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Monday: Big O and the Obots

Is the crowd real or CGI enhanced?

Q: Is the crowd real or CGI enhanced?

A-Haa!  The truth comes out.  The best way to get HUGE numbers of young enthusiastic people to turn out to an Obama rally is to lure them with that rock-n-roll, bratwurst and beer.  From gateway pundit comes a description of how they did it:

OBAMA Lures Massive German Crowd With Rock Bands, Brats & Beer!


The choreographed Obamapalooza Tour 2008 continues in Berlin today complete with with rock bands, beer and brats.
Oh… And, German campaign flyers.

But remember- It’s not a political rally.
The German newspaper Berliner Morganpost reported on the rally today (translated):

The speech will begin clock to 19 and up about 20 clock time. Admission to the event area is from 16 clock. At 16 clock begins the inlet to Obama spectacle on the streets of the 17th June. For the spectators, the further back have been enlarged picture screens.

To the waiting time of up to the speech of the presidential candidates to shorten a second stage built on the musical framework programme to take place. The German Reggeasänger Patrice and the German pop band Reamonn 17.30 from occur there. Before and during the breaks, the British disc jockey Mantu.

Snack and drink stalls are also up – the area is converted Fabnmeile-Obama.

Hat Tip Dan

To many of you, this is old news, especially to those of you living in the Portland area where it was done before the Oregon primary and THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Sports Illustrated Sweimsuit Models with PhDs in Architecture paddled their kayaks to a different Obama rally:

From CNN to the New York Times, the media hyped Barack Obama’s Portland, Oregon rally on Sunday, some comparing him to a rock star.

Unmentioned in national reporting was the fact that Obama was preceded by a rare, 45-minute free concert by actual rock stars The Decemberists. The Portland-based band has drawn rave reviews from Rolling Stone magazine, which gave their 2005 album Picaresque four and a half stars (out of five), and another four and a half stars for 2007’s The Crane Wife.

Now, as we mentioned before, two points are probably sufficient data for a biologist to draw a conclusion but we chemists need at least three. Fortunately for us, we may already have a third point. It’s called Invesco Field. How do you get 80,000 ordinary people into a stadium to spend some time with a bunch of political types? Think about it. What would it take to get *us* to spend time listening to Barack Obama, I mean, without earplugs and dramamine? The only thing that would get me in there is a Broncos game, U2 or Bruce Springsteen. I’m guessing the Broncos aren’t playing; I’m going with Bruce. Or the Dixie Chicks, whose normally astute Natalie Mains has donated to Obama. (I’m burning their songs on my iPhone.)

But why does Obama have to bribe voters in Oregon and the newly created congressional district of Berlin to get people to come and cheer for him? Did JFK or Reagan have to do that? Why isn’t his amazing record and speechmaking enough? (Don’t answer that) Or maybe it’s because his whole persona is a manufactured one, conjured up by some Madison Avenue type to meet a demand that did not exist before this election season. And if the demand isn’t really there then co-marketing and tie-ins and special bonus offers are necessary to entice the disinterested.

He’s like Teddy Ruxpin, Cabbage Patch Dolls and pet rocks. Artificially animated, oversold and useless.

Can we have Hillary back now?