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Things we hope are true

Sarah P. confesses her sins at Hillbuzz:

October 27, 2008 at 5:04 am

Ok, I want to clear my conscious a little. Hopefully you could make a blog post to help some fellow clinton supporters out.

I work for a campaign and can’t wait for this week to be over.

I was doing it for a job. I was not a fan of any candidate but over time grew to love HRC.

The internal campaign idea is to twist, distort, humiliate and finally dispirit you.

We pay people and organize people to go to all the online sites and “play the part of a clinton or mccain supporter who just switched our support for obama”

We do this to stifle your motivation and to destroy your confidence.

We did this the whole primary and it worked.

Sprinkle in mass vote confusion and it becomes bewildering. Most people lose patience and just give up on their support of a candidate and decide to just block out tv, news, websites, etc.

This surprisingly has had a huge suppressing movement and vote turnout issues.

Next, we infiltrate all the blogs and all the youtube videos and overwhelm the voting, the comments, etc. All to continue this appearance of overwhelming world support.

People makes posts to the effect that the world has “gone mad”

Thats the intention. To make you feel stressed and crazy and feel like the world is ending.

We have also had quite a hand in skewing many many polls, some we couldn’t control as much as we would have liked. But many we have spoiled over. Just enough to make real clear politics look scarey to a mccain supporter. Its worked, alough the goal was to appear 13-15 points ahead.

see, the results have been working. People tend to support a winner, go with the flow, become “sheeple”

The polls are roughly 3-5 points in favor of Barack. Thats due to our inflation of the polls and pulling in the sheeple.

Our donors, are the same people who finance the MSM. Their interests are tied, Barack then tends to come across as teflon. Nothing sticks. And trust, there were meetings with Fox news. The goal was to blunt them as much as possible. Watch Bill Oreilly he has become much more diplomatic and “fair and balanced” and soft. Its because he wants to retain the #1 spot on cable news and to do that he has to have access to the Obama campaign and we worked hard at stringing him a long and keeping him soft for an interview swap. It worked and now he is anticipating more access. So he is playing it still soft.

This is why nothing sticks.

The operation is massive, the goal is to paint a picture that is that of a winner, regardless of the results.

There is no true inauguration draft or true grant park construction going on. There will be a party, but we are boasting beyond the truth to make it seem like the election is wrapped up.

Our goal is to continue to make you lose your moral. We worked hard at persuasion and paying off and timing and playing the right political numbers to get key republican endorsements to make it seem even more like it was over and the world was coming to an end for you all.

There is a huge staff of people working around the clock, watching every site, blogs, etc. We flood these sites. We have had a goal to overwhelm.

The truth is here. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

I am saying this because I know HRC was better for the country, and now realize this. I was too late by the time I connected to her. To me Barack was just a cool young dude that seemed like a star. I didn’t know him or his policies, but now I understand more than I care to and I realize his interests are more for him, and the DNC and all working like puppets with dean. I always thought a president wanted the better good for the country. The end result I see is everyone dependent on the government, this means more and more people voting for the DNC. This means the future is forever altered. I don’t see this as america, so I am now supporting John Mccain.

Sarah Palin is a huge threat, and our campaign has feared her like you can’t imagine. If it seems unfair how she has been treated, well its because she has had a team working round the clock to make her look like a fool.

this is a big conspiracy and I am so shocked that its not realized.

We released a little blurb the other day that the Obama campaign was already working on reelection and now putting our efforts towards 2012. This was to make it seem like it was above us to continue caring about 2008. Trust me, its a lie. David is very smart, but its a sticky ugly not very truthful kind of intelligence.

Its not over yet, but I think the machine is working. And its a hill to climb.

I will be quitting my post on nov 5th and my vote will be for John Mccain. Fortunately, my position has been a marketing position and I don’t feel I had any part of anything I would feel guilty for. But I look forward to getting out of this as the negativity and environment upsets me.

I wish you all well, and goodluck.

PS my name is not really sarah. but I am a female and I understand your plight.

We have no confirmation that Sarah P. is what she says she is but her story sure sounds right. It’s what we have independently observed since the beginning of the primary season.  Sarah’s testimony is very plausible.  It is one big game of psychological warfare perpetrated on us by Obama and his sneaky campaign.

And to all of you Republican readers out there, I just have one question:  what are you doing here?!  I mean, seriously, we are Democrats.  Some of us are Liberals.  We believe in the common good and progressive taxation and supporting unions and that kind of stuff.  (Stop flinching)  I think it’s fascinating that we are suddenly cool to you guys, like some kind of exotic species.  Maybe you like to run with a dangerous crowd.  Take a walk on the wild side.  But let’s be honest, we’re just not into being Republican.  If some of us vote for McCain, it’s only because he’s more honorable than Obama and didn’t screw half of his party out of their votes.

It’s weird.  I almost think that you guys like pain.  Or are you finally waking up to what was done to the country in 2000 and 2004 and don’t particularly like the prospect of it happening to you?  Well, if you don’t want to see Obama the Unready Fraud become the next president Bush, the best thing you can do is clip and save Sarah P’s confession and pass it around to all your Republican buddies.  Obama’s trick to winning has been to suppress the votes of his opponent by making them feel helpless.  It’s called a Haka.  And there is a very easy way to stop him from being successful.  All you need to do is Go Vote Against Him.  That’s all it takes.  No special skills or powers are required.  All it takes is committment from you and your neighbors to vote come hell or high haka.

Now, go forth, round up your posse and tell them to do it.

One more thing for the Obama operatives out there reading:  The post PUMA Power at the top of the page?  It’s been viewed more than 100,000 times since I wrote it.  Maybe more if it’s been passed around in email.

216 Responses

  1. Yep – sounds about right – and it confims what we figured out about Axelfarud’s astroturfing ways.

    Good to know someone fessed up finally.

    TheRealKim spoke about her experience working for the Obama campaign and she did not feel right with what was going on in the office & phone banking a certain way, etc. – very unethical stuff.

  2. Nice way to redefine it, RD. It is definitely a haka, as has been said here for MONTHS!

    Where’s the Carol haka?

  3. My skepticism these past 10 months has risen tenfold. Not sure if that letter is real or bogus. It could have easily come from a McCain supporter as it has from an Obot. Or it could be a plant to just elicit reaction. These days, who knows.

    I guess the adage, trust but verify, is still as relevant today as it was when first uttered. However, it does have a certain quality in that we have had visitors who sound as if they too were plants on this site.

  4. Reposting this from downstairs:

    When I think of the PUMA movement, I think of this video:

    Mother Cougar vs Grizzly Bear

    It’s time for the showdown!!

    We will not back down from the fight!

    We will not give up!

    We will rock the vote!

    We will achieve VICTORY!


  5. yep, saw this on another site.

    Hey, anyone else notice barky done dropped his threshold to 200k?

    check this out:


    It’s an ad with that jugeared jackarse out n’ out saying 200k, when his website says 250k.

    How low can he go? Wait, don’t answer that…

  6. The Obama campaign burned thru a cool $100 million in the first 2 weeks of October. Their spednign is out of control. I picture hundreds of paid bloggers with computers in some padded warehouse in Chicago, working in shifts, to flood the sites and spew the Obama venom.

    Come election day, America, led by the PUMAS, will pull the plug on them!

    Country First and proud of it!

  7. I’m with you, pat. So jaded at this point that my head is beyond exploding. We wandered past John Le Carre many months ago.

  8. IronMan — I am reposting my comment as well. The bear looks exactly like Donna Brazillenut.

  9. spednign = spending, of course 🙂

  10. Yes, RD, it sounds like what we have experienced. Who knows who “Sarah” really is, but there is no doubt that Obama has had paid operatives running around the ‘net sowing discord. Luckily we have managed to keep them under control at The Confluence.

    As for all these Republicans, I guess they’ll move on after the election. I won’t miss the right wing talking points, that’s for sure!

  11. simofish –


  12. Well, although every word could easily be true as it relates to Obamaland strategy, the smarmy Axelrod,
    and the weak knees of many at Fox, I personally smell a heaping, steaming pile of BS.

    Just look at how the person describes themselves.
    Um, do they have a conscience or not? They are part of a huge scam on the American people, but “hey, it’s okay… I’m just in marketing.”

    Just in marketing? Damn, the whole Obama bilge
    has been nothing but marketing.

    Whatever… The analysis is pretty right on. But the effect of reading it is rather demoralizing in itself, ain’t it? We’re up against a big collosal machine and we’re right under the wheels, but hey “buck up little campers”
    all you have to worry about is an uphill climb and the
    “machine is working.”

    Eat my shorts, Obama- fuck! We’re gonna leave you guys in the gutter where you belong– and we all know you people are definitely not looking at the stars.

    Okay- now I got in trouble once for calling BS on an article a person put up here… don’t bother getting pissed at me again.

    It’s just my opinion. And I’m way tired of mind games.
    I could be completely wrong. But there’s my two cents.

  13. We must represent “exotic creatures” to those who drop in here from time to time. They have no idea what this blog stands for. Saying No Obama is not enough. We need to constantly educate them that our defection from the current crapola of the Dem Party in no way makes us Repubs.

    I think they get that impression because we often cite right wing blogs or Fox News as sources of our information without realizing that we are not getting the information we should from other sources. I have Rush on my radio because to tell you the truth I am too damned lazy to find another channel. And Fox does reports that show Obama for the faker that he is without all the fanfare from which most of us are escaping.

    We get blasted for this but they still refuse to understand where we are coming from.

    It is not McCain but a rebellion against the DNC and their puppet Obama. Period.

  14. Wow, Sarah Whatever’s missive might only be docudrama, but it certainly chronicles what we have all felt for the last year. Either this person is a keen observer of websites or a plant of indeterminate origin or the real thing — from whatever lettuce leaf he/she crawled, he/she has tasted the arugula in some fashion.

  15. I got about halfway through it and had the same thought Pat – wonder if we can verify either way.

  16. If the letter is true, I would not be surprised at its content. If the letter is false, I would not be surprised at its content.

  17. Sarah P is a very brave lady. We all knew that what she said was the truth before she ever said it.
    Thanks Sarah P!!!

  18. I for one think the letter is not true in that it is not a “confession” from someone in the Obama campaign but I do believe that is exactly what is going on inside the Obama campaign plus a lot worse — truth is always stranger then fiction.

  19. When the Obots come smashing in here with their stupid comments and dopey accusations, you at least know what you are working with. Idiots.

    But when you have a carefully crafted and articulate piece come sliding in, my b.s. meter goes on full alert. And this Sarah, whoever she is, backs off any participation she may have had by pointing fingers at others while being very careful to qualify her role in “marketing”. Give me a break. That’s like the bystander whose only participation in the fire was handing the matches to the arsonist. Wasn’t me!

  20. You guys left me downstairs 😦

  21. Who would’ve thunk?

    Hollywood insiders rip MSNBC, defend Palin

    OK it’s Linda Thomasson. It looks like only Hillaryites still have some decency on the “Left”

  22. If she is a obot defector, she will be torn to shreds but if she is republican they will probably tear her to shreds…

    I guess it will be hard to tell.

  23. Honestly, I can’t believe how dumbass the Republicans are looking around now. Some of them are acting as if they think 4 years of Obama will benefit their party or something. newsflash, guys–there is no guarantee Obama will lose in 4 years if he takes it now, okay? Ha ha ha, oh that idiot George W. Bush, well, let him have his 4 years, there’s no way he can win reelection. Well, guess what? Anything can happen in 4 years. If you think Dave and Barack are above stirring up a war, faking some kind of national crisis, whatever, think again. And it’s way way way easier to commit voter fraud when you’re in power. You wanna take that chance?

    Second, they’re acting like McCain is bringing down their girl, so they’re prepared to hang him out to dry. Hello? That’s going to hurt her as much as it will him. How does legitimizing the press’s portrayal of her as a national laughing stock help her? What is UP with these people?

  24. You know, I think Sarah Whatever might have gone to the Church of Scott McClellan, you know the one, instead of making the sign of the cross they point outward and turn in a 360 circle. They then recite 10 I’m stupids, one I’m smart now, then write a book and the next thing you know they are tightening Larry King’s suspenders.

  25. The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Jew Bashing Video

    Some were discussing this downstairs earlier today. Incredible that the LA Times is protecting Obama and not releasing the video!

  26. Anytime anyone is willing to take a potshot at Keith Olbermann I am in. MSNBC has been nothing but a continuous infomercial on behalf of Obama since February. The bias against Hillary Clinton became obsessive to the point of hysteria. Any criticism of Obama was smashed immediately and the demonization of this woman was nonstop.

    Since I no longer watch MSNBC I can only imagine what they are doing to Sarah Palin. The blogs are alive with the sound of hatred and it is pretty much condoned throughout.

    If Obama wins MSNBC will go further into the toilet as there will be no interest in the continual one way adoration on display. The public will be mighty bored in short order.

  27. Richmond Times-Dispatch Endorses McCain

    “We urge Virginians — who will play a crucial role in the national decision for the first time in more than a generation — to vote for John McCain for president. He is the right man for our perilous times.”

    Read full endorsement here…


  28. You know…. I dread an Obama presidency… but the one thing positive that may come from that is the EXTINCTION of Olberman…. If Obama is the President with a Congress dominated by Dems….. who the hell is KO going to blame shit on when it goes south?

  29. Fox may be pretty much an arm of the GOP but at least they invited the opposition on to offer a point of view. True, the person was usually beaten up and shouted over but they had an opportunity to make a point.

    KO never had anyone from the opposition on, just those whose heads bobbled in unison with whatever he said and as soon as they showed some independence (I am thinking of Dana Milbanks here) they were subsequently “disappeared”.

    Most of these cable shows are a joke to begin with but MSNBC is the biggest one of all. Allowing KO to spout his “special comments” to the frat boy crowd only stirred up passions even more. The man is a total asshole with female issues firmly wrapped around his big fat neck.

  30. Well, my gut’s baloney meter is off the scale. I think this is a fake for many reasons. How does the writer reckon her claims like, for example:

    The polls are roughly 3-5 points in favor of Barack. Thats due to our inflation of the polls and pulling in the sheeple.


  31. Pat J — you couldn’t be more spot on in your KO assessment. Word on the street is he’s got a little tiny you know what.

    Allowing KO to spout his “special comments” to the frat boy crowd only stirred up passions even more. The man is a total asshole with female issues firmly wrapped around his big fat neck.

  32. afrocity — I told you I was coming upstairs — once a thread gets too long, my browser takes forever to refresh.

  33. Did anyone post this yet? There’s more at NoQ. Rats jumping a sinking ship? Sounds like King is trying to save face. Too little, too late.

    Jeff Poor of BMI reports on CNN’s King: ‘Whining’ Media ‘Out of Touch’ on Election Coverage:

    You know media bias has reached epic proportions when journalists are criticizing their own colleagues for a lack of professionalism in covering Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin….In an interview with South Carolina ETV set to air on “The Big Picture” Oct. 30, CNN chief national correspondent John King criticized his colleagues’ coverage of not only Obama and Palin, but the overall election.

    In King’s words:

    “I think there’s some very legitimate criticism that we did not treat all of the candidates in the Democratic race, but particularly the top two or three equally, because of the Clinton obsession in the national media,” King told host Mark Quinn. “It is a very fair point. We need to learn that lesson.”

    King also accused the media of not adapting to the digital age. According to the CNN correspondent, the electorate has the ability to decouple themselves from the mainstream media and seek out information on the candidates without them.

    “Once you move on from there – I do think that some of the criticism is justified. I think some of the criticism not so justified in that we have to adapt to the world we live in,” King said. “And the technology explosion has given people, voters, individuals an amazing opportunity. They can learn everything they want to learn about these candidates without us.”

    King also criticized the media’s “whining” about limited access to Palin. “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams complained to NBC “Today” host Matt Lauer on Oct. 23 for having to wait 55 days for a Palin interview.

    “Part of that is, may be legitimate,” King said of complaints the media treated Palin unfairly. “Part of that is may be how the McCain campaign put her out there. We whine too much sometimes. If the McCain campaign doesn’t want to make Sarah Palin available for interviews – OK, just say they won’t make her available for interviews. We don’t have to jump up and down and scream and cry about that … It’s not our job to whine or complain.”

    King said journalists failed to go beyond the Washington-New York corridor to cover the election, proclaiming they were “out of touch” with the majority of voters.

  34. Angie, yes, he is very small minded.

  35. They then recite 10 I’m stupids, one I’m smart now, then write a book and the next thing you know they are tightening Larry King’s suspenders.

    Thanks for the laughter, prolix. That was good.

  36. Is this letter for real? Well isn’t this what we thought was going on anyway???

    When I worked the phonebanks everyone was for Mccain. I was surprised. I also ran into a lot of jaded people who were not voting at all.

  37. …don’t forget the NYT! “journalism” ROTFL!

    The. fourth. estate. is. dead.

    On ABC there was a segment where the media reported on bias in the media. Delectable.

  38. MABlue: thanks for the link to the Hollywood event.

    Bloodworth-Thomason and others seemed especially critical of the way MSNBC — and other media — has attacked Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin while demeaning her supporters.

    “We should stop the demonizing,” she said, adding that Democrats have been worse than Republicans as far as personal attacks on candidates are concerned. “It diminishes us,” she said of her fellow Democrats.

    Now if we only heard more of that a long time ago. Where is all this self-reflection coming from? They’re only about 8+ months behind–or should I say years?

  39. “I think there’s some very legitimate criticism that we did not treat all of the candidates in the Democratic race, but particularly the top two or three equally, because of the Clinton obsession in the national media.”

    Sorry, fif, but this is a ratf*cker comment. John King pulled a few too many punches – he’s part of the problem.

  40. On ABC there was a segment where the media reported on bias in the media.

    This seems to be the new story of the day. Remember when they were all asking each other: do you think we’re sexist?

    “No, I don’t think we’re sexist.”

    “Me neither.”

    Bark, bark, bark.

  41. Oh Kat5: I was in no way defending John King. He is reading the poll numbers re: the media, and trying to appear “professional” and “objective” like a real journalist. Sorry John, where were you when it would have counted for something?

  42. angie, you know about ‘karma bites,’ ko’s fling right?

  43. Remember when they were all asking each other: do you think we’re sexist?

    “No, I don’t think we’re sexist.”

    “Me neither.”


    Ha! That’s it, fif, you nailed it. I think I heard a variation on that conversation about a hundred times.

  44. Duh uh, fif – sorry!

  45. afrocity — the jaded people who will not vote at all are the ones I’m most worried about.
    And you worked the phonebanks for McCain? Please tell me you did it from home via internet & not in a McCain office in Chicago!

  46. fif — what is John King up to with that story, I wonder? CYA or placing the blame on Hillary for the media not doing its job in vetting BO? I can’t make up my mind.

  47. “It is a very fair point. We need to learn that lesson.”

    Freaking too late, John King. You should have studied harder in school. And I thought you were so smart.

  48. Kat5, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:18 am Said:
    “I think there’s some very legitimate criticism that we did not treat all of the candidates in the Democratic race, but particularly the top two or three equally, because of the Clinton obsession in the national media.”
    Sorry, fif, but this is a ratf*cker comment. John King pulled a few too many punches – he’s part of the problem.

    King is just as much of a Pig as the rest of them. Of course he’s jumping ship. He has his credibility to save, but no one’s fooled. We all know what a c*&ck he is.

    And by the way, it’s not a Clinton obsession that makes the media out of touch with Americans. It’s elitism, corporate corruption, and sheer snobbery that makes them out of touch.

    Suck on that, King.

  49. It sounds like King might be saying they persecuted BO by paying too much attention to HRC. LOL

  50. I laugh everytime I see thus video of Foghorn Leghorn Biden and West the reporter. The look on his face when she reads that Marx quote is priceless. Obama and Biden, dumb and dumber.

  51. What we need is a new cabinet position, a sort of MSM Ombudsman. Maybe Rupert Murdoch could endow it.

  52. Seriously — yes, karma bites is exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote that — and I know, as sure as I know my own name, just from looking at the bloviating blowhard that every word she wrote about that night with KO is true.

  53. angienc, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:23 am Said:
    fif — what is John King up to with that story, I wonder? CYA or placing the blame on Hillary for the media not doing its job in vetting BO? I can’t make up my mind.

    Angie!!! Well, maybe they’re finally starting to feel ashamed about their laughable ratings.

  54. Hi Little Isis!!

  55. When Hillary challenged MSNBC regarding David Shuster and his “pimping out” comment about Chelsea, she more or less sealed her doom with them. I remember Joe Scarborough defending his good friend Shuster along with Chris Matthews who had repeatedly gone over the top night after night.

    None of them would ever own up to their bias coverage and then got on the air to publicly support the latest offender. Even Idiot Mika got into it and backed the “boys”. The “who me?” attitude is still in effect as they continually use Sarah Palin as the backdrop for all of their putdowns.

    I suppose having Mika sit there day after day is their excuse in displaying a female presences. But she is as useless as a wart on a frog for all she adds to the conversation. And her Obama bias does not go unnoticed.

  56. Seriously, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:23 am Said:
    It sounds like King might be saying they persecuted BO by paying too much attention to HRC. LOL

    How much do you want a bet that the headlines on Nov 5th will read:

    “Analysis: It is all Hillary’s fault that Obama lost. We were too busy persecuting her and her supporters to properly vet him.”

  57. Mika gets her very own Special Place In Hell Award, pat.

  58. no worries kat 🙂

    Isn’t it amazing how fast the hours pass when blogging? Late to bed again. Good night all. One week tomorrow. After all this time. We have to remember that life will go on. Hopefully without O’s mug in our face 24/7. (I read an article about Jennifer Hudson’s nephew today, and they showed one of her relatives…wearing an Obama cap. He’s EVERYWHERE, and I’m over it.)

    Sleep tight.

  59. angie–on the one hand, that was hilarious, but on the other–some of those mental images will haunt me forever. LOL The finger thing, ewwwwwww….

  60. angienc, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:25 am Said:
    Hi Little Isis!!

    Yay for Angie!!! Nice to see you, girl.

  61. Hope = Blindly Trust Me Regardless of the Facts

  62. night fif!

  63. I wouldn’t be surprised if John King is positioning himself to be relevent on Nov. 5th if the obot sky falls and real people don’t vote for the “one”.

  64. Facts aren’t what they used to be, afro.

  65. “journalists” are opportunists. That’s why they’re so taken with Obama.

    Really, what does it take to be a journalist these days, get a degree? And to whom are they accountable?

  66. Facts are what we tell you they are. Anything else is r@cist.

  67. Pat Johnson, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:26 am Said:
    When Hillary challenged MSNBC regarding David Shuster and his “pimping out” comment about Chelsea, she more or less sealed her doom with them. I remember Joe Scarborough defending his good friend Shuster along with Chris Matthews who had repeatedly gone over the top night after night.
    None of them would ever own up to their bias coverage and then got on the air to publicly support the latest offender. Even Idiot Mika got into it and backed the “boys”. The “who me?” attitude is still in effect as they continually use Sarah Palin as the backdrop for all of their putdowns.
    I suppose having Mika sit there day after day is their excuse in displaying a female presences. But she is as useless as a wart on a frog for all she adds to the conversation. And her Obama bias does not go unnoticed.

    Wonder if it had been Obama calling them out on something? They would be scrambling to apologize and grovel and beg for forgiveness from their Obamessiah.

  68. nite fif

  69. fif, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:28 am Said:
    no worries kat
    Isn’t it amazing how fast the hours pass when blogging? Late to bed again. Good night all. One week tomorrow. After all this time. We have to remember that life will go on. Hopefully without O’s mug in our face 24/7. (I read an article about Jennifer Hudson’s nephew today, and they showed one of her relatives…wearing an Obama cap. He’s EVERYWHERE, and I’m over it.)
    Sleep tight.

    Night fif!!!

  70. Riverdaughter: thank you, thank you.
    Today has been traumatic. This political season has been traumatic. Coming to “know” you and the Conflucians and Murphy’s crew has been a balm.

  71. Back at you, Heidi Li!

  72. On another note: regarding the piece I wrote I posted about Palin, Obama, and misogyny:

    Thank you to those who have voted and spread the word. We are close to 100 votes on RCP.

    I’m exhausted, frankly. I just had a conversation with a relative who totally does not get it.

    To break 100, another 7 votes are needed

    see: http://readerarticles.realclearpolitics.com/?period=week

  73. Ah jeez, am I supposed to feel sorry for hacks like King and Malone, now that they’re beating their breasts and doing the mea culpa tango? All I got is, *now* this bothers you? *Now*? Too late, buddy.

    And while I think that post from the BO op is fake, it’s a fascinating fake that I enjoyed reading, hee. I think it’s dead on with the Palin issue, actually. Palin scares the crap outta Team BO. They wouldn’t eviscerate her or mock her or trivialize her with such energy if they weren’t terrified of her. They also note she can pack ’em into the stadiums, too. She’s the populist they know they don’t have.

    And, like the primaries, the more they tear her to shreds and fluff BO, the more some silent wave of protest seems to get bigger. I guess because Democrats have become so out of touch with actual non-beltway people, they never realized that Americans don’t like the sense of a game badly played. They like at least the appearance of fair play, or at least enough do turn out the networks.

  74. “Analysis: It is all Hillary’s fault that Obama lost. We were too busy persecuting her and her supporters to properly vet him”

    Her repugnant belief in democracy led her to exhaust him by staying in the race just because she followed the process as it’s supposed to go and stupid voters in actual states had the nerve to continue voting for her. Furthermore, it was her responsibility to clear the field by eliminating the Republican niminee by any means necessary–Obama can’t possible be expected to run in teh second contested election in his career in a span of a few months. In this historic task, she failed miserably.

  75. Hope = Blindly Trust Me Regardless of the Facts

    Hope was but a timid friend;
    She sat without the grated den,
    Watching how my fate would tend,
    Even as selfish-hearted men.

    —Emily Bronte

  76. Saw where Jack Cafferty called Sarah Palin a “national joke.”

    I’m positive Olbermann is a national joke; he’s over the top even for this over the top in media bias election year. Cafferty is not real far behind, I suspect. Cafferty is the old kook that lives down your street, snarls at everyone, and blathers to himself so much nobody pays any attention. For about 2 seconds there last November Cafferty was kinda funny, and CNN made the mistake of thinking it was onto something. Jeez, it’s like your 11 year old kid comes home with all A’s one time, and you think he’s a genius and start looking at Yale.

    Olbermann is just insane-looking; I can’t imagine that anyone would pay any attention to him – he even looks like a national joke.

  77. “If Obama loses it is because the world just isn’t ready”

    -Donna Brazille

  78. alice, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:34 am Said:
    Ah jeez, am I supposed to feel sorry for hacks like King and Malone, now that they’re beating their breasts and doing the mea culpa tango? All I got is, *now* this bothers you? *Now*? Too late, buddy.
    And while I think that post from the BO op is fake, it’s a fascinating fake that I enjoyed reading, hee. I think it’s dead on with the Palin issue, actually. Palin scares the crap outta Team BO. They wouldn’t eviscerate her or mock her or trivialize her with such energy if they weren’t terrified of her. They also note she can pack ‘em into the stadiums, too. She’s the populist they know they don’t have.
    And, like the primaries, the more they tear her to shreds and fluff BO, the more some silent wave of protest seems to get bigger. I guess because Democrats have become so out of touch with actual non-beltway people, they never realized that Americans don’t like the sense of a game badly played. They like at least the appearance of fair play, or at least enough do turn out the networks.

    I don’t know if the op was fake or not, and undoubtedly never will. But I believe it’s real, and even if it isn’t, than it is at least true.
    Just like you said. Palin terrifies them.

  79. afrocity, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:36 am Said:

    “If Obama loses it is because the world just isn’t ready”

    -Donna Brazille

    If little children weren’t scared on the street, it is because Donna wasn’t outside.

  80. parentofed, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:36 am Said:
    Saw where Jack Cafferty called Sarah Palin a “national joke.”
    I’m positive Olbermann is a national joke; he’s over the top even for this over the top in media bias election year. Cafferty is not real far behind, I suspect. Cafferty is the old kook that lives down your street, snarls at everyone, and blathers to himself so much nobody pays any attention. For about 2 seconds there last November Cafferty was kinda funny, and CNN made the mistake of thinking it was onto something. Jeez, it’s like your 11 year old kid comes home with all A’s one time, and you think he’s a genius and start looking at Yale.
    Olbermann is just insane-looking; I can’t imagine that anyone would pay any attention to him – he even looks like a national joke.

    I’ll drink to that!!

  81. Ha! Well, Donna, if it turns out the world isn’t quite ready yet for a lying, narcissistic, misogynist cheater, that’s great news!

  82. Jvsp, when I was in J-school thousands of years ago (P.W. – pre-Watergate), we took the division b/t news and editorial very seriously. We also took pride in striving to be objective, even in the flower child era. Back then, I had such admiration for news people, who by and large were bright, quirky, endlessly curious, and certainly not overpaid. It was still a guy profession, but I experienced no chauvinism at all in the college newsroom. I was simply an honorary geek and happy to be sitting there with carbon on my fingers and yellow floppies stuck in my clacking, stone age typewriter.

    How sad it makes me feel to see what the news business has become. It was always full of cynics, but cynics who took pride in a fundamental and personal honesty. Too much of the latter has gone by the boards.

  83. afrocity, election night coverage is going to be wild. usually the analysts just break down the data–this’ll be the first time they’ll be turning to the cameras and screaming at the voters for defying Daddy Media Mogul.

  84. I’m back!

  85. Seriously, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:34 am Said:
    “Analysis: It is all Hillary’s fault that Obama lost. We were too busy persecuting her and her supporters to properly vet him”
    Her repugnant belief in democracy led her to exhaust him by staying in the race just because she followed the process as it’s supposed to go and stupid voters in actual states had the nerve to continue voting for her. Furthermore, it was her responsibility to clear the field by eliminating the Republican niminee by any means necessary–Obama can’t possible be expected to run in teh second contested election in his career in a span of a few months. In this historic task, she failed miserably.

    Here is what Maureen Dowd’s column title will say on Nov 5th:

    “Obama Lost Because of Hillary has Terrible Taste. Turquoise and brown do not go together. And Ohioans are Rac*st.”

  86. So if the voters decide this election and Obama loses, does that mean Brazile will resign her position with the DNC?

    That hateful piece of incompetent fraud needs to get her a** kicked out on the street!

  87. “The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…”

    — Barack Obama

    “I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.”

    — Barack Obama

  88. Heidi Li: You are now up to 95 since I just voted.

  89. parentofed, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:45 am Said:
    So if the voters decide this election and Obama loses, does that mean Brazile will resign her position with the DNC?
    That hateful piece of incompetent fraud needs to get her a** kicked out on the street!

    That would be worth celebrating.

  90. Heidi — I voted for your article on RCP — it is great btw & so captures what is wrong with the BO campaign — of course he will not condemn it, the OFB loves it!
    I also saw another article on there that said 300 economists (5 of whom have won Nobel prizes) endorsed McCain’s plan — wonder why I haven’t heard about that in the msm — oh yeah, they are still obsessing over Hillary.

  91. hey myiq! I read your klownhaus post and it seems to be fitting.

  92. hmmmm, I wonder about Brazile’s ties to ACORN?

    She was always so arrogant that the base wouldn’t be needed, and she seems like a good person to shore up AA support staff, and I betcha she would have been able to get grant money for them. She is a snake, and I’ll bet she’s knee-deep in ACORN fraud.

  93. O/T but John King is married to Dana Bash who is covering the McCain campaign for CNN.

  94. Little Isis: on Donna Brazille – she was supposed to resign after the RBC cheat and didn’t bother. I don’t think she is too bothered by the opinions of us lowly voters.

  95. Someone needs to write an expose called “MSM Incest: Zero Degrees of Separation”.

  96. kat5:

    I took journalism back in high school, and even at that level we were taught that “tabloid” “sensationalism” and “yellow journalism” were bad things.

    Journalists were supposed to try to always write accurate, unbiased and objective reports, and they were supposed to provide a public service by giving people necessary information.

  97. Thanks for the additional votes friends – if we break 100 I am going to ask my blogger friends to note the fact. I can’t think of any other way right now to drive home the point that one cannot claim the mantle of righteousness, as Senator Obama has, and then ignore the misogyny all over the place.

  98. RD & Co. This is the sickest effing perversion of what should be democratic I’ve ever seen. So, you were right, RD. This is what a Haka is — that thing you were always talking about.

    I mean — I can’t even believe what I just read. I can’t. But, if it is true, I am really glad that “she” came forward with this. I think just seeing it helps us make sense of this election, somehow.

    Yes, we all knew that Hillary was the best choice, we did, having lived through a Clinton Presidency ourselves. Well. That got taken from us. Stolen, in a way. And now we have seen the despicable acts towards women multiply in ways that are beyond obscene. Beyond.

    I’m really glad to see a person be honest about what they did. We all saw something so wrong, though. Also, a second TV station has been censored today — CBS 3 Uppity had it.

    We, given the circumstances now — don’t have a choice–except to do as you said to end the person responsible for this haka, these tactics, this nightmare. If anything? None of this can ever happen again in an election. Because we, the American People will stop it dead in its tracks. That is what PUMA was, that is what you were RD, long before PUMA when you were thrown off that blog for your thoughts.

    We met because we both couldn’t find any good heds for Hillary — anywhere. Then we made them ourselves, all these months and months and all the people came, rolling towards the Confluence you made. And now, that power has resulted in friendships and radio stations, and letters to Reebok in protest, and PUMA, and all because we know who we are — Democrats — the last real batch of REAL DEMOCRATS — younger than Hillary, but grew up believing in MLK and his dream and we don’t discriminate, we are not racists — how could we have been, growing up when and where we did?

    We are what we always have been, and that makes us great and strong,

    How could they have done a thing like this RD?
    How could they have paid to orchestrate a thing like this.

    like you said, stand together — proud and strong–PUMAforever!
    among friends and fellows of all colors, genders, creedos
    AMERICANS all.

    God. I think I’ll read that a third time. I’m in shock.

  99. myiq — you were gone? Hadn’t noticed. (say this coyly).

  100. Also, thank you for making me smile – through tears I admit – about the horrible Maureen O’Dowd.

  101. I think it’s Delilah Boyd who has that day counter up at her site, showing the days since Donna Brazile said she’s quit if the SD’s decided the election. Delilah seems to like Donna about as much as I do. I used to go to her website often, but the last couple of times, she seemed very anti-McCain; think she became pro McKinney. Does anyone go there?

  102. On NPR this morning they had David Frum on because he gave the advice to the GOP to just “give up” on McCain. The interviewer asked Frum jokingly, “We have some spoiling milk in the refrigerator. Is that McCain’s fault, too?” Ha ha.

    What is up with Frum?

  103. jjmtacoma, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:49 am Said:
    Little Isis: on Donna Brazille – she was supposed to resign after the RBC cheat and didn’t bother. I don’t think she is too bothered by the opinions of us lowly voters.

    Oh, believe me. I know all about it. Donna Brazile and I have something of a history.

  104. I just wonder what Barry would do if he lost. How could he belittle himself by being a lowly senator?

  105. You people are about ready for the nuthouse, I swear! Who could take this ridiculous, very poorly written diary seriously??
    Please tell me clearly….what specifics and proof do you have that Obama and his campaign is doing anythign of the sort that this article states.
    Who the hell is blaming Hillary for anything here??? You victims are really sick….do you really like spouting this crap? for what purpose? it makes you look like fools….the PUMA’s are soooo yesterday and totally irreleant. you are a joke!

  106. Remember that McCain was never a GOP favorite. That is why I have always liked him.

  107. kat5: MSM Incest: Zero Degrees of Separation.

    I’m liking that very truthful title.

  108. Sharon, calm down, you are hysterical.

  109. Britannia, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:53 am Said:
    On NPR this morning they had David Frum on because he gave the advice to the GOP to just “give up” on McCain. The interviewer asked Frum jokingly, “We have some spoiling milk in the refrigerator. Is that McCain’s fault, too?” Ha ha.
    What is up with Frum?

    Apparently a lot of people in the GOP want to “give up” on McCain. And why wouldn’t they? The GOP establishment loathes him, just like the DEM establishment loathes Hillary and Bill.
    You hear tons of Rethuglicans hating on John McCain. they all wanted Mitt Romney. They would rather see Obama win anyway, because as I have said a gazillion times before, McCain/Palin is more liberal than Teflon/oppurtunist Obama anyway.

  110. There you go again, Sharon, blaming the victims. Ours is such a hard lot.

  111. Hey, another Palin defense:


    This from a former Ms. Editor.

    PatJohnson, BostonBoomer:

    “We must represent “exotic creatures” to those who drop in here from time to time. They have no idea what this blog stands for. Saying No Obama is not enough. We need to constantly educate them that our defection from the current crapola of the Dem Party in no way makes us Repubs.”

    “I won’t miss the right wing talking points, that’s for sure!”


    Exotic creatures- less and less.

    That’s the one upside to this whole sordid obama candidacy. Thanks to the PUMAs, crusty rethugs like myself end up coming to sites like this and getting a clue about what sort of people back Hillary- in general, a bunch of pretty good folks. We don’t agree on much outside of a mutual loathing of captain zero at this point, but after having lurked here for a few weeks I can see the basis for civil and restrained disagreement as well as the beginnings of a mutual respect betwixt our two “camps”.

    Boston Boomer:
    If at any point I’ve advanced a righty talking point in your estimation…apologies, and please be assured that was never the intention. As a guest here, the best policy is showing good manners. Lemme know if that’s not being done.

    Uh- go Pumas, yo.

  112. afrocity: My favorite Obama quote was the one ‘America is a great country. My friends, I hope you’ll help me change it’ something like that.

    That is Obama to a T, slick delivery, grandiose words, and laying a sh*t egg.

  113. Sharon I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you’ve never used it. The bus back to Kool Aid Mountain is waiting for you. I hope you brought some extra CHANGE

  114. afrocity, on October 28th, 2008 at 12:54 am Said:
    I just wonder what Barry would do if he lost. How could he belittle himself by being a lowly senator?

    He will react in the same fashion Sharon is reacting right now. He will lose his rag.

  115. Sharon: In a word: ACORN! For chrissake google once in awhile!

  116. Heidi Li, I know it’s Obama’s responsibility, but he won’t do it, so I kind of wish HRC would speak up about hanging the effigy. Talk about the national epidemic of violence against women in response to teh guy’s contention that the image of a hanging women doesn’t pose any problem at all.

  117. Speaking of sh*t egg, I think I found another dumb cluck tr0ll of his.

  118. afrocity, god, that was SO LOW! After that KO was happily dissecting the poor woman’s psychology and comparing her to his racist relatives, all based on nothing but some spin from a guy with a problem with the truth. Granny goes out to shop, and everybody nudges and points, look, there’s the rac ist. Nice. Good that she has some role in life, to be used as a political football by an opportunist.

    Calling out your relatives to national humiliation based on your own highly skewed version of events with no imput from her– the new family values

  119. Rightish Visitor:

    You will always have my respect, even if I don’t agree with you on some things. I like you!

  120. I agree, Seriously. This sh!t is getting way really out of hand and Someone Big needs to speak up very loudly.

  121. Heidi,

    You are now at 101.

  122. Seriously, on October 28th, 2008 at 1:00 am Said:
    Heidi Li, I know it’s Obama’s responsibility, but he won’t do it, so I kind of wish HRC would speak up about hanging the effigy. Talk about the national epidemic of violence against women in response to teh guy’s contention that the image of a hanging women doesn’t pose any problem at all.

    She has spoken about it. And besides, it’s not her campaign.

    Anyway, I’m off to bed now.

    Good night, all those I love!!!

  123. Ordinarily people live and learn. Obama supporters just live.

  124. If it’s true, it makes me want to run for Obama even more. Dude with that classy a ratfucking operation has hella brains.

  125. Sharon: the PUMA’s are soooo yesterday and totally irreleant. you are a joke!

    If so, then why are you over here?

  126. “You people are about ready for the nuthouse”

    There is nothing funny about mental illness. How could you be so insensitive?

  127. Nite LI.

  128. POE, I liked where he said ‘no one can deny that i am most responsible for fostering the negative campaigning’ or something like that.

  129. Little Isis:

    “You hear tons of Rethuglicans hating on John McCain. they all wanted Mitt Romney. They would rather see Obama win anyway…”

    Nah, I was for Rudy. Mitt was a bit too much robo-Pol, sent back from the future to murder John Connor and the rest of humanity. Once Rudy crapped hisself, jumped to ole Maverick.

    And wanting Obama to win? We hate that scumbag. How blind do you think we are?

    Shoot, even we were offended at what he perpetrated on Hillary. It got so bad that at a couple blogs I frequent, they were calling her an honorary Republican she was getting treated so shabbily by the DNC and the MSM.

  130. Seriously: He so often reminds me of Bush on a really bad day. Too bad W never learned the fine art of teleprompting, or else he too could have been a silver throated orator perhaps.

  131. you are a joke!

    Sharon was referring to myiq. 😛

  132. Nogodot:

    I would have thought you were more of a “sheep” person.

  133. LI I know it’s not her campaign, but somebody has to be the leader in this party. I’m glad she spoke up, I’ll try and find it.


  134. I voted again for Heidi’s article (used my other email address to register) — it is up to 103.

  135. Is it me or do these Obots show up late at night like vampires?

    Just shows how really in need of a complete overhaul is our current educational system. Turning out morons like the last tr0ll suggests that some children were indeed left behind.

  136. Kat5
    I would imagine it would be hell to work in today’s media. …am glad to hear that the media wasn’t always this way. Anyway, when so many people are swayed by demagogues, you know reason and objectivity is out the door.

    Sorry for late response -went looking for journalism degree requirements. 🙂

  137. One more thing before I go to bed:

    “You people are about ready for the nuthouse”

    Lady, I have been ready for the nuthouse for a loooonnggg time.

    Most geniuses are. 😉

    Rightish Voter: You are too cute.

    Good night!!!

  138. Pat:

    They have to wait until their parents go to bed.

  139. This nation is hungry for leadership. Anything new is embraced without regard to content. Right now they would vote Homer Simpson into office. Oh wait, they already have.

  140. madness

    insanity and madness

  141. Aw, maybe I’ll stay on for a little longer.

  142. woops, logged out as angienc. Sorry.

  143. Angie:

    I prefer your other pic

  144. Okay, okay!!! I am really going to bed now!!!

  145. Lol Pat, I was just thinking the same thing. If they lose expect to see them screaming like vampires when the sun shines on their asses. It will be like the Movie Ghost when the dark spirits take the guy away who killed Patrick Swayze.

  146. Ahhhh, mucho better

  147. The tr0lls are out again tonight. In full force. I feel much like one of those mermaids guiding them into the shoals. They just cannot resist.

  148. I am off to bed.

  149. afrocity:

    I pictured it more like the end of “Children of the Corn”

    “He wants you too, Malachi”

  150. I’m a pragmatist and a realist. I want the best qualified person for the office. Which in this case is either a man who apparently already runs a really big, powerful disinfo org and has a ton of pull/connections, or a pathetic old man who can’t raise his hands above his head.

    Call me crazy, call me a sheep, but I’ll vote for the evil competent dude over the evil incompetent dude any day.

  151. NotGodot is soooooo mean. I’m glad I don’t know him.

  152. NotGodot: Can’t say I have been waiting.

  153. And wanting Obama to win? We hate that scumbag. How blind do you think we are?
    Shoot, even we were offended at what he perpetrated on Hillary. It got so bad that at a couple blogs I frequent, they were calling her an honorary Republican she was getting treated so shabbily by the DNC and the MSM.

    🙂 I meant the GOP establishment, not good GOP’s like you. By the way.
    I really just disliked Romney strongly, and it just seemed to me like a lot of the party leaders wanted Romney. I think they will make sure he gets the Nom in 2012 (assuming Jmac only sticks around for one term.) Though Sarah may have a big chance if she chooses to run.

  154. Ah Barry, Barry, Barry, Barry. Obama or Soretoro or whatever your name is I bet these next 7 days can’t pass soon enough.

    How many skeletons remain in your closet? So much drama. I can’t wait for the next video.

  155. afrocity, on October 28th, 2008 at 1:15 am Said:
    Lol Pat, I was just thinking the same thing. If they lose expect to see them screaming like vampires when the sun shines on their asses. It will be like the Movie Ghost when the dark spirits take the guy away who killed Patrick Swayze.

    OH!!! I love that movie!!!
    Or the zombies in MJ’s Thriller.

  156. I may have to put up an new thread so I can keep the place from being overrun by the sewer-dwelling vermin after the east-coast site bouncers go nite-nite

  157. Hmmm whats wrong tonight did the Obamabots run put of powdered water?

  158. nogo:

    McCain is not the lesser of two evils, Obama is the evil of two lessers

  159. “How many skeletons remain in your closet? So much drama. I can’t wait for the next video.”

    That’s what that extra bit of property (Rezko generosity) is for.

    Clink, clink goes the shovel…

  160. Really when you get right down to it, competency is the issue here, isn’t it? I mean, both of the candidates are reasonably corrupt. But McCain crashed planes. Like, a lot of planes. Like, a whole damn lot of planes.

    And Sarah Palin has the rape kit thing and the astonishingly terrible shape she left Wasilla in.

    Basically what I am saying is that I don’t really think how nice or honest someone is matters when selecting a candidate for a job.

  161. Okay. I am REALLY going to bed now.


    O B A M A

    A Y E R S

    O B A M A

    A Y E R S


    O B A M A

    R E Z K O

    O B A M A

    R E Z K O





  163. Ouch, that really hurt my brain!

  164. “pathetic old man who can’t raise his hands above his head.”

    Ah, winning friends and influencing people as ever. When will you learn hat you’ve already maxed out the evil ass—-vote? They’re your base, there’s no growth there.

    You should make that into an ad, though. “Being put into a box and tortured for your country isn’t COOL. You can’t be President if you can’t life your arms high enough to brush &^%$ off your shoulder.” And tehn add in something about how we need competent evil to mximize teh aount of harm done, because that makes so much sense.

  165. I was referring to NG, BTW.

  166. ” I don’t really think how nice or honest someone is matters when selecting a candidate for a job.”

    Honesty doesn’t matter in public servants? Tres amusant!

  167. “You people are about ready for the nuthouse”

    The voices in my head disagree.

  168. Ayers is probably a better person than all of you put together. Violence is the only reasonable response to a corrupt system that an idealist can engage in without becomming a nonfactor.

    Presidents are always dicks. Always. They’re a bunch of horrific genocidal douchebags because you have to be one to make it to the office. The only good human being to make it into the white house in the history of the damn country is Jimmy Carter, and we all know how well that turned out.

    Stop being surprised and angry that this dick was better at politics than Hillary. I liked her better too, but at the end of the day, you go to war with the asshole you’ve got, not the cunt you wish you had.

    Peace out.

  169. “If the letter is true, I would not be surprised at its content. If the letter is false, I would not be surprised at its content.”

    Totally in agreement with you, Pat. There are just too many things in that letter that make so much sense, that no matter how true that letter may or many not be the end result is the same: Not one bit of a surprise for me either.

    As a matter of fact, and just to point out one disgusting example that has helped clarify many things for me (and a point to which I arrived to by my lone self right after the lame interview that the one who thinks that he’s precious had with the Precious), the lately not so subtle deviation of good old O’Reilly from his usual nastiness anytime anyone mentions anything not beneficial for BO has had its impact.

    Thank goodness for Dobbs and Hannity—both clear illustrations of what it ought to mean for reporters to have a pair of properly hung cojones.

    At any rate, the letter pinpoints enough truths to make the effort of sending it to all my family members and friends worthy.

  170. myiq — about the pic — I accidentally got logged out of wordpress — I don’t know why that picture comes up instead — it is the first pic I uploaded when I created my angienc account, but decided it was too dark — anyway, why does it come up when I’m not logged into wordpress? The mysteries of the intertubz.
    BTW — I’m having trouble with my DSL — If I just stop posting without saying good night, just assume my DSL kicked my off again & I’m not bothering to reboot, etc. Damn RoadRunner.

  171. “Sarah Palin has the rape kit thing”

    I think you mean the bs rape kit smear. Now, want to guess what the rape kit policy is in Obama’s IL district? (You’re smart, you can guess).

    “astonishingly terrible shape she left Wasilla in.”

    Obama’s district, by contrast being earth bound paradise. I see what you’re saying–Obama gets credit for competence just because–he exists?

  172. NotGodot is right — do you even know a thing about Samuel Beckett — I can guarantee you he would not be worshiping at the clay feet of Barack Obama! LOL

  173. “The only good human being to make it into the white house in the history of the damn country is Jimmy Carter, and we all know how well that turned out.”


    I understand why you aren’t waiting anymore. You’re already brain dead.

  174. NG is soooo angry, too. I wonder why.

  175. We would like to help you out NotGodot…Which way did you come in?

  176. Never worship politicians. They’re functionaries and tools we tolerate because the alternative is the dominance of non-state actors, which is frankly even worse. No politician lives up to the hype. The successful and competent ones are all bastards.

    Also torture doesn’t really qualify you for anything. By that logic I should be President because I used to get my balls skewered at the fetish club.

  177. My cat is sleeping upside-down with legs spread apart. Soooo funny.

  178. Also w/r/t Obama’s district, he’s legislative, not executive. So it’s not his responsibility to the same extent that the Meth Capital of Alaska was Palin’s.

  179. Yesterday, a dem friend who watches CNN was trying to tell me that CNN has been fair in its reporting. As evidence of this, he said that Campbell Brown had talked about the unfair treatment of Palin. I said, ” Oh pleeeaaaasee ! Campbell Brown is soooo in the Tank for BO.” He didn’t think so. How can people be so naive ? I remember sending emails to CNN 8 months ago saying ” Am I in Russia now? The reporting seems like it .”

  180. Angie, so nice to see you back!

    I don’t usually post during the late hours–brain too fuzzy to think straight–but truly enjoy the spice that you add to this blog.

  181. New thread up, everyone except no-go come on over!

    No-go, don’t even bother. Stay here and wait for the morning crew to delete your posts.

  182. Yeah, nothing is ever his responsibility. So when he and Rezko counted tehir money while people froze–hey, he wasn’t an executive.

    But with a track record like that, we sould make him one.

  183. How come c*nt didn’t trip the spam collector?

    How come the tr0lls are showing up so much lately? Oh yeah, the polls are showing them not doing so well. Bill Burton is losing it on interviews on Fox. Biden is losing it on any interview. Barack Obama old interviews are proving his true intentions.

    Never mind, I answered my own second question.

    Now, back to that spam filter thing.

  184. No G0
    The point regarding torture was NOT about qualifications, but about your ignorance regarding his disability. Straw men. Stay on point.

  185. Hi Grangatita — I took a little vacay — missed you all but needed a break from the election for a bit. Come upstairs & let NoGo play with himself — I’m sure he is used to it.

  186. scrubs, the c-word is not a “bad” word according to the filter.

  187. Nobody ever said torutre qualifies you for anything.

    You’re the idiot who said that you’re disqualified if you’re disabled. There’s a difference bewteen being in the NBA and being President. In the NBA, ability to life your arms would impede your job performance. As President, that has f—-all to do with it.

  188. scrubs — I have wondered that myself c*nt is acceptable but v@gina isn’t (try it some time if you don’t believe me — V@gina gets you sent to moderation) — I blame misogyny on the part of wordpress, myself

  189. Didnt Romney put his dog in a box on the top of his car and drive with like that for a couple of hours or more???? God what a ass- i dont believe he would have lived that down. It would have dogged him thur the whole election.
    But he was one of the better choices for a while. It didnt seem like the Republicans went out there and fought for McCain. ever. its to bad , he could have won.
    I hate the dems and the repubs now- their going to continue to screw the hell out of all of us until there is a uprising.
    Lots of people in Texas are buying guns these days- I guess I need to buy a half dozen to protect my family to.

  190. Hey. I’ve got a disability. I take my pills. I go to physio. I don’t make a big deal out of it. Because I’m not a pussy. John McCain is a pussy who tries to use the fact he has a disability to distract from his failings.

  191. No g0
    You are still missing counter-argument. That aside, disability or not, you couldn’t distract anyone from your failings; intellectual bankruptcy.

    Btw, the only person who drew attention to McCain’s limited motion was Obama in his advert.

  192. I’m a professional lurker at this and many other blogs, mainly because I don’t know how to shut up once I get started. Reading that other Sharon’s ravings tonight made me determine to reclaim my good name. Like Rightish Voter, I’ve been a faithful reader for several months and have been favorably impressed.

    I’m just your typical party-phobic, having been Independent for the last 25 years or so. I’ve voted all over the map, depending on the individual and the issues; although I tend to lean too far right to please the Dems and too far left for the Repubs. Barack Obama scares the bejeebies out of me, because I see where he and his Comrades want to take us. Never in my 57 years have I seen anything like the crap tsunami of the Obamabots. My vote is going to McCain & Palin–especially Palin–because of that. I admit I was never a Clinton fan. But seeing what was done to Hillary during the primaries, and the same bludgeoning of Sarah Palin and anyone else who gets in the way, has sounded the warning sirens as never before.

    The socialist narcissist self-appointed Messiah from Chicago must not prevail! If he does, I fear an end to the Unites States as presented in the Constitution. Now that Bush has so very thoughtfully provided those almighty powers to rule by presidential fiat, I can only imagine what will happen to dissent under The One. We’ve seen rumblings already, with Joe the Plumber and others getting their lives ripped to shreds simply for the audacity to question the Fearless, Peerless Leader. HRC has been reduced to a whimper. We’re all being told to just stop, drop, and roll–the rest of us have gone down flaming and it’s all over but the smoking embers.

    Well, I can’t. I was never good at taking orders (I suppose I’ll be saying that on my way to the gulag.) Call me an uppity female, or a “typical white person” or whatever other BS comes to mind. I don’t care anymore. I’ve been trying to be discreet and polite, but I’ve had it! Tomorrow I’m going to the McCain/Palin HQ down the street and getting the most obnoxious buttons they have. Then I’m gonna pin ’em right to the front of my shirt and visit our local public library, where all the good Obamabots mingle (this is California, after all). After that, I’m headed for the two coffeehouses downtown where the Kool-Aid is dispensed along with the caramel lattes. I hope all my Dem friends spurt espresso out their noses. I know for sure it’ll put an end to my socializing with all the local artsy-fartsy litmus testers who just assume that everyone who’s anyone has gotten the Obama injection. Some of my family are gonna be freaked out, too. It’ll be so much fun!

    (And now you know why I don’t post much.)

  193. […] 28, 2008 · No Comments The Confluence: And to all of you Republican readers out there, I just have one question: what are you doing […]

  194. I Invite the real Sarah to come forth and reveal yourself!!!! Or as Barack Might say, What do I have to do to get your “endorsement”. I personally Knew the polls were skewed by the mis-reresentation of registered voters and had heard the rumors that he had to ‘Pay” his bloggers. Some of the unimaginative responces seemed also to suggest this. WE knew he paid for super-delagate votes and various endorsements and some with possibly Foriegn Assisstance$$. The guys a rip off and WE REALLY DID WANT HILLARY. WE MISS HILLARY. What’s unusual is that O thought we’d just pop in line. No. OOPs.

  195. I smell a rat in the above “confession”, sorry, but this seems like a scam.

  196. Even if you don’t believe that Sarah P. is real- the content of the post is too
    true in many ways to disregard. I think it shows what Barky’s campaign has been doing all along- and we all saw it played out that way. If it lulls Barky’s supporters into staying home because of overconfidence- Good!
    If it invigorates Nobama Dems and Repubs to get out and vote against Barky-
    Good! Either way that’s a win-win.
    There’s too much truth in that post to discount it.

  197. It’s also interesting that when I posted this comment from Sarah P. last night-
    I was treated with suspicion that I was from the other side trying”to make people jumpy” and “something smells”- so now RD posts it and of course no one says
    about her “something smells”. Yea, I get it that she’s the owner of the site, but
    just because I only read here, doesn’t make my contribution suspect for that alone-
    Read the post first , don’t jump to conclusions first.

  198. Another Repub here. I posted for the first time here yesterday, but been lurking for weeks now. I am so with Rightish voter and the RealSharon. My political leaning is centrist, just a little bit to the right. I actually have a lot of things in common with you PUMAS. Pro choice, pro-environment, pro gun control, etc. but on a few issues that are important to me I’m a republican. I grew up in the Netherlands that at the time had a strong socialist leaning in its parliamentary coalitions. (Actually, it still does although it’s getting a bit less from what I can see). I think my background is where the fear of Barky’s ideas was instilled. I can just see it coming all over again, like a deja vu. It scares the crap out of me because unlike most, I’ve been there and done that. Regarding Hillary, to be frank with all you guys, I used to hate her. With a passion. But, after this crazy year of politics, I’ve come to the realization that she has command of the issues and I have to admit I find her very intelligent, so I must give her respect for that. If she became POTUS at some point at least I would have to agree that we’d have one hell of an intelligent chick in the White House even though I might not agree with some of her viewpoints. Lastly, I very much agree with Rightish Voter that it seems that us Repubs have found some common ground with you Pumas, even though that ground may be shaky and uncertain, but just the fact that we can have civil discourse here together is, to me at least, a breath of very fresh air. Sorry for rambling ladies.

  199. What are republicans doing here? We want to support and encourage those who are supporting our candidate. Sometimes partisanship is set aside for what is good for the country and this is one of those times. I have nothing but respect for democrats for McCain and not just because of your votes. I respect the courage it takes and the clear thinking that produced it. it makes me hopeful that democrats and republicans of good will can still work together.

    When in battle one makes arrows from any wood.

  200. That’s quite a list of shady tricks from Sarah P. I wonder if it should include paying teenagers to make false accusations against Obama and skinheads to hatch “plots” to kill him.

    Nothing is what it seems any more. Why would these suggestions be any more outrageous than what has already been done on behalf of the Chosen One?

  201. On the same Hillbuzz diary that RD posted about there was this :

    Larse12 Says:
    October 27, 2008 at 7:42 am
    A friend told me on another site to go to Obama’s site and get a list of 100 names and numbers to call and instead of calling and telling them to vote for Obama tell them why not to vote for Obama and vote for McCain. It is working very well.

    What a great idea.

  202. Have you compared Obama’s speech pattern in that 2001 interview on spreading the wealth to his sing-song cadence on the campaign trail? The explanation for that is here:

    Click to access Obama%27s_Use_of_Hidden_Hypnosis_techniques_in_His_Speeches.pdf

  203. I’m one of those snarky Republicans walking on the dark side?
    Because I don’t know what the h#$@ is going on.
    All the Republicans (and Dems) I know all prayed that HIllary would get the nomination. If we lost the election, at least we would have had a president who we could understand and admire.
    There is a vile side to the Republican party but they have not taken over our party .
    When I visit Democratic sites, the hatred that is spewed is unbelievable. It is quite frightening.
    So I look to see if there are any liberals out there who are not hate filled. I was turned on to this site by a friend who runs a national non-partisan “support the troops” organization.
    I guess I am delusional because I think that the best ideas come from thoughtful debate and reasoning.
    There is really no debate coming from the left this season.
    The Republicans have no one else to blame but themselves; but after November 4 Obama and his flying monkeys will take over and it will be up to the Clinton Democrats to save the free world.

  204. Poll watchers check out the results today. Obama lost 7 points off the Zogby poll. Rasmussen is with 5 points and I heard that Gallup now has it at 4 points. All are within the margin of error. There are national polls out there that has it as low as one point. Rasmussen had a question in regard to exit polling and a very large number stated that they would not be telling any exit pollster’s how they voted. This does not sound like typical Obama supporters, because if they were his voters, they would be shouting and cheering. There was an article in my morning paper bad mouthing the PUMA’s. It said that the PUMA movement had not amounted to much and had pretty much disntegrated. It was from our Austin, Texas bureau, which is very liberal.

  205. angie, on October 28th, 2008 at 1:11 am Said:

    I voted again for Heidi’s article (used my other email address to register) — it is up to 103.

    So, voter fraud is okay when its done for the right reasons?

  206. […] Things we hope are true “…Posted on October 27, 2008 by riverdaughter […]

  207. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    I don’t know which is funnier:
    Somebody believes that post
    Somebody is still pining for ‘HRC”
    Somebody believes there really is a difference between Democratic and Republican parties
    The c word isnt bad

    you guys should go out and start another party. May i suggest ‘The Sensible Party’?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    ohh i gotta go lie down, my diaphragm hurts!

  208. Interesting.

    One reason why some R’s are here is that they are amazed by the fact that not all Democrats are bats–t crazy. Because the propaganda is rattling…at first.

    One thing about the propaganda is that it may not be so effective on us R’s anymore. For the past 16 years every poll had the Dem way up almost the whole time, and even exit polls had the Dem up by heaps and whoosh! At one in the morning the story was different (‘cept for poor Bob Dole).

    In this instance I think it has helped the R’s resolve. The trick now is to convince enough people who haven’t voted yet and not paid attention what a poor choice Obama is and clue them in on the truth.

    We understand that in this instance the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But we’d rather work with you now so we can have a fair fight in 2012 rather than stand next to you in a bread line forbidden to discuss what might have been.


  209. […] October 28, 2008 Tales from an “Obama Insider” Posted by Cranford Pundit under Corruption? Here?, National Election   I have zero idea if this is true or not. […]

  210. Egads you people are nuts.

    Which one of you came up with the Sarah letter?

    That anyone would buy that is what strike my funny bone!

    Keep it up, y’all have entertained for sure.

  211. The democrats are going to shit themselves when the republicans win this election, The democratic owned media polls want you to believe that Obama has already won so you may join his herd of sheep, but when alot of voters get in that voting booth by themselves without their Obaaaama brainwashed friends preaching to them, they will vote for substance rather then illusion. It’s a form of the Bradley effect, which I believe will also be in play, except it is with republicans pretending they are voting obama , so they dont have to listen to the preaching rants that Obama and CNN has programmed them with. Their are so many reasons not to vote Obama each of them stand on their own, but all of them combined and the current fabricated financial crisis is going to be too much for the average voter to ignore. If Obama manages to steal this election, at least you will only have to deal with him for 4 years, or will you… A Proud Canadian

  212. […] Obama.  But make no mistake, we are not Republicans nor do we  wish to join your party.  As our blogmother said yesterday: And to all of you Republican readers out there, I just have one question:  what […]

  213. […]  Riverdaughter had an entry that seems to confirm my suspicion.   October 27, 2008 at 5:04 am […]

  214. I could never get any Obama supporter to point to a single accomplishment that Obama has that would indicate he can actually deliver on his promises. This post seems to show why. The objective is to keep changing the subject and then pointing to McCain and saying well, what about him? He is a very talented campaigner and this proves it.

  215. […] insights into the inner workings of the Obama campaign from someone who says she’s seen enough to vote for McCain.  She says she became a strong […]

  216. I seen with my own eyes individuals from other nations pose as American Voters in forums such as at topix.com. At topix you can see the ISP location of those posting comments. It was funny see them pretend to be American citizens. First of all their broken English typed gave them away. One such woman to be a current student in Florida, but her ISP Location was from Cairo Egypt and another guy claimed to be an independent voter from Texas and said that he was voting for Obama. After I exposed them they stopped Chatting. I believe that writer is accurate from Personal Experience.


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