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So, did anything interesting happen last night?

I fell asleep early.

But as I was resurfacing briefly before plunging back into the arms of Morpheus, I heard Rachel Maddow passing off to Lawrence O’Donnell with some back and forth about Rudy Giuliani on Sean Hannity’s show last night. It sounded like maybe he just blew up Trump’s story about how Stormy Daniels was paid or something. I’m sure I was imagining it.

Either that or Rudy needs a long couple of hours in a Hillary detoxification tank. I can’t imagine any other reason why he would be ruining whatever good memories we have left of him standing up in Manhattan on the day when everyone else was prostrate with shock and grief.

Wait, didn’t I hear he was divorcing Judith, his 3rd or 4th wife? I lose count. Wikipedia says she filed and he contested. Divorcing a narcissist is a nightmare because you aren’t allowed to leave them. They’ll pull out every trick in the book. Maybe Trump is going to help him drive her crazy. The money must be good, though Giuliani would definitely do it for the attention and admiration. I dunno. Trump and Rudy deserve each other.

Anyway, he’s not the famed prosecutor anymore. Or the dictatorial mayor who ruthlessly cleaned up Times Square and made a crime of “living while black”. Whatever he was up to last night, I hope he was well compensated or he might end up toting luggage to taxis from Penn Station for tips.

Oh, and Trump traded some lawyers yesterday. He swapped out Ty Cobb (or was it Pie Traynor? It’s so confusing.) for Emmet Flood. Flood was Clinton’s impeachment attorney. And there was some weird banter about none of Trump’s lawyers getting any information from Trump about what’s in Michael Cohen’s files. Jeez, how bad could it be that you can’t even tell your lawyer about it? Unless Trump really doesn’t understand what conditions are covered by attorney client privilege. More likely he started to fill them in and they stopped him and said, “Hey, easy now. You know what? We don’t want to know. Well, gotta run. Our accountants will be in touch to wrap things up.”.

And what’s up with his doctor? The guy who let Trump write his own medical exam results also let it out of the bag that Trump uses Propecia. No biggy. It’s just a hair growth drug. Bornstein probsbly did violate HIPAA (it doesn’t take much. I’m not even sure you can tell anyone who your patients are if they don’t have a compelling reason to know.) But you’ve got to wonder what Trump doesn’t want us to find out about what the good doctor has done for him. If I were to hazard a guess, it’s his prescriptions for ED, which by the way, are no big deal. It’s just an enzyme inhibitor. Honestly, I can’t understand why this is such a traumatic thing. On the other hand, Trump did run on his “stamina” and we all know what that’s a code word for.

Hey, did you see Jeff Bezos’ rocket?

The dude is the richest man in the world. Now THAT’S stamina.
