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Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away

I go to a Mad Men blog these days to chill out from politics.  If you follow Mad Men, you know that Betty Draper found out who her husband really is and that, added to all of the other emotional insults she’s taken over the years, has forced her to come to some decisions in her life.  The first is that she doesn’t love him anymore.   She’s been flirting with a Republican political operative (back in the days when there was such a thing as a liberal Republican) but she rebuffs him in his office when he wants to boff her on his sofa.  It’s tawdry, she says.  And she walks away.  Two episodes later, he proposes to her.  He still hasn’t slept with her.

One of the commenters at Basket of Kisses says that Betty is using a classic negotiation technique: she comes to the table prepared to walk away from it.  There is a line she isn’t willing to cross.  (We’ve seen Betty do tawdry so we know she can.  It’s just that her other little fling didn’t have any high stakes attached to it.)  When it comes to the rest of her life, Betty is being very choosey.

Last year, we were hotly criticized for not jumping on the Obama bandwagon.  We were called every name in the book.  We were told we were jeopardizing the lives of other women because we wouldn’t budge even in the face of Deomcratic scare tactics when it came to abortion.  Some of this was because we doubted the sincerity of a party that scrubbed all references of reproductive rights from most of their candidate’s websites.  But mostly it was because there was a line we were not prepared to cross.  We were not going to let the Democratic party benefit from our votes when we knew they had disenfranchised many of us during the primaries.  We were not going to let the party take our votes for granted.  If they wanted them, they needed to give us something first.  They didn’t and we didn’t.  We walked away.

In retrospect, I think that was a good move on our part.  It revealed the Democratic party for what it really was.  They were mean and nasty to us.  They called us “bitter knitters”.  We were old, uneducated women.  We were racists.  Jon Favreau sent us an FU postcard.  For awhile there, before the economy tanked, they were very worried that we would actually make a difference.  There is power in walking away.

I blame the party for depriving my friends of the pure joy of seeing the first African-American elected as president of the United States of America.  I watched a sea of elation in Bryant Park in Chicago on a TV in a little bar in Manhattan and suddenly, I was one with that crowd.  I was filled with joy and exhileration.  But no one around me was celebrating.  The women I was with saw themselves as roadkill on the way to Obama’s victory.

But we walked away.  And now we have been vindicated.  They really were the awful, big business compromised, evangelical voter toe suckers and all around unprincipled players we thought they were.  The might have run us over but at least we didn’t hop into bed with them.

The rest of the left blogosphere has a choice.  They can continue to be fucked over by these assholes or they can preserve the rest of their dignity and walk away.  The road to rehabilitation starts by ripping up your party card and mailing it to Donna Brazile.  Then, join the rest of us.  We’re the third party.  We’re the rapidly growing group of voters in every state that designates themselves as unaffiliated.  We’re the potential 30% of elected female officials who will change this country.  We’re the people who don’t have to hold our elected officials accountable anymore because we are through dealing with them. And I think we have finally achieved the critical mass to become our own third party.

Just walk away.

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191 Responses

  1. what are they thinking? that they are the best game in town? that i will hold my nose and vote for them? well, f them. i sent a response email to our president’s that i found in my spam filter box and said that it was a hollow victory. historic moment, my ass. they should be ashamed that they have no principles when it comes to representing women. shameful.

  2. I had dinner last night with a politically passionate friend who was glued to the news for a year in anticipation of the election. It wasn’t that he was an Obama fan–he wanted a Democrat, a liberal, any liberal after Bush. I gently told him what I knew, and he listened, but wasn’t even aware of the primary fraud. It did concern him, but when the Democratic candidate was chosen and won, he was elated. His wife told me he was leaning libertarian now, disgusted with all of them. Last night, he was dejected, and said, “I don’t know what I am anymore. I am registered independent, but they are all sell outs.” It’s a zeitgeist, and we were way ahead of the curve. If someone with strenght and vision can emerge and capitalize on this feeling–the frustration, anger, and passion–they will magnetize a huge following. It’s so obvious, I don’ t know why someone doesn’t go for it. We are waiting. Where are you?

    • Please don’t ever lean…Libertanian. Ron Paul is a great guy and his foreign policy does make sense. But on other issues he’s as neanderthal as they come.

      The only worthy Third Party nominee in all this mess would be Kucinich.

      But if Hillary were to run in 2012, she’d beat Obama and any neocon establishment thug in a jiffy. And the “bitterKnitters” would make sure….

  3. Have any of the women’s groups issued statements yet?

    • From NARAL’s Nancy Keenan

      From NOW’s Terry O’Neill

      Nothing at Emily’s List

      • you won’t believe what they’re doing at planned parent hood … Blue Lyon told me and I nearly blew the remaining gasket I have to blow …


        I kid you not. I just got the email that says:…

        “The House let us down last night when they passed a health care reform bill that undercuts women’s access to comprehensive health care. We can’t let it happen in the Senate. It’s time to use our strongest weapon: the White House. Please join me in asking President Obama to stand up for women’s health care.”

        • Maybe they missed it last year when he talked about getting permission from your husband or pastor.

          • they should’ve gotten it with the Kaine appointment and that horrid woman he put in charge of religious quackery in HHS …

            and when he still put money in the budget for all that quackery of the Hyde amendment in …

            i bet the chair in the oval office has to be doused with a fire extinguisher every five miinutes … probably why he never is there, they can’t take the alarms going off all the time and the sprinklers

          • We won’t pay for basic health care for women, but we’re sure happy to pay for the new “prayer healthcare” from the quack in chief. Change you can believe in.

            Ah, now I get it. “believe in…” it was always about religion. And we thought the first complete insane religious based president that destroyed the country would come from the other party. Surprise.

        • OMG! If it weren’t so sad and pathetic it would be funny. You mean they actually think the WH is on their side? Stunning. They just may be in for a rude awakening.

          • He’s not going to remove the amendment, but maybe he can drop by wearing a Superman cape and pose for pictures. Good enough for me!

          • Some people just can’t walk away. I would encourage all who are still stuck on “Obama Hope” to give it a try. Really, it has been very easy for me to NOT put any stock in either party. Actually, its been very freeing. Now I don’t wait for the party line, the media spin. It’s all up to me, and I like it that way.

        • Yeah. Best joke today.

      • We will hold those lawmakers who sided with the extreme Stupak-Pitts amendment accountable for abandoning women and capitulating to the most extreme fringe of the anti-choice movement.

        Good for NARAL!

      • I have been so upset about the sham called reform for a long time, but yesterday’s action by the House has left me sickened beyond belief. As for NARAL and NOW….today, I sent some version of the following to all that I know today:

        I was SO amused by this statement from NOW (The National Organization for Women) yesterday:
        CALL NOW – Women’s Rights and Lives Are on The Line

        by Erin Matson, NOW Action Vice President
        TAKE ACTION:
        Please call your Representative RIGHT AWAY and tell her or him to vote NO on the anti-abortion, anti-woman Stupak Amendment. Then forward this message to everyone you know who supports women’s rights!

        Then there was the press release from Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL-the national Pro-Choice organization–indicating she was stunned by the actions of the House yesterday.

        Really, Nancy? Stunned were you?

        Sorry Erin and Nancy, we were so beguiled by the “public option” we forgot to care about a woman’s right to an abortion and birth control. Just out of curiosity, I wonder where you were when so many well meaning liberals were SO concerned about who would be appointed to the Supreme Court, that they IGNORED how Obama became the Democratic Party’s “nominee”?

        Surprise girls! There is more than one way to skin the abortion cat and there are people that know how. There are people that have the guile, the power and the calculating will.

        Aw shucks now, rest easy and put on a smile. At least we have the “public option”, which BTW:

        “According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study of the House bill, only 6 million Americans would be enrolled in the public option by the time it’s fully phased in, in 2019. That’s just 2 percent of the 282 million Americans younger than 65 (who aren’t covered by Medicare). The CBO explains that the low numbers are in large part because the plan “would typically have premiums that are somewhat higher than the average premiums for the private plans.”

        Gee Nancy and Erin, why would the “public option” premiums be higher than the average private plan?

        Well, how about this:

        “Clearly, the insurance companies are the problem, not the solution. They are driving up the cost of health care…. H.R. 3962 would put the government in the role of accelerating the privatization of health care. In H.R. 3962, the government is requiring at least 21 million Americans to buy private health insurance from the very industry that causes costs to be so high, which will result in at least $70 billion in new annual revenue, much of which is coming from taxpayers. This inevitably will lead to even more costs, more subsidies, and higher profits for insurance companies — a bailout under a blue cross. ”

        —Dennis Kucinich (For his entire statement, see the bottom of this email.)

        Interesting that Kucinich would use the term “bailout”. Hmmm, now where have I heard that term before? Looks like we are in for another madcap ride but we are used to it now, aren’t we? Remind me to write Kucinich a thank you note. He is one of 39 brave Democrats that voted against that bill. (For his complete statement on why he voted against the bill see the bottom of this email.)

        Believe me, NO ONE hated George Bush more than I. After the way he obtained the presidency, I always feared he would never go away……

        However, one would think after the bank bail-out fiasco, we would recognize another runaway train coming our way.

        Ah well, as they say far too often say in PUMA-world: Another one bits the dust, but what does it matter? There is something historic and exciting happening almost every day. So, rejoice and enjoy!

        Wonder what’s next? Hmmm, I see……troops….. more and more troops going someplace bloody, horrific and bottomless……while somewhere, someone’s coffers continues to grow.

        I agree, Riverdaughter. It is time to abandon the 2 party system. I said so in May 2008. I say so now.

  4. We need a third party that is Too Big to Silence

    • hi, did we foment anything yet? I just got back from buying batteries etc. Nothing like being in a media black out during a hurricane when you’re a news junkie …

  5. I will, RD. After Jerry Brown. After last night, the Dems lost me — forever. Every vote I ever gave to them was wasted — every woman I ever voted in. Look what they have done. Could Palin get the woman’s vote after this one? Dunno.

    Here is hoping Hillary will change her mind. And that she can change what has just been wreaked since the late 60’s. If anyone could, Or if anyone would it would be her. That little video TeresainPA left? There was only one Hillary Clinton. Only one.

    • That’s why Palin has resonated with people. She is not bought and paid for; she is unpolished–refreshingly so after years of focus-grouped propaganda and meaningless platitudes; she has principles, and she is not afraid to stick The Man in the eye. Unfortunately, her principles are not ours–quite the contrary. We need a female version of Palin. We have it in HRC, of course, but she does not go rogue enough. I understand why–but I wish she would just seize her enormous power–internal and external–and blaze a trail. If not, I am looking for someone else who speaks for me. So far, I have not heard it from someone that actually has a chance at this point of going all the way.

      • Doh. A “female version of Palin?” I meant, of course, a liberal version of Palin. A true Dem.

        • My sense of Palin? I read an article where she said she had considered an abortion because she knew her child had Down’s. But she didn’t. I researched the Republican party last year, heavily. Not really knowing anything about them. My sense was that Cindy McCain (given the era we have all lived) was for women’s rights.

          Palin, should she drop her religious stance somewhat — once she has seen enough of what goes on south of Alaska? My guess is that she has a giant following — just huge.

          Hillary was the liberal most of the PUMA women were like.
          God. it is just so effing sad and unreal. All i know is this?
          Coathanger karma?

          Wouldn’t want that after last night, myself.
          And, all those dads who just don’t feel like being fathers?
          Kinda like Palin’s daughter’s was?


          Can anyone believe this actually is happening?

          Unreal. Just unreal. Worse than than. Pathetic.

          • ps: RD– I forgot to say I think that show Mad Men is fab. The last one I watched had JFK on — I looked at the kids and the mom and dad and I remembered that day. So well. My mother crying. Just sobbing.

            and looking forward to that show V — Uppity had the trailer up over at her place and also the new version of “The Prisoner” —
            should be interesting….

            Mad Men is perfect, in terms of that era. They just nail it.

          • Well, I would vote for Palin in a heartbeat. But then, I would prefer an honest conservative over a lying so-called liberal, like Obama, any day.

  6. They called us “bitter knitters”. We were old, uneducated women. – RD

    Yes, and many of us sacrificed a lot; time, money, family time, trying to give THE BEST CANDIDATE THAT JUST HAPPENED TO BE A WOMAN A CHANCE TO HAVE HER ROLL CALL VOTE, AS EVERY OTHER CANDIDATE BEFORE HER DID. We knew she held firm on her principles and firm on Human Rights and Women’s Rights, and she had worked hard for decades for her country and still does today.

    Women must stand up and exercise their right to VOTE and stand up and shout that, ‘WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!’

  7. OB’s big boy Kaine is on tv celebrating .. probably with guns and a supply of hangers.

    • Kaine was one of the finalists for the VP position, and only lost out because he was too much like Obama. Obama has revealed himself in so many ways for anyone who was paying attention.

    • There were so many signs.

      • you left out “above my pay grade”

      • ”a woman, in consultation with her husband and pastor”

        Big assumption, that all women in that predicament are married.

      • Oh but MS magazine says that he is a femanist — (spelling intentional).

        And he is women’s worst enemy.

        I can recite that list by heart — and add a few — 99 problems and a bitch ain’t one — sweetie — his great respect from his grandma (NOT) —

        And then the percentage of women in his cabinet — and how often he excludes women from his inner circle — and how his inner circle is filled with misogynistic bastards.

      • And don’t forget, with Rick Warren he said he would like to further restrict a women’s right to an abortion to make the biological father have a say. That is, to be able to say no to the abortion. So you get raped, and in order to have an abortion, you have to get the rapists permission. Mmm, nice. I hope MS Mag is proud. I guess when they said he’s the new face of feminism, them meant they redefined feminism to be about hating women and wanting them to be fully owned property dressed in burkas.

      • Reneging on public financing of elections whereas McCain did the right thing.

        FISA vote.

        Rampant cheating in the caucuses. Never showing any kind of leadership ability or moral integrity during the Democratic farce of a nomination. Just went passively along for the ride.

        Why am I not surprised?

        And I was unable to find one thing that Obama did for his constituents who could not pad his pockets (or help him buy a house he couldn’t afford) when he was a part-time legislator).

        Both his Democratic and Republican opposition for Senate had their secret divorce files revealed. Who was behind that? Obama basically was given the position.

        “Obama was in a position to do good, but he did not.”

      • You left out:
        ” women when getting the blues having a third trimester abortion”
        “let me clarify: no federal money is going to fund abortions in the healthcare bill”
        Also, demanding Congress that they exclude contraceptives from the stimulus plan – for no reason at all – they had the votes.

      • Don’t forget, as a state senator, his stance on late term “botched abortions.”

  8. Well Yahoo has a story saying that the Senate says that the House health care bill has nowhere to go in the Senate.

    Old necon Lieberman is threatening to do whatever necessary to kill the bill if it has a pubic option (he being from the state with the Health Care Industry ground zero and his wifie poo being a shill for the HC industry).

    At this point I really don’t give a damned what reason is used to kill this POS legislation — but flush the damned thing down the toilet!

    • Somebody needs to cue up that song, Anything you want, you got it, anything you need, you got it, anything at all, you got it.

      Any guesses on what they want to get it through the Senate? Nuking Afghanistan? Nuking Vermont? Whatever it is, the answer is yes.

    • Anything you want Seriously… 🙂

  9. Link for Senate’s reaction to House bill


  10. When abortion was illegal – Untold stories – part2 of 3 (Note that many of the women were referred by ‘ministers’.)

    • When abortion was illegal – Untold stories – part3 of 3

      • The fight for save abortion From danger to dignity pt.1 of 6 (account of woman, blind folded, near death after an abortion)

        • Wow, a mother performs an abortion and her daughter dies. 🙂 These clips are very telling about the times.

          • That was not a happy face, it was supposed to be a sad face. I can’t imagine what that mother felt, but the options some folks went to (drinking poisons and being blind folded while having a procedure performed) and the desperation that they went through.

        • My husband (a doc, and an agnostic who is deeply Catholic – which is another story), is sick over this. And he is one who actually has some personal qualms about abortion, especially late-term. But he is the kindest, gentlest soul I know who would never dream of imposing his personal doubts on ANY woman, ever. He has always been wonderful with his patients facing those decisions. He well knows the price paid when termination is not available, and safe. He’s not crazy about it, but is sane and scientific enough to know it is NECESSARY.

          He told me he expects to see women coming into the ER with botched-abortion sepsis from retained fetal tissue. And the sad thing is, when asked if they’ve had any recent surgeries, procedures, etc, they are likely to be afraid and lie. So it may take days to figure out just why the hell they are septic, further delaying good treatment.

          He thinks the country and our politicians have gone mad. He just can’t believe they’ve done this.

          • my daughter has already had women coming in from botched abortion sepsis and experienced both residence and nurses who refuse to witness her do the procedure to stop the women from dying … can you imagine that? and in a hospital in Ann Arbor MI?

          • It’s like President Clinton said–“legal and rare. “

  11. What is this inane mania to pass something–ANYTHING–that they can crow about and preen on camera, despite the utter lack of principle, coherence and efficacy in it? I really think they need to get out more, because they don’t have a clue about how idiotic they look to the rest of us.

    • The insane mania to pass something, is to give BO a win. That is what it is all about. Women be damned. The plan is so flawed that I’m not sure, if it will really help anyone.

  12. I read a number of responses today – and I thought what a bunch of whimps – particularly Planned Parenthood – do they really believe they will get help from O? Have they not been paying attention or are they just stooooopid

    We need to show strength, we need to show our anger and we need to scare the cr@p out of them to the point that they will neverrrrr try anything like this again.

    As Heidi taught us last year – and I still wear my pin – we are fully 51% of the population – we should be using that extra 1%.

    I’m reminded of a little book I use in the workshops I teach – it points out that at 211 degrees water is realllly hot but at 212 degrees it boils – that 1% is enough to create steam -steam is enough to move a train and much more. We have that 1% – we need to use it!!!! 😡

  13. I just watched the Hillary video again on quixote’s comment thread and added to my post. I’m literally bawling and it reminds me of a moment during the primaries. My daughter and her fiance went to see one of Hillary’s appearances with me and at the end I approached the stage to get Hillary’s autograph on my “Living History” book. When I turned to return to where we were sitting, my daughter had tears streaming down her face. Not knowing if she was just excited or something else, I asked “why the tears?”

    She said, “I’m just sad because there are people who reject her simply because she’s a woman.”

    It broke my heart to know her worldview was jaded by this experience. But maybe it will strengthen young women too.

    • But maybe it will strengthen young women too.

      I hope so, I really do and maybe I may still be alive when one is elected.

    • My third child is a 12 year old boy. The child was the hugest Hillary Clinton fan. Right from the get go he told me I want Hillary to be President(even before I supported her). It was positively adorable and a total confirmation that I have raise three boys that will grow up to be three men that respect women and recognize that they are just as capable as their male counterparts.

    • I know exactly how your daughter felt — because that’s was me ages ago when I was 9 or 10 and learned that simply because I was a girl I wasn’t allowed to do what I did best. I learned that “god” hated girls — because according to my fundamentalist mother — “god” decided our gender and it was his wish that girls had “their place”. At that moment I didn’t like my mother’s “god” — because he hated women.

      The “thing” that counts is the penis — he who has one of those things rules.

      America the cult of the Penis worshipers — a thousands years from now will this be the sum total reference to the USA?

    • I watched it again too, and I swell with admiration and pride whenever I see it. Feeling so angry, I had to watch Snowball the Dancing Parrot again just to smile. Love that dang bird!

    • When I was a little girl I remember being told that only boys could grow up to be president. So naturally, one of my favorite memories from the GE was the video of the little girl dressed as Sarah Palin for Halloween. She made my heart sing.

      I will never understand why the obots are such heartless haters that they can’t see that Sarah and Hillary were/are role models for a nation of young girls. Instead of celebrating the achievement of two strong female candidates, they ripped them to shreds. IMO the damage that ObotNation has done is deep and it will be a long road back for women’s rights.

  14. make damn sure we do not walk away empty handed.
    Make it a wall of anger that will never be forgotten.
    Salt the democratic earth. No more and never again will women be second or third class citizens. We have a duty to ourselves and to future females to stop this contempt for women now.
    As of today no more democratic excuses or lies will be accepted. They have shown themselves to be the enemy of all women. Just because some of them wear suits instead of wife beater shirts does not make them any different



  15. Does this amendment apply to all cases? What about those relevant to the health or life of a woman? Or cases of severe fetal deformity?

  16. You’re right, RD. I’m feeling a sense of critical mass around me as well. I don’t even like calling myself Independent anymore because it implies that I can be won over by one or the other of the two parties. The time is now for a third party.

  17. Gosh…I wonder what she has to say now?

  18. So I guess the Democratic women yelled, screamed and cried before they sold us out. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1109/29305.html The show must go on. Resistance is so much harder than collaboration. Dances with PUMAs made a bumpersticker of my new battlecry. http://www.cafepress.com/DancesWithPumas/6834850
    I can’t wait to put it on my car!!!

  19. Disappointing from Franken:

    Still, some Democrats involved in the health reform sausage-making process counsel patience. Noting that both Pap smears and mammograms should be covered by a reform bill, Senator Al Franken said, “There’s more we need to do for women’s health, but this is a huge step forward for American women, many of whom don’t get these recommended screenings right now. What we pass may not be perfect, but it will make progress in improving the lives and health of women.”

    [from The Nation piece by Lerner linked in SOD’s “Smells Like” thread]

    • Wonder what he will have to say about this amendment?

    • OK — I knew he was a DIVA — self centered SOB.

      When the going gets tough he tells women FUCK YOU.

    • Clearly he has been in the Senate too long /sarc.

      I gave Franken a chance once he entered the Senate, and he was doing much better than his colleagues there for awhile, but after hearing him call the Sepsis bill a step forward for American women, tonight I’m back to feeling the way I did before Franken was sworn in … the DNC can put Stuart Smalley in the Senate and a Teleprompter in the White House but that Tracey Flick, oh man she just works too hard and has too much ambition! and gawd forbid the Erratic McPain and his Caribou Barbie were there in the Executive branch cutting back women’s reproductive rights and care! That would just be so much worse if it was a Republican administration using our reproductive rights as a bargaining tool rather than a Democratic administration doing it. It would just be the end of the world if liberal women could actually oppose this shitty bill and call it the step backward for women that it is, without some unity pony telling them they have to sacrifice their healthcare for the healthcare of everyone else.

    • Yeah…it’s like “there there little women. we’re working on getting you some stuff. now quiet…back to the bedroom after you’re done making me a sandwich.”

      • how is this helping any one but the insurance industry? If you’re poor and you can’t afford insurance now, you get fined because you don’t have it?

        you can’t get access to basic things like birth control?

        this is an abomination!

        • You have to pay additional money out of your pocket when you need those services.

        • I know several people without health insurance in my town who say they prefer to continue go to our local free clinic rather than see this bill passed. They don’t want to be fined for not buying insurance they can’t afford.

    • I had great hopes for Al. Sigh. Another POS apparently. Certainly no Kucinich or Gillibrand.

      You sure to fine out what kind of character these people have or don’t have in times like these. I mean this is very basic human rights we’re talking about. That’s just something you don’t fuck around with. Pardon my french.

  20. @SenGillibrand: I strongly oppose Stupak amndmnt in House #hcr bill. It’s discriminatory toward women and must not make it in final bill.

    Ever the Hillary loyalist as well as someone with some sense. Go Kirsten.

  21. Does anyone have a link to a clear and concise review of this stupid bill? I have Dems in the family that refuse to believe that there is a fine for not having coverage and some others who think there is a real public option (like Medicare) …… as I have said before, I live with democratic apologists & obots and I need some help to get their attention.

  22. Well, I had been planning on designating Planned Parenthood for my payroll deduction charity, but I’ve mixed feelings. They wanted Obama, they got him- deal with it. But, then I think that if this thing goes into effect, Planned Parenthood will be the only option left for so many women. This truly sucks.

    • Just wait — the rabid misogynists will try to close down Planned Parenthood’s ability to facilitate reproductive choice.

      Perhaps another organizations needs to step up and lead the way. PP is part of the problem — they got the penis they wanted. Screw ’em.

  23. Allow me to insert the standard Obotian response:

    “McCain would have been worse!”

    This of course ignores the fact that it is the Democratic Congress that passed “Health care Reform for Men.”

    The mere fact that this current Congress and Administration carry the “Democratic” label adds insult to injury as well as making their perfidy easier to sell to the American public.

    • I can’t even imagine McCaine penalizing poor people who can’t buy private health insurance …

      • There is not a chance in a million he would have done that!

      • Me, either. McCain is a political animal who has spent too many years swallowing his pride and sucking up to the powerbrokers of the GOP. And sometimes he’s hopelessly clueless and stuck in 1954. But I do think he cares about The Little Guy. He muddles around and caves and gets it wrong often, but at least tries to do what he considers the right thing.

        I don’t always agree with him, but I always got the sense that the man at least HAD a conscience to call on, and that could be appealed to – unlike the morally empty and bankrupt scum running the show now.

        • Don’t forget, he actually has the best track record in the Senate for how he pays and treats women on his staff. But you’re right, he’s still stuck in the past in some areas and stuck in the GOP machine. I wish he had bolted in 2000. Heck, he probably would have won of he did. Oh well.

          • I always thought McCain was more of a Goldwater Republican than a Reagan/Bush/Gingrinch “movement” conservative.

          • I wrote to McCain back in 2000, telling him he should leave the GOP because he would never get the support of the Republican establishment.
            And the 2008 campaign proved that. They never really supported him, even after he got the nomination.
            I got no reply to my letter in 2000.
            I don’t agree with McCain on the vast majority of issues but I do think he is a man of principle, unlike Obama.

    • Both major pieces of anti-choice legislation has been passed by Congresses with huge Democratic majorities and Democratic presidents.

      The Hyde Amendment was passed in 1976 and signed by Carter, then the Obanation last night. They’re just living up to their past.

      • Obamanation funded the Hyde amendment for next year too … they could’ve defunded it or put it out that way at the very least

        • I thought Obama was going to be horrible. But he’s worse than I ever thought.

          And I helped to campaign for McCain in Texas I thought he’d be so bad so that’s saying a lot.

          • He and the Dem supermajority are much worse than I thought. And like you I thought they’d be pretty bad.

            Of course there will still be GOPers yelling about how he’s a socialist. I think my brain may just explode.

          • I had hoped that the dem majority would help Mr Present grow a spinal cord, but the disease of spinal cord meltdown moved the other direction … most of they might as well be snakes now … on thy belly slither!!! their spinal cords are completely different from the rest of us bipeds, it’s only a matter of time before they all convert to slime mold and completely lose their spines altogether

        • just click your ruby red heels together and repeat after me “There’s no place to go…There’s no place to go…there’s no place to go…”

          • “Just lay back and think of England”

          • Always willing to get on your back for dear Ole England.

            Except there is nothing noble or patriotic about losing ground with this bill and most here may not know about the women of England being asked to ‘service’ men as a war effort act of duty. And that they were told; ‘Think of England’, while on their backs. Those Old Birds, did what the had to, and I don’t equate their acts/war efforts as prostitution. Those were dire times and dare I say they did it for their country and the future of the children of England.

            What is being done here is purely for MEN, as if men lost the family jewels if their mate had an abortion, abortion would be legal and covered by all plans, including the governmets. These are the same people that don’t want babies cared by welfare.

        • dak (or anyone), please excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by “funding” the Hyde Amendment? I thought the Hyde Amendment was just cutting off of funds. What’s to fund?

          • I gather the Hyde Amendment is linked to the annual HHS appropriations bill which is regularly renewed about this time every year. The annual HHS bill does not cover all the new areas of insurance subsidies defined with the sweeping new House HC bill from last night – the areas where the Stupak Amendment will substantially extend limitations on funding reproductive care.

          • Hyde is required to be “authorized” every year.

          • Thank you TW for responding.

    • I love the “Healthcare Reform for Men” label. That’s perfect. And I guess they could have a commercial with Obama saying, I’m not just the owner of this bill, I’m a member.

  24. I just got a survey call about local elections in riverside county. I told them I vote anyone but a democrat. I told the young lady taking the survey to read the heath care bill passed last night because they just put her health at risk. I did not care if she was a democrat , a republican or an independent, all women are now put in harms way on health.



    • That is one of the truest statements ever made. No one in their right mind willing gives up freedom. But hearing and seeing what you want to see and hear instead of the truth kills liberty and freedom.



    • So we know who is mainlining da koolaide!

      Fuck him as well.

    • Of course she delivered for HIM it’s the Healthcare Reform for Men bill and Krugman has the wonderous penis membership card.

    • What an ass he’s becoming. Couple of invites to the WH, and they lose their spines, as Dak says.

    • Krugman isn’t poor and won’t be buying insurance through an exchange. Kool-aid must kill your empathy for fellow human beings. Should be a warning label on that stuff.

    • Krugman has become a major disappointment. I was counting on him to be the one truthteller left in the mainstream media. Just goes to show you that people change once they’ve made it to the big leagues and think that getting a White House invitation is more important than fighting for health care.

  25. Let them know that they just put another nail in their political coffin by even considering that Stupak Amendment let alone passing it.
    You may not like this but how about the term “Battered Spouse Democrats” for any that decide to stay with the party after this?
    I just googled the 2008 presidential election results by gender, women voted for Barack Obama 56% compared to 43% for John McCain. For men it was a 1% difference favoring Obama.
    I think obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dean, Franken etal just shot themselves in the foot.
    Women hold the Democrats future by the balls now if you have the will power to squeeze.

  26. Via RL and TGW:

  27. Denninger puts it succinctly today on Market Ticker:

    Do we live in a Constitutional Republic any longer?

    The 16th Amendment made lawful the income tax – that is, a direct tax on Americans.

    But nowhere in The Constitution is the power found to force people, under penalty of law (including fines and imprisonment), to pay private parties for services they do not desire to purchase.

    • Some interesting comments, too:

      I was talking to my Canadian friend last night about this. He likes and supports their health care system but when he read some of the details of this legislation, he was in shock. He told me “That’s not universal health care. That’s just the rape of your middle class”.

      Since most of my friends and acquaintances are in favor of a universal health care system, I spend a lot of time trying to explain to them why this isn’t.

      Single-payer has problems, but this is far worse.

    • Has this guy never heard of insurance?

      Auto liability insurance is required by law in most states. So are other forms of insurance, including workers’ comp.

    • Yea, I have my doubts on the constitutionality of that part of the bill. And if that part fails, all we have left is that now no private insurance company is allowed to fund abortions. So in the end it will be a clever bill to severely restrict abortion rights. All done by the new Dem party, the coathanger Dems.

    • Thus the kabuki.
      Say this bill gets through the Senate and Obama signs it.
      Republicans or some other conservative group will challenge on Constitutional grounds and it will be scrapped.
      Obama, Pelos, Reid and the rest of the CHD’s will blame it on the republicans and ask for more campaign contributions.

  28. OT:

    Watching “Almost Famous”

    One of the best Rock&Roll Movies ever made:

  29. @lizzwinstead: Thanks to the inspiration of @allisonkilkenny I am now referring to The US House of Representatives as Stupakistan.

  30. Just in from Dennis Kucinich’s Facebook:

    On Monday, November 9th, 8:00am ET, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will be addressing Health Care, on Democracy Now – a daily…

  31. Good one from commenter Nadai over at RL:
    I voted for change and all I got was this lousy coathanger

  32. Hell, how about…. WOMEN OF THE WORLD…GROW A DICK!!!!

    • I think the problem with the world is an overabundance of dicks.

    • Oh no no no! The superlative of any positive quality (strength, backbone, intelligence, etc) should not be something male (and certainly not a male sexual organ!). That means we’re second class citizens and at our best, maybe we’ll be like a man! Oh, please, no!

      Take the gender out of positive qualities – we’re not second class!

  33. We’re back to the 80’s- marching against George Bush I. My sign was – Women Are Being Bushwhacked! We’re losing ground…

    • How great is it that we have a grand total of two Reps (one of whom is a complete phony, but don’t get me started) who will stand up in the House and what, maybe Sanders?

      Who represents us, nobody!

  34. dakinkat said:

    “On Monday, November 9th, 8:00am ET,
    Congressman Dennis Kucinich will be addressing
    Health Care, on Democracy Now”

    That’s on LINK tv, if anyone is unfamiliar with it.
    It’s Amy Goodman’s show and I expect it will be
    a good analysis of all that’s wrong with this bill.


  35. Update: Kucinich will be on “Democracy Now” at
    11 a.m., not at 8 a.m., according to my Direct TV
    schedule. Normally, it’s on at both times.

    What’s on at 8 a.m.? Why, “The life and legacy
    of Malcolm X.” Somehow, I’m not really up for a
    celebration of a man’s life this morning. . . I just
    changed my user name back to its original form.
    If people think it means XX-rated, rather than XX
    chromosomes, well, fuck ’em. And the horse they
    rode in on. At least it’s clear I’m not allying myself
    with a man named Malcolm. I celebrate my identity
    as a woman.


  36. Not that it all does not disappoint me, but I thought he was a real fighter.

  37. I wish Claire’s kids would tell her to support women.

  38. Sure but but…many women and so called women’s grouos must cleanse themselves of the delusion that the Dem Party is “really” their lost misguided buddy just confused right now.

    Passive aggressive political activism it’s true, will not bring power, it’s just makes one irritating and co dependent wallowing in self pity waiting for the next kick in the teeth.

    If women are to have power as a group, women must act as a power, drop the passive aggression-withholding behaviors, and vote… either for a candidate (if we are lucky enough to have talent on the ticket) or vote against, but ACT by voting.

  39. As a fan of Mad Men I find it strange to use the still very confused Betsy as a role model for anything – she’s been just drifting from one situation to another as events lad her. She ventures nothing and will gain nothing.
    But I agree with everything else. Women in political cycle, did not come to the table to negotiate at all. They came to cook, serve and maybe even be served on the plate. Nothing was never asked by and for women.
    Some lip service was paid at time to “choice” – but every time accompanied by over the top contrary statements. Women (non-PUMA), stuck their fingers in their ears and went la-la-la

  40. Ahhhhh

    This is the post I shall treasure forever!

    You wrote this with passion and intellect that should pierce through the thin membranes of any female Obamabot’s reasoning and you lit a spark for that indispensable THIRD PARTY–a National Party of Women! The powerful message you send here now resonates with a hell of a lot more women than the pre-historic times the Obamabots of all genders called the Pumas….

    “Bitter Knitters”


    Obummer must relish the thought of his “64 Taliban imams” who voted to take away the reproductive freedom of American women. So, the Prez spends 800 billion to fight his AfPak Vietnam obsession to bring freedom and equality to Afghani women. Meantime, his own Taliban faction has effectively brought American women Sharia law with hardly a gunshot fired. Except to the bellies of women. Too bad “the Pill” was not invented 3 years earlier, I say!

    P.S. FYI Alexa McDonough, the (then) leader of the Canadian New Democrat Party (third social-democratic party, the other two being the Liberals and the Conservatives) was told to “go back to your Knitting” by a neoCon 4 years ago. It’s amazing how regressive minds of any party work to denigrate women who speak up for their rights!

  41. Didn’t that knittingbasket McCafferty of CNN call Hillary “a scolding mother” when she called Obummer on the carpet for misrepresenting her health care reform plan? Yes, the moron did say that. And Hillary had every right to be angry at Obummer for showing Harry and Louise brochures and telling folks how terrible Hillary’s plan was–when, in fact, it would have covered 50 million and Obama’s would leave out 20 million!

    Periodically, Obummer will feel down in the polls and start launching attacks against women to boost his voting booth appeal….

    In 2012, given Obummer’s potential to destroy his base (first women, then working bitter working stiffs, then gays, then civil libertarians, now Women, HRC would be a shoo-in. If she’s not running I can see women voting for Kucinich in much larger nos.

    Did you see Washington Post’s new up and coming young AA writer’s post “Questioning the Mom-in-Chief”?

    Yes, Riverdaughter, it seems incredible and prophetic to have been so right on this! Even Obamabots are turning around and seeing ME-chelle and Obummer as the hypocrites they really are!! Our views on His Hopeness have been vindicated

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