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Monday: Not even wrong

Engine, engine number nine, going down Chicago line, if the train should jump the track...

I read Robert Cruikshank’s analysis of the problems facing the Democrats and now I finally understand why the party is f^&*ed up beyond all recognition.  Cruikshank thinks there are two factions, the neoliberals and the progressives, that are fighting each other.  If that’s what he and other party loyalists think is happening, it could be because it’s part of a “divide and conquer” strategy being played by operatives.

But it is particularly unhelpful to slap labels on Democrats and then sort every Democrat you come across as belonging to either the neoliberal or progressive camp.  If those are the only choices, if those are the only people the Democrats see, no wonder they are having problems keeping their act together.  They have completely lost it.

The rest of us are working people of all professions and education levels who don’t give a damn about these petty ideological squabbles.  No.  Our issues are economic ones.  We care about jobs, wages, health care.  We are socially liberal and technically savvy.  We like green, but we’re not going to get our knickers in a twist over nuclear power.  I guess Cruikshank would stick us with the neoliberals because we’re not afraid of business.  What he seems to have missed is that we care about rules that strengthen and protect working people.  We want to re-establish the rules that held sway after the Depression and before Reagan wrecked the place with his rugged individualism and “red sky at morning” in America.

If you remaining, die-hard Democrats, want to spend your time ripping each other to shreds because you must have hard and fast categories that do not cross over while simultaneously ignoring the concerns of the working people who once supported you, knock yourself out.  Your petty squabbles are increasingly irrelevant to us.  You messiah worshipping Obama supporters can leave on the same banker sponsored pony you rode to town on.  You purist-pacificists can go native and chew some wild hickory nuts.

We. Don’t. Care.

Until you address the ECONOMY and UNEMPLOYMENT and reinstitute NEW DEAL PROGRAMS and RULES that protect us, your message will continue to fall on deaf ears.  We’re tired of purists on either side of the Democratic party insisting on poison pills that demonstrate time and again that they are not aware of all of the ground we working people are losing.  The problem is that the two factions as they have decided to split themselves, are sitting way too high up on Maslow’s pyramid while the base is literally and psychologically sliding towards the bottom. While we are very concerned about erosion of our civil liberties, now is not the time to turn on everyone who does not, at this very minute, prevent all wars around the world, while without any sense of contradiction, insist on protecting all non-combatants in every geographical location on the planet, simultaneously preserving original, generically unmodified corn crops from autism causing vaccinations.  It’s not the time for insisting that we unemployed stop whining and learn to deal with the new normal while we become masters of our brave new 401K portfolio toting world while we never age or become sick at our jobs in some wildly fabulous creative industry at the companies we started ourselves with venture capital.  When all the men and women who have unjustly lost their jobs in the past few years have meaningful employment again and our safety net is repaired, we can turn our attention to these things. We’re tired of being used as part of some political strategy, pawns to be sacrificed or rescued to score political point.  And we’re tired of having our votes either trashed or taken for granted.  We own our votes and won’t be scared into giving them away to undeserving candidates.  Obama does not represent us nor does anyone, apparently, that the current Democratic party is shoving down our throats.

If people like Cruikshank want to win next year, they’d be better off losing the fricking labels and hire the best man or woman for the job to handle a very tough economic environment.   Cornell West academic types are abandoning the party.  Unions are abandoning the party.  Regular working and middle class people who got royally screwed by the Obama contingent in 2008 have already left.  If all that remains are two clueless contingents with tunnel vision who think they are fighting for the same territory, than the party is in worse shape than I thought.  No amount of coalition building is going to help a party that leaves most of its base, and the vast majority of voters it needs to win, out of the negotiations.

The only thing the vast majority want to hear about in the next 18 months is what are the candidates going to do about unemployment.  Anything else is a distraction.

The Party’s over.

10 Responses

  1. This is exactly why I am no longer a Democrat. I’m Indy and I do not see the party surviving Obama. It is no longer the party of working people, the poor, nor of civil rights. I will vote for anyone that has actually done something for these groups not what they promise because they lie through their teeth. I will not be treated with contempt and then be expected to donate, volunteer and vote for them.

  2. A facebook friend posted that he is busy now so he won’t be able to volunteer for Obama until mid June. I replied that I thought Obama was a scary disappointment (which is true — I really had no idea how bad things could get with him & a Dem Congress) ….

    He replied, “I told the Obama rep that I had 16 things I disagreed with the president on – but I’d still work to get him re-elected – what really bothers me is the possibility of loosing the US Senate – these new republicans are downright crazy”

    HaHa!!! 16 things …. and he’s still supporting the guy 1.5 years before the election!!!

    I guess the Die-Hard Democrats really mean it. But, I’m not willing to actually Die for the Party.

    I’m moving on. Just give me another candidate!!!!

  3. I am a liberal and a Democrat. The people in charge of the Democratic party are not liberal and they are not real Democrats. I want these false Democrats out. I am not abandoning my Party to them even if I have to vote against them and their ideals. They talk and act like Republicans so I say replace them with real Republicans or whoever runs against them. It is the only way to get real Democrats to run for office. I am a Die-Hard Democrat and FDR lives in me.

    • Well put!

    • I was too lonestar..a die hard democrat, but 28 in Denver, it was made abundantly clear, that we real dems were no longer needed or wanted. I left and quickly became an Indie.
      Now I’m what they call a No Labels gal, and I’m sick to death of being asked to volunteer and donate money to a Party whom i’m no longer affiliated with.

      • Isn’t No Labels that group started by mike bloomberg? Republican mike bloomberg? I’ll take off my label when he takes off his.
        Mine says “left”.

  4. not sure that hopy changy is working any more 🙂

  5. Today I signed the change.org petition to the DNC to draft Hillary. I wonder who took down the first petition with more than a thousand signatures–this cyber attack was reported to the authorities. Sign up. If you signed previously, revisit to resign it.

    The correct petition describes the cyber attack(s). Who is so worried. As if Donna B. would permit the real deal to run.

  6. The new Dem’ leadership'” doesn’t care either or if we leave …like the GOP, they are about taking this country down for the wealthy. So ” where are they going to go” is the thinking generally . What we have now and more is what the super rich want…this is what we’ll get…until the American people on mass say “no”

  7. I care about health care and jobs! I am sick of petty divisions with my fellow leftists over other issues. If these continue, we will be conquered again and again by those who seek to destroy what remains of the New Deal. We need to focus!

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