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Texas vs NJ: too big to fail?

As some of you may remember, I lived in NJ in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy hit. This site helped me buy one of the last generators in Central New Jersey, thank you very much. I used that for about a week until the lights came back on and we were able to turn the gas furnace on again.

Here’s a (poorly shot and edited) video that I took of my neighborhood about two days after Sandy when our county was still under a state of emergency and we were advised to not leave the house if we could help it. I lived about 35 miles west of Manhattan as the crow flies. The devastation was worse close to the shore but there were deaths from fallen trees in Princeton, just a few miles away from me. The night Sandy hit, the lights went out at 8pm, just after Brooke logged off of her English class at Stanford. The wind picked up like nothing I’d ever heard before, I thought the roof was going to come off and there were weird, unearthly groaning sounds throughout the night. We had no idea what that was all about. It turned out, it was the sound of trees being uprooted. This video shows just a fraction of what was down within a few blocks of my house:

The reason I bring this up is because the Jersey shore was particularly hard hit. All along the northeast corridor and NYC were scenes of devastation. It was very important to get the shore back online because tourism is big business in NJ.

But the thing about NJ that Sandy exposed is that NJ’s infrastructure is badly out of date. Many power lines were not buried, trees hung over power lines on major thoroughfares for weeks before they could be fixed. It took two weeks before the schools could be open because power couldn’t be restored to my township’s most remote elementary school. There weren’t enough tree removal units. And Christie had called in convoys of utility service units from all over the east coast. I saw them crossing in front of me two days before Sandy hit going down Rt 206 towards Princeton. We were getting trucks from NH.

But NJ is one of those blue states, well, mostly blue. It is a very high tax state. Central and North NJ is (was) stuffed with overeducated biomedical researchers and Wall Street bankers and Vice Presidents and financial analysts. In other words, NJ is a state that sends much more money to Washington than it ever gets back. And even though the area is small, it’s dense. We were too big to fail.

Texas? Hmmm… No offense to the lovely people I know who live there, but Texas is messed up. I remember the times I visited Houston where my delicate elite east coast sensibilities were shocked by the utter lack of building codes. It was a free for all of construction, like Texas was waving a big middle finger at the rest of us and saying, “we’re going to do whatever the fuck we want. You can’t stop us.”

According to the elites of Political Gabfest, Houston was already over paved back in the late 90s. Now, there is 30% MORE pavement. Some of the excess rain doesn’t get absorbed into the ground. This year, the Gulf of Mexico’s waters were unusually warm. You don’t need to believe in climate change causing more devastating hurricanes but if you live near the coast and warmer waters increase the chances of more rain on your fair city, maybe you should stop laying so much asphalt and concrete. But far be it for us coastal smartasses to tell TEXAS what to do.

If you read my post from yesterday, environmental protections are lax and the Governor owes his office to the Koch brothers whose laissez faire attitude to regulation may have contributed to the chemical plant disaster.

In NJ, you need to get a permit for everything and her inspectors are meticulous. Trash collection is heavily regulated. And zoning is Byzantine. But we were never able to upgrade the power lines, roads and rail lines. They suffered after Sandy. Could the state have insisted on businesses making the investments? Yeah probably. But some of our features passed through several states and some of our federal tax dollars should have been sent back before disaster struck to keep ahead of the problem.

Instead, we east coast elites send a lot of money out of state so that other places don’t have to regulate and zone. And we’ll bail out Houston, because it is the right thing to do. But at some point, we’re going to have to face reality and do something about our rotting infrastructure and unregulated suburban sprawl.

Two major disasters don’t necessary imply correlation. Let’s just say there’s a trend.


I completely forgot how some GOP legislators were threatening to hold up money for Hurricane Sandy unless they got an offset for the states affected. That would be NJ, NY, PA and CT. Those states already far exceed what Texas sends to the Federal Government as a percentage of state GDP. Adding an offset tax would have added insult to injury.

Funny how it’s always the red states that complain about taxes when they’re actually receiving welfare from states like NJ.

Yep, they have no problem with logical inconsistencies and compartmentalization.

I wouldn’t sweat it if I was Texas. The rest of us will do the right thing because we’re bleeding heart elites who care about people. But for once in your lives, you right wingers should stuff a sock in your pie holes and stop whinging about how the rest of us are oppressing you.

37 Responses

  1. Perfect demonstration of elitism. Perfect demonstration of why Trump won. Heartless, feckless criticism in the midst of tragedy.

    • I guess you don’t remember that all the representatives and senators from Texas were just fine with letting people in NJ suffer do you? What do you call that then? Confederate elitism? Better to be stupid and dumb because it’s holy or something?

      You guys simply can’t get past November 2016 because it’s the high point of the entire exercise. It’s all been downhill for you guys since then hasn’t it? Trump with record low approval numbers and Nazis who think they have a friend in the white house.

      • So you believe the polls, which said Hillary was ahead by 15% and was definitely going to win the 2016 election when they now state Trump’s approval rating is low?

        • Yeah, funny how she lost in spite of those polls.

          A nasty, suspicious, cynical sort of person might suspect voter suppression, or even manipulation of the easily hacked, unaccountable voting computers by a hostile foreign power to “elect” the lousy businessman who owes them megabucks to the presidency.

        • I see you have pulled open your diaper again and are flinging more poo. The national polls were correct which is what we go by for approval ratings.

    • On the contrary, now is the best time to talk about it.
      A year from now, no one will want to bring it up in Texas.

      And as a former NJ resident, I have every right in the world to criticize how our relentless pace to deregulate everything so that our hard earned tax dollars are not being used to fix things.

      If that makes me an elite, I want a T shirt that says “make America elite again”.

      You know, like when we were #1?? We’re not #1 anymore. You need to get out and travel more.

      • Agreed. I refuse to pretend to be a dumbass good ole boy to spare the tender sensitivities of Dull White Snowflakes.

        I find myself feeling like a Marvel Comics mutant who is deciding that Magneto is right about the normals after all.

    • “Perfect demonstration of why Trump won”

      How? I saw nothing in RD’s post about how the Russian intelligence services used social media to fool enough gullible citizens of the USA into either voting for Cheetolini, or not voting at all–which is how Cheetolini “won”.

    • Hey low IQ electoral brigade, clean up your shit without asking for handout from rich coastal elites. You elected your heartless, corrupt as fuck RED politicians who don’t take care of you. Get your fucking anger aimed at those motherfuckers, not us.

  2. It’s my understanding that Houston has had zoning up for a vote a couple of times and it was voted down.

    • I’m shocked.

      It was the weirdest thing I ever saw down there. There’s a lake not too far from where I was staying where people had built ugly McMansions right on the shore. There was no attempt to protect the lake shore and heaven forbid we ask people to try to make their cheap stucco monstrosities blend in aesthetically.

      That’s what we have in store for us if Trump’s interior department starts selling chunks of our monuments and national parks to the highest bidder. The beauty will be destroyed in favor of unregulated ownership.

    • There are no zoning laws/restrictions. That chemical plant which exploded in West was right in the middle of residential neighborhood. This new one Arkema is the same story. Abbott, the Republican shot down the rule to release inventory of the plant to the public. They don’t know what else is in that toxic mix. Matt Dempsey of Houston Chronicle has been doggedly trying to get that information. He also did fine investigative work on the exploded chemical plant in West. These dumb voters keep electing the same corrupt Republican motherfuckers and then expect others to pick up the pieces for them. EPA is gutted under this buffoon’s administration and no one from the Feds/EPA are on the scene evaluating all the damage from the flooded chemical or toxic waste sites (called Superfund sites).

      These motherfuckers who vote for Republicans want no taxes, have no regulations and they want others to clean up their shit.

      • This post sounds like anger and hate.

        • Clean your shit up, Constance.

        • Well, I’ve been told that anger isn’t necessarily a bad thing when someone is trying to fuck you over.

          As for hate, I hate what is evil and unjust. So, just about everything Trump is up to would fall under those two categories.

          At least I can sleep at night with a clean conscience.

        • Who is Constance? suddenly shows up preaching about anger and hate in our revere Blog space?

  3. Off topic:

    Oh, crap! She knows!

  4. With appointments like these…If it was left to the low IQ electoral brigade, this country would have been (and will be) a third world hillbilly dictatorship. There would certainly not be any moonlanding or other magnificent accomplishments.

  5. Hey Low IQ electoral brigade people, have you seen this? Your guy is empowering nutcase police officers like this guy. Or this country is going plain nuts. The nurse was right to resist his request/order to draw blood from the patient (HIPAA violation) because there was no warrant and the patient was not conscious to give consent.

    • Next time Little Dirty Harry there needs a blood draw, he might find the technician has an awfully hard time finding just the right vein… 😈

      • [snark] Oh, but I’m being too hard on Li’l Dirty Harry. The poor fellow was probably just overwrought with economic anxiety. We all know that when WHITE people do bad things, it’s because the poor babies are just overwrought with economic anxiety.

        It’s only those basically not-quite-human swarthy and/or poor folks who are responsible individuals who can be held accountable for their (mis)behavior. [/snark] 😈

        Seriously, it’s a good thing the nurse was white (like me), or she might be dead now. 😡

    • Your guy is empowering nutcase police officers like this guy. Or this country is going plain nuts.

      Or both. 😦

  6. RD, wanted to tell you since yesterday, you have a nice voice and speaking style.

    • Oh, thank you. How sweet. Kinda funny that I don’t have an accent. I don’t sound Pittsburgh, New Jersey, California, Virginia or upstate New York. Weird.

  7. 😈

  8. Google app used to self-report people having problems at the voting places in 2016 election. Seeing tweets about this now. Why were they not discussed/published before? Blue dots represent people reporting having problems at the polls and pushed to vote using provisional ballots which are never counted or turned away I presume.

    https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/90413418904968 3968

    • Sorry, here is the correct link:

      • Curious that there’s a big blob in central PA. I’ve always thought that if the bad guys were going to hide their work, they wouldn’t do it in urban areas. That would arouse too much suspicion. No, if I were an evildoer, I’d hide my work were Trump was already expected to win YUGE. Like Central PA. Yep, flipping some D to R votes there would just look like some Reagan Democrats fucked us over again. So easy to fit that into the narrative.

        Of course, the real evildoers were the Bernie people who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary because “there was no difference between the candidates”.

        • I have seen those types of numbers also from certain counties where the GOP vote is 100%. But I think this was about changing voter rolls and corrupting the data so people could not find their names or addresses on it and were given provisional ballots. there was a woman from NC talking about problems with the rolls on Maddow last week. The DNC hack was about getting their hands on Democratic/Hillary’s voter data. They had to have known what to do and where to do it. But we have to play by the rules and consider that it may be machine problems versus the hacking whereas knowing that that is what we do, the thieves escape detection.

  9. I hadn’t seen this picture before. Apparently this was the moment he was announced the win. ‘You’re the puppet and the pawn’…Do low IQ electoral brigade get that we were hoodwinked royally by Russia? Hope Mueller can dig up what happened with the voting machines.

    • I found it really curious that at EVERY debate, Hillary was asked if she would step aside graciously if Trump managed to win. It’s almost as if they were trying to get her on the record of disarming before she challenged the results.

      Not that the media was complicit with the Russians. I’m sure they were just having “fun” with that question. But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they continually asked her that question over and over again. Someone on the Trump side must have put them up to it.

      • She would have been raked over coals by the media if she had said anything otherwise. I am so disgusted right now thinking about how the media behaved then. There was an attempt to say everything he did, she did too and when the real stuff about him doing it came out, they could say she did it too. This was all diabolical but the low IQ brigade believed it all. My suspicion is that they spread the ridiculously false and fake pizzagate in the hopes that if ever his underage model trafficking/Epstein thing came out, they could say she did it too. It was all diabolical and our media was just so so incompetent.

        • I wonder how many of the media weasels were merely incompetent, as distinct from bought and/or blackmailed into working for the GOP or the Russians (but I repeat myself)?

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