (broken arm), and Matt Stoller (who I always liked, he was never into Obamamessiah) at the time they are becoming disillusioned with him? At least, Sirota will continue to show his disappointment!

  249. katiebird> I think we’re supposed to shrivel up and die…like their penises.

  250. Mawm> And let’s not forget Helen Hunt. Helen Hunt has an Oscar! Holy crap Batman!

  251. lamp, Wonkette gets more votes because people are cheating. It is so obvious when you look at the results for all the blogs.

    Check this out

  252. Did my earlier response get removed? That is unbelievable! Okay, let’s try this one and see exactly what kind of place this really is:

    I would like to know what readers of this site think that Obama should do to solve the problem mentioned in the post above, that women are less likely to benefit from an economic stimulus plan that focuses on the revitalization of infrastructure. I would also like to know what factual evidence we have that women do not occupy jobs that will benefit from this type of investment. Is this a sexist assumption, or do we have good reason to believe it?

    I am asking this because I know that women generally and low-income seniors and children tend to be the ones most hurt in an economic downturn, so any economic stimulus plan needs to take this into account. However, I do not understand why an investment in infrastructure is a bad step, with respect to these concerns.

    If my completely polite comment posted above was actually deleted simply because it expressed a positive sentiment towards Wonkette–and NO negative sentiment towards THIS site whatsoever–then whoever moderates this is beyond belief.

  253. They also sent a message to Townhouse:

    facebook messages sent to David Brock, Jane Hamsher, Cliff Schecter, Robert Greenwald, Glenn Greenwald, Joe Trippi, Chris Bowers and Matt Stoller.

    Comment by gimmeabreak on 01/05/09 at 08:41 PM

    The netroots support started with Matt Yglesias. Then Ezra Klein. I remember Kos and OpenLeft were racist and anti-Obama before it was Obama and Clinton. What do these…27 and…24 year white males know except self-preservation? These Townhouse white males’ biggest economic threat is similarly-educated white women, not black men.

  254. perries, on January 6th, 2009 at 2:21 pm

    Right. Burris has the right to be the junior senator from Illinois. That video of him is actually very sad. You can hear the disappointment in his voice. This guy has served his state for a long time unlike Obama.

  255. lampadadog

    For a simple response, I would say, as someone representing the 2%, (or now less) of women in construction, especially those that are in the field, infrastructure projects will not immediately help women. That is unless all union apprentice programs accept only women for the next 5-10 years. I give it that frameworks because some apprentice programs are up to 5 years, at which time workers receive full wages.

  256. David Brock?

    He was best known for his book The Real Anita Hill and authoring the Troopergate story, which led to Paula Jones filing a lawsuit against Bill Clinton.

    He also wrote this terrible book called The Seduction of Hillary Rodham.

  257. I can’t vote again and need to wait a few hours.


    Hillary Clinton’s social activism, Brock notes, is rooted in liberal Methodism and deep compassion for the underprivileged, especially children; but it has been distorted and derailed by her Faustian alliance with her husband, “the greatest seducer who ever lived”

  258. IsDissentAllowed? yep.

  259. lol an answer to a wisp-o-willow

  260. Brock? The original anti-Hillary
    Hamsher? There can be only one token female
    Schecter? AmericaBlog
    Greenwald? There can be only one Obama skeptic and I am the original skeptic.
    Bowers and Stoller? White women are our biggest threat.

  261. Thank you everyone for your good wishes. I am very happy and relieved.

  262. LFI – I’m so happy for you – Celebrate girl!!! 😆

  263. Ok, I finally had to run over to Wonkette to see what the big deal was.

    It’s not a blog – even I can determine that -it’s just a bunch of incoherent, nonsensical, childlike statements – some of which are just downright mean and morbid.

    Good grief – I’d be embarrassed to put something like that in public. 😯

  264. “Oh, sure, it’s better than it was 30 years ago but not by much. I’ve seen it happen to my Brook who has been effectively cut out of the higher level math programs regardless of her stellar test scores and interest in the subject.”

    Bull. Bull bull bull. You’re not being honest with us. If she’s in a public school, test scores and GPA are the only guidelines for who makes it into these courses. I graduated nearly 10 years ago, lived in multiple states, and watched male and female teachers bend over backwards to get sex parity in their top classes. As a grad student, I teach first year students. Young women frequently acknowledge they have very limited experience with sexism in their education. Parents are not able to reliably analyze their children’s experiences, period.

    Bottom line: Boys are taught that males can tell the world, their children and their girlfriends to shove it and focus on the academic/professional task at hand because that’s what defines them as people. Girls are taught that their self-definition is more complex. Tell girls the same and make them believe it, and you’ll have many more women in demanding fields.

    You’ll also have a bunch of girls as emotionally messed up as some of the men in those fields. But hey, small price, right? Because you think being a math or science professional is inherently good because the base salary is higher, it seems.

  265. donnadarko-2.58

    The netroots support started with Matt Yglesias. Then Ezra Klein. I remember Kos and OpenLeft were racist and anti-Obama before it was Obama and Clinton. What do these…27 and…24 year white males know except self-preservation? These Townhouse white males’ biggest economic threat is similarly-educated white women, not black men.

    I hadn’t really thought of it that way, but you’re right.

    downticket-why is Obama trying to stop Burris? He doesnìt want JJ Jr either…

  266. LFI: I’m happy for you. What a great way to start the day.

    My definition of a PUMA flows from the fact that I always think about the American Revolution when I’m with my PUMA friends. So,

    Although not all patriots are PUMAs,

    PUMAs are patriots.

    And hopefully the seeds for a real revolution that will bring some integrity back to our electoral process.

  267. CWaltz

    Our experience are very simiar. And that’s the beauty of it.

    The more I retrospect on what were my experiences over the last year, the more I realized that PUMAS
    b) even if they never reflect on it, are constitutionalists.

    And by that I mean that we adhere in a version of the US which was designed to be fair, equal, balanced and transparent.

    Personally I never gave much thoughts about the Constitution before but the more this new generation is coming to influence, the more I see it as the corner stone of our free life.

    Thinking back on what RD commentated recently about the fact this Obama phenomenon was a direct result of a full generation being taught a currucular of civil rights equality, I was thinking that as much as this was a very good thing, more than not is was not frame from a Constitution point of view. The rights of the individuals were promoted with the conterbalance of the duty to respect a higher purpose which is this case and most of the cases is the Constitution.

    We have a whole generation talking about rights and totally oblivious about duties. (And the oldest are now parents…)

  268. The rights of the individuals were promoted WITHOUT the conterbalance of the duty to respect a higher purpose…

    hoops my bad.

  269. “The rights of the individuals were promoted WITHOUT the conterbalance of the duty to respect a higher purpose”

    hoops my bad.

  270. thanks BB and Helenk!!!

    yes Helen I did the strut and thought of you!!!!!! :0)

    I will post pics on the blog when i get back :0)


    best PUMA wishes for everyone for a healthy safe happy new year
    W00T and BOOYAH!!!

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