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WaPo gets it right for a change.

After months and months of what seems like intentional obfuscation making House Democrats look bad, FINALLY, we get a headline that sums up the whole Covid stimulus package debacle:

It’s a little late for the millions of people who will be impacted. Imagine if voters had even this tiny bit of clarity BEFORE the election. We wouldn’t be dependent on Georgia right now.

7 Responses

  1. Weekly off-topic reminder:

    Friday nights 8 PM – 9 PM North American Central Time:

    The Magical Mystery Tour. Host Tom Wood takes a look at the Beatles from a different angle each week.

    Friday nights 9 PM – 12 AM North American Central Time:

    Beaker Street, the legendary rock radio program, has returned. Iconic host Clyde Clifford has returned from his medical absence.

    Both shows can be found at http://arkansasrocks.com/

    If you can’t catch Beaker Street live, MP3 files are available soon afterward at https://beakerstreetsetlists.com/

  2. I get what you are saying but I have to say too many people don’t even know Mitch McConnell is majority leader. They don’t know the basics of governance. I had one the other day tell me that Schumer was the problem and I said do you not know that Schumer is minority leader and McConnell majority leader?

  3. It’s a Salon article, so it’s chock full of ads, but if you don’t mind that…

    Amanda Marcotte’s Top 10 Stupid Trump Tricks (my title)


  4. Yes, it is the media, that has been the Republicans’ greatest ally for decades. The media ranges from virulent right-wing/fascist propaganda intended to create a cocoon of lies, to the so-called mainstream media. The latter, for whatever reasons, almost invariably spins their stories around the following themes: 1) Republican leaders are much more interesting than Democratic leaders, and therefore there is are many more stories about them, what they are thinking, what their strategy will be. When they “win,” they are given praise, when they lose, the stories are about how they will reverse it, or how maybe they didn’t even lose. 2) Democrats are always in disarray,; they are confused, there is dissension, what they do does not work. 3) Both sides are to blame when bills do not get passed, it is always the fault of both parties.

    So being subjected to this every day, many people either take the Republican side, or express their anger at both sides, why can’t they get things done? The real reason, is that one side almost always has helping regular people as a goal, and tries to do it in an open and fair manner; while the other side is doctrinaire, unbending, and is eager to demonize. Republicans’ new favorite opprobrium is “socialists,” replacing “Commies,” “dirty hippies,” “radicals who want to burn flags and destroy the country.” Democrats never call Republicans fascists, though they should. Somehow, Nancy Pelosi, who fights for Middle America, is hated by the Right, and hated by the Left. You would not believe how many people write, “Why can’t she get something done?” She got the relief bill passed, the Republicans sat on it for nine months. Then McConnell figured that this was hurting his Georgia senators, so he grudgingly agreed to a minimal package,and then Trump spitefully said he would not sign it unless it had $2000 per person, which even someone as ignorant as he is, knows that the Senate will never pass. So the media treated all of it as “Congress does not work.” A minimal change, such as you noted in this article, and from the most liberal of the major papers, unfortunately does not indicate any meaningful change in media coverage. I don’t know what is going to happen in the Georgia runoffs, but I seriously doubt that more than a very few people are going to change their vote because of this; they either are not given the proper information, or they don’t understand how government works, so far too many of them reflexively vote for Republicans, and then don’t understand why their standard of living keeps declining.

    • Wills, perhaps you forget Occam’s Razor.

      The owners of the mainstream media are rich.

      Many of their higher-ranking employees are also rich, or at least affluent.

      The Treason Party (fka GOP) consistently pursues a policy of absurdly low taxes on the affluent-and-richer.

      Need I say more?

  5. Like the man said, Peak 2020. 😮

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