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Weirdest WaPo headline ever

I’d unpack it for you but the abnormality of what was attempted here and the fact that the outcome was ever in doubt speaks for itself.

The elections have been certified. All of them. The electors have been chosen. All of them. The electors have been certified. All of them. Safe Harbor Day was yesterday. All we’re waiting for now is for the electoral college to meet and finalize what we’ve known for a month now. Joe Biden is the president-elect. He was elected in a free and fair election that was the most secure in this nation’s history. There are paper trails everywhere, unlike 2016. This time, there is no doubt.

Why do I get the sensation of my hair standing on end from now until January 20, 2021?

It’s headlines like the one above that make me nervous.

3 Responses

  1. The Electoral College meets on December 14, and once they presumably vote 306-232 for Biden, that should end this, though not the complaining, which is part of the Republican ongoing scheme to create a country where Republicans win every election.

    This has gone by degrees, from Republicans managing to stall and cheat their way to a partisan Supreme Court handing Bush the presidency, when he clearly lost Florida; to the Voting Rights Act being nullified by the Chief Justice whom Bush appointed; to the Supreme Court validating extreme gerrymandering. The Republicans now believe that they are supposed to always win, and if they do not, they will cheat and lie and try to bully entities so that they win. It reminds me of being on the playground with the thankfully rare kid who simply will not let you win,; will complain about every play, call for do-overs, say that there is something wrong with the ball. There are other kids to play with, but only one electoral system, and they have done just about everything they can to ruin it. They are currently drastically reducing the voting sites in Georgia for the runoff, trying to make sure that Democrats will never win that state again.

    Again, I think that this should be constantly called out by Democrats, and that Republicans should be branded as the party which hates democracy. i suppose that Biden and the party heads figure that this will be over fairly soon, and then they can get on to governing. But like the spoiled kid who will never accept losing like a good sport, the Republicans are making it clear that they will sue and contest and make outlandish charges, as long as there is no price to pay for doing it. The fact that some of them are actually trying to subvert Electors into voting for the person who got less votes, or replacing them with those who will, should terrify anybody who realizes that the only thing keeping America from being a totalitarian state is the safety and reliability of our election systems. The real radicals and insurrectionists in this country are the Republicans who are engaged in a concerted effort to overturn any election which goes against them.

    • I don’t think their going to limit themselves to complaining after their ousted. I get the feeling that once the electoral college votes for Biden, all hell is going to break loose in the executive branch and the Trumpers will sabotage anything they haven’t sabotaged yet. These are mafiosi not public officials and they are going to make us wish we’d been nicer to them. That’s the way narcissists work. They take no prisoners. They don’t care what they wreck or how many people they hurt. It’s all about them, their feelings, their anger.

      • Yes, and there are fears that they are actually instigating the shooting of people. The rhetoric from certain sites, and even from some Republican officials, is more than alarming. Your point about raging narcissists is important, because one would like to think that they will grumble but acquiesce, whereas these individuals are not within a normal range.

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