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Tucsonlynn checks in

Tucsonlynn, our intrepid Confluentian from Arizona, is in El Paso, Texas this week and sent in the following:

El Paso is an interesting town. I was apprehensive about coming here, but the democrats rule this city!
Campaign signs for every local candidate are all over the place, the Hillary office is a firestorm of activity, the locals are all interested in what is going on…this has been a really good experience and great lesson in how to run campaigns.
The hotel I am in has one of the most beautiful lobby bars in the world, it makes the expensive swill go down better.

and a little later…

I had a semi wonderful/bad experience today, not really related to Hillary, but ..
I drove my own old car here from Tucson.
No problems, no big deal, but today, driving around planting signs, being visible, I heard banging and clangin. I stopped, a nice man yells from across the street, lady, it’s your exhaust pipe!. Shit. now what? No AAA, no that would be too sensible of me..I gingerly make my way back to my hotel, park back in the garage and ask Guillermo the bellman and my new best friend if there is anyone that can tie it up till I can get it to a shop. I may as well have gone to the lovely bar, it all got taken care of. Guillermo got Carlos and Eddie from engineering to do a temporary fix, they came back and said they could permanently fix it if I wanted them to, to save me money, they gave me directions to an auto parts store, I drove thru some really interesting barrio neighborhoods to get there, and practically every house had Hillary signs in the windows and on the fences. The shops in that area all had Hillary rally signs in the windows and it was a great thing to see. I would have missed it had my car not broken.
gqmartinez, this is a very friendly town!

TL: Keep the color commentary flowing. We are there with you in spirit. Or spirits, depending on how good the bar is. (Pics not necessary but ads to our vicarious thrills) 😉

TalkLeft posts some encouraging news on Texas polls. The SUSA poll is the gold standard and they are statistically tied. Obamamentum has slowed significantly,

Get’em in, round’em up, Tucsonlynn!