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PUMA Up, People!

We Are Just Getting Started!

We Are Just Getting Started!

Well, it’s coming into the home stretch now. Finally, after all the shocks and the agony and the disappointments and the activism, we are less than three weeks away from the final decision as to who will be our President next January.

Massive Hakas are being perpetrated by the media. Polls that are representative of only 20% of the people called are being shown and quoted as if they are valid. The screams of “RACISM” are coming almost daily from the Obama camp. The trolls are flop-sweating all over PUMA sites. And some erstwhile PUMAs are losing their nerve in a spectacular way, turning on their former friends and trying to work out their cognitive dissonance by shitting all over us on their blogs.

It’s time to PUMA Up, people. We are in for a whole lot of ugly.

I have said in the past that I thought Obama was unelectable. I said that because I did not believe that a person who surrounds himself with racists, money-launderers, voting fraud perpetrators and domestic terrorists could get elected President in this country. But I didn’t know how invested the media was in pushing him down our throats and covering up the radicalism, corruption and bigotry that informs his vaunted “judgment.” It is just possible that this blatant media push, combined with the ever-worsening economy and the understandable hostility towards the Republican brand after eight years of the Worst President Ever, could get him into the White House.

But whether Obama or McCain wins, our actions after the election will be the same. Being a PUMA has always been about two things: 1) Doing everything we can to ensure that the Obama wing of the Democratic Party is not successful in its attempted coup; and 2) Reforming the Democratic Party after the election. We may or may not succeed in the first step, but that is no excuse not to proceed with the second.

As Hillary quoted in her speech at the Convention, “When you hear the dogs and when you see the torches, JUST KEEP GOING.”

And so it shall be. PUMA POWER!!!

Cross-posted at Partizane

204 Responses

  1. […] at Partizane and The Confluence Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Voter registration boom favors […]

  2. The fireworks are about to go off. When the dust settles there will be plenty of clean up to do.

  3. Massive Hakas are being perpetrated by the media.

    Oh yeah, the psycological warfare is only going to get worse. This is the time to buck up and ironically, enjoy it. The only thing that it means is that the worse it gets, the more scared that they are.

  4. Heh – I just got a call from an attorney about a couple of blog comments I wrote. “Cease and desist!” he screamed. LOLOLOLOL

    Yup. It’s officially ugly.

  5. I just posted this on a previous thread but it’s relevant so I’m posting here too.

    Regarding polls a commentator on BBC last night cautioned against treating them as the last word. She reminded everyone about how they screwed up in 2004 by calling Kerry as the winner. She said they should be taken with a grain of salt. (I instinctively knew for weeks that Bush was going to win.)

    All I know is that more and more McCain/Palin yard signs are popping up in my Northern Virginia suburb. I live in Loudoun County not Arlington or Alexandria which are more Dem leaning areas but it’s encouraging nonetheless.

    I just have a feeling that this race will have a surprise finish.

  6. stateof disbelief,

    Thank you for posting a description of the video you’re linking to. I’m starting to get really nervous about links to unexplained videos and stories.

  7. If it’s worth having. it’s worth fighting for, so let the fireworks go off. While some may lose their nerve before the end, others may have been stalking horses. Keep the faith!

  8. Blog comments… Comments? He thinks he has a right to censor you? This is just crazy.

    The obots are running scared. There must be some internal info that has them concerned.

  9. BWAHAHA! An Obama campaign flack accidentally released the Obama debate talking points — now we know exactly how Obama “wins” tonight’s debate (Jake Tapper has the story) Here it is:

    “Reminder: These are for staff only and not for distribution,” warns the email.

    And then, the spin, accidentally sent to reporters this morning.

    “* This is John McCain’s last chance to turn this race around and somehow convince the American people that his erratic response to this economic crisis doesn’t disqualify him from being President.

    “* Just this weekend the weekend, John McCain vowed to ‘whip Obama’s you-know-what’ at the debate, and he’s indicated that he’ll be bringing up Bill Ayers to try to distract voters.

    “* So we know that Senator McCain will come ready to attack Barack Obama and bring his dishonorable campaign tactics to the debate stage.

    “Obama continues to lead on the economic crisis with a rescue plan for Main Street.

    “Over the course of the campaign, Barack Obama has laid out a set of policies that will grow our middle class and strengthen our economy.

    “But he knows we face an immediate economic emergency that requires urgent action – on top of the plans he’s already laid out – to help workers and families and communities struggling right now.

    “That’s why Barack Obama is introducing a comprehensive four-part Rescue Plan for the Middle Class – to immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities, and help struggling homeowners.

    “This is a plan that can and should be implemented immediately.

    “Obama has shown steady leadership during this crisis and offered concrete solutions to move the country forward – and his Rescue Plan for the Middle Class builds on the plans to strengthen the economy and rebuild the middle class that he’s laid out over the course of this campaign.

    “Already in this campaign, he’s unveiled plans to give 95 percent of workers and their families a tax cut, eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000, bring down the cost of health care for families and businesses; and create millions of new jobs by investing in the renewable energy sources.

    “John McCain has been erratic and unsteady since this crisis began – staggering from position to position and trying to change the subject away from the economy by launching false character attacks.”

  10. In response to “complaints” about the bias shown by afternoon talk show host, Kevin Miller, on KDKA radio in Pittsburgh, the CBS Parent Company had the local station manager come on the air during today’s 2:00 hour to announce that the station will offer 3 hours of Kevin’s air time to Senator Obama to use as he would like.

  11. madamab – I’m locked and loaded for whatevah.

    You are keedin’ about the attorney call, right?

    I am holding out for the voting public to deliver to the Dem “leaders” and the corp. media a Noc. 5th surprise.

  12. gxm17 – Apparently so. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

    He really does not want to go there with me. His “attorney” is walking on very thin legal ground.

  13. gxm… i live in prince william co just south of you a bit…. more mccain signs are popping up down here too… you head even further south and it’s a sea of mccain signs… you couldn’t BUY an obama sign down there….

  14. I just read today that Virginia is banning all political attire from polling places. This means I can’t wear my Sarah as Rosie the Riveter button! I was totally bummed out and was fuming on the drive into work when the lightbulb went off. I’m gonna buy a Puma (sports brand) t-shirt and wear that to the polls! 😀

  15. btw — don’t they know how to proofread at the Obama campaign?

  16. angie – Hahahahahaha!

    That from the guy who was against the foreclosure freeze before he was for it?

    Talk about “erratic!”

  17. What blog did you write on madamab?

  18. “I have said in the past that I thought Obama was unelectable. I said that because I did not believe that a person who surrounds himself with racists, money-launderers, voting fraud perpetrators and domestic terrorists could get elected President in this country.”

    Amen, Madamab.

    Anyone with any common sense has to agree with this, or is the USA just one self-loathing country intent on self-destruction? I sure hope not.

  19. Noc = Nov

  20. Sorry used the “r” word can I get released from moderation prison?

  21. SOD – I am not kidding at all. Really, I don’t want to say any more about it….I just brought it up because it shows how crazy and ugly things are getting.

    Isn’t it interesting how the rightwing always says “libruls” want to suppress free speech? Looks like they were right about some “libruls,” huh?

  22. I loved that speech at the convention, and that bit was the best part of it.

    I was reading “It Takes a Village” while on the beach this September, and particularly liked the part about how every child should be given a shovel, as a best tool.
    As Hugh Rodham would say-“Hillary how are you going to dig yourself out of this one?” And she would reach for “mental, emotional and spiritual shovels of various sizes and shapes”.

    Oh and I just wanted to add as an aside, (and comment on the kid at the Uffizi with an Obama button)(in BB’s post on itellectual elites), that I found the book at the railway station in Florence.

  23. well, madamab — many times a letter from a lawyer is the ultimate modern day haka to make you think you can be liable for something that you simply cannot be. If you want to discuss this with me via email let me know & I will post my aol address on her (and then email you my work email through aol, etc).

  24. Ah, our first little trollie! Hit a nerve, did I, Alec darling?

    Buh-bye now.

  25. alec
    If we’ve lost, why are you WASTING your time here? After the election you will STILL be unredeemed, so find another “faith.”

    On a happier note, little good news…..

    Hillary supporters raise eight million for Palin…


  26. Angie – I do, actually. Can you post it?

  27. Guess that means O’s got the “deceased” vote all sewn up, eh?

  28. SOD – click on Madamab’s name in comments – that’s her blog. I think her penultimate post there triggered a reaction. But I really don’t know.

  29. Actually, radlyboo1 – It was a couple of snarky comments here and at a comment board. That’s it. And the comments were based on something the poster himself had stated.

    For this, I’m getting a “cease and desist” letter.

  30. I am Puma Strong and I’m not going anywhere.

  31. gxm17, on October 15th, 2008 at 2:25 pm Said:
    I just read today that Virginia is banning all political attire from polling places. This means I can’t wear my Sarah as Rosie the Riveter button! I was totally bummed out and was fuming on the drive into work when the lightbulb went off. I’m gonna buy a Puma (sports brand) t-shirt and wear that to the polls!


    If I recall correctly, that’s nothing new. I remember handing out Dem literature outside a Norfolk Va polling place and no one inside a certain perimeter could wear poltical attire. When I went into vote, I had to take off my Kerry shirt.

  32. Yeah. Having lived in Virginia, I think it’s going to be much (much) closer than many expect. North Carolina is NOT a tossup state, etc.

    But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

    I really can’t believe Colorado is going to go there, either, but I have a lot less experience with their electorate…

  33. I am loving it!!!!!!! You rock Madamab. Thanks for sharing this – they are really rat*^&%*$ and what a wonderful example of it. Thanks for letting us “enjoy” it.

    Sic’m Angie.

  34. I am doing my best to stand strong, but right now, all I want to do is go bury my head under the covers until November 5th. I’m not happy with my choices, but I’ve made my decision. Early voting starts Saturday in Nevada, and I might as well go get it over with.

    The cloud that is over me right now, shows no signs of lifting.

    Thank you all for giving me a safe place to rest.

  35. We shall succeed in the first step. The Democratic ticket cannot win with a fractured base. We shall succeed in the second because the DNC elites who got us into this will be suffering from a severe hubris hangover on Nov. 5. which will make it easy for us to clean house.

    Pumas will make history;-)

  36. I wonder how many cease and desist letters they’ve sent to the Press?

    The intimidation surrounding this campaign has been atrocious.

  37. A lot of the stories we are hearing about the election now were the same in 2004.

    Also note the link to RCP above and the Gallup “traditional” and “expanded” turnout models. They shift the results 5 points, from Obama +3 to Obama +8. The race is closer than people are saying, but Obama clearly has the upper hand–denying that will be disasterous for McCain.

  38. This election is also a referendum on media bias, voter fraud, and race-baiting. If Obama wins, we will be permanently stuck with the increasingly unrepentant revulsion of all three.

  39. It is absolutely frightening that Obama has people patrolling the internet to silence those who don’t agree with him. Why would any self-respecting “liberal” vote for this man-who-would-be-dictator?

  40. Madamab, I’m sorry about making a stupid joke on your blog. I didn’t think before posting.

  41. gq – Thank you! That’s how I feel too. I just can’t forget 2004. My skepticism of polls is deeply ingrained at this point.

  42. Votermom – OMG, this is not about you! Please do not worry. I thought it was hilarious!!!


  43. From It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis:

    Under a tyranny, most friends are a liability. One quarter of them turn “reasonable” and become your enemies, one quarter are afraid to stop and speak, and one quarter are killed and you die with them. But the blessed final quarter keep you alive.

  44. Amen, Sandra – that is one of my favorite books!

  45. Phew! (relief!)

    I predict that by Nov 5, the Bradley effect will be renamed the Obama super-loser effect.

  46. SOD – That cannot be true. I will ask her.

  47. madamab — email me at Angel41269@aol.com (it is an address I have for junk mail only) & I will email you my private email, if that is ok. I will check that email address in a little while.

  48. Also note the link to RCP above and the Gallup “traditional” and “expanded” turnout models. They shift the results 5 points, from Obama +3 to Obama +8. The race is closer than people are saying, but Obama clearly has the upper hand–denying that will be disasterous for McCain.

    This is a very important point to keep in mind in reading the polls (if you’re into that sort of thing). The sampling methodologies combine with the turnout models to give a result, and the impact of the turnout model is very significant. What has the McC campaign worried is the meme of “unenthusiastic Republicans” versus the “fired up Democrats” that may become a self-fulfiling prophecy.

    If enthusiasm for the McCain/Palin ticket can get to where it was shortly after the convention, there’s definitely hope for an Obama defeat. It could also make the crucial difference in close senate races where the Obots are poised to take previously republican seats (MN, NC, KY, and AK being the most significant). Even if O’Bambi wins the WH, an energized republican base could prevent a fillibuster-proof Senate by holding on to the Coleman, Dole, McConnell, and Stevens seats. So, even if places like pollster.com and fivethirtyeight.com have all but declared BO the president, there’s still a lot to fight for.

  49. SoD, but what would we do without your tinfoil hat!

    I would imagine that if RD didn’t want you here she’d tell you directly. The comment sounds very tr0ll like to me.

  50. SOD — if you are a person non gratis I’m out of here too. I think that comment is a hoax.

  51. Angie – you have email.

    SOD, waiting on RD’s response, but I’m sure you’d be banned if she had some problem with you. Someone is messing with your haid. PUMA up!

  52. SOD? Could you send me a link to that comment? katiebird@gmail.com

    I’m an administrator: and You are totally welcome here.

  53. SOD, we love you here.

  54. Yay KB!


  55. Beautiful quote Sandra.

    People wonder why we’re Pumas.
    They think we’re silly.
    Voter intimidation is serious business in a Democracy.

    Ends do not justify means.

    The funny thing is that a good number of Pumas are lawyers.
    And they defend their own.

  56. The media is following word by word obama campaign talking points in setting mcCain up for this debate

    Tonight debate – Setting McCain up as per talking points

  57. no way SOD. no way!

  58. madamab — you have mail — please reply to the email address on that email, not the aol one I posted, as it is the address I actually “use.”

  59. SOD, somebody is being a complete jerk i’m sure. Don’t pay it any mind. I would never have kept my sanity this long without my lovely collection of tinfoil hats 🙂

  60. Hey, guys this post is crazy. Someone is trying to get into our heads, we must be the ‘ones that no one expected’ PUMA

  61. awesome post BTW madamab…keep on going is right….no looking back now!

  62. Ya know, I don’t frequent too many blogs, but of the few at which I lurk and occasionally comment, I’m noticing a pattern of dissent and discontent with some regulars and usually well-respected commenters and posters. I mention this only as an observation. It seems to me that, when the same sort of thing is going on at different blogs, that there is something amiss. Or are we all just totally stressed out? This business about someone telling SOD that there was a problem with RD is a symptom of something. I’m not sure what, but it has arroused my conspiracy theory nerve.

  63. I remember a troll came here once and got banned, then he posted a “I hate the conlfuence” post on his blog, and linked here, so I saw it and followed him home. He had fake comments on it from RD that made her look like a jerk, but it was obviously fake. I bet that’s what happened.

  64. From Politico: ” McCain Talks Economy with Hillary”

    Part of the article states:

    “This was no social call, even though Clinton likes McCain enough to keeps his photo on the wall of her Senate office. The GOP nominee had already chatted with Bill Clinton about the mortgage crisis and wanted to pick the senator’s brain about her new proposal to have the federal government buy up bad mortgages and renegotiate terms more favorable to homeowners on verge of default. ”

    Watch out Obama. Do not underestimate McCain. He knows Hillary is excellent in this type of crisis and has gone to her for advice. Smart move from McCain.

  65. edge — remember when Colbert when to the Press dinner (where they do the Presidential “roast” every year) and we all (or at least I) thought it was so funny how he called the msm out for “reporting” whatever Bush told them to? I recall the press not being very happy about that, but it sure seems they haven’t changed any — just switched from Bush to Obama.

  66. SOD was that comment the one you deleted?

  67. Thanks, Gary! 🙂

    FLVoter – That is excellent news!

    At least SOMEONE is listening to the real experts…

  68. Well, good — I don’t think lying comments should stand.

  69. Donna Brazile Is Not Going To The Back Of The Bus

    She wants to discuss sexual orientation when she didn’t want it on the platform as a civil right? She wants to discuss gender when she rigged the outcome for the MAN (May 31st 2008 in Washington D.C.)?

    I saw Donna sit in utter silence on CNN when Hillary was called a B@@ch and she said NOTHING! When I go out I don’t worry about my color I worry about my gender.

    This election has done more damage to women then I have witnessed before and it truly saddens me. I don’t want Sharia Law here EVER…and that frightens me, or should I say the woman that I know I am fears it!

    I thought Obama won the election and they were now asking for a mandate or did I not read my e-mail correctly from moveon.org?

  70. FLVoter, that’s awesome that McCain is taking advice from Hillary.

  71. madamab,

    Thanks and yes I will keep going… 🙂

  72. Good, John. That’s what I wanna see. He is so good at this tapping Hillary for stuff things.

  73. Madamab & janicen,

    That makes me feel better about voting for McCain. He is a grown up. He is secure enough to go to a woman to get the answers when he needs help.

  74. It’s time to PUMA Up, people. We are in for a whole lot of ugly.


  75. Whether O wins or loses it doesn’t change me or my principles one bit. I want him to lose, because I think he would be a disaster for this country. While I don’t believe McCain would be as good as Clinton, I don’t think he would be a disaster. It is as simple as that for me. Fretting about polls and the last debate is useless to me, because those things are out of my hands. What is in my power is to keep being vigilant about what our politicians are doing, and to act with compassion to make better, the small corner of the universe I do have an affect on.

  76. FIF!


  77. PUMA!

  78. I agree, FLVoter! …and with what Mawm said too!

  79. Mawm – Yes, that’s exacly what I’m saying. I believe what I believe. I’m going to cast my vote the way I think is best, but people will make up their own minds, and that’s okay.

  80. I just checked my blog to find a comment in moderation indicating that I’m ‘persona non grata’ at the Confluence and I should take a hike.

    SOD: that is preposterous. First, RD would never communicate that to you that way. Second, you are beloved here, and one of our truest PUMA voices. Someone is just messing with your head.

  81. They could tie me to a stake, and burn me alive, and I would die screaming:


  82. Hey SOD – Just got confirmation from RD that you are beloved by her!

    She thinks this is a new divide-and-conquer technique, and that it means we are having an impact.

    I tend to agree.

  83. Quoth Mawm:
    What is in my power is to keep being vigilant about what our politicians are doing, and to act with compassion to make better, the small corner of the universe I do have an affect on.

    Well put. The polls give an idea of what to expect, but they don’t tell us what we ought to do. You have the advantage this year of living in a state that is both in play for the WH and the Senate, so you can actually do something on two fronts.

  84. I am glad for this post and for the comments warning against blindly believing the polls. I have felt discouraged from reading the polls! (Not inclined to change my mind about Obama being unready and dishonest, mind you. Just discouraged at the thought of him being rewarded for his dirty deeds with a seat in the Oval Office.) I will keep in mind there is a major media spin going on and keep getting the word out about people’s options other than voting for him.


    We have some rockin’ people here at the Confluence, I’ll tell ya!!!


  86. If you have a few minutes and the stomach for it, could you take a wander over to YouTube and flag that Drill, Baby, Drill video as inappropriate? Don’t open it at work or if there are kids around. You won’t have to listen far to get the gist. If you don’t have a YouTube account, it only takes a minute to get one. We need to let YouTube know that leaving this one available crosses every line of decency there is. I won’t foul RD’s space by linking to it.

  87. bluelyon: know that you are not alone. Many of us are protest voting, and you are in a swing state, so we need you. Of course your vote is your own, but think of it as voting FOR a fair and legitimate democratic process vs. what we have witnessed from the so-called Democratic Party. They need to hear, loud and clear, that these tactics do NOT succeed or they will just do it again.

  88. Samsmom: I don’t know what video you’re talking abut.

  89. I mean I don’t know WHICH video.

  90. madamab — you have mail 🙂

    Mawm — love your post –so grounded!

  91. Don’t worry about the polls. The stats are completely cooked. Remember that Gore lost, even in his own state, TN where I live. Kerry lost. Bill Clinton only won both his elections because Ross Perot entered and took away so much of the conservative vote…..Now, with all of you Hillary supporters voting either topless or for McCain/Palin, I don’t see how someone as radical and dirty as Obama could possibly win, unless they really have this cheating thing in the bag…but no way no how by a mostly honest vote……They are trying to get us to give up and stay home, us repubs. You all are amazing, I am so thankful for your websites and your battle against corruption. They don’t even seem to suspect your stealth effect, but I am thinking it is going to be huge….

  92. On behalf of “Obots” everywhere, the offer still stands after the election to join the movement to put this country back on the right track. No questions asked.

  93. Obama will not win-Mccain will.
    Don’t buy the haka.

    In the end, people will vote for McCain.
    Obama’s lies will do him in.

  94. Oh, and did I say “PUMA”?

  95. That’s the problem with Obots. They never asked any questions so they never got any answers.

    Sorry, I don’t walk through life with my eyes closed. Might miss something important.

  96. I have no problem working on number 1. And I do so daily. But to be honest I was so turned off by what the Democratic party did not only to Hillary but to the citizens of our country that I have a hard time supporting any Democrat for any position.

    Perhaps after the wounds have had a chance to heal I will try to help out. In the meantime I am going to work as hard against the Democratic party as they did against democracy.

    I’m not bitter. I’m pissed! And very determined.

  97. Are you referring to me? I’ve been a democratic activist for years and made an informed decision. Try to respect that.

  98. Yes, I’m referring to you. I do respect your decision. Now respect mine and that of everyone here and please go away.

    See, I said “please” because I’m a respectful person.

  99. Regency, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:40 pm Said:
    That’s the problem with Obots. They never asked any questions so they never got any answers.
    Sorry, I don’t walk through life with my eyes closed. Might miss something important.
    paganpower, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:40 pm Said:
    I have no problem working on number 1. And I do so daily. But to be honest I was so turned off by what the Democratic party did not only to Hillary but to the citizens of our country that I have a hard time supporting any Democrat for any position.
    Perhaps after the wounds have had a chance to heal I will try to help out. In the meantime I am going to work as hard against the Democratic party as they did against democracy.
    I’m not bitter. I’m pissed! And very determined.

    Pray gods Barack does terrible at tonight’s debate!!!
    If his performance is poor, I think it will hurt him enough that since the polls are this tight, McPalin could pull off a win. McCain has to preform well if he is going to win tonight’s debate.

  100. Wow, the ego of these guys. It speaks for all of Obotia.

  101. Very well.

  102. paganpower, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:40 pm Said:
    Democratic party as they did against democracy.

    I’m not bitter. I’m pissed! And very determined.

    I hear ya loud and clear paganpower! I am still upset about May 31st 2008 and what they did! It was like a banana republic and the media was on Holiday with The One…giggling and singing to him. 😦

  103. By whatever name Puma is called, She is the epitome of personal power. Elusive and agile, Puma either strikes or watches as She chooses to do. As the graceful ruler of the mountains, She deals out life and death on her timetable. Just remember not to be so elusive and agile that no one can find you. (From my article, What’s in a Name?)


  104. a “democratic” activist

    true democratic activism demands that you vote McCain.
    Help save your party.

  105. All the Democracy has gone out of the “Democratic” party. We should sue them for false advertising.

  106. Mawm – Obotia! LOLOLOL

    Actually, I think that some of our Obama voting brethren and sistren might be a little shocked and awed by the actions of President Obama, should that happen. And they might be willing to come over to OUR efforts to reform the Democratic Party.

    In that case, I would welcome them, including Dissento.

  107. I wish I could be as “gracious” as you Dissento, but after this election is over you Obots with your sexist, homophobic, r@cist bullsh!t mentalities need to stay as far away from me as possible.

  108. I’m not so sure things are so hunky dory for BO campaign. If everything is going so well what’s with the TV ads here in blue California? Why waste the money?

    I believe the polls as much as I believe that ACORN is honestly registering voters.

    Maybe there should be a national mandate that we all have to show up at the polls with ID – throw out all the early voting and absentee ballots – only those who show up with proof of who they are can vote – then let’s dip our fingers in the purple dye ala Iraq – maybe then we can have a REAL election – where’s Jimmy Carter in all this – or does he only visit foreign countries to check on their election process?

  109. madamab
    “should that happen” will not happen.
    this is going to turn around quickly.

  110. madamab

    I was just reading a little on the blog while on lunch break at work and am shocked to hear about this cease and desist business. That sounds outrageous, to say the least. If there’s any research or other action you need help with regarding this, I’m sure you could get help from some folks who visit this blog, including me.

  111. angienc, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:47 pm Said:
    I wish I could be as “gracious” as you Dissento, but after this election is over you Obots with your sexist, homophobic, r@cist bullsh!t mentalities need to stay as far away from me as possible.

    Amen to that sistah!!!!

  112. Our

    Only those losing their nerve never had it in the first place. PUMA or death. P Diddy had that shirt VOTE or DIE. Well PUMA before voting for that p.o.s. NoBama.

  113. madamab — I just replied to you — I’m calling the guy in a bit & will have more. But NO checks — this is on me — we are a PUMA family here.

  114. Firelight – Thank you so much!

    Our fierce sistah Angie is ON IT!!!


  115. gxm17 or whomever,

    I finally put out a McCain/Palin sign here in the city of Falls Church, Virginia, the first on my street and definitely a minority in our city. Within 1 hour 2 people in our neighborhood asked if we could get them a sign, by the next day we had three.

    McCain can’t carry my area but it would sure be nice if he could pick up some extra needed votes. Loudoun and Prince William Counties are more doable.

  116. catarina – I think you’re right. The only thing that is keeping Obama from tanking completely is, ironically, Bill Clinton and his legacy of being excellent on the economy.

    We will see what happens in the next three weeks. Should be a bumpy ride!

  117. angienc, what a PUMA heroine you are!

  118. Love the photo up top – it expresses my general mood & attitude these days very nicely. Hell no, won’t give in, won’t give up. How many Conflucians are born PUMAs? I’d guess about, say, 99.9 percent.

  119. What’s funny is no one really thinks that Billl wants him to win. It doesn’t even matter if he campaigns. No one believes it. And for Bill not to be convincing you know BO’s gotta be uninspiring.

  120. Let us know what he says angie!!!!

  121. DV – Indeed!

    Per RD, we won’t be mentioning that person’s name any more. He seems to be more than a bit disturbed.

  122. Well, only if madamab says u can…

  123. Hee! Sorry Laurie. It’s just a precaution.


  124. Good clean-up on the blogsroll – could we do one more that is a Total Loss? Just a Total Loss.

  125. “Obatia” -wow – I’m not a real blogger – don’t have one of my own, but stumbled upon this wonderful, enlightening site with some of the brightest people that has kept be abreast of what is really going on. I thank you all for that and will do whatever I can to support the PUMA movement. My whole family is voting McCain – except for my one sister-in-law who lives in VA Beach – but we’re working on her.
    Thank you Madam for some of the greatest pieces!

  126. If you “delete” and not “spam”, I don’t think you can recover it. I’m really sorry, I’ve done the same thing myself and it’s not a good feeling.

  127. Thanks, Joanelle! You rock!!!

    Heh heh heh, radlyboo1. Whatever could you mean?


    We’ll see. RD is a very, very fair-minded and liberal person. It’s up to her.

  128. Soooo, who won tonight’s debate? All those impartial commentators and op/ed writers and AP hacks, not to mention the entire NYTimes staff, must’ve sweated bullets over the deadline (which was last Sunday, I believe). That tank has gotten so frigging overcrowded, it must be about to pop its rivets.

  129. madamab — you have mail.

  130. I just stopped by Blue Lyon and discovered that after coming * this close * to going over to the dark side (I mean voting for Obama), she has chosen to vote for McCain! I love Blue Lyon and I know that she is a true progressive since finding her blog back in January or February of this year. We are out there and I think there are enough of us to make a difference this year!

    Oh, one really pleasant surprise today. In NYC I ran into two African-American women for McKinney! One woman had a McKinney button on her jacket and the other said that she was going to Hofstra tonight to protest the fact that McKinney was not allowed to participate in the debates! It has been so great to meet a good number of African Americans and Hispanics not for Obama living in NYC. Not everyone has drunk the kool-aid!

  131. Mawm, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:43 pm Said:

    Wow, the ego of these guys. It speaks for all of Obotia.


    This is the best part: “Very well.” It’s the intoning voice of the gods, displeased by the apostates! LOL.

  132. Dissento, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:38 pm Said:
    On behalf of “Obots” everywhere, the offer still stands after the election to join the movement to put this country back on the right track. No questions asked.
    Therein lies the problem. What track? Pushing faith-based initiatives? What about social security? Changing the abortion platform? Letting people take out their savings with no penalty?
    No questions asked?????? That’s the problem. Let’s ask some questions. Let’s pay attention. Let’s not swallow a cult with no questions asked.

  133. I know that not everyone buys the API story about MO but they’re not playing.

    Update from the website:

    The truth will come out soon and the Obama campaign spokesperson(s) will have a problem to deny that API actually had a telephone conversation with Mrs Obama.

    Mrs Obama should open up to the campaign spokesperson(s) now so that they do not continue denying what they do not know.

    By Chief Editor Korir
    African Press International – API

    Jerome Corsi has even warned them to show their proof or risk their credibility. A lot of people are risking their credibility (those that have it) to try to reveal the truth about Obie.

  134. DV – That is great news!

    Angie – you have mail too. 🙂

    Regency – Hmmmm….if they have proof, I’ll believe it and spread that story everywhere. I’m reserving judgment until then.


  135. This one:

    But it’s not anything you want to open at work. I didn’t link so that you can’t open it accidentally.

  136. oops! it linked by itself.

  137. Yahoo asks, Is McCain Following Clinton’s Economic Policy? The MSM – so quick on the draw:


  138. Sam: Flagged it.

  139. Laurie & everyone else — I hate to sound like an attorney, but I can’t discuss anything to do with the issue madamab eluded to earlier. I will ignore any requests to do so.

  140. Oh, boy. I’m really sorry about the lawyer thing, madamab, but there is a reason why so many people complain about trial lawyers— an important part of the Democratic coalition.

    I don’t believe in telling people to go to hell, particularly in this case: that’s where he came up and that’s where he’s going anyway.

  141. JMac: They’re only admitting it now because Mac’s been talking to Hillary about it lately, to both Clintons. What’s Barack been doing? Using the Wayback Machine to find the old versions of Hillary’s website.

  142. Thanks Angie!

    And a lot of PUMAs are attorneys, so go easy there, johninca!

  143. Regency – where did you hear that Hillary said to Terry that this wasn’t the Democratic party she knew?

  144. ROFLMAO!!!

    Sean Hannity just played a parody of the old 3 Dog Night song, “Joy to the World”… It opened with:

    “Jeremiah was my pastor,
    Was a good friend of mine,
    In twenty years I never heard a word he said,
    But I heard him scream and whine… ”

    And the guys singing it were really GOOD! 😀

    Great OP, madamab! 🙂 You women keep on keeping on! 🙂

  145. Well now I understand why Rendell has just given up the ghost. BO doesn’t care about PA. That’s why Rendell’s still talking HRC up. He said he’d be there when she wanted to run again. I think he’s ready to start now since we’re not getting a Democrat this time around either.

  146. madamab — you have mail (again).

  147. guys…obots are really antisemtic…they’ve been leaving all sorts of nasty comments on the JJ post from yesterday…accusing israel of all kinds of horrible things, one just compared what they are doing to the palestinians to what Hitler did to them. I’m amazed at the anti-jewish sentiment from that side. Although I’m not amazed at the hate…

  148. Heidi Li gives a shout out to Riverdaughter:

    Conscientious Abstention: An Act of Noncooperation:
    (This post is in recognition of River Daughter, who I believe is dedicated to making sure that once the present hue and cry dies down, the work to improve our country’s politics will not.)

  149. From The Reclusive Leftist:

    Women’s equality under the law: nice while it lasted

    People tend to think that the world they’re born into is normal, even immutable.
    That’s a big reason why young people in the West take women’s rights for
    granted. How could it be any different?

    I’m just old enough to have experienced the world before women’s equality under
    the law was in place. I’m also a student of history. Perhaps that’s why I take
    nothing for granted. For all we know, feminism could be little more than a fad
    of the 20th century. A soap bubble in time.

    For women in the U.K., the soap bubble is already bursting. With sharia court
    rulings now enforceable by law in the U.K., more than a century of progress has
    been rolled back. Wife-beating? The British outlawed it in 1861, but now if
    you’re a Muslim woman under the thumb of your family, the law is no longer on
    your side. The British established equal inheritance in 1925, but now sharia
    courts are following Islamic law and giving sons twice as much as daughters.

    And it’s legal.

    I suppose the defenders of this policy argue that it’s okay because the Muslim
    women have to “voluntarily” submit to the authority of the sharia courts before
    the rulings are handed down. But it makes no sense — absolutely no sense — to
    talk about women under the thumb of patriarchal domination “voluntarily”
    submitting to their own oppression. As a rule, women and girls in a patriarchy
    lack the social, financial, and psychological autonomy to buck masculine rule.
    Dig it: that’s how patriarchy works.

    As I wrote last February when Archbishop Eyebrows burbled in public about the
    inevitability of sharia law:

    Hey, why not sharia law in Britain? Oh, but only for family matters, says
    Eyebrow Man, by which he means the entire spectrum of codified patriarchal abuse
    that governs women’s personal lives: divorce, marriage, custody, marital rape,
    marital beatings, financial support, “honor,” etc. Clearly His Very Reverend
    Eyebrows think it’s just peachy keen for women to be second-class citizens because after
    all, they’re not really human, are they? They’re just women. Eight hundred years
    of English jurisprudence and a modern European concept of civil rights are fine
    and dandy, but they do only apply to human beings. Which lets women right out.

  150. I am so sick of hearing the word “r@cist”:

    Murtha: Western Pa. ‘racist’ but Obama should win

    What is the f*#king point of calling people r@cists if you think Obama is going to win the state anyway? I really don’t understand the Democratic Party anymore.

  151. DT: It written in one of Ani’s posts. She posts at NQ a lot now but she used to post at BitterPoliticz a lot more. I don’t know if she’s ever posted here. They were at some fundraising luncheon in July I believe when she said to him, “This isn’t the Democratic Party I knew.”

  152. My comment is in moderation…

  153. The bots are out in force today on the right-wing blogs. It does a heart good. Not so sure of themselves, they are.

  154. I am so sick of hearing the word “r@cist”:

    Murtha: Western Pa. ‘r@cist’ but Obama should win

    What is the f*#king point of calling people r@cists if you think Obama is going to win the state anyway? I really don’t understand the Democratic Party anymore.

  155. Regency, on October 15th, 2008 at 4:26 pm Said:
    Well now I understand why Rendell has just given up the ghost. BO doesn’t care about PA. That’s why Rendell’s still talking HRC up. He said he’d be there when she wanted to run again. I think he’s ready to start now since we’re not getting a Democrat this time around either.

    I don’t know what it’s like in PA right now. Does anyone know how it is there? Who has the edge?

  156. I’d say BO but it’s tenuous because they keep spending money there and keep sending Dems. If they have a lead at all, they’re having a hard time maintaining it.

    But since everyone there is bitter, bible-thumping, gun-clinging racist, I’m not holding out much hope for their immortal souls.

  157. hmmmm, cease and decist? Aren’t they the ones who constantly harp on freedom of speech, etc?
    Madam I think you’re great and will support whatever you do here – I’ve only been on one or two other blogs – I’m not into blue language – even when I’m angry – and I’mpretty angry right now – I can’t believe they still call themselves Democrats – and what’s the new thing with Michelle and the API????

  158. Gary – There is a whole portion of the Left that is rabidly anti-Semitic. I stopped posting on Aravosis’ site a million years ago because the commenters were always yammering on about the Zionist conspiracy and how Israel was Evil Incarnate.

    DV – They don’t think Obama will win. That’s the point. They are pre-blaming r*cism for Obama’s loss of many swing states. The media is letting them get away with it, too.


  159. I’d say BO but it’s tenuous because they keep spending money there and keep sending Dems. If they have a lead at all, they’re having a hard time maintaining it.

    But since everyone there is bitter, bible-thumping, gun-clinging r*cist, I’m not holding out much hope for their immortal souls.

  160. ok madamab — mail!

  161. I’d pre-blame ACORN. They cheated wrong!

  162. I forwarded the info about Jackson to all of my Jewish friends – many of them didn’t have a clue – as few have already said they will vote McCain at the top and Dem downticket – but I’ve still got a group that are diehard Dems that I’ll keep working on.

  163. Joanelle – Thanks! {{{hugs}}}

    Supposedly, Michelle Obama gave an incendiary interview to the API. It’s so far out that it’s a bit hard to swallow. I am not sure we should discuss it too much unless there is more proof that the interview is real…

  164. Mad: I was just letting ya’ll know that they’re not backing down in the least. They said they’ll have it tomorrow. Not at all to get anyone’s hopes up but I love stuff like this. Until they fail to show proof the O camp can say nanana till they’re blue in the face, ball’s not in their court.

  165. Regency, on October 15th, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    It is great that she sees what we see. Maybe there is still hope for a democratic party reform.

  166. In other words, ignore me. I’m just like this.

  167. Little Isis, on October 15th, 2008 at 4:32 pm Said:

    I don’t know what it’s like in PA right now. Does anyone know how it is there? Who has the edge?

    My gay friends in Johnstown going to McCain. Lots of McCain/Palin signs in Johnstown. My union (extended) family in Pittsburgh very vocal for Obama. My mom reluctanly going Obama. My dad says it doesn’t matter because there is no real difference. I’ve seen tons of signs in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas for Obama. But if you get outside of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) you’re talking McCain/Palin. It’s all going to depend upon turnout in Philly and Pittsburgh.

  168. Hi All — I’ve put a new post up top!

  169. Regency, on October 15th, 2008 at 4:34 pm Said:
    I’d say BO but it’s tenuous because they keep spending money there and keep sending Dems. If they have a lead at all, they’re having a hard time maintaining it.
    But since everyone there is bitter, bible-thumping, gun-clinging r*cist, I’m not holding out much hope for their immortal souls.

    Even with all BO’s bs here in Ohio, I think McCain will take it. I have to go now, but I will be back tonight after the debate!!!

  170. Regency – LOL!

    My favorite guilty pleasure, conservative blogger Bill Dupray, is saying that McCain should suggest a purple finger dip for November 5th.

    I love that idea!

  171. McP needs to maximize the outskirts Hillary-style.

  172. Later, LI

  173. MadamAb: Best idea anyone’s had yet.

  174. We were in the Doylestown, PA area this weekend and I’d say the lawn signs we saw were a bit more McPalin – but not much

  175. I just read my email regarding our former ray of f*cking sunshine.

    I’m personally hurt and disappointed that he didn’t mention me by name too.

    I promise I’ll try harder next time.

  176. Regency — is the NRA running a lot of “NObama” ads in PA? I remember a whole to do a few weeks ago where the Obama campaign tried to intimidate the local media to not run NRA ads & it p.o.’d the NRA off big time. I remember thinking: “taking on the largest single issue political organization in this country isn’t such a good idea,” but haven’t heard anything since.

  177. My favorite guilty pleasure, conservative blogger Bill Dupray, is saying that McCain should suggest a purple finger dip for November 5th.

    I love that idea!

    That is a good idea.

  178. lisadawn82, on October 15th, 2008 at 4:42 pm Said:

    Please try to convince your dad to vote for McCain and convince your mom to stay home. Seriously. I’m telling all of my friends to try to convince their parents – especially the moms cuz a lot of mothers who supported Hillary are sadly and reluctantly voting for Obama. Please send them a link to Heidi Li’s website which I think explains very well why Democrats should not feel pressured into voting for someone they find unacceptable.
    I already got my mom to vote for McCain. She supported Hillary and was pretty pissed about what happened in the primary too.

  179. NEW POST UP by LADYBOOMERNYC!!! And she played the Dr. Seuss card!!


  180. I think that interview’s a plant so as to discredit a real interview MO may have given….and that’s waiting to come out

  181. DisenfranchisedVoter, on October 15th, 2008 at 4:48 pm Said:

    You know, I’ve worked on them for four weeks. My parents don’t want to hear it anymore. They are UNION and 65+. That means two Dem votes here in PA. I tried but I still need to be able to talk with them after November 4th.

  182. Angie: I don’t live in PA but I’d say the NRA ain’t gonna be stopped by a few unhappy tears.

  183. Madamab: Michele O did not give an interview to the API….ALLEDGEDLY: she called them about the “Born in HI” & “adoption by his stepfather from Indonesia”

    I am not sure what’s up with this but I also saw this story on canadafreepress as well.

  184. Angie – that was no accidental release. It was the usual talking points for the Obama media. Which they are faithfully executing.

    Tonight debate – Setting McCain up as per talking points

  185. Sarah, excellent post. I’ve been reading a lot about the crap that’s been going down in the UK and how the BBC is so in-the-tank PC when it comes to Muslims.

    On 7/7, 2005. the day the London subway and several public busses were bombed, it took only 24 hours for the BBC broadcasts to switch story coverage from “Islamic terrorists” to undefined “militants” or even “activists”. Both the “I” and “T” words were scrubbed off of their web sites in stories doing the original reporting on the day of the bombings.

    The British public is in a snit, knowing that the BBC is censoring their news (and it is true censorship, since the BBC is a government agency). There are entire web sites dedicated to BBC bias.

  186. I have been out all day and come back to find that my beloved madamab has been threatened? OMG! What right does anyone have to threaten someone for freedom of speech? Is this where we are heading? madamab, whatever you need, I will back you to the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  187. Did anyone else watch “The Choice” last night on PBS? It was interesting what they left out about Obama. The program mentioned Obama went to college in California and New York. Didn’t say where (did they know?), no mention of his trip to Pakistan, no mention of his work with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (isn’t that his big claim to “executive experience”?). Though they did mention how he “won” his race against Alice Palmer, there was no mention of his legislative record in Illinois or of how he won his US Senate seat.

    A couple of points I thought were actually good; Obama actually INTERVIEWED pastors and churches specifically to look for a church that would be politically advantageous. He picked Jeremiah Wright. Supposedly Hillary’s camp knew nothing about the Wright tapes and was caught totally by surprise. If they had known, they might have used them early on.

    Further, the Dems specifically picked Obama in 2005 because they wanted someone with NO Senate or Congressional record to defend. They wanted a blank slate.

    Funniest bit: Obama sitting in the confirmation hearings for Condeleeza Rice. Joe Biden is speaking – droning on endlessly. Obama writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to his aide. Note says: Shoot me now. Shoot. Me. Now.

  188. madamab, re: “I said that because I did not believe that a person who surrounds himself with racists, money-launderers, voting fraud perpetrators and domestic terrorists could get elected President in this country.”

    What I find puzzling about this whole thing is the complete MSM acceptance of the tapdancing Obama has been doing. He “didn’t know” about Wright. His Ayers excuse is on v 9.2. He “didn’t know” about Flaeger. He “didn’t know” about Rezco. Etc etc etc.

    In my book, even giving Obama 100% of the benefit of the doubt, the very BEST thing that can be said about this is that the man is totally oblivious to what is going on around him, right under his nose. If he has no clue what his friends are like, how could he possibly identify an enemy? How could he possibly know when some tin pot dictator’s ambassador is blowing smoke at him?

    HOW is that point escaping the media??? It’s completely inescapable when looked at with logic.

    Never mind– I know. They’re in the tank.

  189. well I’ve done my bit for the country… pushing that button for McCain made me think of the women who were taught to “lay on their back and think of England.” It was my duty; no more, no less.

  190. Not to worry fellow PUMAs! I found this at Hillbuzz:

    Cindy McCain’s Cookies Win!

    “Cindy McCain’s oatmeal-butterscotch recipe received 54 percent of the readers’ vote, to 44 percent for Michelle Obama’s (bitter, clingy, arugula) shortbread cookies, Family Circle magazine announced this afternoon. Bill Clinton, who submitted his oatmeal cookie recipe before Hillary Clinton dropped out, received 2 percent of the vote.

    McCain’s winning recipe — which presumably is her own after earlier controversies over borrowed recipes — will appear in the magazine’s Nov. 1 issue.

    The cookie contest between the potential first spouses has correctly predicted the presidential winner in every election since 1992, the magazine says:

    2004, Laura Bush’s oatmeal chocolate chunks beat Teresa Heinz Kerry’s pumpkin spice cookies.

    2000, Laura Bush’s Texas governor’s mansion cowboy cookies defeated Tipper Gore’s gingersnaps.

    1996, Hillary Clinton’s oatmeal chocolate chips bested Elizabeth Dole’s pecan rolls.

    And in 1992, Hillary Clinton’s oatmeal chocolate chips also defeated Barbara Bush’s classic chocolate chips.”

  191. local CBS affiliate is doing a piece on the “Bradley Effect ” as part of our 5 pm news; bringing up the “race” thing again. Can’t stop beating that dead horse now.

    I think the polls are way off. I know that BHO’s internal polling is telling him something different from what we’re seeing from the official pollsters. My evidence? They trotted Hillary out this week on all the cable network morning shows. Keep the faith PUMAs. They know we’re here. They know we still say NO DEAL!!!

  192. just a little revving up before the debate, and hoping Johnny Mac lands the knock-out-punch that Hillary would’ve been able to had her hands not been tied.

  193. kjmontana, on October 15th, 2008 at 5:14 pm Said:

    Further, the Dems specifically picked Obama in 2005 because they wanted someone with NO Senate or Congressional record to defend. They wanted a blank slate.

    I intentionally didn’t want to watch the show because The One was on it. But my brother did and he brought up the point you mentioned to me. I think it swayed him toward McCain. He is now going with me Friday to see Sarah (again).

    Woo Hoo!

    One undecided at a time.

  194. mamapajamas, on October 15th, 2008 at 5:24 pm Said:

    If he has no clue what his friends are like, how could he possibly identify an enemy? How could he possibly know when some tin pot dictator’s ambassador is blowing smoke at him?

    Game- Set- Match


  195. (dropping a curtsey)

    Thank you, Pagan-dear! 🙂

  196. joanie in brooklyn, you’re right on. They brought out Hill and Bill. They have their surrogates crying racism. They their internet trolls out in force. They are trying to silence dissenting bloggers. They are running scared and it can’t be for no good reason.

  197. Dissento said, “On behalf of “Obots” everywhere, the offer still stands after the election to join the movement to put this country back on the right track. No questions asked.”

    Jeez. You make it sound so inviting. I’m sorry, but I’m washing my hair until November 5.

  198. DV: The “Sarah Palin is a C*nt” t-shirts were sufficient to flip one voter I know away from the Dems. She then wondered, Are the shirts just Republican “ratloving” ? (We use clean language.) I said no, this kind of vile woman-hatred is happening outside of politics, too.

    Kathy Sierra, who writes about software usability, was the target of a coordinated hate campaign which included vaginas photoshopped onto her face. She cancelled her public speaking appearances after that. And that was over software user experience, for pity’s sake.

    No, something very ugly is afoot across the culture, something the Obama supporters, if not O himself is harnessing.

  199. rpfree, on October 15th, 2008 at 3:54 pm Said:
    gxm17 or whomever,
    I finally put out a McCain/Palin sign here in the city of Falls Church, Virginia, the first on my street and definitely a minority in our city. Within 1 hour 2 people in our neighborhood asked if we could get them a sign, by the next day we had three.
    McCain can’t carry my area but it would sure be nice if he could pick up some extra needed votes. Loudoun and Prince William Counties are more doable.

    That’s great news! I had to take 193 home tonight and there were so many McCain/Palin signs, including a couple of those huge billboard-like ones. There were only a few Obama signs clumped in the same area/yard/estate. Of course Great Falls is the land of the wealthy so that’s what one would expect but it still made me smile.

  200. Dissento: No.

  201. I plan to vote for McKinney, since I despise Dubya and Darth Cheney, and McCain will carry Arkansas easily without my vote, anyway.

    I won’t even be voting against Plastic Jesus Obama himself so much as I’ll be voting against his hooligan supporters. Only defeat will teach those punks some manners.

  202. Hell yeah. PUMA UP!

    The polls are always ridiculously high before a debate.
    Propaganda perpertrated by the Obama Pillow Fluffers and consummate sycophants in the MSM media.

    After the defeat of Obama, and after the reform of the Democratic Party, shouldn’t the despicable media be on that list. I’d say 75 plus people in the media cannot withstand the force of a rightous cause of liberty and a REAL FREE PRESS.

  203. Tonight I, and many of my friends, made a symbolic donation to John McCain for the PUMA movement. I hope that you all do the same and send this info on to your other PUMA friends.

    The amount is $7.75 because that was the first piece of legislation John McCain initiated during his career in Federal Politics. John spent his first two years as a Representative in the House:

    Amends: H.R.5167
    Sponsor: Rep McCain, John [AZ-1] (offered 5/24/1984)

    An amendment to add that nothing in Title III (Operations and Maintenance) is to be construed to supercede or amend the War Powers Act.
    5/24/1984: Amendment Offered by Representative McCain. 5/24/1984: Amendment Passed in Committee of the Whole by Voice Vote.

  204. One of our OWN did a great Video that I think says it all..Please view and help raise this video up on youtube

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