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Thursday Morning: Another “Accountability before Austerity” post.

Paul Krugman was one of the many people who looked at the details of the Deficit Reduction Commission’s proposals and called the writers “Unserious People”:

OK, let’s say goodbye to the deficit commission. If you’re sincerely worried about the US fiscal future — and there’s good reason to be — you don’t propose a plan that involves large cuts in income taxes. Even if those cuts are offset by supposed elimination of tax breaks elsewhere, balancing the budget is hard enough without giving out a lot of goodies — goodies that fairly obviously, even without having the details, would go largely to the very affluent.

I have to agree with Krugman that these proposals are crazy but I am under no illusion that the people who want to avoid paying their obligations to the rest of us are going to pretty much get what they want.  We’ve seen this act before.  It would be a mistake to not take them very, VERY seriously.

The Co-Chair’s proposals are draconian.  In fact, if they were enacted they would negatively affect every single person in my immediate family.

– My widowed mother gets her health insurance through Tricare.  She could see an increase in her co-pays and deductibles, if she isn’t thrown out of the program altogether.

-My brother is full time Army in a non-combat role.  His salary would be frozen.  Presumably, the Army relies on his services for actual combat operations in two unnecessary wars.  Too bad for his family that there will be no reward for being a good worker.

– No mortgage deduction?  Are you kidding me?  I live in frickin’ NJ.  Without the mortgage deduction, I’m paying even MORE ridiculous taxes.

– Now, I  and my sister will have to work until we are 69.  We will pay more for social security benefits for the poor and we will get less.  We will start to resent the waiters who bring us our orders and anyone else who can’t get their act together and get a real job.  (prophylactic: this is merely an illustration of the intended consequences)

– Because the payroll limit will be raised, a fate it looks like I will never excape, and because I will eventually get a lot less than I planned on, I will have to put away more money in my 401K or under my mattress, and cut back everywhere else.  I don’t know where I’m supposed to get this money and also pay college tuition, more in health care costs and food.  Meaningful wage increases to offset all these new costs are not on the horizon regardless of how hard or well most of us work.  I will be forced to gamble on my retirement, which I will have to hold out longer to enjoy. One of the things I don’t think people like Krugman understands is that there are plenty of jobs that require good educations and technical skills that some of us may not be able to do when we’re 69. You don’t have to be a janitor. It could be a matter of delicate hand-eye coordination. Those of us in these kinds of careers are already wondering how we’re supposed to do these things when our eyesight becomes unreliable and our hands start to shake.

The whole set of proposals is designed to force the middle class to pay for themselves and everyone else, to make the middle class resent the poor and, inevitably, to destroy Social Security. But it is the elimination of the mortgage deduction that will lead to a steep decline in housing prices that is the most troublesome aspect of these proposals. That proposal would be so painful and damaging that the other proposals don’t look nearly as bad in comparison. Whatever one may think about the wisdom of the government giving hard working people a break on the interest they pay to banks, it’s just about the only break middle class people can rely on. Take it away and the value of their nest eggs plummet significantly. After all, why would anyone bother to buy your old house if they can rent? Your potential buyers don’t benefit from those first decade of nothing but interest payments to the bank.

Notice who makes out in this proposal. The well off get a whopping decrease in taxes. That’s got to be made up somehow. Someone’s going to have to pay for the schools and bridges and roads and air traffic controllers and endless wars. By the way, no one is discussing the endless wars that are sucking up precious resources. I found this paragraph in the NYTimes editorial on the proposals to be particularly disconnected:

The most politically volatile suggestion may be to tackle military health care costs, which rose from $19 billion to an unsustainable $50 billion over the last decade. The commission blueprint would raise premiums and co-payments on military retirees who now pay no premiums and very low deductibles. Many of these retirees work in the private sector but opt for much cheaper government health insurance. Their employers would be required to reimburse the government for the employer share of the retiree’s health cost, eliminating what the chairmen say is a government subsidy for a normal business expense.

Excuse me but may a rube step in here for a sec and point out something obvious? If the cost of VA health benefits has been skyrocketing over the past decade when we have been engaged in two wars where people on both sides take great delight in blowing each other’s body parts to smithereens, shouldn’t we *expect* the cost of health care for our veterans to increase significantly during that very same period of time? Doctors have improved combat medicine so much that soldiers who might have died from their wounds in Vietnam are now being sent back to the states with broken bodies and years of health issues to look forward to. Then there are the things that can’t be seen, like traumatic brain injury and PTSD. So, to cut back, we are proposing to cut benefits for military retirees and their widowed spouses at a time in their lives when they have very few alternatives.  Let’s saddle the people we promised these benefits to who are least likely to be able to afford the increases. Yep, that ought to do it.  Stop the wars?  That would leave the troops high and dry!  Cut and Run!! Unthinkable.

The proposals are so unfair and so egregious that in comparison, the social security cuts look almost reasonable. And that’s where the danger lies. They put all this other mean spirited stuff out there as bait. People will start screaming about the mortgage deduction almost right away because that’s going to make their future April 15ths even more anxiety laden. But Social Security seems like a long way off for a lot of people and if they are lulled into the mistaken belief that the changes won’t affect the present set of seniors, they might give in. Then, when austerity sets in and wages refuse to rise to meet new tax liabilities and all of the other things that makes living in America meaningful, the average “taxed to the max” taxpayer is going to start resenting the people who get the Social Security insurance that they will never benefit from. Everyone’s security will be assured but the middle class. We’ll be forced to place more chips on the financial industry’s roulette wheel in their unstoppable and insatiable appetite for gambling with other people’s money.  And have we anything in these proposals that would make the financial industry more accountable to us?  I haven’t seen it.

Did this country learn nothing at all from The Great Depression?

This is what this set of proposals is telling me. That’s what the “Creative Class”, who is so pissed off at Bill Clinton over welfare reform and some DLC boogieman, has given us.

After the last 10 years, I am not naive enough to think that the people who want this desperately are going to get most of it. The NYTimes editorial board seem to think “All ideas well worth debating” and “A tax code that is easier to understand is also one that is more likely to be perceived as fair” and ” A value-added tax that doesn’t fall most heavily on lower-income Americans could be a significant spur to growth, because it doesn’t tax savings”. Gee, isn’t that generous. What about the rest of us middle income people who it will fall most heavily on, along with all of the other new responsibilities we will have?

This is the way the rich shrug off their obligations to the rest of us. They can’t make do with the billions they already have so they will get rid of their responsibilites to pay for the things that make their profits possible and dump them on to us. And the NYTimes editorial board thinks this is hunky dory because they have never had to live on an average salary in a northeast suburb where the cost of living is 40% higher than in the rest of the country.

I would recommend you call your congressperson but I think flooding the NYTimes with angry mail first would be a better start. I don’t ever want to read garbage like that in the Times again. These are the Unserious People Krugman was referring to, not the Commission itself. These proposals wouldn’t get a second glance if the wealthy who write editorials didn’t find them very appealing.  If the NYTimes Editorial board is so enthusiastic about “shared sacrifice”, let them be the first to chuck some in.  How about they voluntarily raise their own taxes instead of trying to convince us on more limited means to do it?  No,no, YOU go first.  I *insist*.

So, this is the way they’re going to finally cut us loose from each other. They will make Social Security a welfare program and make our lives harder and meaner. For this, we can thank the man who vowed to put everything on the table.

Barack Obama.

Accountability before Austerity

48 Responses

  1. A fit way to celebrate Veterans Day – as their medical coverage is on the block too. Bringing up the tabloids on the same theme

  2. That is the top story! The embodiment of all his campaign promises lost in one commission’s conservative leanings that will most likely become law. And now, it’s not just the racist white people here in the US that are trying to keep Obumbles down. Oh no. Now the racist Asians don’t understand the coolitude of teh one. I guess the teleprompter didn’t tell him what to say during his negotiations. And we all know that the press will get on him about failing to get the ONE THING HE WENT TO ASIA TO GET, right?


    Hillary 2012


    • Can’t send an Obama to do a Clinton’s job!

    • Reading several places (mostly Bloomberg) that the WH has sent the message they agree to extend ALL Bush tax cuts in the lame duck session.

    • I especially laughed at this part:

      It has also, though, been a busy and tiring trek that will take him all the way around the world. And he keeps getting reminders that what awaits him at home is the aftermath of a losing midterm election and a pile of unfinished business.

      Poor Bawack. “Tiring.” Try following Hillary around for a few days, if you think your schedule is tiring.


  3. Accountability before Austerity! Great framing!

    I suggested in a previous thread we should shame these Catfood Commissioners. Who are these people who want to work our seniors to death and then starve them, who want to to make our veterans pay for care of injuries suffered in our defense?

    We should publish pictures of their homes, their lifestyles, their assets, and their Wall Street connections. They want to steal from seniors and veterans to finance their Wall Street gambling habits.

    • If you like the meme, pass it around. Viral is good.

      • It’s brilliant! Everyone I know will hear it from me.

      • Doing my bit to viralize!

        Simpson & Bowles have me so angry that I am inspired to do my own Catfood rant here:

      • Accountability Before Austerity!

        Another brilliant post, RD. The callous arrogance of the Catfood Commission is staggering.

        I work in healthcare with patients with chronic, usually disabling conditions, and with some patients with brain injuries. Things are tough enough already. I can’t think about it getting worse.

      • Absolutely righteous, RD! Beautifully said.

        And remember: our employers also paid into Social Security for us and, as you mention, those of us who are Baby Boomers paid extra.


  4. Here’s a too little too late revelation
    Obama Was Used, And Is Now Used Up

    Barack Obama was used. Of course, he knew he was being used when he made the deal. But what he didn’t know was how quickly he would be used up. Now he has to face two years of humiliation knowing that he betrayed the people and the country he claimed to champion – and knowing that everyone else knows it as well – but also knowing that he’s gotten what’s coming to him.

    Obama made a deal to get the job in the first place. The deal was that he would carry on with Bush’s bailout of the banks, with Bush’s two wars, with Bush’s suppression of civil liberties, that he wouldn’t prosecute or even investigate any of the enormous fraud that had brought down the country, or the lies that had railroaded it into war.

    I wonder where was this guy in 2008 when we were screaming that the fix was in. You probably heard the revelation that W also said he would have voted for Obama.

    • Just because we suspect that Obama made deals for campaign money and see results that support that claim, it’s not evidence. We need the smoking gun. You know, someone who was in the meetings and recorded it or has email or made Obama the deal. That kind of thing. Otherwise, it’s just speculation. We have to be careful not to jeopardize our credibility.

      • It would be irresponsible not to speculate, and our credibility has been shot to shit ever since we were right about Obama in the first place.

        • Of course, it;s always the Clintons fault:

          A poster’s response to the article in CommondDreams.com:

          “tj November 7th, 2010 2:45 pm
          This piece is spot on. Just one thing to add: Obama made the deal with his Republican corporate masters through Hillary Clinton, who they already owned via Bill Clinton and directly through purchase.

          The deal was made concrete when OB and Hillary met at CA Sen. Diane Feinstein’s DC townhouse shortly before the Dem primaries officially finished. Though he had them locked up, OB decided to avoid a dirty Clintonian fight in the final days and abdicated to HC and the corporate Repubs.

          He agreed to appoint the Wall streeters who Freeman named. He gave up much of the cabinet to HC, including the prime seat of Sec of State, thus making her prime minister if you will.

          He made a public genuflection before AIPAC (they had Hillary in the bag since the Bill Clinton days). He adopted the warrior king mode after that.

          He moved off of any real support for single payer (which he had publicly called the best option) or even a public option.

          And he chose Rahm Emmanuel to run his staff, ensuring that he wouldn’t screw up the plan.

          Hillary turned over her funding lists and lined up corporate connections, etc. Up until this time, OB still had a big bank of small funders, primarily via the web.

          The rest is the history that Freeman lays out.”

          • OFFS. What an idjit.

          • “a big bank of small funders”

            That should be “a small bank of big funders.”

            Idjits again.

          • What a pitiful idiot.

            If Hilary had been able to offer anyone such a deal on behalf of the banksters, why would she? The kind of corrupt politician this asshat thinks she is would have kept it for herself.

  5. I think the Catfood Commission co-chairs are having to jump the gun on issuing their hard won findings (snark) and Obama’s recommendations. My best guess is that this crap was to be rammed though based upon Obama’s personal popularity and his overwhelming mandate as witnessed in the Congressional elections (They have me!) and it has not worked out quite as planned. So instead of a ballyhooed unanimous decision to impoverish everyone on attainment of retirement age with some tax cuts thrown in to appease the elites, they have had to do a rush job and have the loons serving as chairman issue a something or other which has not been voted on by the commission while Obama is out campaigning as I Run Away When Things Do Not Go My Way In Elections President. The bait and switch is not working either. I think this commission can serve as a clear example of piddling while my approval numbers go down the crapper thus leaving my financial backers in the lurch. This is a no go because Dem congressmen are pissed and are not voting for anything the for which the WH remotely seems interested. Madame Speaker deciding to push the Dream Act during a Democratic rebellion is not so smart either.

    • This is what I am warning about. The editorial boards are not backing down. Therefore, I think we have to conclude they are serious. It is another version of pushing the overton window so far that any harsh intermediate step seems reasonable.
      Don’t be complacent on this or they will get much more than they are now willing to settle for.

      • The editorial boards may not be backing down, and I could be wrong, but I don’t see the Tea Partyiers going for any of this. Politics makes strange bedfellows. This Cat Food Commission report just might give Tea Partyiers and Dems who are not part of the Creative Class, something in common. I think we’ll see a return to the angry town hall meetings. This is bigger than the liberal/conservative divide.

      • Absolutely. The plan is utterly transparent.

    • Arianna Huffington (yes, I know) made a salient point on Parker & Spiter: where is President Obama’s jobs commission? Without jobs, the deficit is worse.


  6. I know it’s incendiary, but when I heard about the Catfood Commission’s recommendations, I thought this a slow killing off of the aging, (civilian and military). It would be more humane to suggest mass euthanization at age 70, a la Logan’s Run.
    Of course the rich are exempt.

  7. I have one simple political goal now-the Obamacrats Must Be Destroyed. If that means living under the GOP for a period of time, so be it.

  8. Nation Taking No Joy In Cowboys’ Pathetic Collapse
    ‘Actually, Never Mind, It’s Really Fun,’ Reports Populace

    As the Dallas Cowboys struggle with a 1-6 season, sports fans nationwide have been saddened by the bad fortune that has befallen the franchise long revered as one of the NFL’s crown jewels, and known throughout the football world as America’s Team.

    Actually, the U.S. populace immediately confirmed, the Cowboys’ pathetic collapse has brought with it nothing but pure joy and happiness.

    “It’s really been tough to watch, especially for a team that had so much potential heading into the season,” Appleton, WI shopkeeper and longtime Packers fan Erik Hoyer said. “Ha! I was almost able to say that with a straight face. Honestly, this Cowboys team has made watching football more fun than it’s been in years. They can’t run the ball, they can’t defend anything, and they’re imploding so bad that their owner doesn’t even know how many games they’ve played.”

    “I can’t think of a better team for this to happen to,” he added. “I literally can’t stop smiling.”

    • The Packer fan is a douche. How lame to celebrate the fall of someone (or team) who’s earned their record of greatness. This Cowboy fan still loves the Cowboys and waits patiently for their return to the pinnacle of success. My patience with the Cowboys is exceeded only by my patience with the 49ers to once again be what they were.

  9. This is how I see it. The fix is in. Those in power have concluded that the country is kaput financially. Rather than actually trying to save the country, they have come up with this awful scheme to pit workers against each other (the more affluent versus the less affluent versus the even less affluent versus the downright poor – and, of course, the old versus the young) – and to wring every possible penny out of the worker (who relies primarily on wages to survive) before the country goes under. Brilliant.

  10. I think the Catfood Commission should have also been responsible for the health insurance reform recommendation. It is equally hideous to their other recommendations, and it passed! If only it had been couched in a 20% cut in military spending, we would never have had to start living this nightmare….

  11. Excellent post! The money quote:

    “The whole set of proposals is designed to force the middle class to pay for themselves and everyone else, to make the middle class resent the poor and, inevitably, to destroy Social Security.”

    Exactly why FDR created SS the way he did, everyone gets back roughly what they put in, precisely so it wouldn’t be demonized as a welfare program.

    When are the Obamajerks going to admit they totally effed up? All their crap about a new “creative class” that was going to dominate the Dem Party for centuries, the magnificent Obama realignment that was going to give Democrats a permanent majority, the way Obama was not only going to turn water into wine but also Republicans into liberals, the Will.I.Am videos and the Kennedy comparisons. When are these mofos going to apologize? BTD is over at TL calling Obama a “proud Clinton Democrat”. My a**, Obama is a Clinton Democrat.

    • A Clinton democrat? ONLY CLINTON? But I thought he was MLK, JFK and FDR! And Ghandi too!
      I remember the hyperbole flying after W’s 9.11 axes of evil speech (Churchill, Napoleon, Caesar, Lincoln!). But this empty vessel is being draped as different people for 4 years now! Enough already! It has a name! Trojan Horse! (Even the Os at DU are started to whisper it)

      • While on the subject of Trojan Horse, may I recommend the Canadian B movie by the same name? Very interesting conspiracy theory and very prescient (it was made before 2008).

    • Obumbles? A Clinton Democrat?? I saw that line and peed a little bit. Give me a Clinton rather than a Clinton Democrat anyday, especially not one like Obumbles……


      Hillary 2012

    • Sounds like he’s desperate to get a bit of Clinton shine to rub on stinky BO.

  12. The VA is authorized to bill private health insurance for health care costs if the veteran has other health insurance. Therefore to say that the government is paying for all of this care without reimbursement from a vets private health care policy is a myth. The VA even tried to bill my partner’s health care insurance for her ex-husband’s care at the VA. This is very ironic since my partner is a VA employee.

  13. Welfare reform?

    After the Rodney King riots and the televised savage beating of Reginald Denny?

    Had it been George H. W. Bush in the White House there would be no welfare.

  14. Fantastic post….. per usual!

    I have to agree with Krugman that these proposals are crazy but I am under no illusion that the people who want to avoid paying their obligations to the rest of us are going to pretty much get what they want. We’ve seen this act before. It would be a mistake to not take them very, VERY seriously

    Oh you betcha. The” crazier ” they are the more serious the threat. This GOP wet dream grab bag is from a supposedly Dem administration. If there was a strategy beyond the simple theft of the accumulate wealth of 200 years….it might be the Dems want to be so Repug, it would block the Repugs from getting elected…how’s that working out?

  15. Great post and even greater line: Accountability before Austerity.

    This Commission is another, in what is a seemingly endless litany, example of Axelfraud’s interstellar ineptitude at all things political. Color me unsurprised that a parade of horribles led by drum majors Simpson and Bowles would crap on the ever-willowing middle class while bolstering the top 2% of the wealthy. Axelfraud’s thinking resembles a four-year-old’s color by number book where Obie rides in to save the day from the mean Commission ogres. If Axelfraud ever had a strategic thought the rest of his comb over would fall out — what he fails to realize is that this whole exercise has done nothing but embolden the Repugs to selectively excise the portions of the report to support their continued assault on the middle class.

    Idiocy imbued with ego rolled up in timidity is the definition of these people. If it wasn’t real it would be an “Onion” headline, “After largest electoral drumming since the 1930’s centered on jobs, Obama heads to India where jobs are off-shored as he claims the trip is about jobs — at least he can see first hand what American jobs look like.”

  16. “Billionaire Launches Campaign to Slash Social Security”

    please follow the link and get involved


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