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Meanwhile, CHIP funding expires in 3 hours.

That’s right, the funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program that provides medical coverage for 9 MILLION children, will expire at midnight tonight because Congress was too busy in the last 2 weeks trying to end Obamacare and they didn’t get around to pushing the funding bill through on time.

Some states will run out of money for CHIP by next week.

Imagine your kid struggling to breathe due to an asthma attack and you have to foot the bill for a trip to the ER. Well, you wouldn’t be on CHIP if you could afford to pay for that out of pocket. I imagine that’s going to come out of funds for rent, food, car payments, gas money, you know, stupid things like that.

This is what happens when you elect a mob and an incompetent non-politician to run the country.

Things fall apart. The center cannot hold… The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

We are going to become the equivalent of any other corrupt and dysfunctional country.

This is what the aggrieved white Trump voters asked for. Not that they give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Unless their kid or grandchildren are on CHIP.

13 Responses

  1. Unless their kid or grandchildren are on CHIP.

    Which will be harsh justice for the Trump Chumps, but brutal injustice for their descendants.

    I come from the Stupid White Folks culture. I don’t know how I managed to evolve beyond it, praise the Ascended Madoka.

    • “Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want–and deserve to get it, good and hard.” –H. L. Mencken

      • The trouble with that, of course, is that those of us who deserve better ALSO get what the mean, stupid people deserve.

    • But you sure did.

  2. RD, any time you decide I’m posting this too often, just tell me.

    • Though to be fair–for the non-deplorable half of his supporters, it was a failure of intellect, rather than of character.

  3. I think calling him racist and saying he does not want to help PR because he is racist — this type of narrative only feeds into his and his supporters ego. They seem to derive satisfaction from that type of narrative as perverted as it may be. We should rob them of that. We should simply highlight his incompetence and incompetence of people he has surrounded himself with and how he has manage to gut the competence out of the government. Incompetence is the word. He does not know squat about anything. Period.

  4. The other thing that drives me nuts is the media people concluding nothing he says or does, will drive his supporters away. Don’t say that. That is a conclusion drawn without evidence and it is not your place as media people to conclude that (without evidence — Yeah, there may have been some evidence at some point but things change, especially if you report his motherfucking incompetence in its true light). I am surprised I don’t see any outrage from media people when he is calling them fake. Get angry, do your fucking job, media people. Call him out for what he is, who he is. There is plenty of evidence for that.

    • Oh look what I found. Nate Silver says it so much better both about the need to calling out trump’s incompetence and the complicit media not calling him out on what is so obvious.

  5. This is what a man’s dad in PR said to tweet back to the buffoon, when told of the buffoon’s tweets this morning:

  6. They probably don’t even realize it was Hillary who got CHIP for their kids and grandkids…

    • In their minds Trump and the republicans are saving our country from being taken over from Islam. So we have them to thank for any of our rights. Oh what the politics of fear can do…

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