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Patchouli and Chocolate Sauce

It’s the five or six million extra, unnecessary ballots that are unconstitutional. Superfluous. Inefficient. What kind of nation are we that we permit so much excessive, irrationally exuberant voting? It’s a disgrace.

BTW, who vetted the Georgia Secretary of State before he was appointed? Is it too late to find a Tobin and Squi problem for him?

He’s simply not taking direction and getting rid of the excess Biden and Ossoff votes. We never had this problem with Kemp. Someone needs to get on that. What’s Rudy doing these days?


Off Topic:

I’m not a royal watcher. You won’t find any teacups decorated with images of William and Kate’s wedding in my house or anything. But I am a fan of The Crown. It gives you real insight into just how difficult it is to be the complete antithesis of Donald Trump. Queen Elizabeth would be much happier in the country stalking deer and raising horses and dogs. She’s not flashy or fashionable. She has a healthy ego but not an overbearing one. And she’s definitely not emotive, to a fault. Her whole life has been dedicated to the service of her country. In a way, she’s taken great pains to erase herself and become a symbol of stability, fortitude and perseverance.

Ok, that was off, off topic. This aside is not about the Queen.

Like I said, I’m not a Royal watcher. But this season, The Crown introduces us to Diana. I’ve had to put aside the fact that Charles and Diana were famous and just be open to the story. And after binge watching the season, I’ve come to one conclusion: Prince Charles is a gigantic asshole and Camilla is a selfish, manipulative narcissist. No, no, don’t talk me out of this feeling. I want to savor it for awhile. That doesn’t mean that Diana was faultless. She wasn’t. Mostly, she was just really young and her youth was cut off before she had a chance to experience anything. She wasn’t so much married to Charles as she was hired for a very demanding job after a brilliant interview.

It’s too her credit that she recognized that Charles was in love with someone else and tried on more than one occasion to call off that wedding spectacle.

Whatever happened between the three of them, I found myself loathing Charles and Camilla every time they hypocritically found an opportunity to snog each other. The courtiers and servants covered it all up. Diana was earnest to a fault and sincerely believed time after time that she could make things better by being a better person. It never worked. He hated her by the end of it all but in part this was due to Camilla’s posh voice in his ears for years and years.

Anyway, I just thought I’d get that off my chest. Charles and Camilla are thoroughly unlikeable. I’m just surprised that William and Harry can stand to be around them. It appears that William takes after his grandmother in that respect. We’ll never really know how he feels about it. It’s not in the job description.

4 Responses

  1. I have watched most of the first season of The Crown, and will watch the rest of it, and also Season 2. It presents historical and political stories that i don’t know that much about, and Claire Foy is superb. I don’t think I will watch beyond that, Season 3 would be too painful, plus I am not a fan of Olivia Coleman as an actress. The story of how Diana was treated by the royal family was perhaps a low point in the history of the British monarchy, at least in more modern times. The fact that William and Kate may have saved it, has a poetic aspect to it, but the tragedy of Diana, who was going to raise her children with love and affection, even if seen as unbecoming to royal family restraint, is sad and upsetting to see unfold again, even if onscreen.

  2. The SOS here in GA is elected not appointed. So it was the voters that picked him and frankly a lot of these SOSes know that Biden is going to be president and don’t want the civil rights division of the DOJ coming down to investigate or maybe Rafensperger is a rare honest Republican who follows the rules.

  3. The Republican Party is the party of fascists. They are not conservatives, they are not the loyal opposition, they are not decent people whom we want to work with. It is a party which is run by fascists, who pass it down the rungs to other would-be fascists. They should be called by what they are, without illusion or euphemism. What we are seeing now is astounding, unless one realizes and expects that Republicans will do anything to gain and keep power.

    • In the Confederate mindset, political power is not a public trust; rather, it is the personal possession of its holder. This is the feudal view of power, in which the freedom of the few can only come from the subjugation of the majority of the population. In the Confederate mindset, if the powerful are accountable, then they are not really free.

      I wonder if fascism is best understood as an attempt to maintain, or revive, the feudal social order in a form which can work in the Industrial Age. Also, the Confederacy, I think, could be considered proto-fascist.

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