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Monday News and Views

Good Morning Conflucians! Sorry to be so late with the news today. Today is Flag Day.

On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.

As usual, the BP oil gusher is the top story in the news. As you know, the Coast Guard issued an ultimatum to BP to “contain the spill” by last night. It’s not clear what will actually happen now that BP has failed to do so. I suppose there will be another sternly worded letter from someone or other.

The U.S. Coast Guard gave BP Plc 48 hours to find more capacity to contain its leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico after scientists and researchers doubled their estimates of the spill’s size.

BP’s efforts don’t “provide the needed collection capacity consistent with the revised flow estimates,” said Rear Admiral James A. Watson, the federal on-scene coordinator, in a letter dated June 11. It was sent to Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, and was released today.

BP did release a new plan to “speed oil containment.” But who can believe anything they say at this point?

Under the revised schedule, BP claims it can capture between 40,000 and 53,000 barrels a day by the end of this month. BP wasn’t expected to reach that capacity until mid-July under the earlier plan. The new estimate, detailed in a letter to the Coast Guard dated Sunday, also claims the energy giant will be able to capture as much as 80,000 barrels a day by mid-July.

The Obama administration said BP was responding to its order from Friday, in which Coast Guard Rear Adm. James Watson told the company that “every effort must be expended to speed up” the rate of containment.

“After being directed by the administration to move more quickly, BP is now stepping up its efforts to contain the leaking oil,” an administration official said Monday, adding that the new plan has enough backup in place to account for bad weather and “unforeseen circumstances.”

Bla, bla, bla…. whatever.

President Obama told Politico’s Roger Simon that the gusher is going to have a similar impact to that of 9/11.

“In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11,” the president said in an Oval Office interview on Friday, “I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come.”

And then he went golfing for four hours.

At least one relative of a 9/11 victim is unhappy with the comparison. And the Brits don’t care for it either.

Today Obama will go back down to the Gulf for a two-day visit.

Barack Obama flies into the Gulf tomorrow to try to take charge of an environmental disaster that is spreading beyond human control, with a stinking tide of oil from BP’s ruptured well now advancing on the white sand beaches of Alabama and Florida.

Obama’s visit is his fourth since the gusher began, but the first so far to Mississippi, Albama, and Florida, which are now joining Louisiana on the frontline of the spill. Several miles of Alabama’s beaches were splattered with a thick sludge of oil at the weekend, with a slick now three or four miles off the Florida resort of Pensacola. Two barrier islands off Mississippi were also covered in oil. In Panama City, Florida, 190 miles from the ruptured well, a steel tank was discovered, oozing oil, that appeared to come from the sunken Deepwater Horizon rig.

Obama’s two-day visit is the latest attempt by the White House to assert the president’s mastery over the spill crisis – a difficult case to make given that BP and his administration admit the oil will continue to spew until at least August.

Rick Klein at ABC News writes that President Obama is now trying to do all the things he previously said he didn’t need to do in response to the BP gusher.

The White House is beginning to realize that the political fallout of the oil spill is very real — and holding office for a year and a half makes it harder to blame the previous administration for evident shortcomings.

Just as the president and his top aides didn’t fully grasp the scale of environmental fallout, they didn’t comprehend the degree to which the response to the incident has evolved into a test of presidential leadership.

IMNSHO, Obama has already failed the leadership test, and my guess is he will never be able to demonstrate any real empathy for the people and animals who have been and will be hurt by the BP gusher.

Finally, Canada has canceled deep water drilling licenses.

Canada has called a halt to issuing more licences for Arctic drilling and other countries bordering the vast white waste are taking a closer look at environmental regulations.

The Arctic, after the Gulf and offshore Brazil, was in line to become the next big battleground for Big Oil in the search for the world’s remaining accessible oil and gas fields before the US reacted to the risks linked to drilling more than three miles below the surface of the Gulf.

Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil, Chevron and the rest of the club have been queuing for US and Canadian licences to extend the search in a region that could contain 50bn barrels of oil and up to 1,000 trillion cubic feet of gas. The US Geological Survey estimates there could be a quarter of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas under the vast Arctic area and Russia is claiming ownership of most of it.

In other news and views, here are some miscellaneous non-oil gusher links. Please feel free to post more in the comments.

At Open Left, Paul Rosenberg defends Helen Thomas:

I’m Jewish, if you can’t tell. And I’ve seen the video in which she made her so-called “indefensible” remarks. And I’ve just got to say it plain: there was no “there” there. She was being interviewed by a rabbi. She was friendly and smiling. She was asked “”Any comments on Israel”, and she said, “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.” This in itself is ambiguous, of course, since it could refer to all of Palestine previous to the arrival of any modern Jews, or it could refer to occupied Palestine (since the 1967 war). Either way, though, it’s simply a political opinion–one you may disagree with, but nothing even close to the expression of group animus, and American political figures express group animus all the time without being forced to apologize, much less end their careers.

When asked where they should go, she said, they should “go back home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else,” and here I can certainly understand why some people would very angry. Doesn’t she know what happened to the Jews in Poland and Germany? But, of course, she didn’t say it should happen again.

The New York Times has an interesting piece on how childhood is being extended so that an in-between phase is developing between adolescence and adulthood. I find this idea fascinating, because it wasn’t until the early twentieth century that adolescence emerged in response to the industrial revolution. The study of adolescence as a separate stage of development only began in the 1940s.

From the Obama administration’s new rule that allows children up to age 26 to remain on their parents’ health insurance to the large increase in the number of women older than 35 who have become first-time mothers, social scientists say young adulthood has undergone a profound shift.

People between 20 and 34 are taking longer to finish their educations, establish themselves in careers, marry, have children and become financially independent, said Frank F. Furstenberg, who leads the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood, a team of scholars who have been studying this transformation.

Also from the NYT: U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.

The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.

It figures. That’s probably the reason we went there in the first place. Now we’ll never leave.

I really liked this reader blog at FDL: What If the US Didn’t Join the Race to the Bottom? The author “letsgetitdone,” argues that the U.S. should take the FDR route (full employment) toward solving the financial crisis, rather than sticking with the failed Hoover solution (deficit cutting). It’s a great piece. Unfortunately, as some of the commenters point out, our government *wants* to eliminate the middle class and turn us all into serfs.

Ultra-right-wing icon Ted Olson is campaigning to end the ban on gay marriage.

Olson took the microphone, and began to describe his crusade to overturn California’s Proposition 8 and establish a constitutional right for same-sex marriage. The two gay families he represents are “the nicest people on the planet.” He believes to his core that discrimination because of sexual orientation “is wrong and it’s hurtful, and I never could understand it.” He knows some worry that the lawsuit is premature, “but civil rights are not won by people saying, ‘Wait until the right time.’ ”

This fight, Olson told the law students gathered on a spring evening in the luxe D.C. offices of his firm, Gibson, Dunn and Cruthcher, “is the most compelling, emotionally moving, important case that I have been involved in in my entire life.”

So what are you reading today? Please share, and have a marvelous Monday!

134 Responses

  1. The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan…

    Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.

    Sigh. Just the other day Bob Herbert wrote about having “the courage to leave.” Not like that was going to happen, but now it really won’t.

    • I know. And the story says the US will use the riches to help Afghanistan. Not likely.

      • Very different, I guess, but it reminds me of claims that casino revenues would be used to rebuild Atlantic City. Sure – it still looks like a war zone off of the Boardwalk.

      • But it’ll sure benefit Halliburton, and Blackwater (or whatever they’re calling themselves these days), and all the other bonus-class types.

    • When are all these brown people going to stop living and reproducing on top of our valuable resources?

      First we had the Native Americans living on our land as if it wasn’t our Manifest Destiny to take it and kill anyone who got in the way.

      Then we had the Arabs living on top of our oil and trying to tell us we had to pay them for it.

      Now you can bet these Afghanis will be ungrateful for all the mining jobs we’re gonna give them.

      • Gawd, you’d better put your snark font on that, or someone’s gonna come and kick your arse.

        Just looking out for you.

      • “How did our minerals get under their rocks?” To paraphrase a sign from a protest against the Iraq war.

      • When are all these brown people going to stop living and reproducing on top of our valuable resources?

        As a brown person, I resemble that remark.

        • I’m sure the Corporatocracy is happy to throw out indigenous people of any color.

      • If we were honest, we’d remove “In God We Trust” from our currency and replace it with “Greed Is Our Creed”. 😈

      • They’ll ship in Chinese workers….

      • Yeah, and the mine safety standards will be just as good as in the US!

        Oh, wait….

    • I hope the Afghan govt. gives all the mining contracts to the French.

    • So, our troops are just over there doing geological surveys? How the heck were these minerals discovered by us?

      • Now we know our Pentagon folks can double as geologists.

        “The vast scale of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth was discovered by a small team of Pentagon officials and U.S. geologists. The Afghan government and President Hamid Karzai were briefed recently, U.S. officials said.”

        “The Ministry of Mines is not ready to handle this,” said Paul Brinkley, deputy undersecretary of defense for business and leader of the Pentagon team that discovered the deposits. “We are trying to help them get ready.”

        …very convenient, eh?

    • Very convenient, letting this news out right before the pres meets with BP chairman. The British pension system can now afford to take a hit on the Gulf catastrophe. The Brits (and BP) will get their share of the spoils from Afghanistan.

    • Do you think “finding” these riches was a coincidence with the disillusionment of the likes of Bob Herbert. Timing is way too convenient . Like we didn’t know about this stuff. Want to buy a bridge?

      • No, I didn’t think it was coincidental at all.

        And, get this. According to Ambinder this isn’t even new reporting, it’s just being repackaged as such:

        What better way to remind people about the country’s potential bright future — and by people I mean the Chinese, the Russians, the Pakistanis, and the Americans — than by publicizing or re-publicizing valid (but already public) information about the region’s potential wealth?

        The Obama administration and the military know that a page-one, throat-clearing New York Times story will get instant worldwide attention. The story is accurate, but the news is not that new; let’s think a bit harder about the context.

        • FDL:

          Media Discovers Large Pockets of Minerals in Afghanistan
          I say that the media discovered them because the front-page article in the New York Times today had upped the chatter quotient on mineral deposits in Afghanistan that were found a long time ago. The World Bank wrote about Afghanistan’s mineral development in 2004. China has already begun to mine in Afghanistan, with the Kabul government providing them the lease on a copper mine in 2007 (they have to build a power plant and a railroad to get the copper out of the mine and into the supply chain; nobody seems to be talking about the infrastructure challenges). And the Wall Street Journal reported on the Afghan mining industry and how it was inviting more bids for copper, iron ore and other mineral development in August 2009.

        • Blake Hounshell at FP:

          In short, things don’t look good for the United States … which makes me suspicious of the timing of this attention-grabbing James Risen story in the Times, which opens with this mind-boggling lede:

          The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.”

          Wow! Talk about a game changer. The story goes on to outline Afghanistan’s apparently vast underground resources, which include large copper and iron reserves as well as hitherto undiscovered reserves lithium and other rare minerals.

          Read a little more carefully, though, and you realize that there’s less to this scoop than meets the eye. For one thing, the findings on which the story was based are online and have been since 2007, courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. More information is available on the Afghan mining ministry’s website, including a report by the British Geological Survey (and there’s more here). You can also take a look at the USGS’s documentation of the airborne part of the survey here, including the full set of aerial photographs.

          Nowhere have I found that $1 trillion figure mentioned, which Risen suggests was generated by a Pentagon task force seeking to help the Afghan government develop its resources (looking at the chart accompanying the article, though, it appears to be a straightforward tabulation of the total reserve figures for each mineral times current the current market price). According to Risen, that task force has begun prepping the mining ministry to start soliciting bids for mineral rights in the fall.

          Don’t get me wrong. This could be a great thing for Afghanistan, which certainly deserves a lucky break after the hell it’s been through over the last three decades.

          But I’m (a) skeptical of that $1 trillion figure; (b) skeptical of the timing of this story, given the bad news cycle, and (c) skeptical that Afghanistan can really figure out a way to develop these resources in a useful way. It’s also worth noting, as Risen does, that it will take years to get any of this stuff out of the ground, not to mention enormous capital investment.

  2. I would like to know why Obama’s visit going today and coming back tomorrow as a “2 day visit”! I expect Obama will be sleeping and eating dinner most of the time. How much time will Oprecious actually spend in the Gulf? This attempt to spin this two day visit when it is really a few hours. Those people are too much. Sure glad Obama was able to get his 18 holes in. And it was not just a 4 hour game. I golf. First you have to change clothes, get to the course, warm up, have a drink after. You are tired after 18 holes and Obama is a man of no endurance. He poops out after watching a game show on TV. Remember when he ran against Hillary. He was always exhausted. He couldn’t wait till Hillary got out so poor baby could rest. So him taking time to golf 18 holes means his whole day is devoted to golf, not the disaster. They are such liars. If he spent as much time devoted to the Gulf as he spends on golf, maybe daddy could have figured out how to plug the hole and skim the oil!

    • lol! well said. If we can just convince him it’s the Golf of Mexico…

    • How much time will Oprecious actually spend in the Gulf?

      I’m thinking just enough time for some photo-ops where he explains to people, “I can’t plug the hole, I can’t suck it up with a straw..”

  3. Great round-up. Thanks, bb.
    Nice catch: Defending Helen Thomas
    by: Paul Rosenberg

    In short, what I’m saying about Helen Thomas is that she merely said something that made some people angry or upset, and that gave other people with their own agendas a chance to finally get rid of someone who had always bucked the powers that be. In the land of fake journalism, she was one of the last authentic voices to be heard, and they just couldn’t wait for an excuse to get rid of her–particularly one that would make her look bad.

    • Exactly. Can’t have someone bucking “the system”.

    • I won’t defend the words “Go back to Poland and Germany” because I think they are regrettable and do recall a history of demonization (I don’t have a dog in the I/P situation. I am pro-peoples of both countries, equally, and against demonization of either. I am wary of the agitators on both sides of the fight.)

      That said, I will defend the person who uttered those words.

      Helen Thomas apologized. Her apology should have been enough and the fallout from what she said was disproportionate to the error she made. It was an offhand comment, captured by a rabbi who, judging by the way he produced these videos with the captions on them, seems to almost be delighting in his 15 minutes of fame posting these videos and destroying an almost ninety-year old woman’s long and distinguished career.

      She used a stupid and crude choice of words to expound on… a valid political opinion she’s completely entitled to have. All the nefarious intentions attributed to her were way over the top. As if she were seriously advocating ethnic cleansing. Gimme a break. This was a game of gotcha and egged on hysteria over her comments by Helen’s detractors, a lot of whom are hypocrites and have no problem telling others to “go home” or “leave” as they please. It was a huge distraction away from the real harm and senseless violence going on in the present-day region.

      Sorry, it just really upsets me what happened.

    • They have wanted to get rid of Helen for years , and they finally did. She always asked common sense questions that broke the hypnotic haze they all move in and made their jobs of lying to themselves and us harder . Clearly she had to go . The only time they complain about BO is when he makes their jobs of lying harder work.

  4. BP’s answer to the ultimatum looks more like a production plan than anything having to do with stopping.
    My very late tabloids from downstairs

    Tabloids:911-golf and Gulf pain, casus belli

  5. That extended adolescent mention is interesting. I think it’s a middle class situation. The poor and working class can’t afford to support grown children.

    In my grandparents’ day, kids were yanked out of school after 8th grade and sent to work to help out the family. Both my husband’s mother and my mother were pulled from school after 8th grade and sent to work.

    Today, I know plenty of working class people who can’t afford to keep grown kids at home. Extended adolescence is a luxury that has to do with class.

    • Extended adolescence is a luxury that has to do with class
      As is the whole concept of “retirement.” Both ends of the age spectrum may be leading very different lives eventually. My husband and I are wthin sighting distance of “retirement” but won’t be able to retire.

    • I live in a working class neighborhood and the support from the WC parents come in the form of housing. The kids work, but they live with the parents and so do the grandkids. But it’s an older neighborhood and the houses were built with extended families in mind. That’s how families lived until right after WW2…the immediate family only 50’s model is breaking down.
      They call it” extended adolescence ” like they call bombing ” anti-personnel”. It sounds better to say ” extended adolescence ” like they are enjoying themselves, rather than saying people are working hard , but can’t afford to move to the next stage as fast as they could just a few years ago.

      • Same over here in Italy. The media used to call it mamma-ism, instead of extended adolescence, but the real reason is that housing has shot up (both rented and for sale), while entrance into the job market is postponed-sometimes indefinitely (as opposed to finding temporary + low pay).
        Strangely enough stats show that young women leave home earlier than males.

        • well I bet Mom isn’t doing their laundry or cooking their meals as much…plus young women mostly need to leave to be sexually active . The son can be so while home, no problem. imo

    • I know working class/middle class extended families where the younger gen is working but living at home and paying rent/board and it really helps the parents. Especially when one of the parents has lost a job, or had the hours cut back, or found one of those new jobs that pays half as much as the old one.

    • Hear, hear! Also, extending parentally provided health insurance to the up-to-26 age group pacifies the early-20somethings who otherwise might protest how screwed they are. Kind of like getting rid of the draft cut off the antiwar movement at the knees, because middle class kids stopped caring about that issue once it wasn’t their asses on the line.

  6. Great roundup. Thank you.
    Ted Olson doing more for gay people than Oprecious. Shocking I tell you. Shocking.

    • By owner? I am the owner (and you too) and don’t remember listing it…

      • That is such an antiquated idea.

        I am sure Obama3.0/Pelosi/Reid/Cheney/Bush2.0 would find it endearing you or I still think such a thing.

    • I like how they’re asking “is it for sale?” Like it wasn’t sold years ago. I mean no one even pretended Reagan wasn’t any empty suit puppet of GE and others. And various other presidents before and sense have been owned.

      Of course both dubya and Obama have been particularly special empty suit puppets since the country is almost done being irreversibly destroyed under their special brand of leadership.

  7. “Democratic establishment favorite may not be people’s choice in N.C.”
    Guess which is the female and which is the male.

    (for some reason I’m not able to post a comment at the link. My fingers are itching to write, “In the Obama Democratic Party, the female candidate is ALWAYS inferior to the male candidate. Haven’t you noticed?”)

    • I can’t help but wonder as the Secretary of State if she might have been more honorable than the Obama campaign would have liked. And this is her punishment.

    • That article is yet another example of running a bad photo of the…..guess who? …. female candidate.

  8. BBoomer. So, it was the minerals. Unbelievable. The SFChron picked this up. So, I knew there must be something to it.


    I wish we had a magic wand to go back to the Clinton era. It was a happier time. There must be someplace to move? The only question is where.

    People call Californians that are green wrong. We aren’t. 40 years ago the book Silent Spring and Ralph Nader’s policies were what we were thinking about. It’s really time that the world puts all that into place for everyone.

    I am sick of the great selfish economic divide and the things it does.

    Hugs, Conf. and Co.

  9. All the rightwinger blogs are buzzing about footage of some sort of confrontation between a Democratic congressman and some men with cameras who identified themselves as students working on a project.

  10. I might do the same if someone asked me if I “fully support the Obama agenda?”

  11. Wow, so Ultra-right-wing icon Ted Olson is actually more liberal than most Democrats, esp. the “new” Democrats. I think maybe that’s one of the four horsemen.

    I’m going to hide under my desk now.

  12. Today is Flag Day!!!!
    happy FLAG DAY

  13. Obama golfs for four hours in sweltering heat

    Why not call it dedication to informal networking…

  14. Take a look at this fantastic InfoGraphic. It’s about altitudes and depths of things around is. And it includes depths related to the deepwater well too.

  15. The Oprecious is talking. Flipping around I noticed Fox cut him off pretty early as he wasn’t actually saying anything. Funny.

  16. Whattashocker… BP call center appears to be a sham…

    From my local CBS affiliate — KHOU

    FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas—A contracted operator with BP said calls from concerned citizens are falling on deaf ears.

    For this story, we’ll refer to her as “Janice.”

    Janice told 11 News she’s one of 100 operators at the BP Call Center in West Houston. They answer phones from the hotline number designated for the Vessel of Opportunity Program and for cleanup ideas.

    “We take all your information and then we have nothing to give them, nothing to give them,” said Janice.

    Janice said calls about the oil disaster are non-stop and that operators are just warm bodies on the other end of the phone.

    “We’re a diversion to stop them from really getting to the corporate office, to the big people,” said Janice.

  17. Toilet Paper Memo figured why Clinton is popular and Oprecious isn’t in the south: they’re raucist, silly

    A big part of the importance of Bill Clinton this year is that he can slip into parts of the country where President Obama is a political liability and give Democrats some presidential star power. Those places are predominantly in the South or to a degree even more in the border states. You simply can’t explain this phenomenon without taking the President’s race into serious account.

    Notice how they refer to “slave states”. What happened to the black voters there?

    • meant “raycist”

    • That’s pretty funny. As Obama is shown to be more and more lame (I’m being kind there), and more people disapprove of him, there seems to be only one conclusion these kool-aid drinkers can come too: it’s the race question of course. Duh. Apparently the magical unicorn involved all along was Obama’s race because that would always mean he had a magical no fault cloak on and could never be at fault for anything.

      I’ve never seen a more raycist group in my life than these kool-aid drinkers.

    • Or maybe the fact that Bill is from Arkansas? LOL!

    • Since Hillary is not available, Dems brave enough to run for office are gonna beg Bill to come to help them and they tell Obama : thanks but no thanks, please golf…. okay?” and Barry will be royally pissed…Bill must watch his back even more than usual.

    • Yeah, because mostly, Democrats are wildly popular in the South. It’s so deeply unusual to find an unpopular Democrat, especially one from the North, that there must be something to this theory.

      • Get this, I heard this on TV today. Ed Henry was talking to some other CNN guy. Henry was in FLA, and had interviewed someone who said he had voted for Obama against Hillary in the primary and then voted for Obama in the general. Now this person wishes he had voted for Hillary instead, because Obama doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing.


        • Lol Someone should tell him it wouldn’t have mattered, he would have just joined his neighbors’ Parade of the Disenfranchised.

        • Obumbles doesn’t know what he is doing and neither does that voter.

        • Too little, too late.

        • I heard that too. He said this guy-bar owner said Hillary wouldn’t have put up with this.

      • If you read the TPM post, it basically points out that a Democratic president being unpopular in a southern state isn’t unusual. Then Marshall goes on to lay out the obvious about Obama’s race anyway. It’s just another friendly reminder from progressives that Obama is black and that we can never extricate that from our analysis, even if there is a more compelling explanation.

    • Race is one of many factors, but it’s not everything, and it doesn’t erase the fact that the progressives pushed Obama as the only candidate who could magically redraw the map blue and ensure Democratic majority for years to come.

      Independents who gave Obaama a chance in 2008 have turned away. That’s why he’s toxic for downticket.

      • Exactly. They were the ones who insisted that North Carolina should be the most important state in the primary and laughed at the distinction between “states we have a shot in hell in carrying in 2012 and beyond” and “states we probably don’t.” Obama is toxic everywhere, mostly because he’s no good at this. No doubt ra ce is a factor, but there’s rac ism everywhere in the country, not just the South. Kerry, Dukakis, maybe even Gore would not be welcomed any more warmly, most likely. Nor Hillary, if she were doing as lousy a job as O.

  18. iPhone playing/singing Korean women gets recording contract. Here’s the youtube that launched her:

  19. Bet the “Obama administration” wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t for our estimable Hillary. Wait, buried in the 5th paragraph I find out it was indeed HRC who presented the report on trafficking. Report includes the US for the first time.


    • Argh! A backslash in the wrong spot and my quote vanishes!

      • Must need more caffeine. Hey, it’s only 2 pm here on the west coast….

        “The Obama administration on Monday warned more than a dozen states, including perennial rogues Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Myanmar, of possible sanctions for failing to do enough to fight human trafficking.

        The State Department’s 10th annual review of global efforts to eliminate the trade in human beings and sexual slavery put 13 countries on notice that they are not complying with minimum international standards and could face U.S. penalties.”

    • LOL. Of course that’s clearly a raycist comment. 🙂

    • OMG, that’s hilarious.

      • Gen Obama gets taste of politics — same as gen tail end bboom got with Nixon scandals. Too bad they didn’t listen to the peruvians among us, no? Olders dems ae just like them, ya know. We wnated the same stuff they did for the most part. Geez. Next time listen? K?


        I expect this is going to get louder and louder “splitting” —
        he did lie to them. But he was target-marketing, no?
        Gen obot will not be fooled again by any politicians and that is the biggest lesson of this whole deal. I hope they can maintain their idealism, a little.

        • I pretty much agree with you — I voted for one Republican in my entire life, as one of the first 18-year olds allowed to vote (at the last minute, I decided my parents had more experience and must be right in their choice). But, I’m afraid I DID get fooled again — originally liked Edwards for the last go-round. Of course, I dropped him as soon as he announced he wouldn’t put his name on the ballot in Michigan (just like the guy who ended up getting all the votes we cast in the primary for HRC).

          It sure gets harder and harder to maintain idealism, the longer you hang around, though. It creeps me out thinking what politics will be like in another decade.

  20. President Obama’s Remarks from the Gulf Coast on BP Oil Disaster Response – Part 1

  21. Excellent roundup, thanks.

  22. Remember Gird your Loins — I always wondered what he was talking about with that?


  23. ZOMFG!!

    I just saw a campaign commercial from nutMeg Witless

    California is so broke we can’t pay attention and Witless wants to cut taxes??

    I’ll be in the bathroom shaving my palms if anyone wants to share their meds.

    • She needs a tall cool glass of thorazine.

    • gonna be up to you and I now, MIQ2XU…

      ps: To take my mind of the oil spill, and the research, and the rest I bought two books and a bunch of fab fresh fruit. Strawberries. At least for now we have that in CA.

      I bought The Shock Doctrine and The Road. Opened the Shock Doctrine “Disaster Capiltalism” — by page 14? I don’t think I can eat dinner. Must read, can’t stop,

      Need to read? Can’t stop. Whew. RD? this is a book for you. I almost wanted to get that one you were talking about. Maybe one I finish this one. Dak is going to understand, BBoomer all I can say is OMG after page 14, and so will you.


  24. Hillary supporter Sophie B. Hawkins is in the news.

    The Hill:

    Singer Sophie B. Hawkins told The Hill on Thursday that “America’s being thrown under the bus” by President Barack Obama as he presses forward with his agenda and comes under criticism for his response to the Gulf oil spill.

  25. Joan Walsh today actually woke up to the fact that Obama is inexperienced. She called him whiny and actually said
    “Grow up Mr President.” !
    Heh, it took her long enough to notice.

    Her article in Salon called ‘ Protecting the Obama Brand’

  26. Progress has been made!!

    CBS has a custom header titled “Disaster in the Gulf” with it’s own special theme music that they play as they go in and out from commercials

    There was not a single politician or reporter in NOLA today that was wearing a tie AND THEY ALL HAD THEIR SLEEVES ROLLED UP!

    • Obama said if you really want to help the economic victims of the “Disaster in the Gulf!” you should visit NOLA, stay at a B&B, and maybe go out to the French Quarter for a few drinks.

  27. Obama says in the first clip aove ” What I heard today… was similar what I heard… in my previous 4 visits to the Gulf coast since Deepwater.” Hr made only 3 trips before today. He is counting today’s trip as a previous trip to bring his numbers up.

    • He reminds me of the kid in school who’ll expend 1000 times more energy trying to avoid doing anything than it would take to just read the damn book already. Mr. President, if you would step up and lead from here on out, everyone would eventually forget what a dud you’ve been up to now. Much more effective than transparently trying to do damage control and make it all about you while continuing to do nothing, I assure you.

    • This is the same shit over and over from both the left and the right. They don’t know how to respond to a woman who they disagree with politically without dehumanizing her and degrading her womanhood. Hillary was Lieberman in a pantsuit, Palin is Bush in a skirt, and on and on.

    • The only time Democratic Congressman pay any attention to women is when they’re committing felony sexual assault? Good to know.

      • The Tennessee Dem who said it is a Democratic congresswoman.

        • Yeah, I know, but I figure with a ratio of like 1:50 she and her 4 colleagues will stick to the talking while the others do the majority of the chasing, cornering, and lifting.

    • God, I just hate everybody today.

  28. ROFLMAO…this woman is as tech-savvy as my husband. {{wiping tears from eyes}}

    Paging Dandy Tiger! this woman needs help!

  29. How come whenever anyone I know receives a weird anonymous text message like “I love big hairy moobs – UR giving me a chubby They immediately think it was me?

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