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He’s not demented. He’s just not very smart.

Trump is like a shark. Single minded. Driven to consume and rip to shreds for his own survival.

But you don’t need to be smart to do that. I don’t mean that you need a degree to be smart. I have met plenty of people with degrees that aren’t very smart. Everyone has deficits. I suck at math. It’s always been a struggle for me. I can’t leave home without my calculator.

No, the degree thing is not the problem. After all, Trump has a degree. Anyone can get one provided someone is willing to pay for it for you. Look at Lori Laughlin’s daughters. One of them didn’t even want to go to college and yet her parents lied her way into USC. A little palm greasing got her there. Same with Trump.

But I’m guessing that if Laughlin’s daughters were interested in college, they would have been able to get into one without much trouble. They didn’t have to go to USC.

The thing about Trump is he’s dangerously not smart. We’ve all watched him in the last three years. At first, his policies were just thuggish and mean, while the economy hummed along without much help. We didn’t see how unsmart he really was.

But little by little, his unsmartness has been exposed. All it took was a time and Trump’s inability to refrain from emoting all the time.

He doesn’t seem to know how unsmart he is. If he knew, he might have stepped aside whenever the science of coronavirus came up. He could have said… nothing. That would have been better. Nothing would have been refreshing. A slightly smarter guy would have said, “this is not my lane so I’m going to let my experts craft the proper strategy and I’ll do everything I can to implement their recommendations. Don’t worry. Our best and brightest will lead.” Why didn’t one of his advisors tell him to do that?? Probably because he is not bright enough to appoint the right advisors.

It’s gotten worse. His shark like behavior is getting in the way of making good decisions.

Virginia Heffernan wrote a review of Mary Trump’s book in the LA Times yesterday and pulled out these quotes that explain the phenomenon of Donald Trump:

He’s not demented. He’s not crazy. He’s just had someone pay his way and cover his mental deficiencies. I’m not sure what that deficiency is but it’s staring us in the face.

He’s not going to get smarter. It’s incredible that we, the greatest nation in the world, have managed to install a man so wholly unfit to lead or even think his way through this. Every move he makes is intended for short term fluffing of Donald Trump to the long term detriment of Donald Trump. He’s not even smart enough to save himself.

About Remdesivir

This is another installment of pharma related posts you guys will probably not read but I thought it was important enough to bring up.

Gilead pharmaceuticals presented findings from a limited study on severely ill Coronavirus patients using its anti-viral drug Remdesivir. The study shows that Remdesivir shows modest activity, reducing death rates by 62%. It’s not as impressive as it sounds but it’s not nuthin’.

For those of you who are mildly curious, this is the structure of Remdesivir:

Remdesivir’s modus operandi probably involves interfering with RNA in some way. Coronavirus is a retrovirus, meaning it only carries its RNA around with it for efficiency’s sake. It makes your cells do all the heavy lifting. The scaffold structure of this drug looks like a nucleotide (heterocycle A, sugar B, phosphate C). There are additional bits and pieces added to the scaffold that likely adds to its activity.

In regular non-Covid R&D, we would never do drug discovery this way. But this is an emergency. In regular time, we would identify a target protein of the virus and do high throughput screening (HTS) of a compound library against that target protein. The HTS would identify potential hits and the cheminformaticists and drug designers would mine bigger virtual compound libraries for compounds that look similar to it. Then we would go through a zillion iterations of optimizations with a project team with the biologists sucking up most of the meeting time talking about detergents and showing gels that are indistinguishable from last week’s gels. And all of that work is very important. I’m not trying to minimize it. But it does take a lot of time. It’s like everyone starting off blind and gradually seeing what they’re dealing with.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

What we’ve done here is a little more direct. We’ve started with known anti-viral meds, given them to patients and seen if any of them helped. The good news is Remdesivir helps. The bad news is it’s like giving Tylenol to someone who has had major surgery. I mean, sure, it’s better than nothing but it’s not a cure. The activity of this type of drug needs to be optimized.

Would *I* take it if I had a severe case of Covid? Absolutely. I wouldn’t expect a miracle but it’s a hell of a lot better than hydroxychloroquine, which on top of being utterly ineffective is more likely to kill you. I’m putting that in my directives. Dexamethasone and Remdesivir, yes; hydroxychloroquine, no, non, Nyet

Anyway, back to the good news. Now that we know that this class of drugs works, we can mine the database directly and pass it on to medicinal chemists who will make slight modifications that can be tested in vitro (“in glass”, basically, a test that doesn’t require a live animal). If they look promising, they can be tested in vivo (in a live animal).

Will they give it straight to humans? Depends on what can be mined from the databases. If the mining shows up something that has already been tested for something else and has been found relatively non-toxic and easily available to the body, maybe? Well, hydroxychloroquine was hyped and fast tracked with less evidence so maybe. Otherwise, let’s just hope that med chem can crank out some compounds and get them tested.

So, get your hopes up but not too much over this announcement. I know that we are all breathlessly waiting for someone to announce a cure so things can get back to normal. That’s the way the media presents these things but the reality is much more realer. It’s going to take awhile.

In the meantime, cover your freakin’ face.

For more in-depth analysis on stuff like this, see Derek Lowe’s In The Pipeline blog.

A message from the new leader of the free world

Angela Merkel of Germany:

Just want to point out here that she’s a chemist. Quantum, if I’m not mistaken. Modeling systems on an atomic level is their jam.

In times like these, it pays to have a leader who actually understands how system s}#% works.

Compare the above to the guy currently holding the White House hostage:

As Wolfgang Pauli, another German (ok, Austrian🙄) quantum chemist said, “This is not even wrong”. The tweet above shows such a lack of understanding that there is no point even refuting it. No, you MAGA heads and 2A belligerents out there, I am not trying to be condescending. In a situation this serious, it’s time to stop allowing President Boaty McBoatface to own the libs. We need to expect him to do the job that YOU GUYS elected him to do. The rest of us are just along for the ride on this road trip from hell and none of us deserve to be put in mortal danger, even if, and I don’t approve of this myself, even if, there are those of us who get all sanctimonious about veganism and knitting our own sandals.

I’m not trying to be cute here. Whatever beef you think you have with Liberals, get the f{#% over it. We don’t have time for that now. And we shouldn’t have any patience for the nonsense McBoatface has spewed above. He’s trying, desperately and with the most stupid strategy imaginable, to make everyone go back to work because for some unfathomable reason, he gets mad props for the economy. There is no basis for that belief either but I don’t have time to go over it now.

Just get him to stop putting us in mortal danger. Is that too much to ask? Put down your petty grievances for two seconds and get on the horn to your local Republican Senator and tell him or her to do something and DO IT NOW.

Oh, I get it now

Masks are scary, like clowns:

It goes something like this:

The deep state, (whatever that is, I guess we sciencey types are now lumped in with the evil CIA spymasters and FBI agents) are trying to scare people so they can be controlled.

So, to not wear a mask signifies your freedom from the terrormongering of the deep state. That’s why Trump doesn’t wear a mask- to show that he’s not afraid of the deep state.

Ok maybe I don’t get it because the virus is totally still out there and Texas, Florida and Arizona, hardly hotbeds of pinko commie liberalism, are running out of hospital beds. The numbers are there. You can choose to wear a mask or not wear a mask. It’s up to you.

Just be sure to watch your step so you don’t fall off the edge of the world.

Still wondering about this. There are studies that show that conservatives have bigger amygdalas or something so they tend to be more fearful than the average person and their fear of mortality is easier to manipulate for authoritarian politicians.

But what would be the point of activating that fear against an illusory “deep state” while turning it off when it comes to the real threat??

That’s the part I don’t understand. It’s almost guaranteed to make the pandemic worse. What is the end goal here? There’s got to be one.

Oh, wait, I think I get it. If we are all living in a state of terror, the deep state will be condemning us to this narrative and we will all be afraid to… go back to work to make the economy pick up and move on?

So, the deep state wants the economy to grind to a halt? For what purpose?

To make Trump lose?

Wait, wait, wait, it’s all starting to make some sick sense. If we wear masks, we want the deep state to win so that Trump loses. So anyone who wears a mask… is a made of wood and is therefore a witch!! Burn her! Burn her!

Wow, that’s a lot of motivation to untangle to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected. It takes a lot of time and campaign cash to get people to believe that. It’s even weirder when you think that the deep state pushing the mask thing will actually be slowing down the rate of transmission and eventually flattening the curve, as soon as the southern states learn the hard way. Paradoxically, that should speed up the rate at which we can get the economy up and running. So the deep state is vindictively pushing the mask terror narrative to make Trump lose while at the same time encouraging good pandemic hygeine which will improve the economy and also improve Trump’s chances of winning.

You know, if I weren’t so afraid of getting sick, I’d ditch this mask and run around with scissors just to show the deep state who’s boss. I don’t want it to be helping Trump win.


How about masks make Trump look bad because he didn’t respond to the threat of the virus in time and with enough resources so that the economy died and so did his election chances. That doesn’t rely on the deep state, of whose actions or existence we have no proof. It only relies on past documented history and our own eyes and ears.

The answer is yes, she does sound insane.

The School Reopening Wedge Issue Would be Hillarious if it Weren’t so Deadly

Trump wants to order the governors to reopen the schools for the fall term. Most schools start in August these days except for NJ where they mostly start after Labor Day. The Trump campaign’s theory is that reopening the schools is really going to tick off the governors from just the blue states and that they will be sent into paroxysms of rabid anger.

That might have been true about 6 weeks ago but I’m guessing that there are going to be a lot of newly woke suburban Republicans in Phoenix, Amarillo and Homestead, Florida who aren’t going to be so keen on this idea. Sure parents are climbing the walls after their kids and can’t wait to put the little tikes on a schoolbus. But they don’t want the germy beasts to come back after school with something deadly.

And what about the after school and before school programs? They’re frequently run by private entities. Who’s going to force them to reopen?

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of teachers who don’t want to get sick and whose lives may be on the line. I don’t know why anyone would want to be a teacher. It’s not my cup of tea but I used to serve on a school board and met a lot of them who actually like it. Yeah, go figure. It’s not the classroom that scares them. It’s the tiny germ factories aerosolizing their viruses in an enclosed space. Even masks aren’t going to prevent some of those teachers from getting deathly ill. I’m sorry, but I don’t think “working on site during a pandemic” is in most contracts.

But let’s say you are the president and you are actually sincere about the well being and educational accomplishments of students and justifiably fear that keeping children out of school is jeopardizing the preparedness of future working generations.

Stop laughing. I’m being serious.

Ok, imagine it’s any other leader other than the “president” we’re currently stuck with. Wouldn’t such a leader want those children and teachers to have the same level of protection as he does? That is, anyone who has the potential to come within 6 feet of you should be tested – everyday. Anyone who tests positive is sent right home for quarantine and all people in that household are tested as well.

Wait! There’s more. What if you retrofitted the classrooms with the UV lamps that are harmless to people but deadly to viruses? That should cut down on transmission, along with masks and social distancing.

THEN you might be ready to open the schools.

Have we heard about any of that? Or is it more of the same old “We took your federal tax dollars but we’re not going to use it to test anymore or give you federal education money. You state and local governments are on your own. Suckers!

I’m going to guess it’s the latter.

This strategy, if you can call it that, is meant to break teacher’s unions, erode public education and make the blue states look unreasonable because don’t we have everything under control?? Go back to my last post and see what it’s like to live in West Berlin in Allegheny County where there has been a recent resurgence and zero test kits. Sure you can keep it in check. But you have to still accommodate the Limbaugh fans who think that curtailing their ability to spread the virus around any way they please is tantamount to making them quarter soldiers or something. You need to be able to close bars and restaurants and other enclosed spaces – like classrooms.

Anyway, all of this should be pretty clear at this point to those of us cold blooded thought experimentalists. He’s going to try to drive a wedge between the blue states and the red states. That might have worked until the last couple of weeks. But with the number of infections spiking in his must win states in the south and west, he’s going to only be shining a light on what’s going to happen to them next as their children get sick and spread the infection even further. Trump would know this if he looked at the stats everyday or got out more.

Yeah, he really needs to get out more. You know, visit some ICU units in Arizona. Without a mask.

The Trump administration’s recent executive orders, like expelling foreign students from the country if their colleges don’t have on- site classes and this latest mandate to open the schools while simultaneously ending federal testing resources, seems arbitrary, capricious and vindictive. It reminds me of the worst monarchs from our English cultural history. King John and Charles I come to mind. This administration acts like it can do whatever it wants and imposing impossible to meet standards and applying harsh penalties for non-compliance without any redress. Who’s going to stop him?

Well, we got a Magna Carta out of John and a revolution and constitutional monarchy out of Charles I. Eventually beneficial outcomes from horrible circumstances.

Maybe we can hold all of the Republican politicians responsible for our current eucatastrophe.


The real purpose, just in time:


SW PA: First the bad news, then the bad news

We live in West Berlin, PA, for one thing. That means that as blue and savvy as Pittsburgh is, we are surrounded by some pretty, well, let’s just call them dedicated Trump cultists. We outnumber them but unfortunately, viruses propagate profligately. Allegheny county reopened mid June. I popped into a local brewery that first weekend and was surprised to see it packed, PACKED with people in the late night demographic. They were all wearing masks, so that was good. I think the proprietors of Inner Groove in Verona are pretty smart people. But there was just a general outpouring of pent up party attitude everywhere in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago. (Inner Groove just happens to make some mighty fine brews so I thought I’d mention them, not because they were doing anything wrong. They weren’t.)

Anyway, that must have been the week when Covid did a Walker and came back all snarly and ravenous. It started jumping from bar goer to bar goer, mostly in the Oakland area, which has a lot of students off campus, and on the South Side, which has a bar about every 10 ft on Carson Street.

It was pretty easy to figure out where everyone was picking it up. Plus, Mix some people from the stubborn FREEDOM! contingent with your average everyday person and voile! It started spreading like wildfire.

The mayor, Bill Peduto, tried to reason with everyone in a “please go easy on the bars and wear your masks” style to “Don’t make me come back there!” messaging. Nothing worked. So, he grounded us and closed the bars again. That’ll learn us.

Regrettably, we went from a nearly flattened curve to about 200 cases/day. The good thing is it’s kind of a plateau at 200 cases/day. The bad thing is it’s sort of stuck there and Allegheny county looks like a very slow learner compared to the rest of the state.

The virus is circulating among young people and I now finally know ONE person who has tested positive. I have only met him a couple times downtown and not since we all started working from home. He’s the boyfriend of a friend.

So, the friend started feeling (or started to imagine feeling?) under the weather too. She got a script from her PCP to get tested yesterday, took it to a testing lab and found…

There are no COVID tests left in the region.

You heard that right. There are no more tests in the region. Anywhere. This is a recent development. It happened in the last few days. Who knows if this is related to the Feds cutting off the tests on June 30 and leaving it to the states. Maybe they had enough left over to get through the first week of July then poof! No more tests!

That could be problematic in Allegheny county. Because even if the fire is blazing out of control in Phoenix, Miami and Houston, we are still at the stage where we can do contact tracing here in Pittsburgh. But not if there are no tests.

Sooo, there’s that…

Far from the madding crowd

Jonna Jinton reflects on June and midsomer just past from a remote village on a lake in Sweden. Lots of sunshine, beautiful photography, silly things, mosquitos…

Give that gurl a Tony

Randy Rainbow has outdone himself with this one. All your little friends who have seen The Little Mermaid a zillion times will recognize Ursula’s song. Share all over the place.

Oo! Oo! Do Frozen. Or the Gaston song from Beauty and the Beast. So much material…

Omg, we’re doomed on Covid-19

Chief of Staff Mark Meadows speaks to the people who don’t have time to do thought experiments:

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on Monday defended President Trump’s unsubstantiated assertion over the weekend that 99 percent of coronavirus cases in the United States are “totally harmless,” saying that “the vast majority of people are safe from this.”

During an appearance on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends,” Meadows was asked where Trump got that statistic — cited during a speech at the White House marking Independence Day celebrations on Saturday — and whether it was a “generalization.”

“I don’t even know that it’s a generalization,” Meadows said. “When you start to look at the stats and look at all the numbers that we have, all the testing that we have, the vast majority of people are safe from this. When you look at the deaths that we have, if you’re over 80 years of age or if you have what they call co-morbidities — diabetes, hypertension, heart issues — then you need to be very, very careful. Outside of that, the risks are extremely low, the president’s right with that, and the facts and the statistics back us up there.”

Ok, let’s break this down:

99% of us are going to be mildly afflicted or asymptomatic is great! But there are 328,000,000 in the US. 1% of that is still:

3,280,000 people.

That’s a lot of people.

Comorbidities are important. So, if you are overweight, this is a good time to lose weight. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are associated with obesity. Again, a good reason to lose weight. Your chances of getting seriously ill are correlated with it.

But there are still people with no known risk factors who are still getting ill. And some of them are young. Broadway star Nick Cordero died yesterday at the age of 41 after 90 days in ICU. He was intubated for much of that time and suffered what looked like permanent lung damage. He also had to have one of his legs amputated. He was otherwise a young, healthy, physically active adult.

And that is the problem. You don’t know if you’re going to be one of those 3,280,000 million people, how sick you will be, how long you will be sick or whether you will need to be hospitalized.

I’m going to assume that if you’re 80+, and you get Covid, your time in the hospital is relatively short. In counties where they are triaging patients, you’re probably going to get a sedative and one last iPad conference call with your relatives.

The 80 year olds are probably not the ones bogarting the hospital beds right now. It is probably the younger cohort with the comorbidities and the inexplicably sick. But the hospital beds *are* still getting occupied. And that has a trickle down effect on all of the other people who are sick or need hospital services, like cancer patients. Some of us are lucky to have miraculous responses to chemo. But even those of us who do still need follow up surgery to make sure it’s all gone. Or our scans may have turned up other things that won’t kill us now but may kill us later and that needs to be addressed ASAP.

Or those of us waiting for elective surgery to get our tissue expanders replaced with regular implants have had our surgery dates extended and extended and EXTENDED, while we try to get a decent night’s sleep while laying on what feels like a bowling ball. It sounds like a minor problem. YOU try it for 10 months and get back to me.

In the meantime, in order to keep the strain on the healthcare system to a minimum, those of us in the more responsible blue states have committed to wearing masks without hysterics, (like wearing our seat belts), social distancing and working from home and shutdowns. (By the way, YOU try to wear a seat belt across the easily irritated bowling ball in your chest.) It was bad enough to be unemployed for a couple of months. But some of those people, especially the ones in the service industry, are getting laid off again and their economic futures are more uncertain.

Then there are women who are trying to work from home while their school aged kids are climbing the walls because they can’t go outside and play with their friends or go to school. I hear those kids on conference calls all the time. Their parents, mostly the moms, are always apologizing. (By the way, what are the dads doing when mom is trying to get her work done??)

I’ll be honest, all that noise in the background, is very distracting. I’m sorry. It just is. It’s not the fault of the employee but it’s like that saying, “We didn’t say it was your fault. We said we’re going to blame you.” Right now, we’re being very patient and accommodating but we all can’t wait until your kids go back to school.

People with noisy yapping dogs who they verbally abuse while they’re in a conference call are a different matter. Spoiler alert: your true personalities are on full display when you discipline your pets. We see the true you. Keep that in mind because the next time that happens, we might place a call to the ASPCA.

We are now starting to be concerned that the virus is airborne in aerosols. That’s why you shouldn’t be singing in the church choir or doing a drunk sing-a-long at an overcrowded pool party. Or getting on an elevator. It’s because we just don’t know who those 3,280,000 people are who are going to be seriously ill from Covid.


Two HUNDRED and eighty THOUSAND people.

I’m sure that the genetics studies are on overdrive right now. And there is some evidence that the lung issues are caused by the immune system overreacting as it does during a cytokine storm. That’s why the steroids seem to be helping and fewer people are dying. But they’re still being hospitalized in huge numbers and we don’t know what their recovery is going to be like when they’re discharged. Some people who were otherwise healthy a month ago may find themselves disabled for years to come. That’s going to be expensive. We should help those people in any way we can but we live in a notoriously harsh and stingy country where disability is treated like a failure of personal responsibility so that the stingiest among us can feel self-righteous about being mean.

If you are one of those people who think it’s your own fault for getting sick while also getting all William Wallace screaming about your FREEDOM!, consider that the virus doesn’t give a damn what political party you belong to. It really doesn’t. But it matters very much how your local government and health experts interpret and react to the science of epidemiology. If you’re in the wrong susceptibility group and you happen to live in a state where your right to infect other people is not curtailed, you could end up on the receiving end of our “cushy” American safety net. If that prospect doesn’t make you slap on a mask to just take a shower, I don’t know what will.

Meanwhile, the number of people trapped in a cycle of employment, lay-off and lockdown is going to have an effect on the economy. What we have to pay attention to is deflation when businesses have to dump inventory for whatever price they can get. That will trigger more layoffs and deflation. It’s an ugly cycle.

The evictions will start soon. What’s going to happen to all the children without a home through no fault of their own or their parents’? Where will they go to school? How will they take online classes? What right do we have to visit the sins of the politicians who could have stopped this thing on young innocents?

What about crime that is bound to pick up when so many desperate people try to keep their heads above water?

Finally, we don’t know if you can get Covid-19 more than once or how severe it will be the next time. It could be like the Sweating Sickness that ravaged England during the 16th century. You could get it again. Survive it the first time, die the next time. Or think about the sheer number of personal incubators cooking up new mutations and walking around with the potential to spread an even more virulent virus. The US has become one giant Petrie dish of mutating nastiness. The rest of the world has a good reason to prevent the 328,000,000+ Americans from visiting their lovely countries. We might bring the scourge that will wipe them all out. You never know.

Is that the way you want the world to see America? As a dirty backwater country with a broken government that can’t get its act together and is being out performed by Vietnam and every country in Europe? Well, do you??

Jeez, most of us can’t go out to dinner anymore or on vacation. It’s like living in a communist country.

This is what Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, would like you to ignore while the virus rages.

It’s sunny in Pittsburgh for the next few days