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We’re gonna need a bigger bus!


The nutroots are getting a heavy dose of Obamareality, and it ain’t purty:

Asked what it would mean if Lieberman kept his chairmanship, one Senate Democratic aide said bluntly: “The left has been foiled again. They can rant and rage but they still do not put the fear into folks to actually change their votes. Their influence would be in question.”

Hillary Clinton, Lieberman, Eric Holder, and this:

Obama has made clear that he wants a bipartisan look and cast to his administration. The transition team has been told to hire Republicans at all levels of government, not just as token cabinet appointments. “

But what about all those cushy jobs for Marshall, Moulitsas and rest of the blogger boiz?:

Too bad for all you Democrats who thought you’d be getting jobs in a Democratic government, though. Maybe when the Republicans take over again, they’ll hire you as a gesture of similar good will. They’re very fair that way.

That Kool-aid ain’t tasting so sweet anymore, is it guys?  This is an open thread.

Where Kool-aid comes from

Where Kool-aid comes from

83 Responses

  1. I just love that “where kool-aid comes from” picture, I gotta say.

    Just glimpsed something about Hillary’s lawyers vetting her for SoS. WTF? Why do her lawyers do it?

    Anyway, will read more and report back.

  2. Have you actually tasted Koolaid without all the sweetener? Its awful! There is a reason you put a cup of sugar in it.

  3. gqm:

    Did you drink it through a hope bong?

  4. Ick – koolaid without the sugar.

    Through a hope bong – maybe THAT is why it seems to be working so well.

    Hmmm, reading about the lawyer vetting thing: maybe she IS going to take it.

  5. soooo bitter.

  6. “Obama has made clear that he wants a bipartisan look and cast to his administration. The transition team has been told to hire Republicans at all levels of government, not just as token cabinet appointments.”

    Okay sure, but to be fair, no one could have predicted this. I mean, yes, Obama did constantly reiterate that reaching out to Republicans is the centerpiece of his message, but how could they be expected to listen over the chorus of, “Omg, she’s, like, not a dude. She’s female, she’s dirty, we have to get her out of there, I don’t care who, anyone, anyone”? Be reasonable!

    Plus, once the bots constructed fantasy Obama to pretend that there was a reason they were supporting him that wasn’t about gender, Obama had a responsibility to fullfill the fantasy. Real nice, Obama! It could be worse though, it’s not really triangulation if you don’t use the word….

  7. No hope bong for me.

    I have a near tragic koolaid story that I might share when I’m not on my way to bed. Someone will have to remind me though.

  8. I have to say, though, that as much as I can’t stand Lieberman, I did make a lot of money off stupid Bots who truly believed their hero would come through for them. Keep screwing people over, baby, I’m going to wind up as the Jay Gould of the economic crisis.

  9. Having lawyers look at the situation could be a way out of taking the job.

  10. Lawyers are given the job because they legally have to practice omerta.

  11. omerta?

  12. From Gender Analyzer:

    We guess http://myiq2xu.wordpress.com/ is written by a man (54%), however it’s quite gender neutral.

  13. The Mafia “law of silence”

  14. Code of silence

  15. Or in modern vernacular, “I didn’t see nothin'”

  16. Oh, okay. That happens in medicine, too. You aren’t supposed to say bad things about fellow doctors, even if you think they totally suck.

  17. If aides leak information you can fire them, if your lawyer does it you can have him/her disbarred.

  18. “During his primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, Obama pressed the former president to name the donors to his library. Bill Clinton refused, saying many had given money on the condition that their names not be revealed. He promised to make the donors’ names public going forward if his wife won the Democratic nomination.”

    He has some FUCKING NERVE!

  19. Obama, not Bill.

  20. Yeah honestly, I have a friend whose father worked as some kind of hospital inspector and he was basically like “um yeah you have to kill about 12 people before we even write you an admonishing letter.” And I know someone else whose boyfriend came from a powerful family but he sucked as a surgeon, so they let him operate on homeless people for practice because they figured they’d be less likely to have family to complain.

  21. (I mean kill them from negligence, and the homeless people did have things wrong with them, it’s not like they were doing needless operations on them, but still)

  22. Seriously – I’m in here. I KNOW what shit happens and you are probably fairly close to the truth.

    Our department is very good about weeding out bad doctors – we don’t hesitate as none of us want the deaths of patients on our consciences.

  23. scrubs:

    Where do the weeds go? Other hospitals?

  24. Just looked back at the Gender Analyzer post by myiq. Isn’t it funny what we do while we wait for responses here?

    Why the heck did you have your site analyzed?

  25. I’m sure things are better in Australia. 🙂

  26. Some of the weeds are pushed out of medicine altogether. Others won’t get certified to do advanced Obstetrics and Gynecology. Others get reported to the medical board.

    We don’t fart around – it is too deadly to do so in our field. They can go off and be pathologists if they really want to stay in medicine. Hopefully nobody will die if they make crap decisions as pathologists.

  27. Seriously, things ARE better as a doctor down here. I made the decision to move based on a lot of Dubya’s rule (combined with a souring relationship) but am now very glad I am down here. I don’t think Barack is going to do a damned thing about fixing medical care there in the States.

    If he took at least as close a look as Hillary has done, he would see that universal health care (done correctly) is probably the most important thing to get done in America. So many problems come back to either poor health or the costs of health. Hillary saw it.

  28. Neither he nor Kerry nor Kennedy has any credibility on the issue, it’s really sad how they delegitimized one of the most important issues for cheap political posturing.

  29. Yeah, I know. Women’s, children’s and health issues: the 3 big reasons I love Hillary so much. She has never, EVER, backed down from her desire to fix these areas.

    I would give my last penny to put her in charge – if only it would work.

  30. Captain Spaulding found this:

    The transfer of vital organs from the have-nots to the have-mores doesn’t just play out in cinematic goings-on in seedy London hotels, but also in the humdrum precincts of the American health (couldn’t) care (less) system. In a recent press release, the Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) reveal that “People who lack health insurance are about 20 times more likely to donate their liver or a kidney for a lifesaving transplant than to receive one”.

    Hitchhikers are 100% more likely to be organ donors.

  31. I don’t think anything will happen with the bottom to top bipartisan Administration.

  32. Unfortunately, people who lack health insurance are also more likely to be poor non college graduates so that doesn’t make a difference to the Bots. Maybe it could be put in terms that affect them, like hey, you need to keep these people alive to provide offspring for upper class people, or something.

  33. No, neither the bots nor the administration leading them will truly understand 1)what is wrong with the system (just HOW wrong it really is) and 2) the nuts and bolts of fixing it.

    When I worked in private practice in rural Texas, I got paid in ONIONS. I totally appreciated the lady who did that, though, because at least she TRIED. Many uninsured patients just didn’t pay at all.

    So many political leaders don’t see all sides of the problem. Hillary saw the doctors side of things as well as the patients’ and the insurance companies and the pharmacies and the lawyers – you get the picture.

  34. Hey scrubs! Couple of things:

    Quilting outing did not happen. The friend got a call from her friend who said it was crafts and quilts and not so much on the quilts so I begged off. Then, the friend goes and sez yes they did have some nice ones and got a phone number for one quilter I’m in contact with.

    Question on healthcare in Aussieland. I read somewhere that they have medicare in Aust. for the nat’l health care but that folks have the option to take out separate plans that are sorta like medicare plus. is that about right?

    myiq: how’s Foo Foo?

  35. eriously, on November 19th, 2008 at 3:59 am Said:

    Unfortunately, people who lack health insurance are also more likely to be poor non college graduates so that doesn’t make a difference to the Bots.

    College grad here from Tulane! {{{waving hand}}}

  36. Foo Foo is at the vet with an infected cut on her belly.

    If she doesn’t get better quick . . .

  37. I live near a doctor and he’s a total idiot with a Mexican medical degree (no offense Mexico, but he went there because no school here would take him) but he has more money than he knows what to do with. He got hired by a school district to do student physicals, and they offered to pay like $75,000 for not very much work, but he turned it down because he already has more money than he knows what to do with. Which was nice, but something is out of whack when industrial state doctors have more money than they can spend and rural doctors are being paid in onions. (he’s also against NHS because he would lose so much of his giant income, he thinks).

  38. Awww…how did the cut happen?

  39. LOL Fredster, I’m talking about likelihood (no college degree, but I do have insurance since it became state mandated here in MA)

  40. Damn, Fredster. I was answering you and my computer did some wierd thing and it all disappeared. Maybe I’ll wait until my son gets off the other computer.

    We do indeed have UHC here in Oz. You can purchase “private” health insurance here but it only gets you to surgery faster if you need it.

    As a physician in the public health system (what you get with the Medicare card here), I can tell you that it is a pretty good deal.

  41. Seriously,

    Our internist in LA (chalmette) left the practice (he was a partner) after Katrina and is now in OK. The group was good-sized, about 10 docs. I heard what happened was he used a force majeure to get out of the partnership. He’s now practicing for a B.I.A. hospital (Indian Affairs) and guess what? No malpractice ins. needed or anything else, just like in the Fed. prison system. (isn’t that a lovely comment on health care for native Americans?)

  42. scrubs: that’s what i had read, that it basically bumped you up. But does that mean there are lines for surgeries? Would that be for elective? What if it is life-threatening, like a CABG?

  43. Fredster:


  44. Seriously, on November 19th, 2008 at 4:24 am Said:

    LOL Fredster, I’m talking about likelihood (no college degree, but I do have insurance since it became state mandated here in MA)

    Well I have none because I quit the fed job with the Katrina mess. had to go to the backup data center (with the momster) and my boss said there would be no time off given. I explained I’ need to find her a cardiac dr, etc. and was told nope; not gonna happen. I quit.

    I’ll prolly get an individual plan once back in LA but it’s going to be sooo costly, because I’m hefty, I smoke and I’ve had a carotid endardarectomy. After we’re in LA and I start the rebuild on the house then as that gets closer to completion I can start job hunting. Good thing I’ve got career status with the Feds!

  45. myiq: I hope it wasn’t something done intentional.

  46. Yeah, that’s heartwarming Fredster. Our system is so screwed up. The hospital inspector guy I talked about earlier worked out of Army Hospitals, so chalk up yet another group nobody cares about.

  47. myiq: getting back on topic, I really can’t wait to see how disillusioned the obots become and how many excuses they are gonna make for him. It would almost make it worthwhile for HRC to get the State position. 😉

  48. (I meant the lack of malparctice at BIA hospitals was heartwarming)

  49. Army hospitals! I’m a product of that! I was born in one.

    My mom tells the story of how she was in labor and there was only one delivery room. There was a Capt.’s wife in there and mom was in the hallway and I was making my presence known. She said they kept telling her “Close your legs!” She said something like “to hell with that it’s coming NOW!”

  50. God that’s awful, Fredster. Sorry about your boss being such a jackass. I hope you can find a good plan that’s not too expensive.

  51. “Army hospitals! I’m a product of that! I was born in one.”

    LOL You’re lucky to be alive!!!!

    “It would almost make it worthwhile for HRC to get the State position”

    I know, only silver lining. Well that and John Kerry joining us under the bus (you are SO riding the tailpipe, buddy!!!)

  52. Seriously, it horrible that that happens with the BIA hospitals. I couldn’t believe Rodney pulled that but I think he wanted out of the partnership really bad. (not that one has anything to do with the other)

  53. 2 different cats with injuries close in time but not simultaneous?

    The first one’s injuries look like abrasions on his lower back/hip area. Not cuts or scratches. Like he was kicked, thrown and/or dragged.

    I couldn’t see Foo Foo’s injury very well (she has long fur) but the doctor said it wasn’t deep. it was on her belly and looked round, not like a cut or scratch..

    She was in pain before she disappeared, and I think that’s when it got infected.

  54. Seriously, she was removed from the job (or transferred) after the datacenter was reopened back in NOLA. But of course no down-grades or anything else. Human Resources started getting lots of complaints from my former co-workers. Hell, we had one woman who was recovering from breast cancer/mastectomy and still in radiation or chemo and she put her on awol for refusing to report to the Philly back up center!

  55. I was born in a USAF hospital in Germany

  56. Fredster – the beauty of the system down here is that you get immediate care if you need it. The private insurance only gets you moved up on an otherwise long ELECTIVE waiting list (say getting a vasectomy or mole removed, for example).

    I had to do some time in the Air Force as a doctor to pay back a scholaship. I don’t think military medicine as a whole is so bad but there are definite priorities they must make. At time of war, rank may have its’ priviledges, indeed.

    I can’t imagine you waiting to get into this world, Fredster.

  57. Like he was kicked, thrown and/or dragged

    Aw shit, that’s disgusting! I’m a dog person but no furbabies deserve to be mistreated.

    Shit, I have to turn my head every time that ASPCA commercial comes on tv.

  58. myiq – I had a two cats that lived through all sorts of damned scrapes. They would go out at night and get into fights over chicks and come back in bad shape. They wouldn’t let us take care of them, instead disappearing just like your cat, only to return when it was vet time. Both cats made it through every time – thanks to antisepsis and antibiotics.

    Tough beings, them.

  59. scrubs: My poor dad at that time was a lowly enlisted guy and so the Capt.’s wife did take precedence! I had my medical care at military hospitals the entire time growing up except for when we were not near a military facility (when he was overseas mom and I were often time not near them) and in those cases used the civvies and CHAMPUS.

    I can’t imagine you waiting to get into this world, Fredster.

    I definitely did not know what I was getting in to! LOL!

  60. Damn, he sounds like the worst boss in the entire world. Don’t the feds have rules about employee health or anything?

    Jesus, sorry myiq.

  61. Scrubs:

    My cats aren’t fighters, but I’ve seen the results of cat fights before. This is different.

    I just remembered the neighbor lady saying something about another neighbor’s cat getting put down recently. I’ll ask her more tomorrow.

    Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.

  62. They aren’t big on cats here in Oz but I probably owned at least 40 in total over the course of my time growing up and living in the States. Lost one to feline leukemia and another just went away and never came back. At one point, my girlfriend of the moment had a cat who seemed to die of some kind of poisoning. Turns out the neighbors didn’t like the ex much (neither did I later on) and so put out anti-freeze for my ex’s pets to drink, slowly killing them off by poisoning. Ick.

  63. Seriously, it was a woman boss! That’s what got me about her doing that to Val the lady with the mastectomy!

    Don’t the feds have rules about employee health or anything?

    The agency I worked for did payroll/personnel for about 2/3rd of the Fed. govt along with other i.t. things. That’s where their budget came from. Sharon had one thing on her mind: keeping the Ops control center staffed. She didn’t give a shit about anything else.

    But I tell ya what: After everything got back to normal in NOLA I keep seeing soooo many vacancies for NFC. When I called my old co-workers one day I asked about it and was told just about everybody that could do it was taking retirement because they weren’t gonna go thru that shit evah again!

  64. God, scrubs. What kind of person would do aomthing like that? Did they go to jail?

  65. Ewww! I’ve heard of the anti-freeze thing before. That’s just sick!

  66. There are a lot of sick f*cks out there.

  67. Ugh, so the horrible boss stays and everybody else has to leave?? *shakes head*

  68. Ugh, so the horrible boss stays and everybody else has to leave?? *shakes head*

    Well that was through all of NFC. We had something like 1200 employees. I think people just were no going to go thru another forced deployment like that again.

    And look at it this way: She’ll never have a supervisory or management position again. 8)

  69. And the scariest part is ‘neighbors’ plural. Can you imagine somebody tells you they’re going to poison someone’s cat and you’re okay with it???

  70. Sorta like Obama staying but everybody else having to leave, Seriously?

    No, nobody went to jail because it couldn’t be proven. The neighbor said she had just drained her radiator and couldn’t be blamed if pets drank the liquid.

    Yes, there are indeed some sick fucks in this world.

  71. Well folks, I’m going to call it a morning.

    The back was still twinging so I’ve been on a heating pad all this time and I think I’m done! 😀

    I’d go see the doc-in-a-box and hopefully get some Soma but then that would be on the record as pre-existing when I try to get an individual plan back in LA.

    Everybody (all 3 of you) have a good day. myiq I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Foo Foo, poor baby.

    Later y’all!

  72. Later Fredster!

  73. “Sorta like Obama staying but everybody else having to leave”

    Hmmm, that doesn’t sound SO bad. 😉

  74. Night Fredster.

  75. “Obama has made clear that he wants a bipartisan look and cast to his administration. ”

    Maybe. But this is early days. Cabinet appointments don’t actually get made and confirmed for months after inauguration. He’s getting a lot of bi-partisan publicity with all this fuss, but who actually gets nominated and approved may be a different matter.

  76. fsteele:

    Keep hoping, I’m sure that pony will show up any day now.

  77. Wow!

    From Gender Analyzer:

    We think https://riverdaughter.wordpress.com/ is written by a man (82%).

    We guess http://myiq2xu.wordpress.com// is written by a man (54%), however it’s quite gender neutral.

  78. morning everyone-could Obama want Clintons library donor list to have a source for funding his own library…Rumor is it will be the largest most bestest presidential library around…..

    It will be 1000 meters on each of its four sides 44 steps will lead you up to a collonade of 444 coloumns on a side, it will be topped with a 300 meter high pyramid, and it will be surounded by a moat 1000 meters in length and 4 meters deep with four long bridges coming from the four directions of true north,south, east and west the bridges will be 44 meters wide! It will sit on 4400 acres of Illinois farmland and have parking for 44,000.

    nice hugh?

  79. I am horrified by the idea of Hillary accepting a position in the Obama admin. He will be her boss, he can fire her at any time, he will effectively mute the (Bill) Clinton Foundation. It’s more annihiliation, and look what happened to Powell when he went over to the Dark Side. He was humiliated. I don’t feel too sorry for people who participate in their own destruction, and that seems like what Hillary is doing. I don’t understand it. Anyone who collaborates with Obama earns my disdain. I admire Strickland, Webb and Rendell for keeping their distance.

  80. New thread up

  81. oh and on each of the 4 sides there will be marble reliefs of his four biggest accomplishments true northside will be titled Hope and true south side will be entitled change….east and west sided reliefs have not yet been commissioned.

    one each corner of the moat towers will rise up 44 meters like minarettes and be equipped with a bose sound system that will play 444 of his most notable quotes…..

  82. LOL, 444 notable quotes? He’ll have to include everything he’s ripped off from Lincoln, King and Hillary, not to mention Deval Patrick.

  83. I’m not sure the ponies he’s parading now, will actually get confirmed (or even entered).

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