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Freaky Friday News

Shitzen Giggles Department:

Republican lawmakers miss oath, vote on floor anyway

Two Republicans, including a member of the GOP leadership, voted on the House floor several times despite not having been sworn in, throwing the House into parliamentary turmoil Thursday — the same day the Constitution was read aloud on the floor.

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) missed the mass swearing-in ceremony on the House floor Wednesday but proceeded to cast a series of votes. Sessions, appointed to the Rules Committee, participated in some committee activities, and that panel was forced, at the suggestion of House parliamentarians, to suspend consideration of a rule for the repeal of last year’s health care overhaul until the matter was resolved.

Some Democrats are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill over this but while embarrassing it’s hardly a constitutional crises.

Greg Sargent kinda sorta almost gets it:

The problem with William Daley as new chief of staff

Now that Daley has been picked, there will be a fair amount of commentary to the effect that Obama has wisely received this message and is in the midst of a course correction. But here’s the thing: Daley is wrong. Obama didn’t govern from the “left.” And as it happens, he did govern from the “center left.”

This has all been argued already at length by others, but here goes. Obama’s approach to the crises he inherited were by any sane measure mostly moderate and reasonable. The stimulus was smaller and less ambitious than most liberals wanted. The health care plan he adopted jettisoned the most liberal elements and embraced solutions once championed by Republicans. The Wall Street reform bill was the most sweeping overhaul of financial regulations in generations, but as observers across the spectrum have noted, it wasn’t fundamentally transformative. Obama is winding down the Iraq War, but he escalated in Afghanistan. And he has embraced some controversial Bush policies on civil liberties and terrorism. And so on.

Despite all this, Republicans and conservatives have uniformly condemned the Obama administration as in the grip of unrepentant leftism run amok. Yet what’s actually happened is that in so doing, Republicans have moved to the right, and we’ve all agreed to move what we arbitrarily call the “center” to the right in order to accomodate this.

The pick of Daley, however, will reinforce the conventional narrative that Obama has recognized the error of his ultraliberal ways and has picked a “seasoned Beltway hand” to steer the adminstration back to the center. Obviously this is only one of many things to consider about the Daley pick, and there may be many other good reasons to pick him that outweigh this problem.

But in interpreting the Daley pick, many commentators will be pointing to Daley’s interpretation of the first two years as if it’s, well, true. They’ll assert that Obama has internalized it. And maybe the President has internalized the Daley interpretation of his young presidency. But that doesn’t mean it has anything to do with what actually happened.

Obama did not govern from the “center-left.” With the exception of a few bones tossed to the left he governed from the right. Now he’ll move even farther right.

Just remember, only 2 years and 13 days left before the end of the error.

Or maybe not:

Get Used To It
It could be six years before liberals can accomplish anything.


There’s only one problem with this scenario: the time-frame. Politicos and pundits are used to thinking in two-year cycles, and it’s easy to convince oneself that, in 2012, Obama will be able to capitalize on an improved economy, favorable voter-turnout patterns, and a weak GOP presidential field in order to sweep into office with a renewed mandate. But that misses a big part of the picture. Even if Obama wins reelection by a comfortable margin, it’s most likely that the House will remain in Republican hands and Democrats will lose seats in, and perhaps control of, the Senate—and beyond that, Republicans will probably do fairly well in 2014. In other words, we could be looking not at two years of damage control, but six.

That’s why 2008 was so critical. It should have been a sea-change election, and instead we got sewage.

Oh well, que sera, sera. This too, shall pass. (like a kidney stone)

Things that make you go WTF?

Why Are Taxpayers Subsidizing Facebook, and the Next Bubble?

Goldman Sachs is investing $450 million of its own money in Facebook, at a valuation that implies the social-networking company is now worth $50 billion. Goldman is also creating a fund that will offer its high-net-worth clients an opportunity to invest in Facebook.

On the face of it, this might seem just like what the financial sector is supposed to be doing – channeling money into productive enterprise. The Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly looking at the way private investors will be involved, but there are more deeply unsettling factors at work here.

Remember that Goldman Sachs is now a bank-holding company – a status it received in September 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, in order to avoid collapse (see Andrew Ross Sorkin’s blow-by-blow account in “Too Big to Fail” for the details.)

This means that it has essentially unfettered access to the Federal Reserve’s discount window – that is, it can borrow against all kinds of assets in its portfolio, effectively ensuring it has government-provided liquidity at any time.

Any financial institution with such access to such government support is likely to take on excessive risk – this is the heart of what is commonly referred to as the problem of “moral hazard.” If you are fully insured against adverse events, you will be less careful.

I should have gone to banker school. They gamble (investing is gambling) with other people’s money. If they win, they keep the profits. If they lose, Uncle Sugar bails them out.

It’s the perfect scam.

Do we have another brave and noble martyr?

Ex-CIA officer charged with leak to Times reporter

A former CIA officer has been indicted on charges of disclosing national security secrets after being accused of leaking classified information about Iran to a New York Times reporter.

Federal prosecutors charged Jeffrey Sterling with 10 counts related to improperly keeping and disclosing national security information.

The indictment did not say specifically what was leaked but, from the dates and other details, it was clear that the case centered on leaks to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist James Risen for his 2006 book, “State of War.” The book revealed details about the CIA’s covert spy war with Iran.

Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was arrested Thursday and appeared in federal court in St. Louis later in the day. U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman told him he would be detained through the weekend because the government had declared him a danger to the community. There was no plea entered. Another detention hearing was scheduled for Monday afternoon.

Sterling served on the Iranian desk at the CIA and handled Iranian spies who had defected to the United States. In Chapter 9 of the book “A Rogue Operation,” Risen detailed how a CIA officer mistakenly revealed the CIA’s network in Iran in 2004.

Iranian security officials were able to “roll up” the CIA’s agent network in the country. Risen called it an “espionage disaster.”

Before anyone fits Sterling for a halo, there is more to the story:

Sterling worked for the CIA from 1993 to 2002. His final posting was in New York beginning in 2002. According to the indictment, Sterling left the CIA an embittered man.

Sterling, who is black, filed a complaint against the CIA in 2000, claiming racial discrimination and later sued the agency unsuccessfully. He also submitted his memoirs to the CIA to be published and was extremely unhappy with the review process.

The indictment said Sterling’s anger and resentment grew towards the CIA and claimed that he retaliated against the agency by attempting to cause the publication of classified information. The indictment said that government officials warned Risen, identified only as Author A, and his newspaper employer, that Sterling’s information could endanger a human asset’s life and that in May 2003 the newspaper agreed not to publish it.

The story is somewhat unclear. It mentions that Risen revealed a major CIA fuck-up in 2004, but Sterling left the agency in 2002 so it’s unclear how he could have had any knowledge of the incident.

Apparently whatever information Sterling is charged with leaking to Risen was never published.

You didn’t really think I was gonna let you have an Assange-free Friday, did you?

Assange’s mental health

Instead, there seems to be something about Assange personally which sets people on edge and makes them dislike him intensely: his biggest fans are often those who have never met him or who have known him only for a very short amount of time.

That’s unfortunate, to say the least: it takes an issue which is messy to begin with and makes it a great deal messier. But at the same time, Assange has clearly been under an enormous deal of stress — and this is a man who once checked himself into hospital with depression after being charged with computer hacking in Australia. It’s easy to see how he wouldn’t have considered that to be an option in recent months.

My suspicion is that there’s something quite unstable and destructive about Assange’s current mental state and that there has been since before he was in Sweden. I hope his publishers have a lot of patience: getting his very expensive book into a publishable state could be a very arduous process indeed.

I’ve noticed that Julian seems to have stopped giving interviews. I’m guessing his lawyers told him to use his right to remain silent because every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it.

He should have gone to Krispy Kreme:

Florida Professor Arrested for Having a “Suspicious” Bagel on a Plane

A Florida professor was arrested and removed from a plane Monday after his fellow passengers alerted crew members they thought he had a suspicious package in the overhead compartment.

That “suspicious package” turned out to be keys, a bagel with cream cheese and a hat.

Ognjen Milatovic, 35, was flying from Boston to Washington D.C. on US Airways when he was escorted off the plane for disorderly conduct following the incident.

I used to have a girlfriend who made me bagel sandwiches for lunch. She had other bad habits too.
(I feel about bagels the same way Uppity Woman feels about Peeps)

Just for laughs:

Tru TV’s 25 Dumbest Criminals of 2010: A Pictorial Salute

Tasha Lee Cantrell cracked open a beer in the back of a squad after her friend was popped for DUI. Noah Smith broke into a house, passed out naked, then fought with the cops after he stuffed a computer mouse up his ass. They’re the dumbest in mopes in America, courtesy of TruTV.

My personal favorite:

Cops confronted Carolee Bildsten after she allegedly left a restaurant without paying her bill. The woman allegedly defended herself with a “clear, rigid feminine pleasure device.”

Today in History:

1999 Senate begins to try President Clinton on lying under oath and obstruction of justice in the Lewisnky case
1979 Vietnamese forces capture Phnom Penh from Khmer Rouge
1967 “Newlywed Game” premieres on ABC TV
1835 HMS Beagle anchors off Chonos Archipelago


1977 Dustin Diamond
1964 Nicolas Cage
1958 Donna Rice
1957 Katie Couric
1946 Jann S Wenner
1912 Charles Addams


1990 Bronislau “Bronko” Nagurski
1990 Horace Stoneham
1943 Nikola Tesla
1536 Catherine of Aragon

NFL playoffs start tomorrow. Opening today:

56 Responses

  1. “The Suspicious Bagels” would be a great name for a rock band. :mrgreen:

    • Obama is an opportunist–left, right and in-between. He will throw his hat in the direction he gets the best PR. This is what makes him dangerous. The man has no principles.

  2. Things that make your day start very badly: It snowed here last night. Not a lot but in the past, even a flurry would be enough to close the schools. So, I got up at 5am, looked outside, noticed the roads were saltable but not plowable and went to the district’s website.
    No message.
    School web site.
    No message.
    Called school board.
    Doesn’t open until 8 am.
    No message.
    Checked Channel 14 for message.
    No message.
    Went to Honeywell instant alert.
    No message.
    So, I have to assume that there will be school today.
    Except, I don’t actually believe it. The buses could potentially have a more dangerous ride this morning than if there was more snow.
    I don’t get it.
    But I am highly irritated. At the very least they could have sent out a “We’re NOT closing today” message. I could have slept in an extra 30 minutes.

  3. OMG, Garret Hedlund. I could eat him with a spoon.
    OK, my day’s looking up.

  4. Yup. Snow is big politics – meaning – things are very messed up about it. I don’t think it will even be a big one this time. But check the tabloids for the NY political storm

    Tabloids: Snow politics, Banker takes the White House, business Jr.jr,

    • Work is open too. No delayed opening. Boss man said take our time getting in this morning. Gotta go

  5. There are many centers. There was the Clinton center where the poor and the blue collar were important and paid attention too. There is the Third Way center that is way to the right of Clinton; these basically are appeasers of Republican. Then there is the Obama center. This center is where Romney stands. Whatever you say about Obama is wrong or in simple English Obama has no opinions and has no place on the right to left scale.

  6. “end of the error”

    my clown.. I hate to break it to you but that coup was no mistake.

  7. OT – but John Kass (Chicago Tribune) has a great one up today on Billy Daley and Obama:


    • That is a good read, jjk — thanks! I also love the comment from Sobsister, which reads in part “Ugh. Billy as chief of staff, Rahmel as mayor. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffin’ glue.”

      Airplane was such a great movie.

      Myiq, I did not know about the Hmong or General Vang. Thank you! I hope they do well in America, though it sounds like Louisiana may have been a better place for them to settle.


  8. The bizarre story gets more bizarre:

    Reports: John Edwards engaged to Rielle Hunter


  9. The other place I leave comments, I called Obama the First Black Republican President.

    The O-bots didn’t like it too much.

  10. defended herself with a “clear, rigid feminine pleasure device.”
    I loved that they gave that much detail. Makes the story.

    • Somehow that reminded me of this Flint clip:

    • ” Noah Smith broke into a house, passed out naked, then fought with the cops after he stuffed a computer mouse up his ass. ”

      Okay, I had to read that one twice! Between being passed out and fighting with the cops how did he even have time to stuff anything up his arse?

    • Who says investigative journalism is dead?

  11. This didn’t take long. The WH is hitting back at liberal critics of Daley:

    It’s not hard to understand why liberals are confused and angry over the choice of Bill Daley to be White House Chief of Staff. The President Obama they know and love spent the last two years bashing Wall Street executives, calling them “fat cats” and lecturing them for their “greedy” ways.
    Now, in a turn of events that has the left wing aghast, one of those fat cats will soon be setting policy at the White House. Daley, after all, spent 7 years at JP Morgan where he’s believed to have earned at least $5 million a year, possibly much more. He’s one of them, liberals cry, not one of us.

    And it’s not just Daley. Gene Sperling gets the nod today to replace Larry Summers as the top economic brain in the West Wing. For economic progressives it’s like pouring salt in the wounds they’re still nursing from the president’s lame duck tax deal, in which the moderate deal-making Sperling played a key role.

    But in an interview in his large corner office in the West Wing, outgoing press secretary Robert Gibbs pushed back against the conventional wisdom that the president is suddenly moving to the political center, setting himself up for a re-election campaign that’s focused on moderate voters, leaving liberals out in the cold.

    The president, Gibbs said, “knows what his values are.” During the health care debate, for example, some senior advisors argued for dramatically stripping it down, or even putting it off until after the economy recovered. Gibbs says the president listened – and then ignored their advice.

    The implication is that the president will also ignore the fact that Bill Daley thinks the Democrats went too far on health care reform. And opposed Wall Street reform. Gibbs’ basic message (resurrecting President Obama’s car analogy from the campaign) is that the president’s advisers can offer directions from the back seat, but the steering wheel is in the president’s hands, and he knows where he’s going.

    As for Daley’s background on Wall Street, Gibbs said that Daley’s big role in the White House will not significantly change the president’s position on business issues. (Critics will focus on the word “significantly” – a very large caveat.) I asked Gibbs if the president will still refer to Wall Street executives as “fat cats.” “When it’s appropriate” he responded. He also disputed the notion that the president is “anti-business.”

    But why bring in a Bill Daley if Mr. Obama isn’t signaling a change in direction? Gibbs responded that liberals Robert Reich and Howard Dean support Daley. What the president gets in Bill Daley, he argued, is not a point of view, but someone with vast management experience in government and business, and someone respected on both sides of the aisle, essential in this new world of divided government. And, as the president said, Daley knows how to create jobs, the president’s number one priority for the next two years.

    • Gibbs must be leaving to pursue a career in stand-up (comedy, that is).

    • Just left comment below on Dave Weigel’s facebook thread debating with an Obot who insists Obama has not laid down for bankers.

      Weak financial reform bill, already unraveling. No action really on TBTF institutions. No return to some semblance of Glass Steagall. Easy work around new Volcker Rule for banks…Volcker the one true enforcer in the administration gone. ERAB filled with bankers and multinational CEOs. New head of NEC is original architect of Gramm-Leach-Bliley. JP Morgan banker is new CoS. No latitude given to Elizabeth Warren. Up to 6 trillion bailout of financial sector from Fed. No letup or serious investigation into wholesale rapid fire residential foreclosures. Failed HAMP and no other bailout or workout programs taking the homeowner side. Continuing bailout of Fannie, Freddie, and mortgage lenders. No crackdown on fraudulent mortgage brokers and servicers. Financial sector returning to record profits…expected to be fastest growth sector on the S&P this year. No indictments of major banking sector leaders…only rogue freelancers. Private equity and hedge funds back to record gains and moral hazard, no real new regulations, compensation reform, capital requirements or limits. Favorable treatment of FASB rules on mark-to-market re bad assets still on banks’ books. Tax policies heavily favoring the investor class. Unprecedented disparity in nation’s wealth distribution.

    • Gene Sperling? Didn’t he create Star Trek?

  12. This is wild. Apparently women’s tears reduce men’s testosterone:

    The researchers collected tears from female volunteers who cried while watching sad films.

    Male volunteers then had the tears or a salt solution, without knowing which, placed under their noses on a pad, while they made judgements about images of women’s faces. The experiment was then repeated, with those that had first been given the tears given the salt solution and vice versa.

    The researchers found that the men who sniffed the tears judged the women’s faces less sexually appealing than they did when they sniffed the salt solution.

    The levels of testosterone – a hormone related to sexual arousal – in the men’s saliva fell by 13% on average after they sniffed the tears, but stayed the same after sniffing the salt solution.

  13. Obama losing the demographic race.

    By any standard, white voters’ rejection of Democrats in November’s elections was daunting and even historic. Fully 60 percent of whites nationwide backed Republican candidates for the House of Representatives; only 37 percent supported Democrats, according to the National Election Poll exit poll conducted by Edison Research. Not even in Republicans’ 1994 congressional landslide did they win that high a percentage of the white vote. Moreover, those results may understate the extent of the white flight from the Democratic Party, according to a National Journal analysis of previously unpublished exit-poll data provided by Edison Research.

    The new data show that white voters not only strongly preferred Republican House and Senate candidates but also registered deep disappointment with President Obama’s performance, hostility toward the cornerstones of the current Democratic agenda, and widespread skepticism about the expansive role for Washington embedded in the party’s priorities.

    • That can only mean they’re all r@cist. There can’t be any other reason imaginable that people wouldn’t like Obama and the direction we’ve been going. 🙂

    • The question is whether it is a one time deal or a shift that will last at least four years.

    • “White flight”? How about the Dem Party kicking the working class whites out the door. I guess this reporter never got Donna Brazille’s memo about the new Dem coalition — i.e. creative class whites (which includes the college bound) and AAs.

    • HuffPo says In Black America, The Depression Rolls On.

      It is difficult to absorb these numbers without coming to a simple conclusion: In black America, a veritable depression is still unfolding, tearing at communities that had previously seen substantial progress, turning first-time homeowners into foreclosure victims and transforming proud college graduates into bewildered jobless people, unclear why their hard work and education have failed to translate into the step up they were supposed to in the movie trailer version of the American dream.

      And yet, the political system is busy with other things, such as how to blame union labor for local budget disasters — caused by financial services companies that pay their executives seven- and eight-figure sums — or how to cut the federal budget deficit by depriving people of health care. In Washington, the leadership of both parties seems stuck in the mode of trying to manufacture the illusion of a recovery — via photo ops at factories and pontificating about spending cuts — while doing little or nothing to bring a real recovery about. Meanwhile, whole swaths of the economy are falling away, going uncounted in the monthly Labor Department surveys and little-regarded by politicians.

      In the calculus of American power, just as in the reports used by our economic experts to set policy, it’s as if much of black America has simply ceased to exist.

  14. Well, today I wandered over to the Big Orange Cheeto Playland just to see what the toddlers were screaming about today…Haven’t been there in years and am sorry I broke my record. But I do think it’s interesting to see what they’re up to even if their antics are both predictable and tiresome.

    AnyHOO…today I read a most illuminating diary over there about the Democratic Party’s loss of the white vote, and the rock-bottom disapproval of The One among white voters.

    You’ve already guessed the reason, right? RACISM!!! IT’s pure racism and nothing else!! After all, he has done such a fabulous and beautiful job but these dang hicks just can’t get over their horrible horrible racismmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

    Yup–the diarist and the commenters were all in agreement on this horrible and sad revelation!

    I know you knew that already. So good, looks like we can skip reading Bilious Orange Spew for another six years and know that nothing ever changes there.

    • It’s sad that that many people can be that stupid and blind. You’d think someone there would eventually notice problems with that argument. Like why two years ago none of those people were r@cist, and now suddenly they all are. What changed? But nope, they can’t think through such things and keep thinking Obama is the lightbringer at the same time.

      To be an Obot requires a steady, unbending, uninterrupted effort in not thinking.

    • How do they explain that many of those same racists voted for the Precious in 2008? Were they blind then?

  15. A little tidbit about Assange: His first pick for lawyer in Sweden was the high profile, somewhat controversial, Leif Silbersky (72), but Assange, feeling neglected, asked for, and got, permission to switch lawyer.

    Now, back then Silbersky was in court most days defending the pilot in the big “Helicopter burglary” case, but claims he was in daily contact with Assange, as soon as he got back from court.

    Can’t help but feel that Assange, not unlike Obama, has some huge, unresolved mommy/daddy issues.


  16. The “Obama is a lot smarter thn ypu” edition of the DUdies is here

  17. Broadsheet, Salon’s lady site, has closed its doors. Guess women’s issues did not get enough traffic.

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