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French Freedom Fries

After the tepid response to Ukraine’s plight slowed down to a halt, letting the pathetic Russian army, or what’s left of it, to recklessly sow destruction in the Donbas, Mariupol and Luhansk, the West has finally decided that this shit can’t go on and they’re going to do something about it.

Sec. of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin met with Zelenskyy on Monday and the pic of them standing together with the two Americans grinning from ear to ear was an unmistakable “F}#% you, Vlad” if ever there was one.

Good things come in small packages

Today, the Germans finally decided to send anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine. Finland says they’re going to join NATO for sure and it has one of the best armies in Europe, after the Ukrainians.

So, what started the ball moving again? It looks like everyone was waiting for the French voters to reject Marine Le Pen and, although her defeat was more gentle than her last campaign for president, it was definitive enough that the French are signaling that they are not not a fan of putin. Merci.

I had heard that putin sent a sternly worded letter to the US whining that our shipments of military hardware to Ukraine was ruining Russia’s decisive victories and that we should butt out. Laugh if you want but putin has Satan 2 and he’s going to deploy it by the autumn! Sure that’s a long time off, well, almost two whole seasons. But Satan 2 is the biggest, baddest m******f*****g nuclear bomb delivery device in the history of the world and has enough TNT capacity to obliterate Texas. To which we reply, don’t give us any ideas. That would be wrong. Just thinking about it is sinful enough (but strangely satisfying).

Meanwhile, Russia is complaining to the UN that the proposed removal of its veto power in the security council just because they are decimating a country that didn’t attack it and had no plans to do so, is so unfair. Also, why can’t Brazil or India have a seat at the security council? Also, it only invaded because Ukraine wouldn’t stop fighting for the territory Russia stole from it 8 years ago. What’s Russia to do?? Just let Ukraine continue to battle for Crimea and the Donbas?? The UN is not being supportive and it’s letting those Americans use Ukraine as a pawn in its global imperialistic ambitions and THAT’S not democracy.

Seriously, this is what Lavrov said at a UN press conference. It was so lame even the most putinesca MAGA fan would have rolled his eyes. Russia looks like a weak LOSER, if you get my drift. You can watch it yourself here.

Anyway, it sounds like Ukraine may be getting the tools it needs to give it a fighting chance. The parties involved, meaning the rest of the world minus Russia, has an interest in winding this up, not drag out the hardship the war is imposing on poorer countries (or themselves), and striking while Russia has the biggest number of troops in Ukraine where the new assault will cause the most panic in the ranks.


🇫🇷Vive La France. 🇫🇷

This week’s Short Takes from Moi

These are my short summaries of thots based on current events. Enjoy! Or not.

1.) I’m still here for Ukraine. I haven’t forgotten or moved on. It’s like a steady hum in my head, like background noise. At any moment, an event can push it to the front and I’ll pay attention to nothing else. But sometimes, the news is just too much to bear. I can’t even imagine how terrible it is to live it. I feel like we are waiting for something, like our own Pearl Harbor. It’s hard to stand back and watch this level of destruction and human tragedy by a mad man. It’s frustrating and makes me feel useless. Slava Ukraini.

2.) France is voting for president today. I can’t understand how anyone can look at what’s happening in Ukraine and decide that what they really need is to cooperate with the man who is on a rampage to tear Europe apart. But voters around the world have made stupider decisions based on short term goals.

3.) Speaking of Donald Trump, I keep seeing tweets about proof of his supposed dementia. I guess Big Orange talked about his cognitive test again recently, probably not for the reasons we think. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Donald has dementia. I don’t think you can generate this much bile and propaganda as performance art if you weren’t able to read the room and talk people into a frenzy. Here’s how I think of Donald that might be helpful: Imagine a shark decided to get into Cosplay and dressed up like a human. He could probably act like a human to some extent but most of us would feel like something was “off”. That’s because sharks are predators and to be really successful predators, their brains have no use for certain functions. The areas of the brain that contribute to our conscience and longitudinal thinking and art appreciation or math, for example, do not contribute to predatory behavior. So they’re shut off. On the other hand, the predator part of the shark brain is overdeveloped. So, maybe a test for dementia is irrelevant. He knows exactly what he’s doing. His executive functions are finely tuned to satisfying his own urges and getting adulation. The dementia test should be administered to his loyal audience since their behavior does not lead to positive outcomes for themselves and they seem to lack the ability to discriminate between genuine humans and sharks in costume.

4.) Integrated Math. What is it and why is Ron DeSantis so pissed off about it? Everything old is new again. Integrated math was one of the reasons I ran for the School Board many years ago. Our school district was starting to introduce it and some other math techniques that, to ME, looked like party tricks. Integrated math, as I understood it, was an effort to take the fear out of math by making it social and familiar. There was a lot of emphasis on making math relatable. How can a student use math in the real world to understand issues that are important to him or her like how to read graphs and statistics in newspapers or calculate the value of common items like groceries. There was a lot of emphasis on working in groups to solve problems. The idea was to make math less likely to freak people out.

My thought is that integrated math was the result of projection of hundreds of thousands of math insecure k-8 teachers who thought math is hard. I can relate to a certain point. I attended 14 different schools before I graduated high school, the majority of those transfers happened during my elementary school years. It severely affected my ability to do arithmetic and algebra and without arithmetic and algebra, it’s very difficult to solve problems even if you can see the solution. For me, every problem involving math is like relearning and reliving my elementary school years. It’s a math Groundhog Day. And for someone with my background and the ensuing panic attacks during test scenarios, I must have been out of my mind to go into chemistry. One of my math teachers in college told me that in order for me to succeed in math related classes, I should do EVERY problem in the book, not just the assigned problems. For a student who was the first in their family to go to college and had to work a full time job to pay my expenses, this was an impossibility. So I understood math anxiety that a lot of teachers had. It’s just that integrated math was not the answer for everybody.

Math is a tool to solve problems and some of us will be required to use it in a way that goes beyond calculating unit pricing in stores or simple statistics. Adding friendly cultural scenarios is cute but could be a distraction to actually learning the rules and orders of operations. In other words, integrated math wouldn’t have helped me one tiny bit if I had wanted to study for a STEM related major. It’s not intended to. It’s supposed to help students not fear math.

Do you know how to help students not fear math? Make them good at it. Learning math is like a helix. The helix only holds it shape because it makes bonds with what has come before and what comes after. The student has to have a grounding in the basics in order to be able to progress to the next turn in the helix. The best math texts, as I found out from doing my research when I was on the curriculum committee, took the approach of steady progress up the helix with revisiting previous instruction periodically so that concepts, rules and algorithms are reinforced and become second nature. That’s how you eliminate math anxiety.

There’s nothing wrong with using diversity or culture or current events in math texts if the idea is to teach math in a way that is reinforcing. Integrated math is not that. The problem is not the cultural elements, which is what DeSantis is focussing on. The problem is the pedagogy. It treats those concepts, rules and algorithm in a disconnected way without the reinforcement and repetition to make the tools second nature. It’s not a good way to teach math.

So, there might be a good reason to chuck some of the text books. I just doubt that they’re the same reason or reasons as Florida’s, which seems to be freaking out for over critical race theory. You want to know how I would teach critical race theory? Ask any MAGA weirdo how much money they would have to be paid to live the rest of their lives as an African American. How many millions per year for the rest of their lives for how many years. There’s a math problem that sums up the entire history of racism in one simple scenario. Some intrepid reporter should ask DeSantis that question at a press conference.

I’ve read somewhere that there might be profit in throwing out integrated Math texts for some Republican politicians who have investments in other text books companies. Gov. Youngkin of Virginia was mentioned. It could be coincidence. Needs more research. Anyway, my point is that Republicans may be partially right about integrated math text books but for the wrong reasons. You don’t need to integrate history or social sciences to get kids to like math if the pedagogy is right and unfortunately, integrated math, at the time I was researching it, sacrificed sound methods in order to make math relatable. If it hasn’t improved test scores over other available teaching methods, it should probably be replaced.

“To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield”

There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail:

There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners,

Souls that have toil’d ,and wrought, and thought with me–

That ever with a frolic welcome took

The thunder and the sunshine and opposed.

Free hearts, free foreheads–you and I are old;

Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;

Death closes all; but something ere the end,

Some work of noble note, may yet be done.

Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.

The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks;

The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep

Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,

‘T is not too late to seek a newer world.

Push off, and sitting well in order smite

The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset. and the baths

Of all the Western stars, until I die.

It may be that the gulf will wash us down;

It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,

And see the brave Achilles, whom we knew.

Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.

That was the last stanza of “Ulysses,” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It is one of the greatest and most memorable poems ever written.

Tennyson imagines Ulysses, Odysseus in Greek, having returned home to Ithaca, after the travails of the Trojan War and then the many dangers described by Homer in “The Odyssey.” He has saved his land, his wife Penelope and son Telemachus. And there “The Odyssey” ends.

Tennyson wants to tell another story: that Ulysses cannot go back to a former life, he is by nature and experience impelled to seek adventures, achievements, and risks. So he summons what is left of his sailors, and urges them to come with him once again.

It is such a powerful and moving poem. Tennyson wrote this in 1833, at the age of 24, and it seems like a poem from someone much older. It also, at least to me, seems like a poem which expresses some of the themes of the great later Romantic poets, Keats, Byron and Shelley. However, Tennyson is not considered to be a Romantic poet. But if one reads the mid-Victorian poetry, this seems much more Romantic in feeling and passion than many of those works.

I copied it, because it seems to me to be very apposite, and maybe that has been the case ever since Tennyson wrote it. Right now, we are in one of the most dangerous and threatening situations this country has ever faced. I do not need to review all of it for anyone.

It does certainly more often feel like perhaps a hopeless task; how do we fix things; how do we redeem the promise of democracy from the totalitarians, the fascists, the religious zealots, the warped or psychotic or completely ignorant and brainwashed people that surround us, and are on their way to taking over, maybe for good?

One can look around the internet, and see all sorts of people say things like, “It’s over.” “We are going to be a dictatorship, with books being banned and burned, the right to abortion and contraception gone; the planet burning up; guns proliferating; and a large number of individuals simply refusing to follow any government rules or advisories which they do not feel inclined to follow, or which the fascists tell them not to.”

Some of the people who write those things are plants, tools of the fascists who try to discourage and demoralize, just like those who kept writing “Walk Away,” to people who wanted to vote for Democrats in 2016. Some are professional prophesiers of doom and despair. And some, too many, are sincere people who are just very depressed about it all, and have every right to be.

But what are the alternatives? Just give up, and let all the American history and the struggles, some of them won, go down the drain? Try to ignore it all, and watch TV comedies or superhero movies or sports? Stake out a position on one issue or another, and say that unless Democrats come to that position, they will simply abandon the party to the fascists? Look for another one of the dwindling amount of democracies to live in?

I would not tell people what to do, but I would hope that they will stand and contest, “to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.” It isn’t a matter of age, or the Age, it is what humans must do if they are to possibly triumph over all the adversity, hate, and evil out there.

We’ve got midterm elections in six months. We have not lost them yet. Each race matters. Maybe each of us can try to convince just two other people of what we know to be true: that Democrats have their flaws and differences of opinion, but they care about free speech, and a woman’s right to choose, and saving the planet, and trying to help everyone; whereas the Republicans are ONLY about brute power, forcing everyone else to do what they want, and to give all their money to them, and be ruled by them, as in the thousands of years of humanity where there were emperors, dictators, tyrants, with power to control or eliminate anyone they saw as a threat to their rule.

The choice is so stark as to be almost mythological; decency against pure, depthless evil. Roger Stone, a perverted and degenerate man who is the embodiment of pure evil, just said that he and his forces are the ones who represent the good, and his enemies the evil. Well, evil always tries to put on the illusion of good, but any still functioning heart and brain can easily see through the camouflage.

So we get up and we put on our gear, and we fight, in the best way we can. The game is not completely fixed. The people that we desperately want to do more and say more, are not secretly in collusion with the enemy, at least most of them are not. The January 6 Committee will have televised hearings, and the very admirable and courageous Jamie Raskin says that they will blow the roof off Congress; and of course he means it figuratively, because it is the Republicans who are the party of insurrection and sedition and violence.

Now, I am not saying that I might not wake up tomorrow and be more depressed about all this; or when I see another poll where people simply do not understand the economy; or what the Republicans plan to do to get rid of Social Security and Medicare, and to burden the middle class and poor with more taxes, so they can build their tenth house, and take rides on Elon Musk’s space attraction.

But Tennyson wrote that poem; and it wasn’t just about ancient Greece, or 19th Century England, or about him, or anyone he knew. It was about the human race and the human spirit. And that is why the poem is so moving today. It doesn’t say that we will win, it says that we must not stop trying.

It has been said that “poetry says what prose cannot.” And sometimes one can see and feel that, perhaps when it is needed most.

The fate of Russian energy industry executives and their families.

There have been two murder-suicides of Russian energy industry executives and their families in a week:

More on the latest one:

A little more:

Protosenya was the former vice president and chief accountant of Novatek, a major gas company with close connections to Gazprombank.

Protosenya left no suicide note, and there were no bloodstains on his body, El Punta Vui reported, without citing sources.

He was very careful for a desperate man. He made sure he did it the day after the first murder suicide, he left no explanation, and he tidied up before he hung himself. Sure, sure, this was just a domestic incident. Move along, nothing to see here.

Putting aside that there seems to be one murder-suicide short of a correlation, this is a horrific thing to have happen to an entire family including children. It must be making Russian gas executives and bankers very nervous.

Any speculation as to what’s going on here? Have they been giving gas away to Europe? Taking a hefty cut off the top without paying tribute to Putin first? Being a bit too forward in their opposition to anything related to the war in Ukraine?


McCarthy caught on tape

A new book by a couple of NYTimes Journalists is about to be released that says that a couple of days after the insurrection, House Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy had a conference call with Steve Scalise and Liz Cheney where he told both of them that Trump would be impeached a second time and that He should resign. Not only that but he was going to tell Trump personally that he should resign even though McCarthy doubted that Trump would do it.

In that same meeting, Cheney implied that there had been some plan fo invoke the 25th amendment.

In other words, the Republicans knew exactly who was responsible for storming the Capitol and that it was an impeachable offense and that Trump should resign over it. Just because he was acquitted in fhe Senate later doesn’t mean they thought he was innocent.

Even Mitch McConnell was hoping that the Democrats would impeach Trump again and get rid of him once and for all for the Republicans. Mitch speculated that there were seventeen senate Republicans who were pissed enough to vote to convict Trump. So why didn’t that happen?

It was because of the Trump base. They were so soaked in the big lie and so in thrall to Trump that they threatened the ability of the Republicans to win back the House and Senate in the future. So, neither of them had the cojones to stand up in front of the base and tell the honestly and with Grave seriousness that Trump needed to be held accountable. They were more afraid of the mob than they were afraid of losing their country.

And why were they so afraid of the Trumpers? Let’s think of this another way. In a recent man on the street interview on YouTube channel 1420, the question to ordinary Russians was “Is Ukraine full of Nazis?” There are a few Russians in that video who know exactly what’s going on but most of them have been sucked in by a relentless fire hose of state media that pumps out a steady dose of over the top rage about Ukrainian Nazis.

For those of us who have been paying attention, the answer is no, Ukraine is not full of Nazis. But there is a tiny political faction of Ukraine nationalists who are pretty close to fascist nazis. It’s a much smaller faction than our Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and “very fine people” who carry confederate flags and chant “Jews will not replace us”.

Ukraine’s government is liberal, democratic, progressive and not Nazi, and Ukrainians vastly are not nationalist fascists. Ukraine wants to join the EU, which is why Putin invaded. Russia, ironically, seems to be full of fascists and is run by a fascist dictator. Putin wants to stop Ukraine from integrating into Europe and escaping the Russian sphere of influence, because he insists that Ukrainians are Russian nationals and they just don’t know it yet. That is why he is tenderly shepherding them back into the fold by blowing the fuck out of their cities. So he made up this excuse that Ukraine has been taken over by Nazis, all Ukrainians are Nazis and Ukraine is about to invade Russia to justify his takeover of Ukraine.

The whole idea is absurd. Ukraine is 20 times smaller than Russia in size and has less than a third of the Russian population. Ukraine invading Russia is almost as improbable as Saddam Hussein launching a missile that would reach the US in 45 minutes. But you can always get a country to do what you want by telling them they are going to be attacked. I think Goebbels said that. “It works in any country”, he added. And Russian citizens are particularly vulnerable to that kind of messaging because they were attacked by Nazis in WWII. Nevermind that before 1940, they were actually taking Hitler’s side.

If you listen to those man on the street interviews, you can see how the general Russian public has swallowed that big lie and think that the invasion of Ukraine is justified. WE know it’s crazy and that they’re brainwashed by Russian media propaganda and that it’s horrific that Russian soldiers mutter that they’re going to teach Ukrainian Nazi whores a lesson as they rape the women and children. We know that their media fueled delusions are propping up Putin within the country and leading to dangerous destabilization around the world. We can see that Russians have completely dehumanized Ukrainians to the point where they deserve what’s coming to them and can be treated any way they want, defying international conventions of war and justifying crimes against humanity.

WE know that. But those Russians out there don’t and that’s what makes the whole country extremely dangerous.

I get the notion that Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell and a dozen Republican senators looked at the bloodthirsty mob that stormed the Capitol and heard their delusional rants about how Trump won the election when they knew he hadn’t and reflected with panic how they felt on January 6, 2021 and they crumpled. It is of no use to try to convince people to believe something different than what their media mouthpieces had been telling them for years. Even if McCarthy and McConnell had been honest with them, the Democrats and Liberals have been dehumanized. We’re evil, pedophilic communists who want to steal their hard earned money and they will do absolutely everything to prevent Democrats and Liberals from taking power.

McCarthy and McConnell looked at their choices and weighed whether it was better to say how they really felt about the insurrection in order to lead their constituents to getting rid of a dangerously unstable president or whether they should just keep their mouths shut so they could stay in power indefinitely. They chose the latter. They would ride Trumpism to the bitter end.

There has been some silly speculation with the news people tonight as to whether Mitch and Kevin would be held responsible, whether they would lose their leadership positions. I doubt that will happen. As far as the base is concerned, they are fighting the godless commie libs so lies are no big deal. Conscience is disposable as long as those animals can’t really run the country.

They’re safe, as far as I can see. Meanwhile, half of the country walks around with guns and hostility thinking the other half are as bad as Nazis.

Jung, Tucker Carlson and a Shortage of Self-Tanner

I was checking my YouTube recommends and ran across a video on quotations of Carl Jung. (Disclaimer: I have fun videos too. It’s not all philosophy and war strategy. Mostly, my subscriptions are for design, art, architecture. But they are FUN designers, artists and architects. Ok Nevermind 🙄)

Anyway, getting back to Jung. He was the founder of one of the two major schools of psychoanalysis that came out of Vienna. He was once a student and colleague of Freud but he and Sigmund disagreed on some key aspects of the psyche. I prefer Jung and see him as kind of a macro psychoanalyst where someone like BF Skinner was a micro psychoanalyst if that makes sense. And thus I conclude my review of Psychology 101 that I took (mumbles incoherently) years ago.

One of Jung’s focuses was on the duality of humans. Each sex has a feminine and masculine side. To be an integrated personality, you need to embrace the other side. There is also the concept of the shadow. The shadow is a part of your personality that you push away because it consists of characteristics that you have been conditioned to dislike.

So, I was reading these quotes from Jung and came across this one:

That made me think of Tucker Carlson and his new focus on masculinity. Apparently, testosterone levels are declining, which shouldn’t be THAT much of a problem. We have patches for that. What’s really confusing to me is why lower testosterone levels affect the MAGA guys especially. Why not the libs? I’ll let that question meander for a second.

Currently, the man with the biggest balls on earth is Volodymir Zelenskyy, a compact, Jewish dude in Ukraine with a pronounced liberal streak. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that there are women all over the world who want to sleep with him. And why is that? It’s because he doesn’t have to flash a giant ICBM called Satan 2 at the world to prove how manly he is. He puts on his military green T like all of the other soldiers in his army, without the flashy epaulets and medals or even a bespoke suit. He’s dedicated, emits a quiet strength, he’s humble, his conviction and Values come from the heart and are communicated with feeling to the rest of the world. We are drooling, guys.

Ok. Enuf of the fan girl crush. I have to get back to work.

My point is that Zelenskyy appears to have integrated both sides of his nature. I’m not sure what his shadow is but I’ll bet he’s pretty impervious to propaganda and psy ops.

Tucker Carlson is a purveyor of propaganda and psy ops. He is poking at the MAGA male’s fear of weakness and femininity. So his shtick is to focus on low testosterone levels, as if the loss of the hormone that makes you want to act like an orc is the cause of what ails this country.

The flip side of this is an utter contempt for women. Have you seen the absurd lengths that some states will go to in order to keep women pregnant and unhappy?? And why is he talking about “order” and why does he think that orderliness is a male characteristic? I know men who’s houses are chaos and disorderliness. Who cares as long as they are enjoying their lives and work? (But maybe they should work on their thoughts about neatness and procrastination. What’s THAT all about?? And yes, it’s one of my issues as well.) Not only is this tyrannical orderliness not exclusively male, it just shows that Tucker has never had a nun as a teacher.

But no one I know is asking for a daddy figure to protect them, by exchanging their safety for keeping them in line and enforcing order. Or at least they’re not admitting to it because what could be less masculine than being a grown up man who needs a father figure who will ground anyone who doesn’t obey? How is that masculine? Are they planning to take on this role themselves? Please refer to the sentence about no one is asking for this service from them. Besides, it’s not going to work. You can’t put emancipated women back in the bottle. You can only make their lives harde, reduce their domestic incomes and increase their responsibilities with no meaningful improvement in their quality of life or their safety. They’ll hate you for that. Or do you want to be more feared than loved? Where does that lead?

So, verily I say unto all you guys who are secretly considering sunbathing in the nude: don’t waste your time. Any guy who buys what Tucker is selling might as well buy a big bottle of self-tanner and apply it generously. You’ll get more out of it, pun intended.

What you really need to do is sit and have a think about why you have such contempt for women. Be more like Zelenskyy and less like the asshole who is sending rapists into Bucha.

Lawsuits, please!

I imagine that there are several matters that we would like to see lawsuits filed about. I’ll just mention one now.

We saw that this ABA-rated “Unqualified” District Court Judge from Florida, appointed by Trump, and passed through by the Republican Senate, decided that the CDC mask mandate for airline travel should be overturned. Not only had this judge never appeared in a court to handle a trial, she undoubtedly has no background in medicine, but she decided to impose her absolutely ignorant thoughts upon everyone else.

She wrote that masks do not sanitize the surrounding areas. And? This means that they have no value in terms of preventing the mask-wearer from contracting Covid, or indeed any airborne disease? She said that the mask could prevent the inhalation of droplets, but apparently that was not enough to warrant its required use, in her stupid and dangerous opinion. I could have read the whole opinion, but it would be like reading QAnon.

So unless and until this decision (and of course the case was brought to her because she was most likely to rule for the people who brought it) is appealed, it stands, and the CDC mask mandate for air travel, which was continued through May 3, is ended. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that it did not make much difference if Hillary had won in 2016. My guess is that her administration would have saved 800,000 lives, and the pandemic would truly be over.

So this is bad enough, but some of the airlines, specifically Jet Blue, and I think Alaska Airlines, were so excited about this, that their pilots were announcing it to the passengers. One of them said that he was about to make the most important announcement he had ever made, “You can take off your masks!” And of course the usual idiots clapped and threw off their masks.

Now, just on its face, if the CDC felt that the wearing of masks in a closed airplane would help prevent illness and worse, I would be happy to go with that; and certainly I do want a CDC, because without it, there is nothing between us and the Republican Social Darwinist Party, which was happy enough to have amputated or sick workers thrown out on the streets to die, while the incredibly wealthy families of the Gilded Age had their carriages drive by. Maybe sometimes they threw them a penny, who can remember?

We do remember Trump trying to mute all the sane doctors, and put his hacks in charge, to downplay the dangers, to recommend worthless and dangerous treatments, to spend most of their time praising Trump. That is what it would always be like any time this Republican Party was in charge. People just do not realize it, at least not enough of them.

So here are the pilots (and from what I’ve read, anecdotally, they are a largely right-wing group of people), not only celebrating the passengers’ ability to take off their masks without violating the mask mandate and being taken off the plane if they refused to wear a mask, but urging them to do so. And that, in my opinion, is a violation of ethics and law.

Now, I am not any kind of expert in this field, and I know that airlines, like any large and very wealthy corporations, have attorneys on retainer to protect their interests. But I do not see how changing the safety protocols in mid-flight, after essentially contracting with the passengers that they would be according to the way they were written when the customers bought the tickets, is not a clear violation of a contract, whether explicit or implicit.

I don’t fly much, but I do assume that there is some kind of document or form which you sign, which lists various rules and protocols, covering many things, such as charges, cancellations, what you can bring on the plane. And if it were not the case three years ago, it certainly must be now, that there are clearly written rules regarding health and safety. And unquestionably the wearing of masks onboard the plane, by passengers and crew, was legally mandated. And violation of this mandate would be punishable, primarily for the safety of the other passengers and crew. That is really the point of most health mandates, though the selfish and sociopathic group which has fought masks and vaccinations for two years, does not care to understand this, they think everything is only about them.

You buy a ticket, maybe just yours, or very possibly for others, too, which might include elderly people, children, people at greater than usual health risk. You carefully peruse the rules set out by the airline, which includes their health protocols. You choose your airline based on various considerations, but certainly health standards now being a very important part of that.

You go on the plane with your three-year old child, or your eighty-year old spouse or parent, or someone who is at more danger of contracting Covid than other people, maybe because it is not safe for them to be vaccinated, or they have various immunity issues. You are comfited by the fact that everyone on the plane is wearing a mask. Then, while you are on the flight, this hack judge makes her ruling, the airline immediately informs its flight personnel, and either tells them to announce that all the passengers can remove their masks, or certainly does not tell them that the protocols are in place until the flights have landed.

Can an entity change its health rules right in the middle of something which they promised would have stricter ones, when the customers have no ability whatsoever to get away from the venue or vehicle where they are? I do not think so.

I know that many people justifiably were very angry, and wrote letters to the airlines expressing their displeasure, and asking for refunds. I think it should go much further. I think that they are entitled not only to full refunds of the price of the flights, but also other damages, including psychological, for them and their family. Not only for those flights, but what are they going to do when they still have to fly back with family to their original place of embarkation? That is trickier, what if they were not flying back until a month later; would the original health protocols be part of the contract? Probably not, but why not sue for as many things as you can, given the absolutely contemptible actions of the airline management and their flight crews in this situation?

What if one of these passengers caught Covid on this flight, or even the flu, or something else that they reasonably thought they were provided some protection from, because everyone on the plane was required to wear a mask on the flight–until they dropped the protections right in the middle of the flight? Hard to prove, of course, but not impossible.

From any reasonable perspective, the airlines should never have changed their health regulations while the flights were in progress. Passengers relied on them. Can you imagine if you booked some kind of trip to the Grand Canyon, and the brochure told you about the safety measures in place on the vehicles they used to transport you; and then right when you were at the edge of the chasm, they announced that they were taking off the seat belts, or the guardrails, or exchanging the mules for some other animal?

Our side can sue, too. We are constantly seeing the intimidation tactics of the Right, the social darwinists, the people who do not care about your protection; who would apparently think that if someone wanted to drive 150mph on the freeway, it is their choice. Of course, they never say that, but how does that differ from saying that if you don’t feel like wearing a mask, you don’t have to, even though you put everyone else at great risk?

I hope Jet Blue goes bankrupt from this. What a dreadful abrogation of responsibility and care. What if this ruling were appealed, and the mandate were reinstituted; should the airlines then have their pilots announce that everyone must put on a mask, and that those who do not will be taken off the plane, and subject to further penalties from the airlines, and criminal punishments? Is that not the converse of what happened? And what is worse, being told that the rules have changed and you must institute protections, or that the rules have changed and you can get rid of the protections, thus risking everybody else’s health?

The Department of Justice is expected to appeal the judge’s ruling striking down the mask mandate. And Jen Psaki, as always, said it very well: An appeal is needed, not just to preserve the mandate, but to preserve “CDC authority over the long-term” in case the pandemic worsens again. “Because as we’ve noted from here, we expect there to be ups and downs of the pandemic. And we certainly want the CDC to continue to have this authority.”

That is a crucial issue. The ruling was another effort by the Trump judiciary to destroy the power and authority of the administrative bodies charged with protecting health and safety Recently, the Supreme Court denied the power of OSHA to set health rules. Five more years of this, and it will be every person for himself. Just like the Republicans have always wanted it. Just the way it was, until Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Administration created bodies and enacted laws which provided American workers and citizens with at least some protections against a society run by very wealthy people who saw them as serfs and chattel in service only to their own pursuit of untrammeled power. Sue these airlines!

(Just after I wrote this, I see that the DOJ, with the support of the CDC, is going to appeal that ruling. Given the Supreme Court’s decision in the earlier case involving OSHA, I would imagine that they will strike this mandate down, as well, but maybe the goal is to buy time for health protection of Americans. I do not expect that we will ever see a ruling from them on Government vs Business where we are surprised in a positive way. What a sad but predictable thing. I still think that people should sue the airlines. If companies won’t listen to moral and health arguments, maybe they will listen to revenue decline arguments),

Republicans About to Reach Fahrenheit 451

Most have heard of the novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, published in 1953. The title, as noted by Bradbury in the front page, refers to the temperature at which a book can be completely burned.

The novel is about a future society where no one is allowed to read or own books. It appears that the government decided that books contained too many potentially depressing or upsetting ideas, so that for the good of the people, no one should have them. If someone is found to own one, “firemen” are called in, not to stop fires as in the olden days, but to set the books on fire.

I don’t remember too much of the details of the novel, or the movie which came out in 1966. The power of it was in the title, and then the concept: that there would be an America where books were not only banned, but destroyed on sight. So the term “Fahrenheit 451” became a shorthand for evoking a totalitarian state where books were considered dangerous, and people who owned them were criminals.

The history of book banning and book burning in Western Civilization is a depressing one. The monk Savonarola was a medieval leader in that unholy crusade. Various arms of the Catholic Church did it in later centuries. In this country, there were various periods, most notably the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, where banning and burning of books had increased.

The arguments made by the book burners were always that the books and their ideas were dangerous;, that they would indoctrinate people, turn them into Communists, or atheists, or anti-capitalists. They wouldn’t necessarily spell all this out, they would just say that the book was dangerous, or obscene, radical, revolutionary.

Against these tides, the liberals were almost always standing strong to protect the importance of ideas, of art, and of diverse points of view. There were many movies and television episodes where the narrative pitted those who would suppress and punish ideas, against those who valued them. Some excellent speeches were written by the scriptwriters, passionately arguing for the importance of a civilization where ideas are esteemed, and where well-intentioned people had the right to debate among themselves. That was the liberal intellectual ideal.

Now, we are in a worse era, where the attacks on books and shows come from different sides. It appears that there is a great deal of intolerance against anything which threatens someone’s sense of values. As if people cannot be trusted to learn and decide for themselves, they must be constantly guarded and protected by those who profess to know what is right, and how people should think and act.

I accept that on the far fringes, books which clearly advocate hatred and killing of ethnic or religious minorities should not be allowed to freely be disseminated. But that is the extreme. Anyone who wants to, can condemn virtually any book for being “radical,” or “dangerous.” The Far Right has done this for centuries; and it is tragic that some parts of the Left now want to do it, at least with movies or shows.

The danger is not just that people are deprived of having their intellects and ideas challenged; but that the people who have the most power then get to control everyone else by deciding what ideas are allowed. That of course is what they always have done in totalitarian, authoritarian states.

The people who control such countries know that their biggest threat is not from the people rising up with weapons, but it is ideas, those which might teach their compatriots that the dictatorship or empire is corrupt, lawless, and evil. So to avoid this, they tightly control all areas of communication, with the ultimate punishment for those whom they think are writing or discussing ideas other than the rigid, brainwashing dogma that the totalitarian purveys.

So now we are in a time when the Republican Party, long an enemy of free speech, and anything which might threaten the power of the monied elites, has turned into a collection of fascists resembling the nightmarish times of 1930’s Europe. Chief among these fascists, is governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, an angry, belligerent man who is determined to keep people from hearing, reading, or voting on anything that he does no want them to.

He is getting away with it; America is moving away from democracy; and also because Republicans have come up with their newest bogeyman, “the woke left,” whom they now contend, as they did with the Communists of the past, are intending to subvert this great country by insinuating themselves into government, ideas, and the arts, and trying to indoctrinate everyone, particularly innocent children, into their evil ways.

This is working so well, particularly absent any interest from the media in fighting for free expression other than what they themselves specifically want to say, that they are now trying to ban all sorts of books from libraries. Just like they did fifty to a hundred years ago, battles that we thought that we and ideas had won. As you know, virtually any book can be attacked for being “dangerous to us,” or “provocative,” or “overly sexual,” or “rebellious.”

They have never given up on banning J.D. Salinger’s ‘Catcher in the Rye,” which was so appealing to generations of young adults, simply because it questioned adults, and conformity, but was hardly insurrectionary in the slightest degree. The Right hated works that criticized social darwinist capitalism, books such as Dreiser’s “Sister Carrie,” Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath,” and various movies of the ’30’s and ’40’s. They hated books with an anti-war slant, such as Jones’ “From Here to Eternity,” or Heller’s “Catch-22.” They didn’t like any book which questioned their religiousness. They tried to get rid of books which had sex in them, hinted at, or more explicit. Give them more power, and they will broaden their sweep, and try to turn America into an extension of 1690’s Puritan New England.

They have discovered the perfect enemy in something called “Critical Race Theory,” which, as I have written about here, seems to be a concept advanced by mostly Black people, that racism is so structurally ingrained in our society, that the mechanisms of the structure make it almost impossible to remove, but that everyone should be aware of it.

When someone talks about “teaching CRT in schools,” it is made so sound like indoctrination, rather than analysis. “Teaching about” something sounds different than “Teaching” something. I think that all sorts of things should be taught about, introduced to students, including various political and social theories. But not taught as a concept that the students must follow.

Of course no one is doing that, but the Fascist Right has its easy target, which is Black people; so if CRT is advanced by Black scholars, then they can frighten people that their children are being taught to hate Whites, including themselves. If people believe that, then CRT is always a winning issue for Republicans. In Virginia, thanks once again to the help of a compliant and foolish media, they convinced enough voters that CRT, which was not on the curriculum of any school in Virginia, was the most important issue, and so they got Trumpist Glenn Youngkin elected governor, whereupon he immediately started firing people, and trying to control dissemination of ideas.

Then Republicans knew they had a winner, so they started using “CRT” as a potential scare symbol, in every election. It is their way of hiding the intellectual tyranny they want to impose, a tactic used by absolutists and zealots.

DeSantis got rules passed in Florida that if any parent objects to something being taught in a classroom, he or she can report it, and it will mandate investigations, hearings, and very possibly firings and loss of career. This has two effects: first, the process itself, where any disgruntled Right Wing parent (any disgruntled Left Wing parent, assuming there are any in Florida, would not do this, out of respect for freedom in classrooms, and because they would be ignored) could complain about anything said, or invented to have been said, in any classroom. And then second, the “chilling effect” of intimidating teachers into never bringing up a subject or an idea which one of the repressive Right Wing parents in this oppressively Right Wing state might object to, or not want brought up.

And of course, inevitably, they are going further. The Florida Board of Education just announced that it was banning 41% of the math books for use in schools in the state. The statement said, “The highest number of books rejected were for Grade Levels K-5, where an alarming 71% of textbooks were not aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics.” The Lieutenant Governor said something about how the people who wrote these textbooks tried to slap a new coat of paint on their efforts to indoctrinate students.

Now, were there any examples given by her, or by DeSantis, or by the Board of Education? Not one. Not one single thing they could point to, to show what they meant, even if what they meant is absurd. No, they just declared it.

In more normal times, this would be challenged by parents, and by attorneys. They just tossed out 71% of the math textbooks for kindergarten to fifth grade, contending that some mysterious entity was using them to indoctrinate students, but had not one sentence or word in there that they could point to.

Now, what is between this, and the impending goal of trying to toss out every history book or literature book, or reading book, and replacing them with books by Christian Fundamentalists, or QAnon? The Board of Education is not fighting for academic freedom, even for little children, they are on the side of the book banners. They might as well declare Florida “The Christian Republican State of Florida.” They won’t do that, they’ll just institute it. And that’s what DeSantis, and Hawley, and Cruz and the rest of them have as their dream for what was once known as America, The Land of Liberty.

There is not possibly anything in elementary school math textbooks which is propagandistic. But the MAGAs are using CRT as their cudgel to simply ban things out of hand, just like the Republicans used to say that this or that book was pro-Communist, a clear and present danger to the country. There were always some credulous people who believed the likes of Joe McCarthy, and there are more like that now.

This is so awful in so many ways. Florida may as well be Hungary. It is not America. Every book in the Florida school libraries and classrooms will now be completely at the will of the Far Right Florida state officials. We cannot control what kind of people various states elect, but everyone this country should be protected from fascists trying to control what is read, and what people can say, inside of the fringes.

That was the idea of America, it is why we wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution. “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.” I am well aware that a state banning textbooks or proscribing what is said in math books does not absolutely directly fall under the First Amendment. But how much different is this than a state passing laws to require various things not be taught, not be said, not be learned about by children or adults?

And if someone wants to debate that issue, you certainly would not want to start with math books for second graders, that some insanely evil people are trying to contend are subtly trying to indoctrinate the children into some agenda that is being insidiously put into the books by subversive forces, in a state where the Far Right controls the entire executive and legislative mechanism.

Govenor DeSantis recently officially proposed a redistricting map which literally eliminated the seats of three Black Florida Congresspeople. That is acceptable, the Supreme Court keeps saying; but somehow there is this unidentified, unnamed cabal of people who keep trying to slip Critical Race Theory and various liberal ideas into the children’s textbooks?

Unknowledgeable and very dangerous people will believe anything, including that the Republicans in the state of Florida are protecting them and their children from people who are trying to fill the elementary school math books with subversive propaganda. Next, it might be the drinking water. We went through that in the 1960’s with the “fluoridated water Communist plots” They also said that the PTA was a Communist Front organization. We’re getting back there, but at least then the Supreme Court was not filled with opus dei members who would gladly let them get away with this kind of would-be tyranny over speech and expression.

This has to be stopped, or at the least, exposed and countered. I strongly urge Democrats to not shy away from using the term “fascism” to describe what the Republicans are, and what they are doing. If more people are not awakened to this threat, it will just become accepted reality, and that must never happen. Move out of Florida; file lawsuits against the Florida Board of Education; hold parent meetings at the school. Vote DeSantis and his fascist comrades out of office.

Run ads using that word, not shying away from it for fear of upsetting people who are every day forced to listen to the fascists slander Democrats, and accuse them of being all the things which the Republicans actually are, and with a power that the Democrats never had, to implement their tyranny over the minds and education of adults and children. It takes a long time to write a book, it takes only a few second to burn it. The same with a democracy.

O Elbereth Gilthoniel!

A Elbereth Gilthoniel o menel palan-diriel, le nallon
O Elbereth Starkindler from firmanent gazing afar, to thee I cry
sí di-nguruthos! A tiro nin, Fanuilos!
here beneath death-horror! O look towards me, Everwhite!

Shine your light on Ukraine and kindle its heart.

War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

—JRR Tolkien

Russian News: like Fox without the Blonde MILFs

You might like to know what news is like in Russia. We’ve all heard about the news blackout there but what kind of messages are they receiving depends on the age and gender of the recipients. Like, what does a babushka hear or read? (Studdabuppas in Pittsburghese)

I stumbled across YouTuber Niki Proshin a couple of weeks ago. He’s still in Saint Petersburg, Russia and has been updating his subscribers on the effects of sanctions on the average person. In his most recent video, he gives us a tour of Russian news media sources, complete with helpful English translations. It’s the future of American news if the Trumpists get their wish.

There is no Ainsley Earhardt wearing a figure hugging red sheath dress, with her legs crossed demurely, sitting between two creepy beta males. She’s pretty, she’s blonde, she’s flirting with the idea of doing a Basic Instinct thing. Is she wearing underwear? Alas, we may never know.

Yeah, there’s none of that on this Russian news program. It’s big guys with bowling ball heads standing up and delivering the absolute truth with a straight face.
