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More Whineter, STEM and being a dick with peppers

It’s March already. Why is it still snowing? Why is it 15º outside?? The other day, it rained and melted some of the snow. The sump pump was going off every 90 seconds. I timed it. I started to see the ground. This morning, I woke up and there’s another layer of snow out there. WTF?? I have about a cup of rock salt left and there’s none to be had for miles. It’s too much. Make it stooooop.


In other news, PA Governor Tom Wolf visited a school in Chester yesterday to find out about its STEM programs.

Ok, I know Wolf didn’t ask for my opinion but when has that ever stopped me from giving it? (There’s a proposal at the end of this little rant so stay with me.) Here it goes:

There’s no living wage in STEM jobs. Even the people who have good jobs are constantly worried about losing them. They’re forced to move to very expensive parts of the country and can never relax. The fear of losing a job just after they might have already lost one is not a good way to live. This happened recently to people I used to work with who were transferred to Massachusetts after the layoff, and then lost their jobs- again.

Jumping from job to job after a short period of time means people in pharma and biotech R&D will not achieve the degree of experience that they need to be really good at their jobs. It takes a long time for R&D professionals to gain enough experience to be really useful to their company. That means starting and staying with a project over a long period of time, like, 5-6 years. At that point in time, they will have just about enough seasoning to be useful to the company and laying them off is a tragic waste of talent. There is no cheap substitute, as this country will begin to realize (and may already realize, judging from the ads I’m seeing for computational chemists with at least 5 years of industrial experience).

Unfortunately, this is not what the finance industry had in mind. It thinks we can all work under their crazy employment rules like they do on Wall Street. That means flexibility at all costs. That’s a losing game for the R&D professional in terms of living standards, skills and passion for research.

If the R&D professional doesn’t get a good paying job in Cambridge or San Francisco, the alternatives can be grim. Academic research associates with PhDs and industrial experience make between $37-$54K/year. I know because I have the job postings to prove it. You can live on this in the midwest but academic research is subject to grant availability. If the grants don’t materialize, the jobs don’t either.

A potential place where a governor can productively intervene is at the small start up level. Pennsylvania would be a good place for startups, especially in the Pittsburgh area, which has a university/medical culture and a renaissance in the east end. There’s good mass transit, affordable real estate, and an educated population. BUT what every state of the country lacks at this point is access to affordable R&D resources. That is, there are some things that any start up is going to need access to but probably can’t afford. In my case, as a consultant, I can’t get access to a lot of scientific literature. I don’t have a license to Elsevier, ACS publications, etc, which can cost millions of dollars to a large university. I also can’t afford the vendor licenses to do my modeling work. I can ask vendors to give me demo licenses, for which I must sign an agreement to not use them for research. They’re only for evaluation purposes and to keep myself current. If I want a license so I can make money, well, I can’t afford the license.

So, verily I say unto Tom Wolf, if you want to attract STEM startups to Pennsylvania, (and why not? It’s a heck of a lot more affordable than Cambridge) you need to fund a license bank. Ok, I don’t know what else to call it. Make it more affordable for startups and consultants to access the licenses they need to get their work done. At this point in time, the only entities that can afford licenses for literature and proprietary software are large multinational companies and universities, leaving the rest of us to smuggle papers and cobble together software solutions from publicly available sources. That leaves us at a disadvantage in the beginning phases of research where the start up costs are already astronomical.

I don’t know if a license bank has ever been done or what a configuration might look like but here’s one possibility: Put the licenses on a PA server, start a consortium, and allow startups and consultants to ping the licenses for a fee based on number of papers downloaded or amount of time licenses are checked out. Or make us fork over a cut of anything we discover to the state. I could agree to that. Wouldn’t Tom Wolf like to be a partial recipient of the next antibiotic patent? Yes, this would be an investment for the state. It could cost several millions of dollars. No, Republicans won’t like it because… I don’t know why they wouldn’t like it. They’re always going on about helping small businesses but they want us to somehow use magic to afford the start up costs. I’m beginning to think that Republicans aren’t being honest with us about their love of entrepreneurs and small business people… Is that possible?

But the payoff could be substantial for the state if it attracts businesses and the patents generate money. That money could be used to fund education while some of it could be used to buy other things early discovery researchers might need. It could be self funding down the road because if you run for two consecutive terms, you could leave a nice little pile of patent shares for the state by the end of your them.

And since I need a real job, I will gladly work for the state setting up this system for a decent living wage. No, no, don’t thank me. See my LinkedIn profile.

So, there you have it. I have given you a possible solution to a pressing problem that doesn’t involve the governor making pointless visits to schools to encourage innocent children to go into professions in which they can’t make a living. As for teachers of STEM subjects, that’s where some of my former colleagues are going now that they can’t make a living in research. So, you know, you’ll have plenty to choose from.


Finally, Titli Nihaan has a recipe for a hot dip on a cold day. Pay attention. 😉

11 Responses

  1. testing . . .

    • okay. About winter, it’ll stop when it stops. It should get to 5 below zero in AA MI tonight.

      Here is the world’s new very moster hottestest pepper in the world today.

      About Hillary, if she had sent all the emails into .gov, the conspiracy theorists would find something else to theorize about regardless.

      If she decides to run through the primaries again, I hope she does not back down for ANY reason, not because of a secret deal at the Bilderberg Society meeting at Chantilly, Virginia ( where she and Obama were both called in and read the Riot Act by the International Bilderberg Conspirators) or ANYthing. If her running to the very end burns down the Democratic Party, well then . . . burn the fucker down.

      • Ahh! The hottest chili pepper now is the Carolina Reaper. It reached that mile stone late last year. 1.5M something scoville units.
        Feel the burrrrrrnn

        • Some of the partisans of Trinidad scorpion are claiming 2 million scovilles for their’s. It’s all beyond me. I do not play in that league.

  2. The school actually has STEM in its name. Good grief!

  3. Perhaps there is a Sideshow War of the New Cold War 2.0, brought to us by US Warmongerers like the Bushes, Cheney, Clintons, & Obama (read Prof Richard Cohen (iirc the name correctly) state how Bush41’s Sec State James Baker promised Gorbachev not to expand NATO into the ex-USSR nations, then Bush41 immediately lied & did the equivalent of funding rebels, or overthrowing nations & arming them (like Ukraine) on Russia’s border in the equivalent of Toronto, Tijuana, & the Bahamas), and the poli-trick-ians since then did the same.

    But back to the Cold War 2.0 Sideshow: the US politrickians intend compete with Russia, infamous for having examples like unemployed physicists selling trinkets on the Trans-Siberia railroad, for having the most Un & Underemployed Scientists & Engineers per capita working random no-degree-required jobs like taxi driver or retail store clerk.

    What are the remaining stable, you can work it until ~65 with reasonable confidence, STEM careers remaining, that have at least some tangential relationship to what was studied in their engineering or science B.S. degree? definitely health professionals such as physician, dentist, pharmacist, etc. possibly patent lawyer, actuary, government-employed unionized civil engineer? Even Univ Prof isn’t very stable, unless one has tenure, and IIRC something like half the courses are now taught paid-by-the-course, no-health-benefits Adjunct Profs, that many Univ Administrators are going the minimize labor cost tactic by seeking to crapify the Prof profession by increasing the proportion of courses taught by the contractor Adjuncts.

    • Clinton was the first liar and breaker of the promise. Clinton oversaw expanding NATO into Poland. (I don’t know enough to know whether Clinton co-conspired with other Old NATO governments to push NATO into other countries besides Poland, but I know that Clinton pushed over the first domino).

      So Bush Junior was simply debuilding on Clinton’s decomplishments in terms of engineering a new Cold War into existence.

      • r u reddy, thanks for the insightful correction on Clinton42 being the architect of Cold War 2.0, not Bush41 as I had incorrectly stated.

        I recall there was supposedly a notion called The Peace Dividend that was supposed to result from the Cold War End, that the MIC budget could be slashed & the savings put to productive uses. What a tragedy.

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