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Thank Jeebus for Sarah Palin, otherwise what would the media and the blogosphere have to talk about?



Levi: I Look at Palin with “Disgust”
Says She Repeatedly Lied About Him on “Oprah,” and Turns Down Her “Invite” to Thanksgiving Dinner
(I’m sure the whole Palin clan feels hurt and rejected to be snubbed by Ricky Hollywood)


Andy Sullivan: Levi Is Winning
(Sure he is, just like Bristol is really Trig’s mother)


Sales of Palin’s ‘Going Rogue’ Prompt Another Press Run



Sexism? What Sexism? Sam Stein:


Finally, as for the issue of whether the image is sexist, a source at Newsweek relays that the art and photo directors responsible for the cover (which was decided upon last Thursday) are both women.


Finally, in unimportant (non-Palin) News:

National Debt Now Tops $12 Trillion

(divide by 280 million to find out your share)


Brad DeLong: Chance of Great Depression Now 5%…

TARP Audit Finds Geithner Gave Away The Farm

Police Officer Uses Taser On 10-Year-Old Girl

Stupak: I have votes to defeat health bill

Obama faces uphill battle in selling Afghan war strategy

Feministe: “Hit the Bitch”?

A Danish advocacy group encourages you to “hit the bitch” as a way to end domestic violence. Basically, you go online and take a swing at a woman speaking. There are ratings for how “pussy” or “gangsta” you are — every time you slap the woman, you get more “gangsta.” The harder you hit, the more gangsta you are. The woman gets increasingly bruised as your “gangsta” rating creeps toward 100 percent.

Gradkowski might start for Raiders
(okay, that one really was unimportant)


Back to the important stuff:





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155 Responses

  1. Oh yeah, Obama is on a trip somewhere. I couldn’t find any links though.

    • Yes, the royal 0 is in China lecturing them that having a free media is important (ehh Fox) and preserving the rights of children and women (abortion?) has no cultural boundaries. Apparently he did not mention human rights, it seems his 3 predecessors did so on trips to China. But then he could not be bothered to see the Dalai Lama at the WH. Hand me the bag!!

      As we have heard so often that Palin is so unworldly and has never travelled. It was the first trip of O to China. Funnily enough, Ms Palin travelled some months ago to HKG to speak at the highly regarded CLSA conference to investors – but I guess she is still a bimbo.

    • This is so daily mail….why writing this in 2009? The British have such an obsession abt Nazi Germany.

      • Well, the British were rather disrupted by the Nazi war machine….

        • As did other nations – still there is no need to compare every soccer match to another war. Couple of years ago both nations played a match in the evening at a quarter to 8. The British tabloids thought that was good news as a quarter to 8 reads 19:45 -and that’s when the British won. I find that over the top.

  2. WTF? Salon publishes a written emetic:

    Redneck centerfold
    Whether he’s posing for Playgirl or yapping about Sarah Palin, Levi Johnston makes us crazy, and crazy with lust

    Pass me that bucket.

  3. Joan Walsh:

    Hell freezes over: I agree with Sarah Palin. Newsweek’s out of context short-shorts cover was sexist

    • Susan Estrich also gets it (mostly) right, here.

      And she notices (which none of our fauxgressives or infotainmentsphere media have) that the left’s crowing and condescension will do them no favors:

      The irony is that the cover, far from skewering Palin, as was its clear intent, helps her….and reduces it to a hit piece. It makes Palin a heroine to the people who hate the liberal media, reinforcing the view that the media are biased against conservatives. It makes women like me horrendously uncomfortable, because sexism is not OK under any circumstances. And it makes non-political, moderate women (you know, the kind who decide every election) more sympathetic to a woman who, on most issues (not just abortion, but health care, for instance, and stem cell research), is on the opposite side of them.

    • Oh brother…. He didn’t???

    • Notice how it is mostly men telling women to STFU and not fight the Stu-Pitt amendment so that health insurance reform can pass for the greater good? Pass the barf bucket, please.

      • Except this bill will crash and burn in a few years after enactment finishing off any hope of sanity in health care policy.
        This bill needs to go down in flames as a wake-up call to the DNC that they aren’t all that and won’t be until they shed the coat hanger wing type thinking.

        • You mean the bill Dennis Kucinich vpted “NO” to? Methinks he is the only true Democrat left in Congress.

      • They can let me know when they can get their own uteruses to incubate fetuses and they have to wait until someone declares them at deaths door to get help.


    • Lanny is a Party Unity weakling. Talk to the hand Lanny.

  4. talking heads were promoting the same meme over and over and over and over.

    • Health care mess is not Obama’s fault.

      Economy is not Obama’s fault.

      Afghanistan is not Obama’s fault.

      Wall St. is not Obama’s fault.

      Stupak is not Obama’s fault.

      Holder decision is not Obama’s fault.

      Lack of ponies is not Obama’s fault.

      • I had to remind a live-in obot recently, if you held GWB responsible for what happened prior to “light and glory”, you have to hold obama responsible for this mess. It’s an intellectual consistency thing.

        Response: “But, he hasn’t had time to “do” anything” But he has – he sets the tone for what happens just like GWB/Cheney. You can’t have it both ways and still consider yourself a thinking person.

        • Obama will only be responsible for things that happen in his second term.


          • Nah, he will be like Reagan, they’ll continue to worship him as the one forever, attributing everything good that happens over the next 50 years to him, and everything bad to Bush and Clinton from the past, and whoever comes next.

      • Lack of ponies — good one

      • The politico article reveals the gaping maw of cluelessness on the Democrats’ side, though, since every single quote is about how they think they need better “messaging.” Oh no, not better policies, or actual action, just better packaging.

        The only person who gets it right is the Pew Research guy:

        “I think it’s about action and not about words right now. The public wants to see action,” said Dimock. “I’m not sure words are going to help Democrats at this point. They’ve got to achieve some successes.”

        I think Politico is (no surprise) misreading the polls as badly as the Democrats are. They’ve picked up on the fact that the Independents who are going to the polls now are on the more conservative end, rather than the ones who showed up for the general election in 08, who were more left-leaning Indies. Basically, left-leaning Independents are just freakin’ staying home these days, bc Obama has utterly failed any sort of even mildly liberal agenda. But of course, everyone’s spinning it as Obama not being conservative enough or “bipartisan” enough. Blech.

  5. Liar, liar!:

    Never are political operatives less trustworthy than in the final moments of a tight race, and David Plouffe new book seems to contain an admission that he and his campaign misled the press in the late days the Iowa campaign.

    (h/t Campskunk)

  6. This is abominable.

    • Yeah, where is that Ms. Mag retraction? That would really show they’re moving in the right direction.

  7. Funny – you’d think Newsweek invented sexism and it’s it sole repository

    Palin brings sexism to the forefront

    That defense “women picked the photos” reminds me of the Florida butterfly ballot “being devised by Democrat Theresa Le Pore” (who changed affiliation right after the election)

  8. Below is a a list of the esteemed task force members. At least listed, not one oncologist among them.

    Current members of the Task Force are listed below. They have recognized expertise in prevention, evidence-based medicine, and primary care.

    Bruce N. Calonge, M.D., M.P.H. (Chair)
    Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist
    Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver, CO

    Diana B. Petitti, M.D., M.P.H. (Vice Chair)
    Professor of Biomedical Informatics
    Fulton School of Engineering
    Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

    Susan Curry, Ph.D.
    Dean, College of Public Health
    Distinguished Professor
    University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

    Allen J. Dietrich, M.D.
    Professor, Community and Family Medicine
    Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH

    Thomas G. DeWitt, M.D.
    Carl Weihl Professor of Pediatrics
    Director of the Division of General and Community Pediatrics
    Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

    Kimberly D. Gregory, M.D., M.P.H.
    Director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Women’s Health Services Research
    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

    David Grossman, M.D., M.P.H.
    Medical Director, Preventive Care and Senior Investigator, Center for Health Studies, Group Health Cooperative
    Professor of Health Services and Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics
    University of Washington, Seattle, WA

    George Isham, M.D., M.S.
    Medical Director and Chief Health Officer
    HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN

    Michael L. LeFevre, M.D., M.S.P.H.
    Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine
    University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO

    Rosanne Leipzig, M.D., Ph.D
    Professor, Geriatrics and Adult Development, Medicine, Health Policy
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY

    Lucy N. Marion, Ph.D., R.N.
    Dean and Professor, School of Nursing
    Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA

    Joy Melnikow, M.D., M.P.H.
    Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine
    Associate Director, Center for Healthcare Policy and Research
    University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA

    Bernadette Melnyk, Ph.D., R.N., C.P.N.P./N.P.P.
    Dean and Distinguished Foundation Professor in Nursing
    College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation
    Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ

    Wanda Nicholson, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
    Associate Professor
    Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

    J. Sanford (Sandy) Schwartz, M.D.
    Leon Hess Professor of Medicine, Health Management, and Economics
    University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA

    Timothy Wilt, M.D., M.P.H.
    Professor, Department of Medicine, Minneapolis VA Medical Center
    University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

    • Welcome to another glimpse of your health “care” reform, brought to you by the regressive democratic party. 8 years of being bushwhacked and never was I seriously concerned about the civil, constitutional and medical rights of women being rescinded or my daughters’ losing their right to choose or their ability to obtain much needed and fought for medical care, especially considering the democrats had control of the congress….Any bets on the first major health insurance company to stop covering mammograms for under 50s and over 70s without proof of predisposition?

    • were these all picked by sebellius?

  9. Hillary makes surprise visit to Afghanistan


  10. Dean of Harvard Medical School says Health ‘Reform’ Gets a Failing Grade

    The people who made the decision about mammograms could be thought of as a Death Panel by women whose cancer goes undetected to save a few buck.

    • Feel like I’ve been through my own mini death panel review since 11/1 regarding my Mom’s illness. I truely believe that 90% of them were perfectly fine with sending her to the nursing home to die. Nothing to get excited about, she is 90 after all.

      It was hell, they just missed how seriously stubborn both of us old girls are.

      • Had similar experience with my Mom. She had heart and lung problems in her late 80s. She didn’t want to give up and I just wouldn’t let it happen. She lived sevral years longer than she was “supposed to” and, while her quality of life could have been better, she enjoyed time with her great grandchildren and life in general. She passed on when she was ready, not some doctor or social worker. I wish you and your Mom only the very best in the future.

      • Going to a nursing home is not necessarily a death sentence – if it is a good nursing home. My mother has been in one for several years now. It was not possible for her to be properly cared for at home anymore. She gets better care and more socialization now than she did when she was at home. And she likes it, too.

        • Beata: We have a couple great nursing homes here and I do believe they serve a very good purpose.

          Mom’s situation was different in that she would have been going as DNR (do not resuscitate) because 1 miserable surgeon said she couldn’t make it and the other Hospitalists backed him. When I got a small amount of clarity, 9 days later, I asked for a second opinion and everything turned around. Fully expect her to be back at the apartment 3 doors down from me soon. Surgery still needs to be discussed and it could be difficult. But the new doc said no one should have to die from the conditions she had/has. We bought her some time, we don’t know how long, but it felt right.

          Sorry, didn’t mean to be so long winded in reply. It’s just one of those stories that goes on and on.

          I am very happy that your Mom has a great home and that you knew when to make the best decision even when it’s hard.

          • G-cat:

            It was a VERY hard decison for me to make to put my mother in the nursing home. I felt a lot of guilt about it.

            I had taken care of her for as long as possible, but it was no longer safe for her to be at home. Sometimes a nursing home is the right place.

            I wish you and your mother the best.

    • That Hahvahd Dean better watch his words. Soon he’ll be a “racist.” Ya know… like the rest of us who saw through this bill…..

  11. Eugene Robinson is calling Palin “our own Eva Peron” this morning. Let’s see. Eva Peron:

    was instrumental in achieving suffrage for Argentine women;

    founded the Argentine Women’s Party;

    was active in the Argentine labor union movement;

    served as Minister of Health;

    served as Minister of Labor;

    established the Eva Peron Foundation, which in turn built hospitals, schools, and distributed basic clothing and household necessities to hundreds of thousands of Argentine “descamisados,” or “shirtless ones.”

    One biographer describes her as the shrewdest woman politician in the history of Latin America.

    Of course, Robinson actually knows nothing about the real Eva Peron–none of these idiots seems to know anthing about women’s history or Latin America, never mind the intersection of the two–or he’d be making another comparison altogether.

    And wetting his pants. Because she will be back–18 million plus.

    • Probably thinks of her as a brunette version of Madonna.

    • Like most, he did his research by watching the movie … on fast forward.

      • Word again.

        This administration is ignoring, and ignorant of, everything south of the US/Mexico border. The flare-up in Honduras got their attention, but they didn’t give Hillary the scope she needed to deal with the actual, underlying problem. Most of Latin America’s difficulties are directly or indirectly related to the sharp racial divide between poor and rich not only in Honduras but in much of Central and South America. Hugo Chavez, love him or loathe him, is one of the few leaders to address the issue head on and actually improve the lives of the poor in his country.

    • he was the first person on TV, MSNBC of course accusing New Hampsters of being racist whn Hillary won the primary. I detest that man.

    • Dowd wrote something about Palin today, but I refuse to read it. I will not give her the benefit of internet traffic.

    • Plenty of reasons why Peron earned respect in her country. But real reasons for respect don’t wash with the Rock Star Dems.

  12. There are studies out there that show the truth about sexism in media coverage, whether it be print or otherwise.

    If low-level college students can see that sexism exists in media, then don’t tell me that the Newsweek editor can’t.

    They just want to sell magazines…screw the news.

  13. I predicted he’d drop below 50% by Christmas:

    President Barack Obama’s approval rating has fallen below 50 percent for the first time in polling by Quinnipiac University as U.S. voter discontent grows over the war in Afghanistan.

    The Failbots laughed and jeered when I said it.

    Who’s laughing now?

  14. Now that sentence has been passed, we can have the trial:

    Americans who are troubled by the decision to send alleged Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York for trial will feel better about it when he’s put to death, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

  15. Ooooh ~ set your DVRs…. Teh One to be interviewed by Bret Baier tonight…. on FOX….. FOX NEWS. I thought they were at war with FOX. Hmmmmm…….

    • Now now, you’re expecting Obama to stake out a position and stick with it. Perhaps you aren’t familiar with The One……he doesn’t do that sort of thing. He won’t be pegged down with positions, gosh darn it.

    • So is the White House going to threaten to primary him for appearing on Faux? ;-).

  16. Oh, I dunno about that. I’m thinking the lefttards will insist that KSM be given some taxpayer funded law team who will argue that he wasn’t read his Miranda rights and the SOB will walk.

    • yeah, life is so much better when the righttards are in office.

      • Feh, it’s not the righttards or lefttards, it’s the powerandmoneytards, and they control both parties.

        If both the rank-and-file left and right would GET this, and start aiming at the true enemy instead of each other, we might have some real change.

        Get rid of the powerandmoneytards, and THEN the right and left can go back to “normal” politics of fighting and scrapping over the country. If we don’t, then we are not going to have a country left to argue over.

    • Well, if by “wasn’t read his Miranda rights” you mean repeatedly tortured and told his family would be killed if he didn’t confess then I think the government might have a problem with the evidence.

  17. Hey, HuffPoop, which is obsessed with Palin and Ricky Hollywood, has a second “Love It or Lose It” front page (bottom right) “article” with a picture of Hillary’s clothing.

    Also, there’s the young English diplomat that Hill has a “crush” on. (Now she’s hetero–make up your mind tabloids!)

    Hillary watches “Man Men,” too. And she’s witty and fun to be around. This from the blog that banned anything good about the Clintons in order to shove Axelrod’s client in the Oval Office.

    The answer to my question as to who revealed the sealed divorce records of Mr. Obama’s Dem and Rep opponents to catapult Obama into the Senate has to be Axelrod. The L.A. Times (Chicago-owned) “broke” one of these “sex scandals.” Without having no opposition (as he did by paying to have Alice Palmer eliminated from his other political race for State Senate–she needed about two more signatures and the clock had run out when she knew this), then we would have no Obama.

    Bread and circuses!

    “Obama was in a position to do good, but did not.” From a high-level political player in Obama’s district in response to my question as to what Obama had ever done for a constituent who could not line his pocket. She was afraid to even say this.

  18. The best thing about this contrived article are the comments: every one I read chastises the author for his cherry-picking and cheers HRC:

    Reset Button
    The gaffes of Hillary Clinton.


    • That article was totally negative towards Hillary Clinton. Instead of focusing on the positives, he just spoke about the negatives. His next analysis should be “The Gaffes of Barack Obama.” There is plenty of material. Politicians are always parsing their words over and over again.

  19. Mr. Doom & Gloom strikes again: (Geithner must hate him)

    A tale of two American economies
    By Nouriel Roubini

    The story of the U.S. is, indeed, one of two economies. There is a smaller one that is slowly recovering and a larger one that is still in a deep and persistent downturn.

    To be sure, the U.S. government is increasing its budget deficits to put a floor under demand. But most state and local governments that have experienced a collapse in tax revenues must sharply retrench spending by firing policemen, teachers and firefighters while also cutting welfare benefits and social services for the poor. Many state and local governments in poorer regions are at risk of bankruptcy without a massive federal bailout.

    So, while the United States may technically be close to the end of a severe recession, most of America is facing a near-depression. Little wonder, then, that few Americans believe that what walks like a duck and quacks like a duck is actually the phoenix of recovery.


  20. NY Fishwrap:

    With China’s micro-management of Mr. Obama’s appearances in the country, the trip did more to showcase China’s ability to push back against outside pressure than it did to advance the main issues on Mr. Obama’s agenda, analysts said.

    “China effectively stage-managed President Obama’s public appearances, got him to make statements endorsing Chinese positions of political importance to them and effectively squelched discussions of contentious issues such as human rights and China’s currency policy,” said Eswar S. Prasad, a China specialist at Cornell University. “In a masterstroke, they shifted the public discussion from the global risks posed by Chinese currency policy to the dangers of loose monetary policy and protectionist tendencies in the U.S.”

    • They are so clever. Look how they can be so competitive when they do not have a universal public health care system? Managing 0 is child’s play for them.

    • Gee, he caved to China. Who could have predicted? 😉

  21. DNC MEMO:

    In advance of Sarah Palin’s stop in Michigan today, please find below everything you need to know about Going Rogue – a memoir that has been received as 1) political payback for Palin’s rivals that adds to the tabloid nature of her profile rather than provide a display of substantive policy chops that would reset her ability to be taken as a serious leader; and 2) substantively more fiction than fact compounding the credibility problems she earned during the 2008 campaign. These factors are reflected in recent polling which shows extraordinary disapproval numbers and small minorities who feel she’s qualified to be President. The sensational nature of Palin’s book continues to dominate news cycles – and does so to the detriment of the Republican Party. Combined with her dismal polling numbers and Republican willingness to cede the party to her and her polarizing tea party following, the political impact of her re-emergence, spells political disaster for the GOP going into 2010 and beyond.

    Compare the memo to the stories being published.

    • Palin on Hannity full hour tonight and a multi-stage interview with O’Reilly Thurs. Fri and Mon. DNC should try watching their favorite channel; they might learn something.

      They should compare her ratings with 0s. And they should especially look at that big bunch of people who are undecided now about Palin and the number no longer “undecided” about O.

    • If her disapproval numbers are “extraordinary” at 38%, but they are roughly the same as Obama’s, what does that say about him? Doesn’t that make his disapproval numbers “extraordinary” as well?

      Considering that hers are that high after relentless vitriolic trashing by the press, and his are that high IN SPITE of the media propping him up every day, I’d say he had more to worry about than her.

    • DNC should maybe look at what spells political disaster for Dems going into 2010 and beyond!

    • Marching in lock step with their talking points. What good little Obots many in the media are.

      If only there were real journalists that could notice this stuff and follow the money and see where it leads. Including all the fun things that happened since the beginning of Obama’s career. Probably would be dangerous though.

      Ha, what am I saying, real journalists left in this country, sometimes I crack myself up. Of course there aren’t any.

    • This comment was upgraded to the front page.

  22. Just a thought before I dash out the door.
    On Demand is pushing that Borat movie and it got me to thinking.
    Wasn’t there a scene in there with a bunch of drunk college boy ragging on women?
    Did that move come before or after the Kossacks?

  23. Jeralyn just couldn’t resist:

    Viewing politicians through the lens of their physical attraction is not limited to women.

    John Edwards got it far worse than Sarah Palin.

    Sure he did.

    • OK, now I need the barf bucket!

    • Ummmmm. As we look back at that, did John deserve it more than Sarah? Let’s ask Elizabeth.

    • Either she’s making a joke or she is a joke. Oh wait, never mind.

    • BTD disagrees:

      Ridiculous (5.00 / 2) (#11)
      by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Nov 18, 2009 at 12:23:13 PM EST
      If we did not live in a world where women are objectified and denigrated, where men are not – then an argument about Edwards vs. Palin might be interesting.

      But the world where this analysis might have a place is not the one we live in. The disconnect from the world we live in on this issue is striking.

      • Ah, see BTD is confusing the real world with JM world again. In JM world Palin is the most evil, horrible, powerful, mind controlling, but somehow at the same time not powerful and stupid, human that ever lived. It’s a complicated world. 🙂

    • Oh puleez, when has Edwards ever been on the cover of Newsweek in shorts showing skin with a title like “How do you solve a problem like Love Lips?”

    • BTW – that $400 haircut is not as ridiculous as it sounds.

      A top hair stylist can easily make $100 an hour averaging 2 clients per hour at $50 each.

      How much would a top stylist want to be paid for leaving their salon for several hours and traveling to give a haircut?

      • It’s a straight up smear. Edwards is a jackass, but I’m sure the staff arranged the cut. I really doubt he was standing there screaming, “I won’t pay less than $400!”

      • it was Obama’s oppo research that put the Edwards haircut story out there… so if someone really wants to compare the Breck Girl meme to what is being done to Sarah, maybe we should start with the lowest common denominator here… the Obama-Axelrod “new kinda politics.”

    • http://fastflip.googlelabs.com/view?q=section%3A%22Politics%22#V7Y092Vj7zTplM

      The truth about the weasel did not come out soon enough.
      Offering his services to backtrack and still collecting funds for this campaign says alot about John Edwards.



  24. Matthew Continetti:

    In my interview with Governor Palin yesterday evening, we touched briefly on some current events, including President Obama’s trip to Asia and the place of the tea-party movement in the Republican party. Some highlights:

    1) I asked Palin about the anti-tax-and-spending tea parties. “I love the tea party movement,” she said. “It’s beautiful, it’s healthy. It’s part of that good healthy competition that’s needed in a political party.” She contrasted the somewhat tumultuous state of the GOP to what’s going on in the Democratic party today. “It seems like the Democratic party is filled with more sheep-like individuals, who go along and get along,” she said.

    • Ouch. For those who happily stayed behind, she may be right.

    • I’d be more offended if if she was wrong.

    • Does that mean that she sees the tea party folks as competition to both parties? I would agree with that and agree that it has its healthy side and did stir things up. As for the Dem party today, “go along to get along” pretty much sums it up in koolaidville. (Noting that the same is true for Repubs when they own the congress and the WH.)

  25. Read that Levi/Ricky piece. Good god. That idiot kid is starting to refer to himself in the third person.

    Posing in Playgirl and all his other narcissistic Ricky Hollywood stunts are sure to help in his custody battle. Sadly though, it probably will.

  26. BBC:

    A 20-year-old woman divorcee accused of committing adultery in Somalia has been stoned to death by Islamists in front of a crowd of about 200 people.

  27. […] Wednesday: PALINPALOOZA!! […]

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