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Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

Do we Democrats in Exile get our “Get out of jail free” card now that Obama does what he was recruited to do?

He doesn’t have to worry about reelection anymore.

There are two options, as I see it. Take over the party (this may take awhile) or leave the party altogether and start our own.

Choose swiftly. You’ve already wasted 5 years.

27 Responses

  1. The lot of the Democratic Party activist:

  2. *prays that a Monica Lewinsky type fornicates with 0bama Reagan Jr to derail 0bama DLC Corporatist Grand Ripoff “Grand Bargain” play to slash Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, just like the actual Monica Lewinsky derailed Bill Clinton Reagan Jr’s plan to privatize Social Security*

    FD Roosevelt/Henry Wallace Jrs, for 2016!

    PS – no thanks to Bill Clinton, who killed the only shot of evicting ReThug Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, with a New Deal Progressive Democrat, Ashley Judd. Generic KY Machine Democrats lost the last 5 Senate races v McConnell, but somehow Billy said “Ashley Judd is the one with no chance of beating McConnell” yet somehow B Clinton thinks the Generic KY Machine Dem will find the 6th time suddenly works. Because somehow USians aren’t obsessed with entertainment celbs, who have no shot at winning a prominent political office election race. I guess Bill Clinton Reagan Jr somehow forgot his “dad” Ronald Reagan (as well as other celeb/pols Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger, NFL footballer Jack Kemp, Democrat & NBA basketballer Bill Bradley, etc) never existed.

  3. Its probably even harder to start a new party then to take an old party over. But one has to be completely unforgiving and victory-minded to take an old party over.

    Since different people sincerely hold different theories on which is better, the two different theory-groups should set eachother free to pursue their own theories . . . “take it over” versus “start a new one”.
    It would be pointless for “takeitovers” and “startanewers” to try recruiting from eachother. Let each group run its race and Darwin take the hindmost.

    • ( And maybe the “takeitovers” and “startanewers” could act like a tag-team of sorts. The “takeitovers” could primary every unacceptable Democrat while the “startanewers” keep forcing their people onto ever more ballots. If the New Deal 2.0 Democrats cannot defeat their enemies in the primaries, they can then vote third party or Republican or not vote at all, depending on just how important they consider keeping the Catfood Democrats out of offices. But they should accept the pain of years of Republican victories in the meantime, until their political chemotherapy has wiped every Catfood Democrat out of the Party. )

      • …while the Republicans are planning to “appeal” for hispanic voters with concessions on long-held principles if they’re ever going to win another national election. If ever there was a shot at a 3rd Party, it would have been the Clintons / P.U.M.A. doing a Lieberman in ’08. As for me, I always thought the insipid “progressives” should have gotten on the ballot under their OWN name and see how many votes they could get. Since they were so keen to take down sitting Dems, at least in a 3 way race in the General Elections it would be a fair contest. Instead they primary proven vote-getters only to lose in November. These same idjits want to “avoid a costly primary fight” when THEIR candidates are endorsed. There was a time when State Committee recommended “electable” candidates. Now they push unpopular agendas and turn the elections into a yawn that puts otherwise unacceptable Republicans in office.

  4. I stopped telling people he was going to do this, because even some whom I knew were all gaga about Obama the savior, blah, blah… Now, I see they are upset??? I am not surprised, I knew, I knew…

    The Party has been moved to his state, as never before, so recapturing it is a waste of time. And don’t forget he started his own PAC which is going for policy not Democrats, but even with this you have people within the party who still can’t see the writing on the wall. Sad, very sad.

    Run candidates out side or pick 3rd party or independent people who say and have a record of their convictions on policy and issues we care about.

    • Maybe those “people within the party” simply want a place in his retinue. Self-interest. Like office holders who do the bidding of the monied interests, to use the term of art, because it’s in the office holders self-interests to do so. BTW, where is Blanche Lincoln now?

  5. In short the ultra RICH have their hands in both parties and their greed is like a disease always wanting more and trying to steal from Social Security and Medicare is seen as an option, knowing people will continue to say nothing, while Obama hands them the keys to do it. Sickening.

    • yaup. Oh and if one still has some money in an account, you would do well to get most of it out, dig a hole in the back yard and bury it in a coffee can or make a deposit into your local First National Mattress Savings and Loan. Seriously. Get some of it off the grid. The powers that be will be hungry again once Social Security and Medicare are gobbled.

  6. Economist James K. Galbraith shines a light into the dark to reveal Obama’s complicity with Republicans seeking to destroy the New Deal’s last remaining pillars.

    “The debt deal will make things clear. The President is not a progressive – he is not what Americans still call a “liberal.” He is a willful player in an epic drama of faux-politics, an operative for the money power, whose job is to neutralize the left with fear and distraction. What Barack Obama offered was a path toward severe cuts in the core New Deal and Great Society insurance programs – Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. And, of course, no tax increases at all…one has to conclude that what the President really wanted…the appearance of being bullied into it.” – James K. Galbraith

    When Bush attempted this, he was stopped by Democrats, but now under Obama, Democrats will get the “glory” of destroying the raison d’être for the Democratic party itself.

    Over 60% of retirees rely on Social Security income alone, the average payment, for this group is less than 1000.00/mo, or 12,000/yr. In the USA, ~16,000 is the poverty line. For Obama [and his supporters], these seniors, living in extreme poverty, are hogging the national resources! Is Obama just a parsimonious ass? Hardly, Obama and his supporters showered ~12-13 TRILLION to his wealthy buddies on Wall Street, that’s ~30X’s from what he seeks to gut from our nation’s most vulnerable. The irony for Republicans is that it will be Obama and his supporters that will be blamed for the ensuing dystopia.

    I call on Obama supporters, to reject Obama fully and completely, distance yourself, admit you were PLAYED…and be vocal about it, don’t sit in silence as a hobbesian curtain descends upon the USA, silence is complicity.

    First they came for the socialists,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.
    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.


    • When Bush attempted this, he was stopped by Democrats, ….

      Excellent post but that’s not how I remember it. I remember the Dems sitting on the side lines, ready to comply as Bush took his calamitous SS medicine show on the road and the people said ” Hell, no!!! You can start a war on lies but you cannot F—with our checks ”

      Back then it still mattered what we said. They have since worked that kink out

  7. No one should be surprised or pretend they’re surprised. This was in the cards from the start. Only a Democrat in Name could unravel the social contract under the pretext of bipartisan BS. Remember the howls when GW suggested the same? POTUS telegraphed his intention lo-o-ong ago when during a 2008 debate he cited Saint Ronnie as the Prez he most admired. Not Teddy Roosevelt or FDR or JFK. Freaking Reagan! Hillary Clinton looked positively appalled.

    This Grand Bargain is presumably a legacy-builder. Obama can go down in history as the President who capitulated to the Right-Wing’s failed economic theory, the Milton Friedman shuffle.

    And we all get to suffer the consequences of Obama’s hubris and deluded corporate empire affection. Happy Days!

  8. It’s not so simple, because people aren’t suffering enough.

    To primary a Reagan-crat you need signatures to get a candidate on the ballot, same thing for running a Third Party candidate. Obama-crats have a war chest financed by Wall Street to challenge every one of those signatures.

    You can stand on a street corner with your clip board (if the cops taking money from the Democrats don’t harass you) and people will write in cartoon character’s names because they think it’s a joke.

    Take a look at photographs form the Depression. Men with a hangdog look lining up city blocks for a chance at one or two low pay jobs. Barefoot mothers and her sickly children in rags. then and only then will you get the revolution.

    • Not really Mike, in spite of the revisionist history streaming from Obamaland, FDR led the revolution, he didn’t follow it, same with Teddy. Obama had more than enough political capitol…but he was a quisling put in place to block anybody from seizing the moment to roll back Clinton & Bush’s destruction.

      That’s not to say Obama hasn’t exceeded his paymasters expectations…who would have thought Obama would organize, openly fund and supply arms to a racist fueled uprising in an effort to grab oil from Gaddafi. Thousands of people of Negro blood were lynched, macheted, shot while lying in hospital beds, raped and forced to flee for their lives. Libya’s infrastructure was bombed out to make IMF loans [the new chains of slavery] inevitable. These are things a real African-American Man would not do…but Obama could, as he has no connection to black Americans other than his often professed, but never substantiated, alliance by way of a father who rejected Obama upon his birth…he will paid handsomely for his betrayal…and the oppression of African Americans will continue by the elite…safe in the knowledge that others having seen how Obama paid no price for his betrayal will be eager to do their bidding.

      I know some will defend Clinton [I made money back then too], but historians will place Clinton with The Bush/Obama Administration noting that Obama was the most effective of the evil doers.

      *Did he wait that long?

  9. Leaving may be the only option. The SOB is doing exactly what he was bought for. A scandal which stopped this misadministration from doing more harm would be helpful right now.
    If the Dems in congress go along with this, they are NOT retaking the house next year and may lose the Senate.

  10. A scandal which stopped this misadministration from doing more harm would be helpful right now.

    It’s hard for me to imagine what sort of scandal this might be. I always thought that if an American President asserted the right to kill citizens without due process, that would probably be enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

    Apparently not.

    • Indeed. If a scandal was allowed to” find legs” , it would be a made up scandal that can be controled and not a real one. There is an already bumper crop of real ones gathering cobwebs . As long as Obama makes endless war and hands over the cash, there will be no scandal . Real scandals need not apply

  11. Can you get on the ballot? Mr. Mike is way too pessimistic. The Libertarians mostly do it. The Greens mostly do it. Even the Constitution Party does it with some frequency, and has on occasion, even in Massachusetts. Surely other people can do it. For example, there are a number of states where you can get on the ballot by paying a filing fee, something corruption cannot block.

  12. Why does Obama and the money party keep getting back to Social Security? As the old bank robber, Willie Sutton, said”That’s where the money is.”

    The last political party to make it in this country was the Republicans, over 150 years ago. It took slavery to do that. On the other hand, the political parties have each been taken over a few times.

    Some political terms have received re-writes. “Character” has nothing to do anymore with hard work, firm principles, or overcoming obstacles but instead refers to sexual monogamy and religious hypocrisy. Any system that excludes Lincoln and FDR because of character but includes W and Obama is loony. Killing American citizens won’t convince the public. A sex scandal and stealing a few thousand dollars would. Fools!

    Back in the 1930’s, what was left of the money party supported southern Democrats and northern Republicans. The Dixiecrats and Blue Dogs have either been killed off by gerrymander or become obsolete. There are only around 15 Blue Dogs left (it was 54 when Obama arrived). As a result, there aren’t many openly conservative Democrats left to primary off.in the House. Several of these have been obvious targets in the past (Dan Lipinski, Jim Cooper, David Scott, Rob Andrews, Jim Cooper). Both Lipinski and Andrews are connected to notorious machines.

    Defeating a statewide candidate is harder (Senate). Max Baucus, Tom Carper, and Diane Feinstein are the most obvious targets in the Senate. Carper and Baucus are in small states and would probably be relatively easy to take down. I was dressed down about five years ago on Daily Kos for attacking Carper and have pretty much steered clear since.

  13. This comment was posted under Mr M but has been under review for 24 hours…so I am re-posting.

    Not really Mike, in spite of the revisionist history streaming from Obamaland, FDR led the revolution, he didn’t follow it, same with Teddy. Obama had more than enough political capitol…but he was a quisling put in place to block anybody from seizing the moment to roll back Clinton & Bush’s destruction.

    That’s not to say Obama hasn’t exceeded his paymasters expectations…who would have thought Obama would organize, openly fund and supply arms to a racist fueled uprising in an effort to grab oil from Gaddafi. Thousands of people of Negro blood were lynched, macheted, shot while lying in hospital beds, raped and forced to flee for their lives. Libya’s infrastructure was bombed out to make IMF loans [the new chains of slavery] inevitable. These are things a real African-American Man would not do…but Obama could, as he has no connection to black Americans other than his often professed, but never substantiated, alliance by way of a father who rejected Obama upon his birth…he will paid handsomely for his betrayal…and the oppression of African Americans will continue by the elite…safe in the knowledge that others having seen how Obama paid no price for his betrayal will be eager to do their bidding.

    I know some will defend Clinton [I made money back then too], but historians will place Clinton with The Bush/Obama Administration noting that Obama was the most effective of the evil doers.

  14. Whenever I read what Bill Clinton had a chance to do this or that but choose not do …I wonder if folk remember the man barely held on to the White House itself thanks to an across the board, relentless onslaught by the powers that be, spearheaded by the GOP and cheered on by fellow Dems.If you don’t remember it, you would not be able to believe it. It was unbelievable then
    24 hour cable news was invented so the media could trash Bill and Hill 24 /7

    Bush 2 had more help from DC Dems on the Hill in any given two week period during his stolen 8 years than Bill ever got in his elected 8 years. It’s astonishing what he was able to do.

    Dems working hard at helping the GOP did not start with Obama . That’s when they stopped pretending they weren’t

    the onslaught never stopped of course, but it’s now spear headed by Dems and cheered on by the GOPDems GOP and cheered on by the GOP

    • dang ….

      that should read

      the onslaught never stopped of course, but it’s now spearheaded by Dems and cheered on by the GOP

      wordpress doesn’t like me lol

    • Everytime, some Obot complains about the way that BO and MO are being treated–unprecedented(!)– I say wake me when Obama is impeached and Michelle has to give testimony to a grand jury as her underwear drawer is being pawed through.
      The Clintons proved their–unprecedented(!)–mettle to me and I will trust them as much, if not more, than other elected officials, forever.

  15. I know people love to hate Reagan, but is/was considerably to the left of Obama and those who continue to support this administration. Let me add, clearly Reagan [with only half a brain] knew more about how the US government worked than Obama’s “dead-enders”….watch the video, comments are welcomed.

  16. We need proportional representation. I think that’s why it’s nearly impossible to reform our political parties. When the Tweedledees and Tweedledums have to share governing power with a labor party, a womens party, a progressive party or, hey, fair is fair, a damn fascist party … well, then I would be hopeful.

    Meanwhile, check this out. How about public banks like they already have in North Dakota? That would be a game changer and people are already outreaching like made to get this off the ground. Here’s the link to that – http://www.publicbankinginstitute.org/

    Also, fwiw, here’s a history of the Populist Movement that emerged after the Civil War – http://www.amazon.com/Populist-Moment-History-Agrarian-America/dp/0195024176/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1365523718&sr=1-1&keywords=populist+movement

    I’m reading that one right now, and it is interesting to study how those people organized as well as how they were marginalized. It’s actually fairly recent in our own history so some of the enemies of the reformers of that day are still in power in our own day.

  17. outreaching like mad

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