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America Jumps The Shark

10-obama-meets-spiderman-100109I’m beginning to think that the art of politics (if there is such a thing) is the ability to get strangers to pretend to understand when you talk nonsense out of both sides of your mouth.  Unfortunately, that is also today’s definition of journalism.  That makes looking for turds of political wisdom among the media bullshit as much fun as a scavenger hunt in a sewer.  And just as obvious.

Politico is reporting that there are landmines ahead for ever-prepared policy wonk, Hillary Clinton, in her upcoming Senate confirmation hearings because she’s married to Bill and she ran against the man who appointed her, while at the same time (same article) reporting that her confirmation hearings are scheduled for only one day and everybody thinks she’ll be confirmed “speedily.”

Rasmussen Reports tells us that “lots” of people, 75% in fact, plan to watch at least “some” of the first black president-elect’s upcoming inauguration, with 28% planning to watch it “all,” while you couldn’t pay 21% to watch “any” of it.  They don’t tell us how many people plan to watch “for sure,” but 61% of black people will watch “all” the festivities, because he’s black, too, while only 22% of whites feel the same way, because they’re not.  Since the stupid networks show every indication of airing every aspect of the stupid inauguration festivities over and over until we “all” puke, I think it’s significant that 21% obviously won’t be turning on their televisions, reading a paper or surfing the net in the foreseeable near future.

California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s recent support of Rod Blagojevich’s appointee for Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, Roland Burris, should score her some major points with black voters and colleagues who pretty much liked her anyway, according to CQ Politics.  Fienstein’s support registered well with members of the Congressional Black Caucus, though her reasoning had nothing to do with his skin color; rather, she cited a quaint little concept known as “the law.”

Feinstein’s bold stance on a no-brainer issue nonetheless puts her at odds with her Senate colleagues intent upon prolonging what amounts to a pissing contest during a circle jerk.  Those opposing Burris’ seating because he was appointed by a guy they consider to be a slimeball, (presumably not because he was involved in shady pay-to-play scams, but because he got caught; nobody’s calling for Bill Richardson‘s head or for his duties to be suspended; probably because he doesn’t have a Senate seat to sell like Blago and barely Governor Patterson) are suddenly trying to figure out how to zip up their wet pants and look presentable without washing their hands now that they realize that the curtain’s open and people are watching.

What do you do when you pick the guy you like to give the invocation at your inauguration, in order to make nice with the people who didn’t vote for you, if the people who did vote for you hate him?  Why, you find somebody the people who like you will like, too, and invite him to speak at another event, call it an “inauguration…something” and, sell it on EBay the internet.

But, all of that is just business as usual.  Sure, the outgoing Republican president turning over 350 billion taxpayer dollars to the incoming Democratic president is a little unprecedented (like being a little pregnant) but, not eyebrow-raising in today’s Obamacan political climate.  And, so what if people who read Politico think that MSNBC’s Chuck Todd is a latter-day Walter Cronkite?   Who cares if the FISA guy wants to digitalize medical records?  Multiple wars, impeachments, Gitmo flip-flops, unemployment, sucky economy, scandal, we’re used to all that stuff.

No, what has sent the country into a Happy Days-inspired leap from reality is the recent propensity of popular culture icons to embrace the ridiculous as it relates to Barack Obama.  You’d think they’d never seen a black president before, or something.  First Ms. Magazine, in a move that makes6a00e553cca69a8833010536c23492970c-800wi “The View” and “Playgirl” seem radical by comparison, boasted an improbable cover touting Obama’s non-existent feminist creds, going so far as to depict him as the women’s movement’s very own super hero, a giant leap up, in the wrong direction, from Prince Charming or Barbie’s Ken.

But the “fridge was nuked” waaaay over the rainbow shark when Marvel Comics equally (more) improbably paired Obama with a real-as-it-gets superhero, Spiderman, in it’s latest edition, because the future Geek-In-Chief was once a collector.  I shit kid you not.

The Barack Obama rage has now taken the comic world by storm. Reportedly the president will feature along with the superhero ‘Spiderman’. The fact that the US-president elect was a Spidey collector as a kid, has inspired the Marvel Comics to feature the ‘icon’ for the children’s book.

“When we read that we thought, ‘Oh my God the future Commander-in-chief is actually the future nerd-in-chief,’ the New York Daily News quoted Joe Quesada, Marvel’s top editor, as saying. “With a geek in the White House , we just had to give him a shout back. It’s just the coolest thing ever,” Quesada added.

Unlike Ms., at least they didn’t give the Obamessiah undeserved super powers.  Maybe by this time next week, or more likely, the week after, since “lots” of us will be eating nachos and watching the Super Bowl of Politics on cable next week, (I wonder if they’ll have cool new commercials?) we’ll find out that the wheels on the Obabus are actually jet-propelled wings or something.  I’m sure a rocket fueled, Acme Co. E-ject-O driver’s seat is too much to ask for.

And, the wheels on the bus…

*X-posted over at my place, Cinie’s World, as you would expect.

147 Responses

  1. http://stuffedandstarved.org/drupal/frontpage

    Another “liberal” faces the truth about Mr. O.

    I didn’t know that ADM paid for his corporate jet as a first-year Senator, or that there are no Whole Foods in Iowa…the cost of arugula is not their concern, Mr. O.

  2. I hope TVLand or some other channel will have some kind of stuff on in order to avoid the Inauguration orgy.

  3. There are few things that set my teeth on edge as much as the media’s attacks on Bill Clinton’s charitable work. Obama’s political 600 million goes unquestioned, while WaPo and the NYTimes think Bill’s providing AIDS medicines for children will make a problem for American foreign policy.

    Oh yeah.

  4. Why, you find somebody the people who like you will like, too, and invite him to speak at another event, call it an “inauguration…something” and, sell it on EBay the internet.

    LOL! He did that with a woman too. “Another first” that we’re all supposed to celebrate here under the bus. It was soooooo nice of him to think of us. Why do I feel like Oliver Twist?


  5. I am one of that 21% and do not plan on watching one minute of this nonsense. I have reached the point I will not read any of the Bullsh$t that appears in my daily newspaper and my paper is a right wing rag. It is going to be a long four years, but by then, everyone and that includes the left wing and right wing nuts will have come to their senses.

  6. I have not turned on the news in weeks and my homepage on the internet is this site. I plan to be on the MSM blackout for the foreseeable future. I’m thinking of giving it another try in 2018.

  7. gxm17, the day after and a dollar short, eh?

    And, we could have a day long Inauguration Anti Party Unity My Ass right here, instead.

  8. OT:

    What is Team Sarah doing that we aren’t? I don’t know how many of you are on the mailing list but they are having mad results. After Letterman crudely mocked Sarah, TS sent in 500 letters of protest; the FCC is opening an investigation They raised hell with CNN after they put her on the most corrupt politicians of 2008 list. Now, Greta has posted that Sarah has received a personal apology from the networks Political department. They even got Washington Times and Weekly Standard coverage of the attempt to infiltrate their group to frame them with racist and offensive language.

    Is it a Hillary v. Sarah thing? How do we get that kind of effect? Have we already?

  9. OT:

    What is Team Sarah doing that we aren’t? I don’t know how many of you are on the mailing list but they are having mad results. After Letterman crudely mocked Sarah, TS sent in 500 letters of protest; the FCC is opening an investigation They raised hell with CNN after they put her on the most corrupt politicians of 2008 list. Now, Greta has posted that Sarah has received a personal apology from the networks Political department. They even got Washington Times and Weekly Standard coverage of the attempt to infiltrate their group to frame them with r@cist and offensive language.

    Is it a Hillary v. Sarah thing? How do we get that kind of effect? Have we already?

  10. The MSM reached a saturation point back in June when Time insisted on placing him on their cover triggering a juggernaut of attention that just would not quit.

    His likeness has appeared on just about every surface available including my bottle of Midols. Will it ever end?

  11. I am one of the 21%. And makes me twice as popular since the time I was one of the 10% (who didn’t admire W after 9.11). If you believe either poll.

  12. Pat, I haven’t seen him on any Charmin wrappers or Glade Plug-ins. And they should put his picture at the bottom of pain killer bottles on the inside, so when you look in to make sure it’s empty, you’ll be sure to rush out to buy more.

  13. The Confluence is my first stop in the morning. I really should just go ahead and make it my home page. I still check in with CNN to see what garbage they’re peddling for the day.

    If I plug in at all, it will be to check in here. I’m not tuning in to any of the pomp. BO has the same effect on me as Bush. I can’t stand to even look at him.

    The roads are already jamming up. Not sure if it’s due to tourists or road closures, or maybe a little of both. I imagine by Friday it’s going to be a mess trying to make my way into work. They’re going nuts with the “security” and will be closing down all the bridges into DC which is going to make my usual route a nightmare.

  14. Ok what i want to know is when are we going to change the name of our country to “The United States of Omerica?”

    Or when will our flag drop the stars in the blue field and change them to those “Os” with stripes that look like a front loader washer in the rinse cycle? (and the fact that il looks like that the wash load is mixed colors and whites bodes none to well)

    Finally, when in the world are we going to see some real leadership from Pampers?

  15. Cinie: LOLOL

  16. fuzzybeargville, what you wish for should all happen the day after Pepsi merges with AT&T after a soda/phone bailout and their logos blend into Obama’s. Ooops, that last part happened already.

  17. Great news!!!! Meancheele is going to save the fashion industry, therefore saving jobs…so now how many does barfy have to create?

  18. I am at the library again for the evening… It allows me to surf, blog and avoid my land lady at the same time.. YAHOO. = )

    Anyway, I remember being one of the proud 10 percent after 9-11 who DID NOT approve of dubya and I am happy to be part of the 21 percent who will watch no part of the inauguration. I wish the guy luck, I hope he doesn’t fail, but I despise him for his primary behavior and getting in to office having done NOTHING all his adult life but run for office and scratch the back of a lot of creeps to get there.

  19. I love the idea of an under-the-bus anti-party. I’ll definitely be here.

  20. fuzzy, but doesn’t teaming up with Spiderman count as “real leadership”???

  21. Fuzzybeargville
    You do realize that backtrack has no real idea of what leadership is.
    On every issue it like a chicken dance, so many steps one way then twice as many the other way.
    It will not be pretty when reality sets in and the obots understand they have been screwed without being kissed and they paid for it.



  22. Cinie,

    Your posts are most enjoyable!
    You are a great addition to all of the wonderful front pagers here. Thanks for another fun and to the point read.

  23. O/T

    As of today Louisa has been in a coma for 1 month.

    Light a real candle if you will, or a virtual one here:


  24. You could subtitle this:

    “Cinie Jumps the Snark”


  25. tucsonlynn, aw, shucks. Thanks.

    myiq, snark is my life.

  26. snark is my life

    Laughter is the best medicine (and it’s cheaper than therapy)

  27. of course the botox to erease the laff lines Myiq2xu will set you back ask Nancy Pelosi

  28. gxm17, on January 12th, 2009 at 5:44 pm Said:

    The roads are already jamming up. Not sure if it’s due to tourists or road closures, or maybe a little of both. I imagine by Friday it’s going to be a mess trying to make my way into work. They’re going nuts with the “security” and will be closing down all the bridges into DC which is going to make my usual route a nightmare.

    Sounds like a good vacay day gmx.

  29. Is that a picture of Barack and Spidey? Oh good. It doesn’t even look like Barack. Spidey is safe.

    But with this rash of “Barack sells” mania, it seems nothing is safe.

    I think insightandanalytical mentioned some Inaugural safe internet events.

  30. Nancy Pelosi laughs?

    Thanks for pointing that out Fuzzy. I was wondering why she always has that chihuahua in the headlights look. It’s the botox! Of course.

  31. Regency> Where did Greta talk about CNN’s apology? I skimmed through her blog and didn’t see it. Did CNN apologize on the air for this as well?

  32. well she hasnt laughed since she started her trips to Switzerland for her skin “spa” treatment…outside the view of the nosy press!

    Nancy is jealous of Hillarys natural youthful beauty..Nancy comes of as the wicked queen to Hillary’s Snow White.

  33. CNN quietly edited their story about the worst politicians to remove Sarah’s name and apologized privately.

  34. Fredster, my husband has sound gigs Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night. All in town. We live in Loudoun, outside the beltway. I told him he’s crazy. I just hope he doesn’t get shot attempting to bike across one of the bridges. A woman I work with says they’re calling out the National Guard to patrol the Potomac and keep people from taking boats from the Virginia side over to DC/Maryland. WTF?

  35. And Compared to MO I wont go their and bash MO in front of any of her lurking fans….

  36. I must say that all this talk of MO being the next jackie Kennedy….I thought that was supposed to be caroline!

  37. Hello Conflucians,
    Thanks (?) for the rundown, Cinie. I decided that an excursion OUT of DC will be in in order. Indeed everybody I know who lives here, even those who support/ed the incoming P.E. wants to make a break for it.

    I took a little timeout from the computer over the weekend both for practical reasons and for reasons of sanity – need to adjust activism/blogging/career/life equilibrium. But there’s an update over at http://heidilipotpourri about the truly amazing show of support and camaraderie triggered by the ultimate sellout Ms. cover. And I hope to have something worth sharing with all of you as a post as I gather my strength for 2009. In the meantime, I’m so so happy we have good posts like this to see us through.

    Be well all. I think that after the inauguration hoopla is over and the realities of governing truly set in we’ll done with hoopla and, I hope, back to coverage of reality. it is already happening in the business pages of the papers I read.

  38. I recommend curling up with good books and videos – no broadcast tv – if you really want to tune out the circus!

  39. OMG!

    ABG has become my personal archivist!

    Check out the quote of mine he found at
    Salon (talking to a troll):

    “You are NOT a girl. No way dude. That kind of stupid requires a penis.”

  40. gmx: Uh-oh, sounds like you’re screwed then with having the gigs.

    A woman I work with says they’re calling out the National Guard to patrol the Potomac and keep people from taking boats from the Virginia side over to DC/Maryland. WTF?

    They are afraid of an invasion by river? By whom, Americans? 😯

  41. They are afraid of an invasion by river? By whom, Americans?

    Riverdaughter and the Conflucians?

  42. Regency, That’s odd isn’t it that TeamSarah has had some effect. I may be that the powers that be assume Sarah is still a politically viable candidate in the future, while Hillary is not.

    Either way, it’s gonna be some kind of Village BS.

  43. A friend just forwarded this e-mail to me saying when she got it she immediately thought of me. i would like to share it with all of you.


    1 open a new file in your computer.

    2 name it barrack obama.

    3 send it to the recycle bin.

    4 empty recycle bin.

    5 your PC will ask you ” do you really want to get rid of barrack obama.

    6 firmly click YES.

    7 feel better?

    tomorrow will will do Nancy Pelosi

    I hope this helps everyone feel better.



  44. An attack by Americans is just what the Village fears most. 🙂

  45. Thanks, Heidi, looking forward to your next post, but the link in your comment doesn’t seem to work.

  46. I think I’ll watch “Kill Bill” instead of the inauguration.

  47. helenk, I do have a Barack Obama file. It’s also a subset of my Hillary folder. He just doesn’t rank a folder of his own.

  48. Hellen-Priceless and it works?

  49. At Nixon’s second (I think it was the second..) inauguration I walked/marched with the counter-inaugural group. Best memory of that day is hearing Bella Abzug speak. At Reagan’s I was standing across from the Archives Building with a friend waving our ERA signs as he went by in the inaugural parade. Found out later that my daughter, then a college student, was standing across the street. This time–I think the spouse will want to watch the inauguration, as it is history, and it is our habit to watch, but I simply can not do it. Guess I’ll take a ride through the redwoods, or maybe just go to the store.

  50. Ralph: Yeah it is odd. No idea why.

  51. I just checked the web traffic for The Confluence. TC surpassed Taylor Marsh, TalkLeft, and we’re even with NQ this month. And we’ll have 5 million hits by the end of the month. I think TC will continue to grow as long as Obama backtracks and the media whores and the Left blogosphere protect him. People are sick of the lies and propaganda.

  52. Regency, on January 12th, 2009 at 5:37 pm

    She/they are republicans which means she will get a a fairer treatment. Just because republicans didn’t like McCain doesn’t mean they don’t like Palin. The work has began. You didn’t see Hillary being offered an interview in June to clear her name, did you? Hillary will always get a different treatment.

  53. first bostonboomer and now cinie. I think I died and went to Conflucian heaven!

    there are at least five lines here that should be etched in blogstone:

    “Feinstein’s bold stance on a no-brainer issue nonetheless puts her at odds with her Senate colleagues intent upon prolonging what amounts to a pissing contest during a circle jerk.”

    a pissing contest during a circle jerk??


  54. murphy> Don’t laugh; I’ve seen movies where this was possible. They’re in the “restricted” section!

  55. Gee, DYB, I thought I made that up.

  56. Is there a tr0ll in the house?

  57. DisenfranchisedVoter, on January 12th, 2009 at 7:12 pm Said:

    I just checked the web traffic for The Confluence. TC surpassed Taylor Marsh, TalkLeft, and we’re even with NQ this month. And we’ll have 5 million hits by the end of the month. I think TC will continue to grow as long as Obama backtracks and the media whores and the Left blogosphere protect him. People are sick of the lies and propaganda.

    this is great news everyone. I am so glad to hear that this blog is beating out some others which have gone all Hopium.

  58. I really like that lead in—-strangers pretending to understand and believe as the great talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time.

    We have arrived at that perfect place to which we did not know we were traveling.

    Thanks for those stats on the great event. I will be in that 21% not partaking of the great coming (dry, short, painful) in any way shape or form.

  59. Hmm…Eric? The joke about porn I’m making is about gay porn. No women allowed.

  60. “Feinstein’s bold stance on a no-brainer issue nonetheless puts her at odds with her Senate colleagues intent upon prolonging what amounts to a pissing contest during a circle jerk.”

    Cinie, is it any wonder why you are one of my favorite bloggers? I’m seriously starting to think we were separated at birth.

  61. Iffen Eric weren’t gonna stay, he shoulda not took off his coat.

  62. Luv it that you pointed out Feinstein based her position on that quaint concept, “the law.”

    Such an annoyance, the law.

  63. Hi TeresaInPa,

    How are things? I’m glad to see you on-line tonight.

  64. Count me as another one who could in no possible way ever be paid enough to watch the Inauguration.

    Anti-Inaug Puma Party instead!

  65. in a socialist country you would call what the MSM does propaganda…has the big zero already announced a head of the propaganda ministry or will this role be filled by Axel-Zero?

  66. Helen,
    It works better if you drag the new folder into the recycle bin and then hit the “empty recycle bin” button. That way it actually says, “do you really want to delete barrack obama?”

    It does, indeed, feel better.

    I’ll try Nancy later.

  67. If you wanna know how much of a hick town I live in, “Extreme Makeover” is remodeling a house here and the local news is treating it like a major event.

    They are interviewing spectators who are watching from across the street, some of who drove 45 min-1hr to get there.

    The worst part? The EM people are working on the inside today!

  68. myiq2xu-watch closely you might learn something….probably Axelrod watched this show…you take a social worker from the South Side – do a super extreme makeover – and you got a POTUS! Welcome to Ameca!

  69. Shtuey, my brother.

  70. Quesada (marvel comics editor in chief) is a misogynist fauxgressive, and I think it’s rather fitting that the Spiderman comic that Obama will make a cameo in is the one where Peter Parker never married Mary-Jane Watson, and Peter Parker acts like an ass.

    Tom DeFalco, Marvel Comic’s editor in chief in the late 80’s- 1994, pushed for storylines with well rounded characters, romances, marriages, and even kids amongst the superhero characters. The female superheroes also were at their least objectified and played strong central roles in plotlines (something else DeFalco encouraged. Defalco also hired more women editors, writers and artists that marvel comics ever had.) No surprise female readership and adult readership reached an all time high during that time period- nearly half of the readers being over 25, and 35% of the readers being female. The top books that the company published were selling an astonishing 500,000 copies a month.

    Bob Harris took over in 1994 and was nearly as much a misogynist as Quesada, he fired most the female editors, writers and artists, forced writers to break up character romances, etc… Female characters were turned back to support characters only. Readership plunged within a year from half a million to 300,000. It continued to bleed readership.

    Quesada came in and continued Harris’ practices, except every once in a while a female character got a spotlight treatment, but always was sexually objectified in some way. No surprise, readership continues to decline, the top comic only selling around 100,000 a month, and Quesada’s overt misogyny has driven female readership to an all time low of 5%, adult readership is also quite low.

    Most girls and women (like me) who like to read comics aren’t going anywhere near superhero comics (DC comics is almost as bad, with the Bob Harris type mentality with their editors) Girls and Women who like comics have been and still are reading translated manga, because even in titles written by Japanese men, for boys, female characters are treated with more respect and far less sexism than in US superhero comics. My current favorite manga is Naruto, a boys manga where the writer, Masashi Kishimoto shows a stronger understanding of feminism than any male comic book writer I’ve ever seen.

    If I were to do a serious version depicting a guy who reflects a profeminist sensibility I would put Masashi Kishimoto in that Ms. magazine shirt. I’d almost say he’d be worthy of that pose, because he’s giving a subtle profeminist message to young people for the last 9+ years. It’s one of the most popular manga (and anime) in Japan, and is the number one title amongst US fans. Thank you Masashi Kishimoto for subtly getting out the message that girls and women are to be admired by boys and men as well as girls and women for standing on their own two feet and not letting any guy push them into silence. That a girl or woman can be strong and compassionate, and even cry and not be weak for being so. (male characters cry too, by the way)

  71. Cinie – This is just a fabulous post. I am so glad you’ve joined us crazy Conflucians and our blogmother!

    Thanks for making my day!


  72. Ciardha, thank you for that background on DC Comics. I used to collect comics as a child but haven’t read them recently.

  73. And can I just say, Obama does have a superpower: the ability to make people believe that the most obvious bullsh*t is Ghirardelli Chocolate.

    He shares that gift with his spiritual father, Ronald Reagan.

  74. The freepers are at it again.

    “Cute Overload” has suddenly shot into second place in the Best Pet Blog category.

    I Can Has Cheezburger has been in second all week.

  75. MyIQ, Extreme Makeover comes to the Kansas City area every year and it’s the same way. The news covers the show like it’s a presidential visit. And local mayors show up to work on the houses.

    I don’t get it. I think it’s disgusting that they actually tear down the original houses and build houses that are usually totally out-of-place in the neighborhoods.

  76. I’ll be here, No Quarter, Alegre’s Corner, and Partizane on Inauguration Day. I’ll also keep myself occupied around the house, cooking and writing along with surfing the web but avoiding all news sites.

  77. Ciardha, though I gave up comics with Archie, except for Mad Magazine (does that count?) and a soft spot for early Superman comics and the first Superman movie, I really appreciate your perspective. Enlightening; thanks.

    And, Madamab, thank you. For real.

  78. what a minute — what is with allegedly all these people watching the orgy of hubris? I’m off on Monday for MLK day, but I have to work on Tuesday. Is 61% of this country taking a vacay day?

    Oh, and anyone watches this & thinks this is some kind of achievement for minorities is kidding themselves — this is an achievement in stealing/gaming the system. Nothing more nothing less — yes, we’ve only had “old white guys” (although many have been around Obama’s age) before, but with very few exceptions, they have been brave, honorable men with accomplishments prior to being elected — Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR — I’d take the “old white guy” right now.

  79. Cinie and Pat J — you two crack me up! I think I pulled a muscle laughing at Cinie’s post and the Midol cracks. I don’t know for sure about the muscle bc I’m afraid to go to the doctor to get it checked out. Under our soon-to-come ‘health care reform (faux)’ it would qualify as a pre-existing condition barring me from health care coverage forever.

    I’m happy to be part of the 21% — from 10 to 21! that’s over 100% increase in 8 years. Not bad.

    The Lightbringer’s face plastered all over every imaginable (China-produced) product cracks me up, it’s so poetic. Yup, that’s about what he adds up to, crappy fake-Bradford Exchange ‘Collector’ plates! Do not put in dishwasher!

  80. KB!


    What’s terrible is that they give these families these huge houses, and then the families can’t keep them up. There was a family in Seattle and one in Atlanta that had financial difficulties with their houses.



  81. I’ll be here, No Quarter, Alegre’s Corner, and Partizane on Inauguration Day.

    I’ll be in the bomb shelter in the back yard, just like I was on Y2K

    With a little luck and disciplined eating, I’ll be able to hold out until the 2010 mid-terms.

  82. Is 61% of this country taking a vacay day?

    LOL!!! No, Angie — they’re just so used to everything happening in Prime Time they think they’ll watch it.

    Now that I think about it though, I bet a lot of places set up public Televisions like they did for the OJ verdict and 9/11. (At least they did that at the library where I worked)

  83. (waving back) Hi MadamaB! I was thinking about those cases too. I think it would be great to renovate (or expand a little) the original houses. But, those guys get rid of pretty much everything — like the family’s old life was worthless. And they fill the house with crazy stuff.

  84. Valhalla, our current healthcare system keeps a lot of us from getting sick. Maybe that’s why Obie doesn’t want to change it too much.

  85. It is absolutely impossible for me to get on and vote for anyone.

  86. Betty — it has been like that for me all day on every computer at my work.

  87. Many of the Wanktards don’t have a job so they can spend an hour logging onto every computer at their college campus to vote. 10 students logging onto 100 computers can make a difference in a blog voting contest.

  88. I’ve made luncheon plans for the 20th; anything to be out of the house when that fake takes the oath. And also so close out those fools who will be crying and fist pumping when he makes is appearance.

    There is just so much crapola a person can absorb before their head blows off. The bowing and scraping will hit proportions we have never seen before in our lifetimes. It will be equal to about 50 New Year’s Eve Time Square events without Kathy Griffin.

  89. Check out this lovely facebook group and the wall posts. Facebook dares to ban breastfeeding photos but are okay with groups like this existing on their site?

  90. Obama will probably declare a national holiday In his own honor. No school for his largest demographic, the six-year-olds.

  91. Hey Pat – check this out (you’re gonna love it):

    “That Kind Of Stupid Requires A Penis”

  92. DV:

    My book is about them

  93. I came to see what the blog was because I saw it listed in the Weblogs awards.

    What is wrong with you people?

    That column is the most sexist thing I’ve read in a very long time. Circle jerk? trying to figure out how to zip up their wet pants?

    Calling someone misogynist while writing that spew just hurts our cause terribly. Are you actually closet women haters trying to make everyone hate us?

  94. while you couldn’t pay 21% to watch “any” of it.

    That would include me. I won’t look at a single frame, and I’m not the least bit concerned about missing anything. No Jay-Z or Ludacris? How will I go on?

  95. What is wrong with you people?

    I can only speak for myself, but whatever it is they don’t have a name for it yet.

  96. Katiebird,

    When Nixon resigned, they played it on a monitor in the a public area where I worked (MIT). There was a huge crowd watching raptly. When Obama resigns in disgrace, I’ll watch that too.

  97. “What’s terrible is that they give these families these huge houses, and then the families can’t keep them up. There was a family in Seattle and one in Atlanta that had financial difficulties with their houses.



    Atlanta and Detroit, not Seattle.

    In both cases, the homeowners refinanced/took loans against the houses after the rebuild. Their failure to maintain the homes financially had nothing to do with what Extreme Makeover gave them. I once was concerned about the higher costs of maintaining these fabulous new, much larger homes, but the reality is that the percentage of homes done on EM are still securely housing the families they were done for is very high. EM does not simply inflate the homes and walk away, they actually go out of their way to make sure the families can manage the higher costs that come along with their new homes for a reasonable period of time post-construction.

  98. What is wrong with “you people?” Ellen, if you have an objection to the post–site it. Don’t make a blanket generalization about “you people.” Funny that you should point out the perceived sexism in the post, but make no mention whatsoever about the months of misogyny and it’s promoters…

  99. Why do the Obots feel the need to litter our comments section? I have never gone to their deranged blogs to start a fight or insult them.

  100. myiq: ABG has nothing to do all day but go online with his Obama love. I quit reading TGW for a long time because of his idiotic comments. The posters over there used to chew him up and spit him out but he still kept going. Like a fly at a picnic, he just never gave up.

    Thank God you have given him a reason for being. Somebody had to.

  101. “What’s terrible is that they give these families these huge houses, and then the families can’t keep them up. There was a family in Seattle and one in Atlanta that had financial difficulties with their houses.”

    As one who stood across the street watching a recent local EM, I must tell you someone had a tin and requested $$$ for the family as we boarded the bus for the return trip to our cars. I thought that was pathetic actually.

  102. More pathetic than me and my friends watching a tv show in progress, that is.

  103. DV:

    They act a lot like domestic abusers. First they chased us out of other blogs screaming “we don’t want you” and then they chased us here and demanded we join with them in the name of “party unity”

  104. A black farmer is now referring to Obama as: “Our Moses”. Somebody please make this stop!!!

  105. EllenW, circle jerks and pissing contests don’t have anything to do with women, as far as I know.

  106. The oath:

    “I Barack Hussein Abraham Lincoln John Fitzgerald Kennedy Martin Luther King Robert Francis Kennedy Jesus Christ on a Cracker Moses Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry Truman Obama, do by solemnly swear uphold the office of the President of the United States, so help me myself.”

  107. Ellen is so right. Using the words pissing contest and circle jerk in the same sentence is so sexis… oh, wait – maybe the word I’m looking for is redundant.

    Great post Cinie.

  108. Pat, you forgot “Steve.” Love the “so help me myself.”
    Thanks, GAgal.

  109. I think the concern tr oll means “reverse sexism” 🙂

  110. GAgal! LMAO!!

    EllenW obviously hasn’t seen the Ms cover or been over to wankerville if THIS is the most sexist thing she’s seen in a long time

  111. That emoticon was supposed to be laughing it’s head off–damn you emoticon!

  112. Sexism: The belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to or less valuable than the other. It can also refer to hatred of, or distrust towards, either sex as a whole (see misogyny and misandry), or the application of stereotypes of masculinity in relation to men, or of femininity in relation to women.

    So, yea – vile disgusting sexism appears to be celebrated here. What complete hypocrites.

  113. Proud to be another ’10-21-er”. Never could stand Bush, knew the Iraq war was a wholly trumped up bit of evil, spent lots of time railing about him starting at the get go (even had a letter reviling him printed in Vanity Fair back in aught five – before Katrina struck). I will not, repeat not, be watching even the tiniest second of the impending coronation. I’ve already asked hubby to remove offending sections of the newspaper before I get up, starting on the 19th. I will go nowhere near NPR or sharp objects. But I’ll be here on TC, you betcha.

  114. Maybe I got under Jeralyn’s skin – she’s got a 3rd post about Gitmo up, and seems to be showing a little more concern too.

  115. LOL, Pat – thanks!

  116. myiq — I don’t know about that — didn’t her idol (and provider of free facials) have a post up today about Gitmo?

  117. Ellen:

    We like sex around these parts.

  118. vile disgusting sexism appears to be celebrated here.

    Celebrated, Ellen? Them’s fightin’ words.

  119. EllenW — since you’ve got the Webster’s look of the word PATRIARCHY.

    also “hypocrite” while you are at it.

  120. Sex is a good thing

  121. angie:

    I think she’s more embarrassed getting called out by Glenn Greenwald than by me (even though we’re beating the crap outta Glennzilla in the Weblog balloting)

  122. Gee, I thought it was a pretty descriptive analogy of the current cock up in Harry/Dick Durbin’s senate. Oh, balls.

  123. I just voted again and we are still in third place behind The Toilet and TPM. And poor Taylor Marsh. I remember the days when her posts tallied over 200 apiece. She is barely showing up on the blog contest.

    Hope her new pals over at HuffPo see the sad results of her readership. Benedict Arnold’s deserve no less.

  124. EllenW, on January 12th, 2009 at 9:34 pm Said:
    “What is wrong with you people? That column is the most sexist thing I’ve read in a very long time.”

    THAT’S the most sexist thing you’ve read in a very long time??? What’s wrong with YOU? Either you don’t read much, don’t comprehend what you read, or you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past year. Which is it?

  125. myiq –well, being embarrassed by Glenn calling you out is better than being embarrassed by Arianna calling you out — I mean, if even Arianna can see you are an idiot, not much hope for ya

  126. KJM:

    I guess “she” missed the “rape is good” stuff at wonkette.

  127. Hey Ellen — why does a dog lick his balls?
    Because he can!

  128. Either you don’t read much, don’t comprehend what you read, or you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past year.

    I think Ellen hit the trifecta

  129. I don’t hate all men- just the dumb ones- you know the ones who call me sweetie while stealing a monimation- Rick “insist I’m supposed to be subservient and if I exercise my right to choice I’m a Nazi” Warren- and Jon” I grope cardboard cutouts and simulate getting a girl drunk because i think it is cute” Favreau-

    I’m equal opportunity hate though- I also hate Nancy “impeachment is off the table” Pelosi, Donna “we have a new coalition so we don’t need working class folk” Brazile, and Gloria “my ovaries are better than yours so I should get to decide your reproductive choice” Steinem

    Of course, I’ll demure to you though Ellen because after your 1 visit here you obviously must be an expert on who we are- Oh wait- NOT

    Before you accuse someone of sexism you might want to you know actually what you are talking about- otherwise you just look like a bimbo(I’m sure you know what one of those are- if not feel free to ask the boyz)

  130. I’ll take one if it comes with a free set of Ginsu knives.

  131. myiq – And since I was the one who was targeted for
    rape by that oh-so-enlightened poster, may I be the first one to tell “Allen”, er, “Ellen” to fuck himself sideways.

    In a non-sexist way, of course.

    And PJ – I just had to see this again.

    The oath:

    “I Barack Hussein Abraham Lincoln John Fitzgerald Kennedy Martin Luther King Robert Francis Kennedy Jesus Christ on a Cracker Moses Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry Truman Obama, do by solemnly swear uphold the office of the President of the United States, so help me myself.”

    Don’t think he doesn’t want to!!!

  132. I was hoping to hear Ellen tells us the female equivalent to pissing and jerking. Bitching and bleeding?

  133. Night all!

  134. I’d like to tell her to fight the man, but I fear she would be doubly offended

  135. Thank You…and have a nice day.

  136. madamab — lololol!

  137. Ellen will LOVE my new post (up top)

  138. Rape is funny but circle jerk isn’t? The circle jerk line was funny and summed up the situation succinctly. Very funny. Very succinctly.

    And since you don’t seem to know what sexism actually is


  139. I hope Ellen’s still here to check out the link I left him.

  140. ELLENW@9:34P
    I put my tag lines in capital letters to make a point.
    Do you have trouble reading?



  141. I always thought Obama was a cartoon.

  142. Not watching a thing. Bad enough I have to hear everyone going on about how wonderful everything is going to be.

    Traffic here is always a mess but for those that have to get to work seems you might get a small break if you usually have to drive and park for the Metro. I came across this little piece – seems pehaps O is not quite as popular as anticiapted.

    “WASHINGTON (AP) — Metro officials say they now will have public parking spaces available at all but one Metro station on Inauguration Day.

    The transit agency had originally said it was closing the Greenbelt and Morgan Boulevard stations in Maryland and the Van Dorn Street station in Virginia to accommodate charter buses. Limited parking was planned at the Vienna and West Falls Church stations in Virginia and the Shady Grove station in Maryland.

    But Metro officials say they have received parking requests from only 35 charter buses, when they had initially set aside parking for 1,100 buses.

    Because of the limited demand, Metro is now offering nearly 60,000 parking spaces for cars.”

  143. Well at least amongst the nonObot Obama voters the “lurv” has definitely started wearing off. I’ve been hearing my coworkers who voted for Obama but weren’t Obots already making disgusted comments about what he’s done lately.

    One even said- “the only good thing he’s done post election day was choose Hillary for Sec. of State” Now, granted this person backed Hillary nearly as enthusiastically as I did during the primary, and did say she was disgusted by Obama’s sexism, but sigh, I couldn’t convince her to vote Green Party…. Wonder if she wishes now that she had… I’m too polite to ask, since she isn’t an Obot and did back Hillary in the primaries.

  144. Ciardha,

    Very good synopsis of Marvel and DC. The only things I would add are that I think the timing of some excellent stuff (e.g. new X-men, Frank Miller Batman and Daredevil, etc. ) played a role in the intial increased readership and I think the terrible marketing gimmick I call the “special cover” craze where they peddled a million different “special” covers of the same story, did contibute to the fall off.

  145. That’s good news Mt. Laurel. Hopefully my husband will find a way into his gigs. Our office manager just sent around a PDF listing all the closures. Wow. It’s a lot. They’re even shutting down the GW Parkway and 95 north (inside the beltway). Personally I think it’s a bit much.

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